Trying To Conceive After Tubal Reversal

yep! I would call too:haha: They *should* understand that you would naturally be concerned and want to know right away! I suppose it must come with the's all business for them and many times they forget each of these tests represent a REAL person, waiting and wondering and growing with concern the longer the wait..sigh :hugs:
numbers are 267. doctor said those are great. But sending me to ER becuase I am having severe pain this afternoon. Praying this lil peanut sticks. Waiting on my mother in law to get here to watch my youngest. I have a history of cysts on my left ovary so they want it to be checked.
hey girls...Sweet lissa just got a hold of me..wanted me to update ya'll~
she's in hospital...w/ kidney stones:(
BUT waaay better than a yay!!!!
She's not sure yet if they are keeping her or what's going to happen yet...she's in a lot of pain....
Awww poor thing :( Kidney stones are awful!
hey girls...Sweet lissa just got a hold of me..wanted me to update ya'll~
she's in hospital...w/ kidney stones:(
BUT waaay better than a yay!!!!
She's not sure yet if they are keeping her or what's going to happen yet...she's in a lot of pain....

Praying she gets feeling better soon!:flower:
Thank you ladies. They sent me home with some pain meds. Told me to take it easy and if the pain gets owrse to come back. They said being pregnant there isn't anything they can do other then try to control the pain. Which is hard because you take alot of pain meds. I kmew my back had been hurting for a few days but i just thought it was because of the pregnancy. Doc again made me nervouse about my numbers said most likely he would move my Due date again. And that he should have seen something on the U/S.. I am kinda thinking I might be switching docs as this one is not very positive at all. Asking for prayers and thoughts as this is shaping up to be a very long 9 months.
sweetlissa :hugs: I'm so sorry you're dealing with this:nope:...I will be praying, praying, praying for you and your little one:flower:

My bro-in-law has had kidney stones in the past...during his last bout with them, he tried a "home remedy" which dissolves the stones and they passed. You have to drink lots of coke...oh, I *wish* I was at home and I would forward the pdf to you! (it's on my desktop comp.) The procedure is from Barton Publishing...I purchased their UTI home remedy pdf as I was having recurrent UTIs several years ago..anyway it cured my full blown UTI without any antibiotics..I actually used that remedy on several occasions and it's amazing! Anyway, same company published the pdf on kidney buy it online and download the instructions....I don't know what adverse affects so much coke would have on your baby..perhaps no worse than pain really might be worth looking into! so sorry for the pain you're dealing with:hugs:
Morning TR Ladies!!!:coffee: So glad it's Friday!

Sweetlissa! Oh my gosh! Kidney stones! I've never had them, but my mom did...and she said she'd rather have 45 babies in a row over having ONE kidney stone! I feel for you! I'll be thinking of you and your little one and hoping you have a speedy recovery.

Anyone have any fun/good plans for the weekend? Last weekend for me was totally NUTS...but in a good way. On Friday, my new couch was delivered and I am in LOVE with it...I had to wait for the weathermaster representative to come to my house because the new wicker patio furniture was unraveling due to sun rot! It's guaranteed for five I had no idea what they planned on doing once he finally got here and looked at it...but he called me yesterday and told me that they are replacing EVERY piece with something I like even BETTER than what we had! Yaaaayyyy!!! It's so nice when people do what they promise they will...on top of that, I worked on a project for the attorney I used to work for back before I "retired" consumed my week and I just finished last night! Then also last Friday, I had to deal with the rental house we was FILTHY when the tennants vacated...and I had to wrangle with our management company to MAKE THEM hold the tenant accountable...they didn't really care to because the tenant rented another one of their properties and they rolled their security deposit into the new property...seriously, these people obviously did not own a vacuum or mop and the kids DREW WITH CRAYON on every surface and they LEFT IT THAT WAY and the management company was trying to tell me it was fine, nothing wrong with way....and I won...teehee...I got the leasing manager, our rental ladies' boss to come out and he was horrified with what he saw...words cannot describe the nastiness....and now we are trying to sell it so I have been dealing with various workmen with repairs, painting, cleaning, needs a new roof due to hail damage, so I had to meet with the insurance adjuster over there...whew!

Then last Saturday, I co-hosted a baby shower for a friend of mine...oh, and I also ran around Friday night to do last minute shopping for her was from it started around 1, but I stayed until 5 and it turned out GREAT! Then, I had to rush home and get ready for my party which was from 7pm until...and TOO much fun was had by all...hahaha...

And then on Sunday, I had to go to a birthday party for my friend's daughter at CHUCK E. CHEESE! If you've ever been there, then you know that I seriously wish I had downed a few drinks before going...hahaha...

So, you know what I am going to do this weekend??? NOTHING! Absolutely nothing! And I am going to LOVE it!

What are you ladies doing? Anything fun?
sweetlissa I had kidney stones when I was like 7 months preggo with my last it was horrible everytime I peed it was bright red and the pain was crazy!!!! they did;nt even give me pain pills them jerks! I hope this goes fast and smoothly for you :)
Sag wow girl you have been busy I get the feeling your one of those girls who just dont know how to sit down and relax :) im the same way we have a brand new house freshly painted and I have re-painted 3 of the rooms already lol
How come my temps are so crazy do you thinnk it could go high like that cause i had both my boys sleeping on top of me last night?! thank god school is back in next week (i dont let them sleep with me on school nights)
My mom told me the same thing this morning. She has had them several times. Bedrest is boring. My mother in law has all 3 kids which I am so greatful. My hubby will be home tonight. I can't wait to have him here I could really use a hug from him. Going to call the doc office and see how soon I can get in.
SweetLissa- Kidney stones are NO good...Im so sorry your having to deal with that!

Im with Saga- a weekend for relaxing! Ive been super sick all week- I literally haven't changed out of pajamas in 3 days. I feel like a bum. I'm sure its because I partied pretty hard last weekend! We had a babysitter, and took full advantage...shows with open bars = me learning how much it really costs to take a cab across Seattle :wacko:
sweetlissa I had kidney stones when I was like 7 months preggo with my last it was horrible everytime I peed it was bright red and the pain was crazy!!!! they did;nt even give me pain pills them jerks! I hope this goes fast and smoothly for you :)
Sag wow girl you have been busy I get the feeling your one of those girls who just dont know how to sit down and relax :) im the same way we have a brand new house freshly painted and I have re-painted 3 of the rooms already lol
How come my temps are so crazy do you thinnk it could go high like that cause i had both my boys sleeping on top of me last night?! thank god school is back in next week (i dont let them sleep with me on school nights)
The reason your temps are crazy is during AF you will either have crazy temps or flat temps.. They say you really don't have to start temping until AF is done. It can throw your whole chart off. So far it only hurts when I start to pee. It is a lil orange. Last night they did a U/S and after 2 hours of not going to the bathroom and having an IV my bladder was almost empty they said.
*** Going to OB at noon.. Thank God for my mother in law she is taking me.
sweetlissa I had kidney stones when I was like 7 months preggo with my last it was horrible everytime I peed it was bright red and the pain was crazy!!!! they did;nt even give me pain pills them jerks! I hope this goes fast and smoothly for you :)
Sag wow girl you have been busy I get the feeling your one of those girls who just dont know how to sit down and relax :) im the same way we have a brand new house freshly painted and I have re-painted 3 of the rooms already lol
How come my temps are so crazy do you thinnk it could go high like that cause i had both my boys sleeping on top of me last night?! thank god school is back in next week (i dont let them sleep with me on school nights)
The reason your temps are crazy is during AF you will either have crazy temps or flat temps.. They say you really don't have to start temping until AF is done. It can throw your whole chart off. So far it only hurts when I start to pee. It is a lil orange. Last night they did a U/S and after 2 hours of not going to the bathroom and having an IV my bladder was almost empty they said.
*** Going to OB at noon.. Thank God for my mother in law she is taking me.

Thats interesting about the temping, thanks :)
At least they are not just ignoring it, it sounds like they are looking after you pretty well let us know how the ob goes
SweetLissa- Kidney stones are NO good...Im so sorry your having to deal with that!

Im with Saga- a weekend for relaxing! Ive been super sick all week- I literally haven't changed out of pajamas in 3 days. I feel like a bum. I'm sure its because I partied pretty hard last weekend! We had a babysitter, and took full advantage...shows with open bars = me learning how much it really costs to take a cab across Seattle :wacko:

Haha! Sounds like FUN!

And feel better soon! I hate being SICK!
sweetlissa I had kidney stones when I was like 7 months preggo with my last it was horrible everytime I peed it was bright red and the pain was crazy!!!! they did;nt even give me pain pills them jerks! I hope this goes fast and smoothly for you :)
Sag wow girl you have been busy I get the feeling your one of those girls who just dont know how to sit down and relax :) im the same way we have a brand new house freshly painted and I have re-painted 3 of the rooms already lol
How come my temps are so crazy do you thinnk it could go high like that cause i had both my boys sleeping on top of me last night?! thank god school is back in next week (i dont let them sleep with me on school nights)
The reason your temps are crazy is during AF you will either have crazy temps or flat temps.. They say you really don't have to start temping until AF is done. It can throw your whole chart off. So far it only hurts when I start to pee. It is a lil orange. Last night they did a U/S and after 2 hours of not going to the bathroom and having an IV my bladder was almost empty they said.
*** Going to OB at noon.. Thank God for my mother in law she is taking me.

Thats interesting about the temping, thanks :)
At least they are not just ignoring it, it sounds like they are looking after you pretty well let us know how the ob goes

Hey, FF says that they only use the 5 temps before ovulation to determine your coverline...unless you have a lot of sleepless nights like I did, FF won't even look at your AF temps...I know different software records temps differently...but Momma, you use FF like me, so no worries...

Sweetlissa, I agree with seems like your OB is taking very good care of you. I hope you are feeling better soon. I cannot imagine having kidney stones while pregnant!:wacko:
Thank you ladies. They are taking good care of me. Another blood draw tomorrow. I am praying that my numbers are somewhere around the 600's.. He sched. me for another u/s wednesday. He did another today. I have to say it hurt like well..... you can imagine. He is concerned because there is so much pain on my left side. But then again I have 3 kidney stones on that side. He also said that I had fluid behind my uterus in the u/s they did last night. I was in so much pain from him probing me I didn't ask what that ment. He said full pelvic rest.. yeah like I was actually planning on doing something..LOL... He said to take the vicodin that in the 1st and 3rd trimester it wont hurt the baby just can't take it in the 2nd trimester. He also said I could take IBporfen. He told me if I get anymore swelling of if I start to bleed call right away and go to the ER. I pray that doesn't happen. O and he said that they will probably be changing my due date again.. Seems that this lil peanut was a slow starter..
SweetLissa- I started to type a message last night then accidentally deleted it...but you should look at reference Beta level charts. Your HCG levels really don't look bad- is the doc questioning them? It looks a lot like maybe your O date is off by 1 or 2 days, because the doubling between 16 and 18 DPO looks really my completely unprofessional and not a doctor opinion. Lol.

I hope you feel better soon!
Hey girls!!! Ugh stinking internet was down all day..DH TOLD me to go brush off the satellite and that would fix it but it's crazy wintery here and I don't smoke, so I wasn't needing to go outside...

I DID start to type a thing this morning and then it shut down...anywho...

Lissa...sorry this is getting ya down:( My ma also had KS's and said she'd rather give birth a zillion times in a row rather than have 1 KS :( yikes, so I can't imagine...labor is PRETTY painful...Super glad your doc's are on top of EVERYTHING for you though..that HAS to be a relief..What doc are you thinking about switching? Your OB?

Awww Dash~:sick:sorry you feeling BAD girl...I've had lots of those nights...took A LOT of times to feel like death to STOP!! NOT IS, but then it's NOT!!:dohh: SO, how much DOES it cost to get a cab?!?!:shrug:

Will someone look at my chart and see what they think~I'm THINKING I should have my cover line tomorrow right? Really doesn't matter, I just like to "practice" to see if I'm getting smarter!!!!! Prooooobably NOT...
Dash, are you temping? I KNOW I've asked, just can't remember.....

sag, did you put your coverline in?
What was FF saying your O date was...I know it wasn't accurate, was just curious b/c your line is blue..?

how's FL Faith....I THOUGHT spring was coming to PA, but woke up today and we ended up getting like 5in of snow and it's still snowing...I hate these days...would rather NOT have the nice days until it was ready to actually BE nice....anyway, I'm a lil jealous...wish I could blink myself to the beach!!!!

love ya girls!!!!!


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