Trying To Conceive After Tubal Reversal

I POAS this morning.. AND you wont believe it. I sat it down on the bathtub while I got my son something to drink. And came back and my test was gone and the dog was sitting there. I WAS LIKE SERIOUSLY... This was at 5 this morning.. We went back to bed and I waited about 2 hours and POAS again and it was ----... What gives...
Today we are leaving until Thursday I have the link on my phone. So when I go into town I will update you all. Or update my chart. I wont be temping as it wont be my regular routine... Ok maybe I will. We will just have to see. LMAO.. How does TTC take over our lives so much.

:haha: Now that's a new one! Dog ate the preggo stick:dohh: Well, I'm sorry everything's so up and down right now:hugs: I don't know WHY TTC is so consuming:nope:...whatever happened to the good 'ol days of "hey, wasn't AF due like..2 weeks ago!?" ONE pg test..comes up + and you're in! I think the whole *age* thing is what makes us nuts. We hear from many around us that we're getting too old and it freaks us out..or our tubes are going to close back up...we panic and become TTC maniacs. I see Momma and Tater are restraining themselves quite well:thumbup:..great job girls. I'm continuing to temp and opk, because I *want* to...I don't feel nuts about it at this point...we're basically taking this month off due to cleansing the toxins from our bodies and the fact that you don't want that stuff getting to the baby in those early development stages.

I hope you're able to relax enough and enjoy your vacation. Just take a handful of PG you can know what's going on. If your test is negative today, I would have to wonder if it's leftover HCG from your last baby. There's another lady on the TR threads that had a M/C and the HCG stayed in her system for 3 months! Did you test yesterday morning? Sorry for the emotional rollercoaster:hugs: ENJOY YOUR TRIP:hi:
:rofl: that's really something Lissa..sheesh! haha, sorry, you probably didn't find it too funny, but I'm cracking up :haha:

Got my cross lines!!! yAY!!! AND, it's a solid line FINALLY...wonder why I had dotted for the last 2 cycles..?

Did your cleansers come in yet Faith? just wondering when you'll be starting them?

I'm believing I got preggers on CD12!!!!! Now it's ya know..the dreaded 2WW but feel VERY optimistic about this month...If the Lord chooses to NOT bless us w/ new life THIS's OK..b/c apparently something better is to come..However like I said, I'm believing this IS the month...:happydance:

Hope everyone is happy and well...I couldn't be better!!!!
Tahelon just turned's bittersweet:neutral:
I love every age and just can't believe the baby days for him are over ALREADY:cry:

well may you each be blessed today!!!!!:friends:
Hi everyone sorry i've been a bit quiet, but with the lovely weather up until friday and then having all 4 kids here over the weekend i just haven't had the time to get on here.

Faith hope the cleanse goes well

Momma, gald you're feeling relaxed

Dash how are you and bean doing

Lissa, well well, i absolutely totally hope this is your :bfp: and hope your hubby is doing well.

Ready hope you are well

Who have i forgot ??? i'm sure there is someone. sorry if i have.

Afm, i'm great, had a lovely weekend although the great weather didn't last :cry: we had a lovely family weekend, went to a great resturant yesterday for DH's DD's Birthday which is on wednesday but as she lives with her mother we thought we would celebrate early.

I have no idea where i am in my cycle and am absolutely not thinking i will get pregnant this month, infact i'm positive my tube is blocked and that our ttc journey is over, i know it might not be but i'm prepared for the worst.
Tater, love your attitude girl:hugs: :happydance: solid lines on FF...looks like they feel certain of your O date:thumbup: praying for this to be your month:flower:

Spuggle, the birthday dinner sounds fun. How old is your step daughter?
Sorry you're feeling so down at the moment:nope: it's soooo hard when we want something so bad and it seems like it won't happen. DON'T GIVE UP!
I'm not sure how you feel about natural herbs, but the site where I purchased the fertility cleanse (and will be purchasing subsequent products:winkwink:) has a kit they recommend for blocked tubes. Now I *know* it might sound wacky...but you might just take a peak..see what other options may be available for you *IF* you don't get positive news from the dr. The one thing with natural products, they don't work overnight and usually have to be taken for a period of time, BUT they can do amazing things. It's just a thought....I don't know if these products can be shipped out of the US, but it might help you begin searching for something similar closer to you:)

And yes, our cleanse items arrived and we will begin them on says to let your uterus cleanse naturally for CD1-5, then start step two on CD6. Dh said if he has to wait for CD1 for himself, he's going to be waiting a looooong time:haha:...actually he was waiting to start until he finished his last show, as it *cleans* you out and wouldn't work for him to be running to a restroom when trying to make sales:winkwink::haha:
Thanks Faith!!
God has REALLY dealt with me over the last 45ish days or so and REALLY, the negativity hasn't gotten me ANYWHERE, other than mean, short, snippy, crappy, unthankful, greedy and everything else that I DO NOT wanna be...

I don't see the point in being mad or whatever when it was ME that made the choice (that of course I wish I never made)to have the TL..I need to stop blaming everyone and hating all the pregger girls b/c *I* made the choice I made~it's funny, NEVER thought I would be at that point yet got there SO easily :shrug:
I really AM grateful and WOW have my eyes been opened to what we DO have...
ya know, Baelee was 17mo when he passed and life is SO precious...I need to cherish it A WHOLE lot more...and really God has already given TWO blessings~if He chooses to NOT send anymore, so be it..I'm just grateful that He allows me to breathe every single day..that in itself is a miracle :winkwink:

Enough about, what exactly DOES the cleanse do? How many times will you have to take it..Are you going to have to NOT bd during your fertile time? Sorry to 20 question you :dohh:

Yeah, YAY! about the solid lines..I DIDN'T even use OPK's~I did the one day~was negative and then really felt It wasn't I just didn't continue to ~ but so, yeah, can't believe I have the solid lines~I'm super happy!!!

Spuggle, don't give up..that's exactly what the enemy wants us to do~give up and lose hope...I'm praying for ya girl..really I am, and faith says she is too and there's POWER in that!!! Loves to you girl...keep that chin took me nearly 14mo to have a I'll stand in your gap girl!! Shouldn't it be getting close to get that letter??? :friends:
Tater, love your attitude girl:hugs: :happydance: solid lines on FF...looks like they feel certain of your O date:thumbup: praying for this to be your month:flower:

Spuggle, the birthday dinner sounds fun. How old is your step daughter?
Sorry you're feeling so down at the moment:nope: it's soooo hard when we want something so bad and it seems like it won't happen. DON'T GIVE UP!
I'm not sure how you feel about natural herbs, but the site where I purchased the fertility cleanse (and will be purchasing subsequent products:winkwink:) has a kit they recommend for blocked tubes. Now I *know* it might sound wacky...but you might just take a peak..see what other options may be available for you *IF* you don't get positive news from the dr. The one thing with natural products, they don't work overnight and usually have to be taken for a period of time, BUT they can do amazing things. It's just a thought....I don't know if these products can be shipped out of the US, but it might help you begin searching for something similar closer to you:)

And yes, our cleanse items arrived and we will begin them on says to let your uterus cleanse naturally for CD1-5, then start step two on CD6. Dh said if he has to wait for CD1 for himself, he's going to be waiting a looooong time:haha:...actually he was waiting to start until he finished his last show, as it *cleans* you out and wouldn't work for him to be running to a restroom when trying to make sales:winkwink::haha:

Faith my step daughter is 17 on Wednesday.

I have thought about natural remedies and will see what my thoughts are when i get my results, i'm not actually feeling down its like an acceptance feeling and if its not meant to be its not meant to be. I'm happy with my life with or with or without another baby. :flower:
Tate, yeah hopefully the letter should be here soon, i haven't given up as such i'm just not going to be obsessive about it anymore, my life is no longer on hold just in the hope i may get pregnant, that sounds really selfish doesn't it, but for the last 11 cycles my life has revolved around ttc and i'm not going to be like that anymore.
Hi guys im still alive im really sick again this year I have been sick alot for some reason I think its because my 2 oldest are in school and keep bringing me home there awsome germs!
faith I cant wait to hear how you cleanse works and makes you feel :)
spuggle im right on board with you im not letting myself be consumed anymore either, it does'nt mean I dont want this more then anything anymore it just means im not making it my main focus! im still going to try to bd around o time but if were not in the mood then its not happening.
Tater I love the pma you keep it up girl, god will bless you :)
sweets enjoy your time away its def. deserved :)
dash i have to read back but how are you feeling?
Oh spuggle, I've been right there w/ ya...I got pregger 1st cycle after TR and lost, as soon as everything got back to normal it ALL happened again, after that I started getting CrAzY and have been progressively worse since..UNTIL NOW and I"m soooo over acting/being that way too..YES, I STILL would like to have many more babies, but it WILL happen when it happens..I cannot MAKE it happen~Only the Lord can create and sustain life and I need to STOP controlling everything.
I certainly DO NOT blame ya girl,,haha, i DON'T blame ya..glad you are feeling good about everything!!!

Thanks Momma, feels GOoD to feel this way :winkwink:
Tater- its AWESOME that you can relax! Your body needs it, as well as your mind. This journey really is different to everybody, holding resentments and negative feelings does not benefit ANYone. I think there is a lot to be learned- perhaps that's the point of it.

I know I didnt try long to TTC, but I learned more about patience than I ever thought I could! I waited 3 extra years after we decided we wanted the reversal...then the longest 3 months ever to try.

Faith- I hope the cleanse is successful!

And everyone else, good morning! I hope spring starts to show soon wherever you are.

AFM, I'm just trying to surround myself with positivity and relax- there has a been a lot going on around here in our personal lives and with our extended families. My ultrasound is the 5th, and Im VERY excited.
Tater- its AWESOME that you can relax! Your body needs it, as well as your mind. This journey really is different to everybody, holding resentments and negative feelings does not benefit ANYone. I think there is a lot to be learned- perhaps that's the point of it.

I know I didnt try long to TTC, but I learned more about patience than I ever thought I could! I waited 3 extra years after we decided we wanted the reversal...then the longest 3 months ever to try.

Faith- I hope the cleanse is successful!

And everyone else, good morning! I hope spring starts to show soon wherever you are.

AFM, I'm just trying to surround myself with positivity and relax- there has a been a lot going on around here in our personal lives and with our extended families. My ultrasound is the 5th, and Im VERY excited.

Yeah!!! THANKS!!! It's been a whole different journey being happy and joyful about life in general...toooooooo bad I can't learn the easy way:winkwink:
ya know!!!
Can't wait to see the U/S pix!! YOU WILLLLL post right ?!?!!!!!
Thanks Faith!!
God has REALLY dealt with me over the last 45ish days or so and REALLY, the negativity hasn't gotten me ANYWHERE, other than mean, short, snippy, crappy, unthankful, greedy and everything else that I DO NOT wanna be...

I don't see the point in being mad or whatever when it was ME that made the choice (that of course I wish I never made)to have the TL..I need to stop blaming everyone and hating all the pregger girls b/c *I* made the choice I made~it's funny, NEVER thought I would be at that point yet got there SO easily :shrug:
I really AM grateful and WOW have my eyes been opened to what we DO have...
ya know, Baelee was 17mo when he passed and life is SO precious...I need to cherish it A WHOLE lot more...and really God has already given TWO blessings~if He chooses to NOT send anymore, so be it..I'm just grateful that He allows me to breathe every single day..that in itself is a miracle :winkwink:

Enough about, what exactly DOES the cleanse do? How many times will you have to take it..Are you going to have to NOT bd during your fertile time? Sorry to 20 question you :dohh:

Yeah, YAY! about the solid lines..I DIDN'T even use OPK's~I did the one day~was negative and then really felt It wasn't I just didn't continue to ~ but so, yeah, can't believe I have the solid lines~I'm super happy!!!

Spuggle, don't give up..that's exactly what the enemy wants us to do~give up and lose hope...I'm praying for ya girl..really I am, and faith says she is too and there's POWER in that!!! Loves to you girl...keep that chin took me nearly 14mo to have a I'll stand in your gap girl!! Shouldn't it be getting close to get that letter??? :friends:

Tater, here's a little blurp about the cleanse:
There are many toxins that can accumulate in the liver, uterus, and fat tissues over the years. Some of these toxins are:

* Mercury
* Medications
* Birth control
* Smoke
* Pesticides
* Old menstrual blood
* Excess hormones
* Old fecal matter
* Alcohol, etc

If you have been experiencing heavy periods, cramping, dark blood or blood clots during your period, than a fertility cleanse is a must for you.

Here's link that explains more:

Anyway, it should be very *do-able* no fasting, but needing to eat good, healthy, fresh food along with it. I'll let you all know how it's going in case anyone else considers it for the future;)

I'm SO happy that everyone seems to be feeling so mellow about the whole TTC's like we've all regained our sanity:haha: Oh, how happy the husbands must be:winkwink:

Dash: I'm glad you've checked in:winkwink: Keep us posted. I hope things get worked out in the *family* arena:hugs:

Momma: Here I thought you were off having a great time:cry: sorry you're sick! I hope it passes quickly:hugs:

Spuggle: Wow! 17 yrs.:) I know all about that, my son turned 17 in November. I try not to think about it because it literally gets me all teary:cry: I *wish* I could turn back the clock, about 10 years:nope:
Hey everyone. I've been a little distant the past few days. So i talked to my doctor who performed the surgery. It's actually my right side tube that is open and my left that is blocked rather than the other way around. The right side was also connected at a bad spot near the top so it probably doesn't work normally anyway. So it's IVF or nothing. For one we can't afford IVF and I'm just sooooo not up for it. For some reason I'm not as disappointed as I thought I would be.
Thanks Faith!!
God has REALLY dealt with me over the last 45ish days or so and REALLY, the negativity hasn't gotten me ANYWHERE, other than mean, short, snippy, crappy, unthankful, greedy and everything else that I DO NOT wanna be...

I don't see the point in being mad or whatever when it was ME that made the choice (that of course I wish I never made)to have the TL..I need to stop blaming everyone and hating all the pregger girls b/c *I* made the choice I made~it's funny, NEVER thought I would be at that point yet got there SO easily :shrug:
I really AM grateful and WOW have my eyes been opened to what we DO have...
ya know, Baelee was 17mo when he passed and life is SO precious...I need to cherish it A WHOLE lot more...and really God has already given TWO blessings~if He chooses to NOT send anymore, so be it..I'm just grateful that He allows me to breathe every single day..that in itself is a miracle :winkwink:

Enough about, what exactly DOES the cleanse do? How many times will you have to take it..Are you going to have to NOT bd during your fertile time? Sorry to 20 question you :dohh:

Yeah, YAY! about the solid lines..I DIDN'T even use OPK's~I did the one day~was negative and then really felt It wasn't I just didn't continue to ~ but so, yeah, can't believe I have the solid lines~I'm super happy!!!

Spuggle, don't give up..that's exactly what the enemy wants us to do~give up and lose hope...I'm praying for ya girl..really I am, and faith says she is too and there's POWER in that!!! Loves to you girl...keep that chin took me nearly 14mo to have a I'll stand in your gap girl!! Shouldn't it be getting close to get that letter??? :friends:

Tater, here's a little blurp about the cleanse:
There are many toxins that can accumulate in the liver, uterus, and fat tissues over the years. Some of these toxins are:

* Mercury
* Medications
* Birth control
* Smoke
* Pesticides
* Old menstrual blood
* Excess hormones
* Old fecal matter
* Alcohol, etc

If you have been experiencing heavy periods, cramping, dark blood or blood clots during your period, than a fertility cleanse is a must for you.

Here's link that explains more:

Anyway, it should be very *do-able* no fasting, but needing to eat good, healthy, fresh food along with it. I'll let you all know how it's going in case anyone else considers it for the future;)

I'm SO happy that everyone seems to be feeling so mellow about the whole TTC's like we've all regained our sanity:haha: Oh, how happy the husbands must be:winkwink:

Dash: I'm glad you've checked in:winkwink: Keep us posted. I hope things get worked out in the *family* arena:hugs:

Momma: Here I thought you were off having a great time:cry: sorry you're sick! I hope it passes quickly:hugs:

Spuggle: Wow! 17 yrs.:) I know all about that, my son turned 17 in November. I try not to think about it because it literally gets me all teary:cry: I *wish* I could turn back the clock, about 10 years:nope:

Faith tell me about it, she's not even my biological daughter but i still get teary about her growing up, and my step son is 15 too, i can't bear the thought of them not coming to visit so often, but they get their own lives don't they, as they should but it's hard. xx
Tater- its AWESOME that you can relax! Your body needs it, as well as your mind. This journey really is different to everybody, holding resentments and negative feelings does not benefit ANYone. I think there is a lot to be learned- perhaps that's the point of it.

I know I didnt try long to TTC, but I learned more about patience than I ever thought I could! I waited 3 extra years after we decided we wanted the reversal...then the longest 3 months ever to try.

Faith- I hope the cleanse is successful!

And everyone else, good morning! I hope spring starts to show soon wherever you are.

AFM, I'm just trying to surround myself with positivity and relax- there has a been a lot going on around here in our personal lives and with our extended families. My ultrasound is the 5th, and Im VERY excited.

:wave: Dash, 5th April for your scan, that's not long at all, i'm looking forward to seeing the piccy.:hugs:
Nope, just 8 days :) We are hoping to see a heartbeat, but it still might be a few days too early.
Hey everyone. I've been a little distant the past few days. So i talked to my doctor who performed the surgery. It's actually my right side tube that is open and my left that is blocked rather than the other way around. The right side was also connected at a bad spot near the top so it probably doesn't work normally anyway. So it's IVF or nothing. For one we can't afford IVF and I'm just sooooo not up for it. For some reason I'm not as disappointed as I thought I would be.

Ready sorry about your tube, i understand where you are coming from with the ivf as i'm not prepared to go through it if my tube is blocked, just don't make any fast decisions atm.

Have some time out and see how you feel then. :hugs:
Ready: I'm sorry to hear about the tubes:( Don't give up...our bodies are amazing and can mend and heal. I've read stories of *impossible* pregnancies:thumbup: In addition, is adoption at all a consideration for you? Dh just mentioned last week, that if we don't have anymore naturally, he would like to adopt. :flower:

I agree with what spuggle said yesterday, we tend to center everything we do and our future around our TTC. I think she's right...continue with our lives and let TTC come along as a *part* of it instead of the center.

Ready: I'm sorry to hear about the tubes:( Don't give up...our bodies are amazing and can mend and heal. I've read stories of *impossible* pregnancies:thumbup: In addition, is adoption at all a consideration for you? Dh just mentioned last week, that if we don't have anymore naturally, he would like to adopt. :flower:

I agree with what spuggle said yesterday, we tend to center everything we do and our future around our TTC. I think she's right...continue with our lives and let TTC come along as a *part* of it instead of the center.


amen to that ladies I think god will bless us when he is ready :)
REady my heart goes out to, its crazy how we cope with something we never even thought we could handle :cry: I think that you will find the right path for you and your hubby and like I have always said we all will get what we want in the end I just think we all have our own paths to travel and none of them will ever be the same! keep on keepin on ready good things come to those who wait :)
afm hubby asked what my bbt was this am just like he does alot of mornings and when I said i dont know! he was like what do you mean and i explained that after 6 cycles of trying im done trying! im still praying dont get me wrong :) so i wonder what is rattling around in his brain for the day,he is not a talker but very much a thinker I hope he doesnt think its something he did lol. anyways im still sick and wanted to pop on here and see how things are going :) dash in like a week you get to see your lil bambino!!!!:happydance:
Thank you for your nice and helpful comments. The news was shocking to me at first and I was sad. As for now my emotions have settled and I'm feeling better. We decided today to not even do the recommended clomid. We want to take a break ttc was killing our intimacy and relationship. I have an appointment next week and I know, because he said this on the phone, I have "options" word... Anyway I think the doctor is going to still recommend the clomid and IUI to see if the right tube, that is supposed to be open, will work. Then after a few watched cycles he will then recommend IVF or adoption. We are soooooo worn out! I think IVF is an amazing proces but can be a lot on the body it's also something we can't afford. I also think adoption is a wonderful alternative. Either route...IVF or adoption we will need to wait on. For some reason I am so ok with all of this. My biggest fear is an eptopic more so than my tube no longer working. So for now were holding off ttc and I'll have the doctor appointment next week. Btw my surgery recovery so far has been going really well.

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