Trying To Conceive After Tubal Reversal

I just want to say that my uterus is shriveling up and dying of envy right now. I have a cousin who is giving birth right now, another family member just found out she is having a boy this morning, and I'm going out to lunch with a very pregnant friend of mine.

Waiting is killing me. I want a baby NOW dammit!

:haha:well, maybe you're next.?!?!?..I don't enjoy being around pregnant ppl, esp friends..they all know how bad I want one..I think they get preg just b/c~ugh..nothing worse:nope:
well have a great time w/ your friend at lunch, rub on her or drink her water or something...
omg dash I know how you feel my best friend is 5 months and my sister just found out she is preggo! I want a baby soooooo bad!!!!!
I remember how terrible it felt when all these people got pregnant too- it was the final push I needed to really be serious about having more kids. My husband was building a turkey pen in the yard, and I came down hysterically crying that I was calling a fertility clinic on Monday. Lol.

Hopefully this isn't too personal, but I think our TR journeys aren't just physical and hormonal ones- they are emotional journeys too. Today I'm dealing with some serious emotions about this. I feel like Ive finally "righted" myself, and a lot of my regret is gone, but at the same time I'm feeling regretful for ever making the choice in the first place. And I'm nervous. Very nervous. Of failure. Because that's a possibility, and something I'm going to have to cope with feelings of every month I don't get pg.

So there's that.
I remember how terrible it felt when all these people got pregnant too- it was the final push I needed to really be serious about having more kids. My husband was building a turkey pen in the yard, and I came down hysterically crying that I was calling a fertility clinic on Monday. Lol.

Hopefully this isn't too personal, but I think our TR journeys aren't just physical and hormonal ones- they are emotional journeys too. Today I'm dealing with some serious emotions about this. I feel like Ive finally "righted" myself, and a lot of my regret is gone, but at the same time I'm feeling regretful for ever making the choice in the first place. And I'm nervous. Very nervous. Of failure. Because that's a possibility, and something I'm going to have to cope with feelings of every month I don't get pg.

So there's that.

It does feel horrible and I KNOW it was MY choice to have the TL and others didn't make that same choice but I wish EVERY single day I wouldn't have made the decision to go through w/ it...
It's probably more emotional than anything really...I battle w/ emotions every time I see a pregnant girl~~~ my good friend is preggers w/ her 6th...and when I got preg last March I was like too bad we couldn't be preg together and she says, NO NO NO WAAAY...then after 5MC's she announces very gleefully that they are expecting #6~I had a HARD time being happy for her and really don't know if I truly am happy still at this point...
after so many losses I'm super afraid that I'll be in that lil window that it's just NOT going to work for....Every mo is a let down and every mo to come that I see a bfn will continue to be disappointing..I don't know HOW to make that stop but I hate that feeling...
I just keep praying that all of us on this thread get our sticky BFP miracle and live happily ever after!!!!
Girls I feel exactly the same way you do! i dont have much to add just that, thats why we are here for eachother because we all know exactly how it feels :(
Yeah, and I'm REAL glad about this place and EVERYONE here...REAL glad:hugs:

So, I talked to the doc and my HSG IS on the 11:30am...N DH'S sperm analysis is at 10am...
We are kinda hoping that they'll allow ME to go in (wherever in is) to assist him in getting his specimen!!!!! He's not into porn AT ALL..*I* used to "LOVE" it and make him watch it w/ me and it made his performance pitiful...IDK, I always thought that "helped" so I'm hoping they don't throw him a mag and expect a bunch of swimmers....
We'll see, but I feel relieved that it's scheduled and it'll hopefully bring light to SOMETHING!!!! and *everyone* says that a woman is MORE likely to conceive after an HSG, IDK why, I mean if a tubes open a tubes open I thought, but I'm hoping that's accurate and we'll get preggo this cycle!!!!!!
Of course that's what I want every cycle
Tater- I'm glad they got that rolling for you. This could be exactly what you need!

Im glad I have this forum to vent :hugs: not many people understand. AF must not be far, Im really weepy and emotional today.
Tater- I'm glad they got that rolling for you. This could be exactly what you need!

Im glad I have this forum to vent :hugs: not many people understand. AF must not be far, Im really weepy and emotional today.

No, not many ppl DO understand and that's the pits too :(
YAY,'s what you've been waiting for !!!!!:thumbup:
Hello ladies!:winkwink: i am fairly new here...i am currently saving money for my tubal reversal...i am hoping that i can get it done in june or july... i was wanting to ask u wonderful ladies a question....what would be the best way to track my cycles...cuz i want to know my cycles really well so i have an idea on when to BD after i have my TR....well here is some info on me ( i am so rude...i should have wrote this first.) i am a momma of 4...2 boys and 2 a tubal after my daughter and got it mainly cuz family were pressuring me into doing it....:dohh: i am divorced....but found the love of my life:happydance: and would love to have at least two more little ones with him.. although i am praying for one to start with... so is there any advise you lovely ladies could suggest me so i can kinda have an idea of what to expect... i would love to hear from you...well i hope to hear from you ladies and i am sending a whole bunch of :dust:to all u ladies TTC....
Hello ladies!:winkwink: i am fairly new here...i am currently saving money for my tubal reversal...i am hoping that i can get it done in june or july... i was wanting to ask u wonderful ladies a question....what would be the best way to track my cycles...cuz i want to know my cycles really well so i have an idea on when to BD after i have my TR....well here is some info on me ( i am so rude...i should have wrote this first.) i am a momma of 4...2 boys and 2 a tubal after my daughter and got it mainly cuz family were pressuring me into doing it....:dohh: i am divorced....but found the love of my life:happydance: and would love to have at least two more little ones with him.. although i am praying for one to start with... so is there any advise you lovely ladies could suggest me so i can kinda have an idea of what to expect... i would love to hear from you...well i hope to hear from you ladies and i am sending a whole bunch of :dust:to all u ladies TTC....

welcome :flower: i would suggest temping this way you know the most fertile days before you get your tr done also I have been reading a book called taking charge of your fertility I really reccomend it, it says the best way to know your most fertile times is your cm when its wet is the best time to start bding and you continue to bd right through ewcm until you dry up and they say that this covers your bases :) gl to you and im sure the other ladies will chime in and offer you some more advice
Have any of you girls had alot of crampy pains after o since surgury mine seems to always me on my right side wondering what this is?!?!
tate I cant wait to here how your tests go I really hope they give you alot of answers and get you on the right track to your baby
Have any of you girls had alot of crampy pains after o since surgury mine seems to always me on my right side wondering what this is?!?!

THAAANX momma!!!! I hope so too...I'm just ~ at this point~ praying they are concerns me b/c I've had those 3 chemicals:shrug:we'll see...

Ya know..that's funny you brought that up..that crampy pain q...I am pretty sure I have that OR something similar to it...I get O pain and then it seems to STAY for a LONG time after O...and since I started charting I actually had to add a box on my color chart that says "belly pains" ~for ME, it's mostly a pain, stabbing/jabbing feeling not so much crampy...but 3 cycles ago I was CONVINCED I was having a tubal pregnancy b/c of it...I was like 1,2,3,4DPO and it actually seemed the "O" pain was worse...and I was like OHHHH boy, this is it, I'm having a tubal..but I took a HPT and it was neg(read if you are having an ectopic a HPT will show a + MOST of the time)then after that I started SS hard core and it made me a mad was BAD...:wacko:
So I vowed not to ss again, but I do wonder what that is too...I TRY to think back, like did that happen before TL? but I just can't remember...but I really don't think so..I don't remember going DAYS AND DAYS w/ at some points paralyzing pains in my belly. w/ mine, it usually starts out LOW side (whichever side I O'd from)then it will wrap into my lower back, then eventually after MANY days it'll go throughout my belly..then it'll eventually stop..right before af...
YEah, now that I'm writing this out..WTH is THAT?????
Im really thinking your tubes are fine I have a feeling its more your progesterone which is way easier so fix :) so try not to worry to much I know alot easier to say then do. As for the pain your right it is more a stabing and for some reason mine is always on the right and the weird thing is I said something to my gyno and he tried to tell me I was just Oing from the right again but thats just not possible 5 months in a row! I know for sure I never had this before i would remember being in pain. I asked on the other threads too so hopefully we can get an answer. im so sure your tubes are good that it puts me a little at ease knowing we both have similar pain we both cant have blocked tubes lol I know not so rational thinking but I will take it until I know what the hell is going on in there. oh and mine too leaves right before af, strange
In October. My husband and I have been trying since then. For some reason it doesn't seem like there are alot of MB's out there for people who have had a TR. Anyway.. I have 3 wonderful children. Hoping for 2 more to be blesssed into our family. I am currently in the tww.. It is dreadful.. I am 8 DPO and wanting to test so bad and seems its valentines day it gives me all the more reason to do it... But then I think that if it is ---- BFN that I would be upset all day. I have a very short LP usually no more than 11 days. So I will be testing maybe tomorrow. My progesterone yesterday was 11.6 everyone says that is ok. We shall find out eventually. Anyway hope to chat with you ladies soon.

:hi: and welcome! Sending tons of :dust: your way!!
Hello ladies!:winkwink: i am fairly new here...i am currently saving money for my tubal reversal...i am hoping that i can get it done in june or july... i was wanting to ask u wonderful ladies a question....what would be the best way to track my cycles...cuz i want to know my cycles really well so i have an idea on when to BD after i have my TR....well here is some info on me ( i am so rude...i should have wrote this first.) i am a momma of 4...2 boys and 2 a tubal after my daughter and got it mainly cuz family were pressuring me into doing it....:dohh: i am divorced....but found the love of my life:happydance: and would love to have at least two more little ones with him.. although i am praying for one to start with... so is there any advise you lovely ladies could suggest me so i can kinda have an idea of what to expect... i would love to hear from you...well i hope to hear from you ladies and i am sending a whole bunch of :dust:to all u ladies TTC....

WELCOME!!!! Have you posted here'll have to bare w/ me...I forget everything and confuse easily :wacko:
Anyway~~YAY!! for you upcoming TR...I think I'm the veteran here..Wednesday will be the 1yr anniv of my surgery and most girls here had there's done Oct2010 and after..Dash was in Dec...I know that b/c we are like a lil family here..Don't know where I'd be or how I'd gotten through LOTS of things w/ out these girls!!!!!!:friends:
Anyway, I'm w/ momma START charting and can get super cheap BBT thermo's on ebay, or I got mine for a lil under $10 at CVS...go to and use their charts ~it just makes life SOOO much easier...If you get confused about their site, we are all here to help...
I'd recommend starting to check your CM, some girls do it lots of times a day or some just do it once...once or twice is suffice!!!!
Also, on FF(fertilityfriend)start charting/marking all your that way when you DO have the TR you aren't making yourself CRAZY by wondering if every lil thing is a pregnancy symptom after every single O in every single cycle...It's best to say...awww, ya know bb's DO swell a lil a few days before AF, or I DO get cramps every cycle about 9DPO(these are just examples that COULD potentially make a girl that wants a bfp freak out)...If there's ONE thing I WISH I would have done BEFORE my surgery it would have been to get to know my body....:thumbup:
temping, charting and recording{symptoms} BEFORE surgery will probably make you such a relaxed person..I have no peace any days after O..b/c I don't know my body:shrug:...YET..I'm learning :winkwink: but it's a constant guessing game and my TR sisters have to put up w/ me freaking out about lil's just silly...better to know your body:thumbup:
I'm psyched about your TR!!!! We have 2 bfp's as of now and several are in limbo waiting to test ~yay~:yipee:
So, as you can tell by now, I'm long winded!!!!
don't be a stranger now...keep us updated!!!!!!!!!!

I am just popping in for a second to let you guys know that I have not fallen off the face of the planet! I've just had a busy couple of days...and TONIGHT, my family is coming into town. Nothing like having my Big Fat Greek family coming on VALENTINE'S night! I am busy cleaning today making my house PERFECT!

I hope everyone has a wonderful Valentine's! Hopefully I can get back on later this afternoon and respond to everything I missed! I see we have a new lady; Sweetlissa! Welcome!!!

Anyway...hopefully I can get back on later today and catch up! Talk to you all soon!:hugs:

Its nice to hear from you Saga!!:hugs:
sweetlissa welcome :)
sag i hope you have lots of fun!!!!
faith sweetie how ya feeling?
ttc hows the bun doing?
dash your ttc soon right? you must be getting excited and anxious
tate how ya doing girl? when is your hsg?
future so sorry the witch got you Im really getting sick of that bitch!
afm I am 5 dpo today at least I think so my temps are so out of wack from being sick and new puppy i feel really good alot of white cm not sure whats up with that?!
Hope everyone has a great valentines day <3

Had more MS today, which is fine with me. I hope you get your :bfp: this cycle!! :hugs:
Goodnight TTC!

Tater I have no idea how you keep track of everyone, I can hardly keep track of myself!

I just started Floradix liquid Iron and Herbs, and liquid Calcium Magnesium, plus I take Vit E, Vit D, and Folic Acid. The Floradix has B vits and some D in it, plus a few other things. Overall Im only issing a few minerals, but the important thing for me is Im not getting large amounts of B and C.

Dash: I LOVE Floradix Iron & Herbs! I take it for anemia...where do you buy yours? Best place i've found is ...actually I buy all my vitamins, lotion, shampoo, soap, coconut oil, etc. etc. from it! Flat rate shipping of $4.99 always and best prices!

Good night!

holy sex batman!!! your chart looks great I dont see how you could have missed that egg fx for you :happydance:

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