Trying To Conceive After Tubal Reversal

Faith your chart looks totally different then last month I hope this is a good sign :)
Morning girls!

Sweetlissa- hope the appt goes great!

Momma and Faith- where are you guys in your cycle? Past O, right? Wish I could read charts!

Tater, where ya been? You've been so quiet, its unlike you! :p Hehe.

Have fun today Spuggle!

TTC- so good to see your updates, hope everything gets better and NO MORE BLEEDING!
Back from Dr. Apt I couldn't ask for a better doc. I love him.. He walked in sat down and talked to me like I was a normal human... No doctor talk. I was able to understand everything. He told me that the clots that were behind my uterus were black and my tube clots were black. Which would indicate that it had been there for a while. I asked if it was possible that it had ruptured that previous Thursday he said by the notes from the U/S the hospital did that it would appear to have happened or was in the processing of happening at that point. He said that the blood would have had to been there atleast 5 days. SOOOOOOO.... He showed me the pics( after asking if we wanted to see them). My hubby and I both said yes. And I am glad we did. Becuase in a way it was closeure for me. I got to see what my tube looked like the blood and the sac. So in a way I feel like I got to atleast see what would have been. :( But onto the good news.... :) We askedd about TTC and he said that my body will tell me when it is ready to get pregnant again by Oing. (which by OPK's is about to happen).... :) Although he said it could take up to 6 weeks.. LOL... He also said that my uterus looks great he said you can't even see any scaring from my c-sections.. I was like YES !!! :) He said that if and when we get pregnant that he will give me the option to do a natural birth (which I have always wanted to do). Becuase my Uterus looks so good. He also said that my right tube looks excellent. He said the (things that grab the eggs) I can't remember the word.. LOL.. Looks like they are brand new never been used as he put it.. Which he said is great. He also said that my right Ovary looks to be working and in good shape. He then told us that it is very possible that I will get pregnant. He said only having 1 tube can actually increase your chances.. (I am not sure if he said that to make me feel better, but it worked)... LOL... He said that my right tube will become an over achiever and work 10 times hard then it did before.. He then looked at my tummy said I was healing great. Told me I could work out as I feelt I could. And gave us permission to BD.. You should have seen my hubbies face:) Told me to come back in 3 months if I am not pregnant yet and we will do my yearly. And talk about options at that point. So, as all goes. I am great. Excited and ready to go... Fun party this weekend. Get my grove on ( dancing I mean).... LOL... And maybe just maybe catch the lil egg.
**Faith your chart does look different, which could be a great thing :)
***Momma I am also likeing your chart..
I hope you girls end up with BFP's.... Are either of you going to be testing soon.??
Back from Dr. Apt I couldn't ask for a better doc. I love him.. He walked in sat down and talked to me like I was a normal human... No doctor talk. I was able to understand everything. He told me that the clots that were behind my uterus were black and my tube clots were black. Which would indicate that it had been there for a while. I asked if it was possible that it had ruptured that previous Thursday he said by the notes from the U/S the hospital did that it would appear to have happened or was in the processing of happening at that point. He said that the blood would have had to been there atleast 5 days. SOOOOOOO.... He showed me the pics( after asking if we wanted to see them). My hubby and I both said yes. And I am glad we did. Becuase in a way it was closeure for me. I got to see what my tube looked like the blood and the sac. So in a way I feel like I got to atleast see what would have been. :( But onto the good news.... :) We askedd about TTC and he said that my body will tell me when it is ready to get pregnant again by Oing. (which by OPK's is about to happen).... :) Although he said it could take up to 6 weeks.. LOL... He also said that my uterus looks great he said you can't even see any scaring from my c-sections.. I was like YES !!! :) He said that if and when we get pregnant that he will give me the option to do a natural birth (which I have always wanted to do). Becuase my Uterus looks so good. He also said that my right tube looks excellent. He said the (things that grab the eggs) I can't remember the word.. LOL.. Looks like they are brand new never been used as he put it.. Which he said is great. He also said that my right Ovary looks to be working and in good shape. He then told us that it is very possible that I will get pregnant. He said only having 1 tube can actually increase your chances.. (I am not sure if he said that to make me feel better, but it worked)... LOL... He said that my right tube will become an over achiever and work 10 times hard then it did before.. He then looked at my tummy said I was healing great. Told me I could work out as I feelt I could. And gave us permission to BD.. You should have seen my hubbies face:) Told me to come back in 3 months if I am not pregnant yet and we will do my yearly. And talk about options at that point. So, as all goes. I am great. Excited and ready to go... Fun party this weekend. Get my grove on ( dancing I mean).... LOL... And maybe just maybe catch the lil egg.

Great news sweet. :thumbup: i'm happy for you. :happydance:
Hi:hi: girls!!! you feeling lil mama!?!?!
Me, quiet, I KNOW, I'm sooo shy..:haha: Yesterday was soccer day yay!! and today it's nearly 60 degrees:cloud9:
so I've been doing family, house stuff...I'm SO motivated when the windows can be open and the sun is shining!!!:happydance:

Sweets: GREAT report..I LOVE and appreciate a doc that KNOWS what they talking about AND is kind and speaks in layman terms!!!!!
So that's GREaT news~one tube is better than 2!!!! YAY!!!

Faith AND momma, BOTH of your charts are like completely different than the last couple :thumbup: I'm thinking that would HAVE to be a good thing...don't ya wish we could all just have U/S machines in our houses!!! then we could look anytime we wanted:winkwink:
I'm rooting for ya..the more bfp's the better...I'm planning on mine THIS cycle: Here's to 2011 bfp's :wine:

Spuggle: I"M SOOOOO horney...ON my..I can't stand it..BUT af is officially OVER TODAY:yipee:
There is NO way my man is getting away from me today..OH NO:nope:
He will not be wanting to try that :trouble: Look at my chart and notice WHY I may NEED :sex: I may DTD for the next 10 in a row until I'm caught up on all that I've missed:haha:

AFM: I feel GREAT!!!! Excited for YOU dash and for Faith, you and momma too!!! I can't wait to conceive THIS cycle...Tate prayed over my belly this morning~laid hands on and everything :hugs: then asked the Lord again to help my newborn baby get in there safely!!! He's awesome..why wouldn't I want 1million more like him:shrug: I DO!!!!
anyway, I'll be MIA as long as the sun is shining!!! Love ya all!!!!!!
Oh and I HAVE NO IDEA :shrug: what was up w/ my buddy SherylB fixed it! It's all good now, it'll take you to my chart again
Sweets what amazing news I love that your tube is now going to be an over achiever!!! It really does make you feel so revived after you go to the dr. and they give you such good news :) I hope you catch that egg soon girl!
Sweetlissa! Another day of egg-cellent news:haha: It sounds like your dr. really cares:thumbup: I'm soooo happy that everything looks so good!!!!

So, how many c-sections have you had? You are so lucky that your dr. will let you try a VBAC:thumbup: so many states are banning them:cry:
VBAC- you can do it! Many states are outlawing HOSPITAL VBAC's. BUT, they cant tell you what to do in your own home- and if you would like that and a local hospital wont give you that option, birth centers and home birth (with midwife, or unassisted) is always an option!

Man I wish the sun would shine so that I could play outside! Oh, and the kids too of course...but instead everyone is napping and I'm left BORED.

I have my first beta draw tomorrow and the wait is killing me.
I have had 3 c-sections.
**Dash I am pulling for you.. I can't wait to hear, will you get the numbers back tomorrow or just the draw?
***Tater I see your friend got a BFP... YEAH!!!!! I am a lil concerend that your chart is looking like the rocky mountains.. We shall see here in a few days. Hope your hubby gives it up tonight. .:)
***Momma Thank you.
***Spuggle Thank you also. :)
If there is anyone I forgot please forgive me. I still seem to have pregnancy brain and actually have to scroll up to see everyones name.. I do hope that goes away soon. I could handle another BFP but the pregnancy brain syndrome.. Well it is much to be desired..LOL.. My hubby says I have been very forgetful for over a month. And it's true I have to set reminders for everything. Doc said that that is due to stress and will go away eventually. I forgot that this morning GO FIGURE
Wow! 3 c-sections and he'll still let you give it a try?! That's awesome! My RE said I had no scarring from my two c-sections...but still don't recommend a VBAC after 2:shrug: he's in Florida BTW. There is a mid-wife in my town that will assist me at home if I want to go that route. It's just scary to me to do a VBAC (after 2) at home...I would much rather try in a hospital. I know a big factor too is labor starting on it's own..not induced (which I've had twice)...I guess that's a bridge to cross when the time comes:thumbup:

Dash, thanks for knowledge! I just remembered you used to work in L&D, right? I'm sure you saw first hand the HUGE over usage of c-sections:nope:
I have had 3 c-sections.
**Dash I am pulling for you.. I can't wait to hear, will you get the numbers back tomorrow or just the draw?
***Tater I see your friend got a BFP... YEAH!!!!! I am a lil concerend that your chart is looking like the rocky mountains.. We shall see here in a few days. Hope your hubby gives it up tonight. .:)
***Momma Thank you.
***Spuggle Thank you also. :)
If there is anyone I forgot please forgive me. I still seem to have pregnancy brain and actually have to scroll up to see everyones name.. I do hope that goes away soon. I could handle another BFP but the pregnancy brain syndrome.. Well it is much to be desired..LOL.. My hubby says I have been very forgetful for over a month. And it's true I have to set reminders for everything. Doc said that that is due to stress and will go away eventually. I forgot that this morning GO FIGURE

Yay!! yeah, she did !!!! It only took her 2 mo...It's silly how frustrated SOME ppl get trying..I mean, I do NOT know what it's like TO NOT have kids, or want them and struggle..Well, W/OUT putting myself through sterilization that is....I knew it would happen sooner than later..healthy 25 yr reason not too...she got her BFP yesterday:cloud9:

You think MY chart looks like Rocky mountains...??? Seriously? I don't I think it looks great!!!! over lay it...or IS it that even a word?!:haha:
Nearly identical from last month up until today...and I started vag temps this morning...would have yest but had a tamp in ~ouch~:wacko:

Why are VBAC's being outlawed? I've had 3 C-sect's~my 1st one was after that they all went that way which honestly I WOULD NOT choose any other way...I get put to sleep and wake up w/ an awesome miracle and great drugs!!!!!! my doc said in a small town like this we can't do VBAC...just if something were to go wrong there isn't enough 'help'
but in large cities the do VBAC's..why the outlaw..that seems silly and extreme:shrug:
how the heck can you see that taters friend got a bfp? im only asking because im sure im not using this site to its full potential.
Momma: bahahah, you're so funny:) You just have to be a nosey investigator:haha: I knew of her from the SMEP thread. The really funny thing is, she heads up the thread, but got her BFP NOT using the SMEP plan:rofl: never know what's going work:thumbup:

Tater: My only reason for wanting VBAC is because I would LIKE to have SEVERAL more gets risky after 4 c-sections. If I were only having two more (and I MAY...who the heck knows:wacko:) I would be okay with it. I just wish I wouldn't have had one with my last baby. It really was "optional" but we thought, why take the risk, this is the last one, getting the tubes tied:dohh: lots of bad decisions in that one:wacko:
Momma, if you just look below my tickers, I have that sherylB got her BFP!!! I just added it to my siggy! :hugs2:
Oh and yeah, she didn't use SMEP..:haha: that IS funny...actually I un subscribed from that thread..b/c there was drama and I apparently 'started'. Some girl called me a stupid woman b/c *I* had TR..that wasn't any of THEIR faults..I about pooped myself when I saw all that was I just took myself right off of it...anywho, my point...there were LOTS of bfp's that were NOT b/c of SMEP ON The smep thread before I left...

Faith, I want MANY more babies too!!!!! My doc said he's done 8, 9 c-sect's..I was thinking yauwzer when he said that..but same train of thought as you~doesn't really concern me..I'm getting TL...I was a lil iffy about it b/c my kids are only like 13 mo being cut open THAT soon made me ask...I don't understand WHY it's "illegal" though..If you wanna vag deliver...who the heck are they to say NO?
ya know:shrug:
Hi everyone

Dash- yayayayayayayayayaya that's awesome I also think at the rate your hpts were darkening that your levels will turn out normal on your blood tests

Lissa - it sounds like your doctor appointment went so well and it's good your opks are looking normal.

Tater - wear something sexy to bed tonight that will get him naked!

Saga - I'm sorry to hear about the bad portion ofnyour news however wahoo for ifv. I also agree with everyone else. This time around if you have twins your with someone else who you feel more love and support from and also every pregnancy is different. IVF is such an amazing process and you will have to keep us updated with all of the details.

Faith and mamma your charts look really good.

So after seeing my new ob...not fs...just the regular ob he did another ultrasound and the cyst is even larger that originally thought. As a result I'm having surgery on Tuesday to remove it. While they are in there they are going to look at the scar tissue, if it's there, around the tubes. They are also going to inject dye into them to see if they're open. They don't think they will have to remove the entire ovary and feel they will do well just removing the cyst. I'm still in complete shock about the whole thing and not sure how I feel.
Whoa, ready, that's! WoW
Well, I'm sure it'll be just fine...get that cyst gone, get that HSG cleansing!!! You'll have you sticky miracle in NO time..and just you don't have to worry about being awake for the HSG!!!!! YAY!!!!!!
You'll be fine sweetie...can you tell me how many kids do you have?????
Tater- I don't have any children. I had the TL done thinking I didn't want any then got married and saw things differently.

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