Trying To Conceive After Tubal Reversal

O wow ready... I am sorry I didn't realize you don't have any kids. There was a woman at the place where I had my TR who had MS (i think) or dwarfism anyone she didn't have any either, she was very sweet. But anyway I will keep young my prayers. And keep checking in hope everything goes smoothly.
ready I was not expecting that! Im sure everything will go smoothly and just like tate said the hsg will be a nice cleaning so you will come out of surgury all clean :) keep us posted and I will keep you in my prayers. Huggs lady :)
:hugs: Ready- you will only be stronger because of all of this!

Faith- I did work in L&D for a while, but preferred trauma...I love me some blood and guts and severed limbs! haha. L&D was my favorite second. And yes, the amount of c-sections and unnecessary drugs made me SICK TO MY STOMACH. I think now that I know better, and really realize the agenda most docs have, I would never go back. Its been VERY hard choosing a local OB!

Im with Momma- Im sure I dont utilize this site like I could either. This is the only thread Ive ever been on!
I got onto the SMEP and they didn't seem very chatty. I also went onto the the loss boards and they all seemed so young. SO I am staying here..
On a side note I am pretty positive I o'd yesterday.. I had a +++ OPK yesterday about 4 and then again this morning. So after I put in my temp for this morning. I played around with FF. And no matter what temps I put in (aslong as they are higher then todays temp) It gives me a O day of yesterday. Which is actually a day early for me. I am good with it. That means that I can kick back and enjoy my weekend. Without having to worry about catching the egg.. LOL.. Hope you ladies have a great day. It is supposed to be sunny and almost 70 again today. SO I am going to go wash my car, take my youngest to the park and fly kites. I am sure I will check in at some point because I am dieing to know what Dash's numbers are :)
Tater I know I poped in on a site yesterday and some woman was attacking another woman about usuing clomid I was shocked when someone is in pain its not the time to get your point accross!
Sweets you go girl I hope you catch that egg this month and it will save you some stress :)
AFM my stupid temp dropped ugh!!!! and I poas this am cause yesterday I really had a feeling this might me it I was kinda sick and a lil crampy and anyway it was a bfn and with my drop in temp im now sure after the weekend the stupid witch will be here!!! Im in between ins. right now but as soon as my new one starts up im going back to the dr. and having him tell me what fs to use and then heading over to beg for an IUI!! my brain is done!!!! adn no offense to dash but its hard seeing people who dont try to long getting preggo when I have been at this for cycles!! It just makes me think there has to be something wrong with me :(
Hi all, had hsg, they said uterus looks good, left tube isn't working (as i know) but said she couldn't see the right and needed a closer look in dark room, she said she will do a report and send it to my consultant. I'm thnking it's bad news as she told me everything else is fine. :nope:
spuggle Hun I hope that everything turns out ok and maybe its something stupid that was causing her to not see your tube, when will you know?
Spuggle::hugs: I'm glad your HSG is over with:) Try not to really could be just that...she needed to get a closer look but not because something was wrong. Do you know when you'll get to speak with the consultant?

Momma: How long is your cycle? My temp dropped again today as well:nope: I'm trying REALLY hard to NOT get down about it. I *should* still have about 4 days till AF. Remind me again, how old are you? and when did you get your tubes tied? DON'T GIVE UP!

Tater: Just stick with us, here:hugs: We love you! That's one thing that's so hard with the web, you can't hear voice inflection and many times, people "hear" things differently than how we meant them:nope: I think many women who have been trying and DON'T have kids already can feel frantic (and jealous)...thinking they would be happy *if they could just have ONE* and then they see us trying to have our 3rd and 4th babies. I have to say, TTC is soooo much more intense than I imagined it to be. I've developed a greater compassion and bout of patience for my sis who tried for 10 year! CAN YOU EVEN IMAGINE???? This is month 4 for me and I'm a wreck:nope: I felt frustrated that my sis wasn't trying with all her might every cycle:haha: now I know why:hugs:

Sweet: Praying you caught the egg this cycle:hugs: Go enjoy the weekend with your family:thumbup: Your weather sounds awesome:happydance:

Ready: :hugs:I pray your surgery goes well:thumbup: One silver lining here, you don't have to wait in fear of the cyst bursting and causing lots of pain. You're on your way to your BFP!!!!!:happydance:

Dash: I can't wait to hear your numbers today AND your dh's reaction to the confirmed news!!!!

Hey, did anyone make cornbeef and cabbage yesterday for St. Patty's day:)
Spuggle: Sheesh:wacko: 4/21 is toooo far away!!! Can you call and get any info at all? That's just plain CRUEL that she would leave you hanging like that for more than a MONTH:growlmad:....
Spuggle: Sheesh:wacko: 4/21 is toooo far away!!! Can you call and get any info at all? That's just plain CRUEL that she would leave you hanging like that for more than a MONTH:growlmad:....

The doc who did my hsg isn't my fs, so she has to do a report and send it to my fs who will then tell me the results at my appt in april.:cry:
Faith I had my TR october 5 2010 and started trying in november but this is like cycle 5 or 6 since my cycles are only 27 days they add up quick! Im 28 will be 29 on may 2 :) i know im still kinda young but damn this sucks and I could'nt even imagine doing this for 10 years your poor sister what a emotional wreck she must have been :( my sister has been trying for years too i think its like 3 and over 1 alone with a fs, before I had my own ttc issues I always would think the same things like she is'nt trying hard enough or if she got healtier it would help or my favorite stupid saying was stop stressing then it will happen! Now i know what bs that was you truly can not stop stressing ttc you can fake yourself out but thats about it ugh!!!!! Im still eating well I did eat the good ole st. pattys day dinner last night but a very small portion :) very proud of myself the kids were eating oreos in front of me and I wanted one soooo bad but did'nt :) Did you make cornbeef and cabbage? yum yum
Hi my lovely's!!!!
Faith!you& your man are so cute :jo:
Yeah, no kidding about the's SoOSOoSOo important and I think WE all do a pretty good job w/ elaborating certain words~but ya can't ALWAYS do everything perfect:nope:sheesh...I don't like to get attacked, b/c *I* don't attack...But's fun here and now MORE time has gone by and it's even MORE like a lil family...I'm certainly NOT leaving...if I ever did it would be for good, like OFF the internet(which would be really sad:sad2: and hope never happens)but yeah, anyway,
Faith AND Momma, I've looked at your charts and *I* think they look girls had DIPS, not so much DROPS:thumbup: which is totally different...look at this chart..look at her drop and then her rise
which MAY NOT happen in your case, but SO totally MAY:flower:
Faith your temps were TOTALLY flat last cycle..but :coolio:NOT:coolio: this cycle~which is GREAT! and Momma your temp TODAY is identical to the last TWO it's NOT a significant 'drop'. OF COURSE I DO NOT KNOW the outcome, but I think your charts look really great!!!! Keep that PMA until you see :af: with your own eyes....It's worth it til the end:thumbup:
OK, that's my pep talk of the MORNING for you girls:friends:

SPUGG: heeyy sweetie:flower:
Sorry you are feeling blahh today:awww:I wish I had THE perfect things to say...HOWEVER, even though IT DOES seem to you like it's bad news, it MAY not be...just like faith said...those dox..ya know..they like to BE SURE before they commit to anything and really I don't blame them..It's too bad it wasn't just obvious for her to give her what you wanted to hear, but still doesn't mean it's NOT keep that PMA up up's worth it~to CHOOSE good thoughts...although it sure IS a REALLY long time to wait...Sheesh~APRIL twentysomething??? Goodness.>WHHHY so long of a wait? ANyway, I'm rooting and pulling and best of all praying for ya Girl...Trusting that ALL is good and you'll have your TR miracle SOoOOOOooo Soon..what cycle day are you on?!

Lissa: YAY!! FOR SUNSHINE! You must have it all today:shrug:it was soo sunny yesterday, I hung clothes out ekkkk :hangwashing:
I LOOOOVE HANGING my clothes out!!! it's THE best...anyway it's all cloudy and that I don't smoke I don't go out 1st I don't know if it's warm..but have a GREAT glorious day w/ your lil fella ~ i love days outside w/ my family:winkwink:
Great news about a ++OPK!!! when did you even have AF after all the stuff that you went through?? That's crazy ~ awesome:thumbup:

DASH, WHHHHAAATTT are your numbers?!??!?!?! can't wait to hear!!!!

Future~how you doing ?? Is your DH gone? How's it going w/out him? thinking of you...I was w/out my DH for 5 days and was going crazy...I'm feeling for ya:hugs:

AFM: FINALLY GOT some Loving last night:wohoo:FINALLY!!!!!
It had been 10 days and on the 11th I started spotting and then day TWELVE af started...WAY too long:nope:..he was away for the 5 and then when he came home we just didn't...? IDK why...goodness....but that's OK b/c we got some baby making to do coming RIGHT up and I'm psyched out...
I am NOT going crazy...just doing OPK's to ensure that O IS 13(it has been the last 2cycles) and going to just do it 11, 12, 13 and 14 and then whenever...I can't plan it anymore~i can plan all I want but it's the Lord that carrys out what needs to be done:happydance:
Well, OK girls..I'll be stalking A LOT..the boys are going :plane: today and I'll be left to myself :(
Hope you ALL have a happy day...don't look to the past, OR the future, focus on today~the present~b/c that's exactly what it is :idea:
awwww tater thanks soooo much im totaly crying lol im such a baby lately but i need alot of reassurance the past few days :( That chart really made me feel better :) even if it doesnt happen to mine. what a weirdo i am ugh! im totally with you next cycle Im going to continue to temp and do opk but thats just to make sure im right about my o time :)
Where are all the boys of the house today? what will you do with your free time?
Awwww it's good to shed tears sometimes momma!!!!

how long do you have left w/ your membership on FF? I have like 60 something days and figure by then I'll be preggers AND know my bod.....YAY!!!

The boys are going flying today....Not for a lil while and if they DON'T COOL their lil selves they won't be going anywhere....Phew, they are NOT behaving each others throats..not many days like this, but when they come it makes us ALL crazy...

I will probably clean, read, bNb:haha: and IDK...whatever I want I guess!!!!!!
flying wow sounds fun, my hubbys uncle has a couple of planes but im always so nervous to let the kids go up as you can see I feel like i have control over everything and when i dont i lose it! lol My kids are always at eachothers throats it makes me so nuts by the end of the day. Enjoy your quiet day momma
Boy I have 4 kids ere at each others throats, and its not even 8!

I will have my number back today, this afternoon- I will post when I get them! Thanks for thinking of me guys!

I had like, 15 things to say to every individual person, then I got up from the computer and got distracted and now I cant remember any of them.

Tate- your kids get to FLY for fun?! Lucky them! Have fun with your alone time today!

Spuggle- I dont know about there, but here in the states its against the law for a doc to wait to disclose test results to us. We are allowed to call over the phone and get results for most test, the only exceptions are few and are things like HIV and CT results. Can you call?

Momma- I'm in no way offended. I completely understand where you are coming from, maybe not exactly, but at one time I struggled with those feelings myself. YOU WILL get your BFP! YOU WILL!!

And faith, there was something I was going to say but I cant remember what it was. But, good morning! Hope you have a beautiful day! lol.

And good morning to everyone else!
Hi my lovely's!!!!
Faith!you& your man are so cute :jo:
Yeah, no kidding about the's SoOSOoSOo important and I think WE all do a pretty good job w/ elaborating certain words~but ya can't ALWAYS do everything perfect:nope:sheesh...I don't like to get attacked, b/c *I* don't attack...But's fun here and now MORE time has gone by and it's even MORE like a lil family...I'm certainly NOT leaving...if I ever did it would be for good, like OFF the internet(which would be really sad:sad2: and hope never happens)but yeah, anyway,
Faith AND Momma, I've looked at your charts and *I* think they look girls had DIPS, not so much DROPS:thumbup: which is totally different...look at this chart..look at her drop and then her rise
which MAY NOT happen in your case, but SO totally MAY:flower:
Faith your temps were TOTALLY flat last cycle..but :coolio:NOT:coolio: this cycle~which is GREAT! and Momma your temp TODAY is identical to the last TWO it's NOT a significant 'drop'. OF COURSE I DO NOT KNOW the outcome, but I think your charts look really great!!!! Keep that PMA until you see :af: with your own eyes....It's worth it til the end:thumbup:
OK, that's my pep talk of the MORNING for you girls:friends:

SPUGG: heeyy sweetie:flower:
Sorry you are feeling blahh today:awww:I wish I had THE perfect things to say...HOWEVER, even though IT DOES seem to you like it's bad news, it MAY not be...just like faith said...those dox..ya know..they like to BE SURE before they commit to anything and really I don't blame them..It's too bad it wasn't just obvious for her to give her what you wanted to hear, but still doesn't mean it's NOT keep that PMA up up's worth it~to CHOOSE good thoughts...although it sure IS a REALLY long time to wait...Sheesh~APRIL twentysomething??? Goodness.>WHHHY so long of a wait? ANyway, I'm rooting and pulling and best of all praying for ya Girl...Trusting that ALL is good and you'll have your TR miracle SOoOOOOooo Soon..what cycle day are you on?!

Lissa: YAY!! FOR SUNSHINE! You must have it all today:shrug:it was soo sunny yesterday, I hung clothes out ekkkk :hangwashing:
I LOOOOVE HANGING my clothes out!!! it's THE best...anyway it's all cloudy and that I don't smoke I don't go out 1st I don't know if it's warm..but have a GREAT glorious day w/ your lil fella ~ i love days outside w/ my family:winkwink:
Great news about a ++OPK!!! when did you even have AF after all the stuff that you went through?? That's crazy ~ awesome:thumbup:

DASH, WHHHHAAATTT are your numbers?!??!?!?! can't wait to hear!!!!

Future~how you doing ?? Is your DH gone? How's it going w/out him? thinking of you...I was w/out my DH for 5 days and was going crazy...I'm feeling for ya:hugs:

AFM: FINALLY GOT some Loving last night:wohoo:FINALLY!!!!!
It had been 10 days and on the 11th I started spotting and then day TWELVE af started...WAY too long:nope:..he was away for the 5 and then when he came home we just didn't...? IDK why...goodness....but that's OK b/c we got some baby making to do coming RIGHT up and I'm psyched out...
I am NOT going crazy...just doing OPK's to ensure that O IS 13(it has been the last 2cycles) and going to just do it 11, 12, 13 and 14 and then whenever...I can't plan it anymore~i can plan all I want but it's the Lord that carrys out what needs to be done:happydance:
Well, OK girls..I'll be stalking A LOT..the boys are going :plane: today and I'll be left to myself :(
Hope you ALL have a happy day...don't look to the past, OR the future, focus on today~the present~b/c that's exactly what it is :idea:

Tater the reason it takes so long is that in the uk it's the nhs so although it's great we don't have to pay insurance we sometimes have to wait.:cry: Thanks for your kind words an i hope that it is good news but you know when you can just read somebody like a book, well that's what it was like, to me it was written all over her face. :shrug:
Awwww Sweetie, Well, I'll continue to hope you read her wrong...and it's a while away so, just make sure you keep us updated:hug:

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