Trying To Conceive After Tubal Reversal

WHAT?? that is a CRAzy bunch of events :wacko:
I mean, that's just INSANE...So, yeah, it MUST obviously be MORE than just 'getting a new house'~~~
So, how exactly DOES it work, like a contractor is in the middle of finishing a house TWICE and then the bank says it's NO GOOD...? I mean, wouldn't the contractor be a SMALL bit UNhappy about NoT getting paid?? That's craziness....:growlmad:
I'm super happy for you...YES, God does hear our prayers..and I read this and LOVED it, b/c it's sooo true.." Just b/c life may not go as we had planned~does NOT mean God has failed us" !!! YAY!!! I LOVE that~it's sooo true, and when things come to pass we ALWAYS have to say, YEAH, this truly IS perfect!!! and give the Lord Thanks for HIS better timing!!!!! HEE HEE!!! You are going to be making All the rest of your babies in YOU and DH'S miracle home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How awesome is THAT!!!!!??
hi girls. I sure did miss everyone. We had a great time down at the cabin. Got some wonderful news while we were there too. Our house is finished. Yep when we got back today we got the keys. It was an amazing feeling. It wasn't suppost to be done for another few weeks but they got some great weather and got done early. YEAH!!!!!!! :)
AF came to visit yesterday and she is like something I have never had before. HORRIBLE... But back to vacation the kids loved the hot tub and we played all kinds of games. Watched movies and went hiking. MY BFF went with us to help with the kids seems my hubby just had his surgery. It was a huge help.
So now that we are home the packing begins. I went to the house today and well I was like a kid in a candy store. I quickly ran through it all becuase the heat wasn't on and my shoes were muddy so I took them off. My feet were freezing. Went into the basement and OMG it took my breath away.
I will try to catch up on everything I missed.

:yipee: so glad your house is done, the madness begins now with moving, but it will be sooo worth it. :thumbup:
Tate i had a look at your chart and although they don't make a lot of sense to me it looks great, FX implant on day 6 and temp up from there, looks great. I pray for your :bfp: xx
Lissa: Welcome back:hugs: wow! what a long journey to your new home. You and your family really deserve this blessing:winkwink: I hope the packing goes smoothly. :thumbup: I hope you have lots of help since dh may not be 100% yet;)

Tater: Just admiring your chart this AM:hugs: Also, I'm glad to hear that your business is going so well. I jumped on Tupperware's website a couple of weeks ago and was amazed at all the new stuff they've added since the last time I bought! I hope you continue to do well with it!

Dash: I'm sorry the MS has hit so hard...but as well all know, it's a really good sign:hugs: have you tried ginger...tea/crystalized or something of the sort? I've also heard fresh raspberries help (although my sis tried them and said they didn't) I know everyone is different. Also, what about those preggie/preggo pops? I've never tried them but read some women saying they worked great for MS. I usually get MS really bad, too! But I can't WAIT for this time around:thumbup: I'm looking forward to hearing about the U/S appt. on Tuesday:happydance:

TTC: I hope your body is healing:hugs: It's amazing how we think *if we could just get preggers*...but it's really just a new beginning of more prayers to the Lord:winkwink:

I can not believe how quite this board has become.

I know!:cry: I've noticed the same thing and on several other TR threads as well:( It must have something to do with spring. In the winter, most everyone is indoors all day, but once the nice weather starts to show, hibernation is over! I do hope it picks back up.

Lissa, hows the packing going?

Afm, just arrived home last night..woohoo, no place like home:thumbup: Now starts all the unpacking:( But it's good to be back. Today is day 3 of the far so good! Days 1 & 2 on the road were a little difficult, but now that I'm near a bathroom, I can hit it hard.
I'm not sure what the heck is up with my temp. I think it may have something to do with crossing 2 time zones AND sleeping an extra hour this morning. I'm thinking I'll have FF *disregard* it. If tomorrow is still as crazy, I'll change the disregarded temp back.

Well, time to get busy:) Need to grocery shop and fill-up the empty fridge and then get busy unpacking 9 weeks worth of stuff.

Hoe everyone enjoys the day:hugs:
HI GIRLS!!!!!!!!!
Hooray for home sweet home Faith...That must have been a LONG trip :wacko: at least you don't have to travel w/ toddlers..YET!!!!!!! :winkwink:
I always thought packing was kinda of fun, ya know, getting ready to go somewhere different and fun, but UNpakcing was a diff story BLAH... never fun!!!! But HOME IS WHERE THE HEART is, and after being gone that long..maybe is kind of enjoyable!!!!? You DID have quite a rise there...? Hmmmm.....?

Hey Lissa, did you get accomplished yesterday w/ getting prepared to move?? Ahhhh EEkkkk how exciting..that's a HUGE moment in a woman's life!!!!!!!!!!
New house, new babies!!!!!

Thanks Spuggle :flower: Have you received your letter yet?!!?!?!??! Been thinking about that!!!!!
Well, off to help some friends move:wacko: NOT so much looking forward to it, but glad we can be a blessing by helping!!!!
Have a wonderful, lovely day ladies!!!!!
Tate no sign of letter, i don't think it's going to come, think i will just have to wait till the 21st.:shrug:

Faith bet you're so glad to be home. :flower:

Sorry been a bit quiet, just been really busy these past few days and as we go on our holiday next week i'm going to be doing someof packing of my own. :happydance:
I went to my OB appt yesterday. The subchorionic hemorrhage is still there. It is 6cm over my cervix. My OB doc said that the baby is holding his or her own. The heart beat on doppler was 170 and on ultrasound it was 150. He said everything is out of our hands and that it is in Gods hands. I go back in two weeks for another ultrasound.So please keep the baby in your prayers!!!!!(and that the hemorrhage goes away) Thank you ladies!!:hug:
TTC- I will be praying for you.

Lissa- how exciting that your house is finished!

I swear I have done nothing but sleep and vomit lately. I have got to sleep in the last few days, I take a nap in the middle of the day, and go to bed about 8. It has my mom and husband convinced there are like, 6 babies inside of me...I'm completely unproductive, and lack the energy to even get to the computer! I know its just a first trimester thing. Im grateful everything is going so well so far, and Im pretty confident that with these symptoms my ultrasound is going to be great on Tuesday- hopefully we even get to see the heartbeat.
Dash: sounds like you may need a b12 shot...did you have MS with your other babies??? How about sipping hot ginger tea? have you found ANYTHING that helps? sorry for the misery:hugs:

Lissa: When's your first night sleeping in the house?? Oh, how fun:happydance: I've never lived in a brand new're a blessed family:thumbup:

Tater: What a great gal for helping someone move! Nope:nope: not fun..but I'm sure the folks really appreciate it! When you finish up over there, I think Lissa could probably use a hand:haha:

spuggle: I'm sorry your letter didn't cruel :nope: Anymore sunshine in your neck of the woods? We're supposed to have snow here tomorrow which is great:happydance: we've missed that fluffy white stuff:) I think I speak *ONLY* for our family as the rest of the town is ready for spring.

Momma: How are you feeling?! You've got to get yourself up and at ''ve got O time right around the corner! I hope you're doing better today:hugs:

TTC: I'm praying for you and your little one:( 2 weeks is a long wait:hugs: did the dr. say WHAT causes this crazy hemorrhage? My sis had it with her 2nd baby...she bled during the 1st tri and thought M/C for sure..but the bleeding stopped and she carried Olivia to full term..only after the placenta was delivered did they discover the hemorrhage...a few days overdue, Olivia weighed only 6 lbs...a little on the small side which they said was due to the hemorrhage. Praying for God's healing touch on your body:hugs:
Dash: sounds like you may need a b12 shot...did you have MS with your other babies??? How about sipping hot ginger tea? have you found ANYTHING that helps? sorry for the misery:hugs:

Lissa: When's your first night sleeping in the house?? Oh, how fun:happydance: I've never lived in a brand new're a blessed family:thumbup:

Tater: What a great gal for helping someone move! Nope:nope: not fun..but I'm sure the folks really appreciate it! When you finish up over there, I think Lissa could probably use a hand:haha:

spuggle: I'm sorry your letter didn't cruel :nope: Anymore sunshine in your neck of the woods? We're supposed to have snow here tomorrow which is great:happydance: we've missed that fluffy white stuff:) I think I speak *ONLY* for our family as the rest of the town is ready for spring.

Momma: How are you feeling?! You've got to get yourself up and at ''ve got O time right around the corner! I hope you're doing better today:hugs:

TTC: I'm praying for you and your little one:( 2 weeks is a long wait:hugs: did the dr. say WHAT causes this crazy hemorrhage? My sis had it with her 2nd baby...she bled during the 1st tri and thought M/C for sure..but the bleeding stopped and she carried Olivia to full term..only after the placenta was delivered did they discover the hemorrhage...a few days overdue, Olivia weighed only 6 lbs...a little on the small side which they said was due to the hemorrhage. Praying for God's healing touch on your body:hugs:

My OB doc did not say what causes this hemorrhages. I'm glad to hear that your sis carryed her baby to full term. I know God has his hands in this, that this hemorrhage will be gone and that I will deliver a happy healthy full term baby in Jesus name!!! Thanks for your prayers!! Take care!
TTC- I will be praying for you.

Lissa- how exciting that your house is finished!

I swear I have done nothing but sleep and vomit lately. I have got to sleep in the last few days, I take a nap in the middle of the day, and go to bed about 8. It has my mom and husband convinced there are like, 6 babies inside of me...I'm completely unproductive, and lack the energy to even get to the computer! I know its just a first trimester thing. Im grateful everything is going so well so far, and Im pretty confident that with these symptoms my ultrasound is going to be great on Tuesday- hopefully we even get to see the heartbeat.

Thanks for the prayers Dash! I hope your MS gets better!! I hope you can see your little ones HB Tuesday! Take care!
We are planning on Thursday night. But due to the fact that the professional cleaning lady is on vacation because her son came home from Afganistan. (she will be back on Tuesday). We are only moving lil things. I have the moving crew coming on Thursday. I might have to push it back a day or two.
Tater don't stress about your chart it is still different. So just keep on chugging along. Different is good.
Finally I have found a forum for me! I had my tubal reversal in early Feb 2011. I had clamps removed and my tubes are 7cm each. I am 38 and feeling a bit panicked that Feb and March didn't work. I know it's early but I feel like I did everything right and I'm so scared that my age is going to make it difficult, if not impossible:( I know, bad attitude but DH and I want this so bad that it feels like a tremendous amount of pressure. Even my kids are asking me "are you pregnant yet?". Sigh....I have three children DS 20, DS 14 and DD 12. I should never have gotten my tubes tied but it took us a long time to take the plunge and get the reversal. I would be so interested in learning about your recovery. I can only find one forum (chapel hill) but you can only post if you had your surgery there. I can't seem to find anything about what I'm experiencing since the surgery. First issue is my puffy tummy. Does this EVER go down? I'm eight weeks post surgery and it's still looks like I have just had a c-section. My lower abdomen is still completely numb and I still have occasional pain twinges. My past ovualation was just awful. Very painful and crampy. Then, 7 dpo, very bad pains and cramps again for two days. I was hoping that I meant I was pregnant but alas, AF came on the 30th, right on time:( Also, after both previous cycles, I had sore nipples immediately after O. THat doesn't ever happen so again, thought I was pregnant. Maybe it's my mind messing with me now that I know I can get pregnant? My friends say I'm overthinking it but I'm not sure how to stop thinking about it? When you pay $5000 for the chance to have a baby, it's pretty much on your mind all the time. I am going to do things a bit differently this month. I will slow down on the bd'ing. Hubby and I were ever single day for a week around ovulation, so worried I would miss the egg. I have read that this is just too much. (thank goodness because it started to feel obligatory!) I will keep up with my pre-natal, fish oil and evening primrose oil but I have also ordered Pre-seed and hubby is taking Fertilaid vitamins. I will also head back to the gym which I have been avoiding since the surgery. Probably deep down hoping I will get pregnant and it won't matter if my pants are tight! Ha, ha, well now my pants are tight and I'm not pregnant so thwww.babyandbump.comambling so I hope I can join this group and offer up my support as well. Fingers crossed to us all!!
Welcome! I wouldn't worry if I was you- you are VERY new to TTC, and your body is still fresh from surgery. There are girls here who have been trying various different amounts of time. Have you thought about waiting until your body is completely healed? I know its hard (trust me, I know) but you have to think of it like this- if your still feeling pain, and having even the slightest bit of swelling, your fallopian tubes are still NOT healed and might be swollen also. After paying all that money to have them fixed, it would be terrible to risk them!
Welcome! I wouldn't worry if I was you- you are VERY new to TTC, and your body is still fresh from surgery. There are girls here who have been trying various different amounts of time. Have you thought about waiting until your body is completely healed? I know its hard (trust me, I know) but you have to think of it like this- if your still feeling pain, and having even the slightest bit of swelling, your fallopian tubes are still NOT healed and might be swollen also. After paying all that money to have them fixed, it would be terrible to risk them!

Thanks Dash. You're probably right, I'm still healing. It's weird because I just assumed I would get pregnant the first try so each day feels like a week. Maybe my body is naturally protecting me from getting preggers until it's ready. This will be my third cycle since the TR so maybe I'll have better luck. Congrats on your pregnancy and thanks for your response. I appreciate it!
We are planning on Thursday night. But due to the fact that the professional cleaning lady is on vacation because her son came home from Afganistan. (she will be back on Tuesday). We are only moving lil things. I have the moving crew coming on Thursday. I might have to push it back a day or two.

:happydance: :yipee: :wohoo: :bunny::holly:
Have fun during each and every minute of it sweets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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