Trying To Conceive After Tubal Reversal

Boy I have 4 kids ere at each others throats, and its not even 8!

I will have my number back today, this afternoon- I will post when I get them! Thanks for thinking of me guys!

I had like, 15 things to say to every individual person, then I got up from the computer and got distracted and now I cant remember any of them.

Tate- your kids get to FLY for fun?! Lucky them! Have fun with your alone time today!

Spuggle- I dont know about there, but here in the states its against the law for a doc to wait to disclose test results to us. We are allowed to call over the phone and get results for most test, the only exceptions are few and are things like HIV and CT results. Can you call?

Momma- I'm in no way offended. I completely understand where you are coming from, maybe not exactly, but at one time I struggled with those feelings myself. YOU WILL get your BFP! YOU WILL!!

And faith, there was something I was going to say but I cant remember what it was. But, good morning! Hope you have a beautiful day! lol.

And good morning to everyone else!

Yeah, ha, they've never done it before...DH works w/ a fella w/ a plane and he just MENTIONED once in passing and Tate has NEVER forgotten...and asks at least a time or 2 a mo about going his dad got it all set up as a big surprise!!!! They JUST flew over the house...I had a tear...I get so excited about things/experiences/blessings that they get ~it would be like a dream for a 4yr old!!! Tahelon went too!!!! I'm sure they'll be suuuper chatty when they get home!!!!
Boy I have 4 kids ere at each others throats, and its not even 8!

I will have my number back today, this afternoon- I will post when I get them! Thanks for thinking of me guys!

I had like, 15 things to say to every individual person, then I got up from the computer and got distracted and now I cant remember any of them.

Tate- your kids get to FLY for fun?! Lucky them! Have fun with your alone time today!

Spuggle- I dont know about there, but here in the states its against the law for a doc to wait to disclose test results to us. We are allowed to call over the phone and get results for most test, the only exceptions are few and are things like HIV and CT results. Can you call?

Momma- I'm in no way offended. I completely understand where you are coming from, maybe not exactly, but at one time I struggled with those feelings myself. YOU WILL get your BFP! YOU WILL!!

And faith, there was something I was going to say but I cant remember what it was. But, good morning! Hope you have a beautiful day! lol.

And good morning to everyone else!

Dash it's not like that here, we get referred to different departments and then they write a report to the doc who requested the test, i can't even call i just have to wait :cry:
Tater never had Af which is strange I only spotted. When I had a m/c years ago. I got pregnant with my youngest the next month so I am hoping that means that it will happen again. :) CRAP GIRLS~NOTHING IS HEALTHY
I just got this from the other thread I'm on...They were talking baout eating potato chips and then talking about how they eat micro'd popcorn as a "healthy" snack...check this out.. I NEVER knew..I mean, how COULD ya know EVERYTHING..I was amazed by some of these...YIKES~It's a scary scary thing~this world and all the chemicals...WTHeck?
Tater never had Af which is strange I only spotted. When I had a m/c years ago. I got pregnant with my youngest the next month so I am hoping that means that it will happen again. :)

UH yeah!!! YAY!!!! sounds good to me:thumbup:That would be totally awesome EH?!!!!!
Girls i'm going offline for a while, i need time out. spk soon and best of luck to all of you. xx
Hello Ladies!!!

Sweetlissa: I love my doctor too. I feel so lucky to have one I can trust and who takes time to talk to me and answer every single little question. I am so happy he gave you such good news! I have heard that before, actually...that the one tube compensates for the other and that you really have no less chance of conceiving because the other tube works so hard...that's so fantastic and I am so happy for you!

Faith: I've had two c-sections too...both of mine were absolutely medically necessary...but...okay, I am ducking now as I write this...haha...but I am GLAD I had c-sections...I was terrified to do it the other way...I realize that probably makes me At the most, I will have two more...and the moment I get a BFP...through IVF, I am telling my doctor that I will not pass GO, that I am going directly to c-section....hahaha...

Ready: Thanks so ladies have really relaxed me about the whole IVF process...and the possibility of having twins again. I am just going to keep myself in good shape...even while pregnant, as long as I am physically able to exercise, then I am going to continue...I feel like if I am physically strong then maybe I will be able to stave off bedrest...I hope. I was thinking about your cyst on your ovary...I know it sounds so scary...the hardest part for all of us is the unknown...but one of my best friends...BEFORE she had children...she was TTC without successand they found a cyst on one of her ovaries that was almost the size of a grapefruit. Seriously. She thought she was never going to be able to have kids and she was devastated. However, the second cycle after they removed it, she conceived her son! And now she has two kids. Removing the cyst helps your ovaries to be able to perform I think the surgery is a good thing, even if it is scary...going forward with the surgery is going to put you on the right path to having your baby.

Momma: I looked at your chart...and your temps did not drop below your maybe not! Hang in there girlie. And so proud of you for not indulging in the Oreos! My weakness is when the kids have I break out a Smart Ones pizza so I don't feel deprived and I don't break down and inhale half their pizza! Hahaha....

Spuggle: I am hoping and praying that you just read the doctor wrong...I cannot imagine having to wait that long to get the results and I am praying that the results will be much better than you thought...:hugs:

Tater: How can anyone be mad at you and start drama with you??? I don't get it! I absolutely love you! And wanting a baby is wanting a baby, whether you have 5 already or none...I just don't get why anyone would say that to you! And by the way, I got some last night too! Hehehe...I jumped him as we got in the bed...he didn't expect it...he thought we were really going to sleep...I told him he should know me by now...hahaha....

As for me....Guys, I can honestly say that I have never had any negative feelings for someone else's BFP/pregnancy. I recently planned a baby shower for one of my friends...she delivered on the 7th...and we were hoping to be preggers for at least a little while together...but alas...but that goes for anyone...I could never be upset when someone else is pregnant...I can't be upset with someone else for wanting the very thing I want so know?

You guys have anything fun planned for this weekend? My hubby and I are hosting a St. Patty's day party on Saturday at our house. I LOVE having parties! It'll be fun and I am so looking forward to it. And since I am no longer TTC, I am going to get my drink on and have myself a very large time...hehe...

Love you ladies!
Faith I had my TR october 5 2010 and started trying in november but this is like cycle 5 or 6 since my cycles are only 27 days they add up quick! Im 28 will be 29 on may 2 :) i know im still kinda young but damn this sucks and I could'nt even imagine doing this for 10 years your poor sister what a emotional wreck she must have been :( my sister has been trying for years too i think its like 3 and over 1 alone with a fs, before I had my own ttc issues I always would think the same things like she is'nt trying hard enough or if she got healtier it would help or my favorite stupid saying was stop stressing then it will happen! Now i know what bs that was you truly can not stop stressing ttc you can fake yourself out but thats about it ugh!!!!! Im still eating well I did eat the good ole st. pattys day dinner last night but a very small portion :) very proud of myself the kids were eating oreos in front of me and I wanted one soooo bad but did'nt :) Did you make cornbeef and cabbage? yum yum

You probably think I'm a total nut! I actually meant WHEN did you have your tubal ligation. I just wondered if there is ANY correlation in how many years lapse in between TL and TR as far as TTC results. probably not..just a're SO young (I know you hate to hear that) but still PLENTY of good baby making years!!!!

And...I'm just cooking our st. patrick's dinner a day late...just didn't get it cooking early enough in the day yesterday:haha: Good for you for resisting the temptation to eat lots of corned beef ..and the oreos:thumbup:
Spuggle I hope you are ok I kow this whole thing is very hard, I hope to hear from you soon with good news :)
Sweets friend of mine on another tr thread got her bfp with out even trying she said they were taking a break and she was going to the dr. in 2 days when she found out she had a bfp!!! so maybe you will get yours since your not trying to hard oh and look at saga she wasnt trying either :)
Faith I had my tubal ligation in april 2007 right after trace was born, do you think thats a good thing or bad thing how long ago was yours?
Dash im glad you did'nt take it personally because I really do love seeing others get there bfp it keeps me going but a small part of me cant help but questiion myself?!?! how ya feeling today ?
Afm no symptoms beside sore bbs which is my normal before af next month im going to opk and temp then thats it the following months im flying solo
Ya momma. That would be great. We are taking full advantage of this month. Tonight we got invited to a friends bday (he is turning 42). And everyone all goes out for dinner on everyones b-day. So I would say it's going to be a great weekend. No kids tonight. No kids tomorrow night( not sure how that worked out).. But the older 2 each have friends they are staying with..And my father in law called a while ago and asked if he could have the youngest tonight. I was like wow... And I had plans on no kids tomorrow night becuase I am having my fun party. So pretty much a kid free weekend which leaves plenty of time to kick back and enjoy each other.
On another note. My whole house is now put together. They are doing the well and septic on monday, well starting Monday.. This has been a wonderful couple of days. I will try to post a pic of the house soon.
SO, I just called the clinic I went to and EVERYBODY WENT HOME FOR THE DAY! And nobody ever called me to give me my results, despite me having called several times today.

I'm switching doctors on Monday.
Spuggle: Take the break you need and come back to us:hugs: we're all here to support each other as we climb Mt. Everest...all of us that is, but DASH...she's waiting for us at the bottom:haha: :hugs:

Dash: OH MY GOSH!!! What is wrong with people:dohh: Does your dh have tools to pick locks? That is unbelievable...this is going to be a heck of a long weekend for sorry:hugs:

Sweet: Enjoy your alone time with hubby!!!! And, I would LOVE to see pictures of your home's progress:hugs:

Momma: My bbs are hurting, too:growlmad: AND I'm crying at the smallest, dumb things:dohh:....another HUGE sign of AF...oooooh how I hate her:nope:
I'm thinking I'll join you in throwing out the opks & temps after next cycle. Assuming things don't go our way this cycle, I'm going to follow what my TR friend did (as told to her by her RE) every other night starting CD10 through CD 16 (although she did it until like..CD26 just to be sure) and got her BFP her 2nd month TTC, 1st month with this method. No opks, temping, CM, or CP checks:nope: I REALLY want to try this! I CAN do everyother's the many nights in a row that get hard.

Tater: How did your boys like the flight!!!! also, going to read your link...

Saga: What a fun party you're having! Enjoy:drunk: You can even show your St. Patty's Day guests your new green headboard:winkwink::haha:

Well, it's a another show weekend for us and I've got LOTS to better get off BnB.

btw, does anyone else dream all night that they're taking their temp, missed the temp reading, moved too much to take their temp, forgot to temp..TEMP NIGHTMAREs, I guess that's what you'd call them:dohh: happened last night and made for a HORRIBLE night's sleep ugh.
Hi girls...ohhhh what an AWESOME day!!! thank you Lord!!!!
The boys LOVED flying...I saw them fly over and was waving and waving..but THEY fell asleep!!!!! :rofl: SOoooOoO, but they DID NOT sleep the WHOLE time..Chad got pix of them snoozing and they are adorable..I think I may post them:haha:

Well Dash, I'm TOTALLY annoyed w/ you ~THAT Is INSANE ...WHAT? Ya DO NOT leave a pregnant TR girl hanging w/ WHAT is going on..We had a busy awesome day so I couldn't wait to get home to check your results:( ARG

Love ya girls...can't wait to see your charts Faith and Momma!!!! hitting the hay..have a party tomorrow and HAVE NOTHING ready:nope:
Ahhhh, I LOVE my parties, but preparing is the pits...I'm totally disorganized and have SOoOo much I hate getting started...but I should NOT be complaining..
OK NO BAD dreams. Only thoughts of EWCM and BFP's!!!!:baby:
Dash I really think that is messed up I hate dr.s that have no concern for the emotional strain we go through!!! give them a piece of your mind, nut on a good note its probably good since they did'nt call you :)
Faith wow I think I can do everyother day thats alot more doable then every day for 10 ugh thats dedication! i do worry about forgeting to temp or my temp dropping anad I think your just stressing it alot becasue when i first started ttc I kept dreaming about being pregnant or things to do with finding out i was preggo and man was i stressing that all the time! The crying thing suck Im such a baby and I think its alot of sadness too on top of af symptoms. im waiting to see your temp today :)
Tater your son is soooo cute and im so happy to hear they had lots of fun flying yesterday :)
Sweets your weekend sounds like the perfect fun feel like a young couple weekend just what the dr. ordered :) have lots and lots of fun!
Tater: I love your new avatar photo! What a cutie!!!:kiss: How funny that your kids napped on the plane:haha: I'm sure it's an experience they'll not forget!
Have fun with the party today! It's great to have other things to think about besides TTC:thumbup:

Dash: Get to knitting your new little one some booties and a sweater and before you know it, Monday will be here:hugs: (oh, and taking long naps will pass the time, too:haha:)

Momma: How are you feeling today? Did you test? I'm still holding out hope for you:hugs:

Afm, my temp is only up a *little* this morning:cry: and I have my usual AF headache (don't ever get headaches besides 1-2 days before AF) But honestly, I'M OKAY...just think....I'll be finding out we're PG right before Easter:happydance: and this way, too, I'll be back home..with my own dr.s and continual monitering...always a silvering lining:flower:
Well, we're off to another show today....hoping to make lots of sales:winkwink: infact, maybe I'll post a pic of dh *at work*:haha:

Happy Saturday:hugs:
faith an elevation is an elevation lol Its very depressing but once af comes I seem to snap back into a game plan pretty quick lately I guess all this time makes you a little tougher! I would love to see a pic of hubby at work :) thats such a cool job, if my hubby and I worked together I would probably hurt him lol have a great day!
Momma, Ive had so many women say they couldn't work all day with their dh, but we actually LOVE it:thumbup: It probably wouldn't work as well if dh wasn't such a patient man:haha: (I'm really bossy) we're together ALL the time and we really miss each other on the occasion that he is out of town without me:flower:

Anyway, I've been checking out stuff on this website and I'm really intrigued and thinking of buying some of the kits..starting with the fertility might spend a few moments and take a look. I'm also thinking about getting dh the male's a bit costly, but compared to dr. visits, their CHEAP:haha: (we don't have normal health ins. because we're self-employed:(
Good morning ladies, Here is what I am thinking of your charts and I hope this helps..
***Faith your chart is so different then last months. Don't worry yet about the low temp on Friday. We will see what your temp is like on Sunday. It came back up a lil today so don't count yourself out yet :):thumbup:
***Saga I am not sure what to make of you having almost flat temps so often. it looks a lil like january's chart. But then again it doesn't in other ways. You are on CD10 so you should be gearing up to O. Hope to see you with a sticky lil bean this month.
***Momma your chart looks great. It is hard to say with your post O temps because we don't have any other charts to go by. SOOOOOO my opinion I think it looks good. You have 2 more days ROUGHLY... Before the witch would come. I am praying she stays away. And you get a BFP... Your chart looks good. And if I remember correctly you bd at the right time. I can't see it on your chart SOOO. I am guessing. You also are showing CM which is another good sign. :hugs:
***Tater You are on CD 9 today. As of yesterday things were looking on track. I will be checking you out all week. Praying that you get it this month. I feel that this will be your cycle you seem to be so positive about it :) And sometimes that can work miracles.
***AFM well I have had 3 days of +++ OPK's. I think we got enough Bding in. lol I had a 2 margaritas last night and was up playing cards at our friends until midnight. And sleept 45 minutes later then my usual time. So I am not sure how accurate my temp was today. I have to say that this has been my funnest month TTC because my hubby has no clue that I am actually testing and all.. So it hasn't feelt like a job to him. Which in turn has been great for me:happydance: I had O pains on Thursday afternoon on my right side. First time I have ever had that since the TR. So I am hopeful that I O'd off of that side. I either O'd Thursday or Early Friday by looking at my temps. I doubt I will be temping tomorrow. Which in turn will put lines on my chart saying I O'd on Thursday. So we shall see.
Ladies I hope you all have a great weekend. Enjoy the sunshine (if you have it).
And if I left anyone out. Or if there are lurkers that want me to check your chart let me know. This is fun. I enjoy it. Sorry it was late this morning I wanted to see what Faith and Momma's charts would be. I was waiting for there temps.
Dash that is a bummer that they left you hanging over the weekend. Shame on them.

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