Brandi, I'm really sorry you and dh are divorcing

take good care of yourself and your dc
MommaB, glad you're feeling optimistic about trying again next month
Mommax, thanks for checking in on me

I thought I had remembered you getting your bfp the 2nd cycle following hsg

I was really holding out hope that I would follow in your footsteps

...sadly, it appears af will be coming right on time

I put away my therm after yesterday's temp. I have too many other things in my life that I need/want to focus on and I realize that TTC has simply taken far more of my life than it should have. I'm truly and sincerely giving it all to God for the last time..and NOT taking it back on my shoulders. I feel complete peace about it..I can honestly say I have given it my ALL and then more. I don't want to go down the road of strings of dr. appts and fertility drugs...that was never dh's and my plan. We knew there was a possibility of no babies after the tr, but we had also made the decisions to not spend countless $$$ and time and health-risks *forcing* something God may not have for us.
We will, of course, continue to bd when we are in the mood

No more tracking, temping, opks, buns in the air, timed sex.
I'm still going to check in on my bnb sisters to see how everyone's journeys are going

I have such a new sympathy and understanding for women who struggle with fertility...I will always be far more understanding of what they're dealing with....something I was frankly calloused to, having never had fertility issues prior to TR. I'm so very grateful for the 3 precious children God has blessed me with and I don't want to miss another day with them, by being consumed by all of this

I'm so glad everything worked out for you

Do you plan to have anymore in the future? Btw, how is school going? What are training for?