Trying To Conceive After Tubal Reversal

Hi all! I am new, My name is Rachel & I have been married for almost 8 years to my wonderful husband. We have four daughters 6, 5, 2.5, & 14 months. I am very blessed to be able to stay home and home school our children. We live on a farm in the south- where we enjoy having chickens and cows and gardening. God is great and even though we were not saved when we got married, we were a few years later and are trying to raise our girls in a way that pleases Him- learning more about Him everyday. Being a first generation Christian is hard- but worth it!

Well we had our tubes tied November 10, 2010 after the birth of our 4th after getting a lot of grief for having four to begin with. I had 4 c-sections (un complicated) due to breech babies, as I have a Bicornuate uterus- which means it is heart shaped at the top so I have two "horns" at the top. My condition can cause major issues but Praise God the only issue i have had is breech babies.

Anyways, I had the parkland method, Cut and burn. Within two weeks, we were very convicted about our decision and knew it was wrong. We started planning the reversal before she was even two months old!!! We finally found a way to pay for the reversal and had it reversed on JAN 6 of this year with Lisa Rogers in Tenn, who is AMAZING, let me tell you!!! if anybody is still seeking a reversal, look into her- best doctor EVER!!! Well here is the great news- God was with us through the whole process and really showed His power by providing EVERYTHING. Not only did he calm my nerves before (i always get really bad anxiety before surgery) Well when the doctor got in there, she said i had ZERO scar tissue even though i have had the 4 c-sections and she said my ovaries and uterus are in perfect condition and after the surgery i walked away with 8cm on right and 8.5 on left!!!!! how awesome is that??? cut and burn and still had those measurements?????? GOD IS GOOD!!!!!! :)

But here I am- Not really ready to "try" for a baby (as I have two very little ones now LOL) But not going to prevent. Going to pray about it and see where God leads us. Can't wait to get to know all of you!!!

Oh and i read a few posts, CONGRATS on the new BFP & New babies!!! And praying for those that have lost precious babies.

Hey Rachel! Congrats on the reversal :) We have the same tube lengths, with the same method used to sterilize. I had vry quick success, hopefully you do too!

FAITH! How are you doing?
Did anyone use Brooke/Jennyrenny/Cheri or similar predictions after their TR? Still waiting on mine here. Probably another year or two. It seems so far away, but I know it'll come quickly enough.
Rachel, welcome:hugs: thanks so much for sharing your story:flower: we home school our kids, too, and really love it! This is our 8th year at it:thumbup: You do have lots to keep you busy right now, but as you already said...reverse the tubes and leave it up to God to decide the perfect timing. As Dash already mentioned...GREAT tube lengths:thumbup:

Dash, I'm doing just fine..keeping really busy!!! I know you asked previously about the enzyme I'm's called serrapeptase and has amazing results with dissolving internal scar (dead) tissue! I'm planning to use it until my hsg, which will be sometime in March (depending on Feb. cycle). How's little Bettie doing? Sounds like she's a true mama's girl:) Oh! I wanted to mention...we're getting a Trader Joes down here in Naples, opens Feb. 10th:happydance: we're so excited! We LOVE TJs and make a point of going as often as we can when visiting dh's family in Seattle area. I'm assuming you're familiar with the store being from Seattle area yourself. I'm looking forward to doing my grocery shopping there!:haha: rather nutty,huh:)

resque, I hope you'll have good news to share with us:happydance: we need another BFP around here:)

mammaspath, sorry af is so painful this month:( I'm glad your back at it though:hugs: I hope you can get your keeper this go around:hugs:

Future, baby and toddler will be tiring, but just remember..take it a day at a time! Also, do you know of any young girls..around 8-12 years old? Most little girls LOVE babies and I'm sure would be happy to help you out from time to time! If we lived near daughter would be over at your house as often as you needed her:haha: she absolutely loves toddlers and babys..she's 9:winkwink:

Mommax3, wow! college with a newborn...your plate is FULL! What are you studying? :hugs: don't over extend yourself:hugs:

MammaB, how are you doing? where are you in your cycle? i hope your close to getting your little keeper as well:) :hugs:

I hope everyone else has had a great weekend. It sure went by fast!:hugs::hugs:
Dash- Thanks so much for the welcome! I am very excited about the tube lengths- so nice to hear someone with the same lengths that had such great success:) Congrats on your little one!!!

Rachel, welcome:hugs: thanks so much for sharing your story:flower: we home school our kids, too, and really love it! This is our 8th year at it:thumbup: You do have lots to keep you busy right now, but as you already said...reverse the tubes and leave it up to God to decide the perfect timing. As Dash already mentioned...GREAT tube lengths:thumbup:

Thank you for the warm welcome!!! :) I had my LIGATION the day you had your reversal!!!!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE homeschooling. I am only homeschooling 2nd grade and 1st right now and have my 2 yr old and 14 month old, but so far, we LOVE IT. We are happy with the "giving it to God, and don't worry about it". A lot of people ask us, what if you have like 5 more kids??? And I keep assuring them that most people do not concieve as easily after reversals, but also, we are not suppose to worry about tomorrow. Today has enough trouble of it's on! Worrying about the "what if we have like 5 more kids" thing is what got us to sign the form for the tubal ligation to begin with! LOL

Oh and to the ones talking about the having a baby with a toddler.....My first two were 17 months apart, then my 3rd was 2 years 4 months later, and my 4th was when my 3rd was 16 months old. So I am a pro on that topic, (LOL just kidding) and I can tell you now that i have a 5 year old and 6 year is WONDERFUL! it was a little hard in the beginning, but they are BEST friends and I LOVE IT! i even love having the 2.5 year old and 14 month old now. Everyone thinks they are twins, but they are precious and so close:)
the first year is hard when you have two not sleeping well, but it is amazing and i HIGHLY recommend having them close:)
by the way, I have an appointment tomorrow with a New midwife/ob group. I AM SO NERVOUS. The same OB delivered all four of mine and her practice does not support VBAC so I am looking for a new one. Any thing special I need to tell them other than that I had the reversal? I want to make sure they are willing to monitor me closely in the beginning for etopic risk.
Rachel welcome. :hugs:I used Lisa also she said the same that i had no scar tissue after 3 C-sections. But i didn't walk away with such great lengths. SHe is AMAZING!!:thumbup: Good luck to you!!:hugs:

Faith AF showed this AM. I am due to have a Laporscopy next week. :( I was hoping that i could have done all this on my own.:nope: We are leaving for a mini Vacation on the 9th of Feb with no kids for 4 whole days so i am thinking a little R&R will do me some good! :happydance: I hope you get that wonderful sticky bean soon my dear.:hugs:
Faith, I LOVE TJ's! I was just planning my trip there this weekend. We just got a new one about 20 minutes away- I used to have to drive an hour. I go much more often now. You would think that since their food is natural and has no GMO's it would be more expensive, but its so super cheap I can shop for weeks for under $200.

How often do you come to Seattle? Let me know if you come out this way again in the future, I would love to grab lunch ;D
Welcome Rachale...
Dash and Momma I bet you ladies are busy.... Time for me well is going slow. It seems like everyone has been sick around here. Including me. Being pregnant with Twins is different then 1 that is for sure. My belly is starting to stick out already... Which is so hard to believe. The morning sickness has gone away. And we have an U/S in a few weeks. I am still exercising infact going to the gym atleast a few times a week. i did water areobics yesterday... I love being in the water. Other then that I have been cleaning because I planned a party (fun party) before I found out i was pregnant. So it is this saturday which will be a blast. Anyway.. Hope everyone has a great week.
Faith, I LOVE TJ's! I was just planning my trip there this weekend. We just got a new one about 20 minutes away- I used to have to drive an hour. I go much more often now. You would think that since their food is natural and has no GMO's it would be more expensive, but its so super cheap I can shop for weeks for under $200.

Whats TJ's?? I live in GA but hearing something about natural with no GMO's that is also cheap, has sparked my interest:)

We eat whole foods and I cook about 95% of everything that we eat from scratch since we probably couldn't afford to eat healthy other wise. We couldn't afford to NOT eat healthy either if I didn't cook so much LOL! my kids and husband eat A LOT.....cough cough...and so do I....cough cough.... HA!

But anyways, that is why we have chickens, gardens and cows:)

Mommabrown, So cool that so many people that I have been talking to used her:) I LOVE HER! i wish she could be my OB :)

By the way, I had an appointment with a "new" midwife yesterday- didn't go so well. Not a match. Her first interest was just finding out why I only had 2.2 cm took off my tubes. I was like HUH? She said well we always routinely take MUCH more. And I said I am not sure why she did that amount, the only thing i can think of is that GOD was behind why i didn't have more cut out. But she was pretty against VBAC's considering that she is a midwife and had a c-section and is planning a RCS, not even trying for a VBAC..... :wacko:

Oh well, still praying that God will send the perfect doctor/ mid wife when/if I ever conceive
What in the world- what kind of midwife is this lady?! She would scare me away right off the bat.

By TJ's I meant Trader Joe's :) Im not sure if they have one around you but if there is one anywhere close it is COMPLETELY worth a drive!
What in the world- what kind of midwife is this lady?! She would scare me away right off the bat.

By TJ's I meant Trader Joe's :) Im not sure if they have one around you but if there is one anywhere close it is COMPLETELY worth a drive!

Well the midwife DID scare me to death. not just because of what she was saying, but because I realized then how hard it is going to be to find a doctor that does believe our bodies were made to birth babies and that medical intervention is not always a good thing......I knew it would be hard, but this office when i called said that they were pro VBAC and wanted to talk to me even thought i had had 4. :cry: Oh well....

Talking about Trader Joes though, I found out there are about 4 of them 2 hours from here and one is in Nocross Ga, which is where the doctor is that WILL for SURE give me a Trial of Labor even with 4-c sections!!!! how neat is that? So If i will be going there for doctor appointments anyways (when/if i am blessed with another baby), it would work out great to go there:) I already drive 2 hours just for my wheat berries (bread beckers) , 1.5 hour for our raw milk ( organic dairy farm), and 1 hour for everything else (costco / earth fare). We live in a small town that only has two red lights (HAHA) And we got BOTH of them in the past 5 years LOL! So if you want to eat healthy, you have to drive for it. We try to buy in BULK when we go places to save gas money/time though.
Rachel, I love your avatar pic:) Such a sweet looking family! I hope you can find the a midwife who is willing to work with you after 4 c-sections:( I've had a really hard time finding anyone willing to work with me after 2 c-sections:nope: I'm sooo regretful for having the 2nd c-section...1st one was necessary and saved my son's life, but second one really was optional...although encouraged by my doc:dohh: The dr. who did my reversal said I had no scarring from the I thought "great!" but he said it still makes no difference on what they legally (or I guess *medically* are advised to do with c-sections..."four and no more!" ...I read such conflicting info online about it:shrug: hubby and I decided to cross the bridge if/when the time comes. My reg OB in Wyo, although not willing to do a VBA2C at this point, says we can take each pregnancy case by case and evaluate the uterus..not ruling out more than 4 c-sections by any means. You've trusted God thus far and I'm sure He will direct your steps with what to do and finding the best care:hugs:

Okay, so Trader Joes will be soooo worth the drive! I can't wait to hear what you think of it! :) I can't wait for ours to open! We plan to go on opening day:haha: it will probably be a mad-house! It's just down the road from Wholefoods, where we shop most of the time now! It gets really expensive and I KNOW we will save $$$ shopping at TJ's:happydance::happydance:

So, an update on me... I'm finally going to see my RE on 2/3. This is the dr. that performed my reversal. I'm nervous and anxious at the same time. I need to face the music! We just finished cycle #13 and never even a hint of a BFP:nope: I did start taking the enzymes a few weeks ago and have high hopes for that helping if there is a blockage. I don't *want* to speak negative things over my body..but just can't help but think it's got to be my tubes! If the news isn't good...I'm determined to press forward and not let it be THE END. :flower:
Wow! I did not think there would be so many ladies out there that wanted to reverse their Tubal! I am sche.. to have my TR on Feb 17th and it can not get here fast enough! I am nervous and a little scared but my husband and I both know we want another blessing!
Wow! I did not think there would be so many ladies out there that wanted to reverse their Tubal! I am sche.. to have my TR on Feb 17th and it can not get here fast enough! I am nervous and a little scared but my husband and I both know we want another blessing!

Welcome!! Congrats on the upcoming TR:happydance: What dr. are you going to? I hope it's successful and you get your little bundle in no time! Yes, there are many, many TR gals that regretted the tubal ligation! Far more than anyone knows:nope: Sadly, many do not have the means to have the reversal. I'm sure I speak for all of us when I say, how very we blessed we are to have another chance.

Best wishes for a good outcome! Make sure you really take it easy and follow your dr.'s orders for TTC!:hugs:
Hi! Thanks about the picture:)

Talking about VBAC's, check out ICAN....International C-section Awareness something (LOL) That is now i found out about Dr Tate (the doctor that supports VBAMC- (Vaginal birth after multiple cesarean) I really have learned a lot! I am not AGAINST a repeat c-section, just want to know more than I did.

Talking about Trader Joes, I am SO EXCITED already! Will have to talk my husband into us going soon:) Do you ever shop at costco?

Praying for you about the doctor!!! let us know how it goes!
Haven't been around in a while. I got a new job today and I start on Sunday. This means I can likely have my reversal within the next year instead of two years!
TTC, please check in with us when you can, hun:hugs: I hope everything is going well with your little guy:flower:

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