Trying To Conceive After Tubal Reversal

lol sorry girls I love you guys so much!!! They nevr called so I called them and the extension i needed went staright to voicemail so i guess I will be calling in the am! The nurse acted like an ass when I called to let them know I got a positive and needed to get my betas checked she was like I dont know why you would do that it really only tells you your pregnant it wont tell you if its a tubal! and the said well if the dr. said to then i will send two scripts to the lab for you. ugh none of this journey is easy when should i have them give me an us to make sure the bean is in the uterus and not the tube? Dash and TTC how many betas did you guys get? two seems low I just want to talk to my dr. he knows whats up and is awsome this nurse is a tard! lol
Mommabrown welcome :) just like dash said i would not worry or stress its still very early for you and your probably still healing it took about 4-5 months after surgury for me to be truly back to normal i thought I was preggo a few times in the begining becasue of all the healing twinges. stay calm this will happen for you :)
faith how did the cleanse go you should be about done right?
Oh rats!!!!! I can't believe it! They did this to Dash, too! At least it's not Friday happened to Dash:( Ugh.... yes, and nurse sounds very ignorant when it comes to dealing with TR gals:wacko: My sister is a nurse and I mentioned that I would need to get my betas drawn every other day for 3 draws once I finally get my bfp...she was like.."why? We don't usually do that on any of our pregnant ladies..usually just an hcg to confirm pregnancy."...I guess there's just not enough of us around for them to know the protocol:shrug: anyway, I hope it's not a sleepless night for you:hugs: and THANK YOU for getting back with I can resume my day:haha: I'll be back bright and early to check on you:thumbup:
Oh rats!!!!! I can't believe it! They did this to Dash, too! At least it's not Friday happened to Dash:( Ugh.... yes, and nurse sounds very ignorant when it comes to dealing with TR gals:wacko: My sister is a nurse and I mentioned that I would need to get my betas drawn every other day for 3 draws once I finally get my bfp...she was like.."why? We don't usually do that on any of our pregnant ladies..usually just an hcg to confirm pregnancy."...I guess there's just not enough of us around for them to know the protocol:shrug: anyway, I hope it's not a sleepless night for you:hugs: and THANK YOU for getting back with I can resume my day:haha: I'll be back bright and early to check on you:thumbup:

:hugs:thanks so much faith :) I think your right they just want to group us into the same group as all preggo woman and thats not the case. I want to call in the am and let her know i need to be handled differently but i dont want to offend her. should I request a scan for 5 weeks or is that too soon?
Oh, and I'm still on phase 2 of the cleanse...I continue until af shows here ugly self. But it's been easy, very doable:coffee: Yesterday I started an online calorie counter/journal's great! I am terrible at knowing portions and calories...all I do is enter what I'm eating and they give the calories:thumbup: exercise, too! just enter the type and duration and they add it to the chart and remove the calories burned, from your total calories eaten for the day.( Fun so far! I weigh 144 and want to weigh 125 again, like I did before I got preggers with 2nd ds:winkwink: those extra lbs. just sneak up:( I keep trying to tell myself that the clothing manufactures are just making size 8 smaller than they used to:haha:
Oh, and I'm still on phase 2 of the cleanse...I continue until af shows here ugly self. But it's been easy, very doable:coffee: Yesterday I started an online calorie counter/journal's great! I am terrible at knowing portions and calories...all I do is enter what I'm eating and they give the calories:thumbup: exercise, too! just enter the type and duration and they add it to the chart and remove the calories burned, from your total calories eaten for the day.( Fun so far! I weigh 144 and want to weigh 125 again, like I did before I got preggers with 2nd ds:winkwink: those extra lbs. just sneak up:( I keep trying to tell myself that the clothing manufactures are just making size 8 smaller than they used to:haha:

lmao I weigh about that im clockin in at 139 these days ahhhhh! you go girl im so proud of you, I would have never lasted this long. hopefully af keeps herself out of your house for awhile, it was ttc,dash, me and now its someone else's turn soon we wil all be big fat pregnant girls :happydance:
Momma, I don't know what to tell you about the 5 week scan. I can't remember when Dash had hers...but I'm sure she'll chime in here soon! Doing a quick google search, it looks like 6 weeks is about when you can see baby's heartbeat and more than a sac, which is what 5 weeks might show. I know we are all concerned about looks like weeks 6 or 7 to week 10 is typical that an ectopic would rupture if not treated earlier. (again, this is internet searches) I know our TR sister Joanne on another thread decided not to get her betas done and just wait for the U/S...that sounds really long as you know you wouldn't have a rupture *if* the baby, sadly, was in the tube...anyway, none of that was helpful:( sorry
Momma, I don't know what to tell you about the 5 week scan. I can't remember when Dash had hers...but I'm sure she'll chime in here soon! Doing a quick google search, it looks like 6 weeks is about when you can see baby's heartbeat and more than a sac, which is what 5 weeks might show. I know we are all concerned about looks like weeks 6 or 7 to week 10 is typical that an ectopic would rupture if not treated earlier. (again, this is internet searches) I know our TR sister Joanne on another thread decided not to get her betas done and just wait for the U/S...that sounds really long as you know you wouldn't have a rupture *if* the baby, sadly, was in the tube...anyway, none of that was helpful:( sorry

lol thanks for looking out for me faith :) I def do not have the will power joanne has I think that would be the longest month ever lol im sure dash can fill me in :) I was looking back on our thread and noticed dash did'nt have sore bbs like she normaly has either so for all you symptom spotters look for non sore bbs lol im crampy and have scattered spurts of nausa but thatsit oh and tired lol but whos not?!?! anyways thanks again faith I hope dash chimes in soon
one more thing the nurse told me on the phone this morning she does'nt know why the dr. wants the betas and that they dont prove anything except your preggo and I just looked online and thats not true as long as they double it does rule it out becasue eptopics do rise but very slowly and then plateu! what a dumb ass
WOW how wonderful.. I am so happy for you. I can't wait to hear how your beta's are.
I feel like jumping up and down for you... WOOOHOOOOOOOOOO :)
As for me we are almost all moved. FINALY.. 3 weeks. Really OMG. I am sick of seeing boxes. I love my new house. We didn't TTC this month we were to tired. So onto next month.
Let me chime in on the tubal pregnancy. I was only 5 weeks and 6 days when I had emergency surgery. I was 4 weeks and 6 days when the pain started. I was told that because our tubes are put back together that they are narrower. Which is why we are more likely to have ectopic pregnancies. I would tell the nurse where to go and how to get there.. Becuase it is your right at a patient to ask her to do her job. Well you shouldn't really have to ask..LOL..
Let me chime in on the tubal pregnancy. I was only 5 weeks and 6 days when I had emergency surgery. I was 4 weeks and 6 days when the pain started. I was told that because our tubes are put back together that they are narrower. Which is why we are more likely to have ectopic pregnancies. I would tell the nurse where to go and how to get there.. Becuase it is your right at a patient to ask her to do her job. Well you shouldn't really have to ask..LOL..

thanks sweets that kinda how I feel I dont want to offend anyone but my health and my babies health is number 1 so I guess im going to have to put my big girl pants on and let her know i demand a us at 5 weeks!!! I hate being a pain but since she doesnt want to speak with the dr. and get the proper orders then I guess I have to be.
Lissa, good to hear from you! Wow! I didn't realize you had the rupture so early:( I guess the 6-10 weeks is out the window. I was ALMOST tempted *when* I get a bfp, to wait to do blood draws like Joanne..but hearing you say you were having pain at 4 + 6, and rupture at 5+6, never mind:nope: straight to the betas as soon as we get 2 pink lines:winkwink:

I'm glad you're finally done with the move, whew! that was a you can focus on other things:winkwink::haha:

Now where the heck is Tater...yoooohooooo, Taaaaaater, we have BIG NEWS over're missing it girl:)
Hey! Sorry you had to wait, haha. I only had 2 betas- bottom line, if its ectopic it WILL NOT double like it should AT ALL. So if your first numbers double, its NOT ectopic. No need for more tests. That's from my FS himself! I had a great nurse, and I'm sorry your not getting the same treatment. Ask to talk to the doctor directly, I am going to guess that nurse has yet to talk to her supervising doctor about your situation...which is seriously negligent. Sometimes nurses get cocky and think they know it all.

I had my ultrasound at 6w3d. There is really nothing to be seen before week 5, and heartbeat is visible sometime in week 6 but not always at the beginning of the week. Its really only a viability ultrasound- if you have pain in the beginning they will check for a swollen tube, but that is the only indicator anything is even there because the sac is so small it cant be detected by U/S.

And EP's usually present with pain during week 4, and they will typically rupture by the end of week 7, but usually in the 5th or 6th week.
Hey! Sorry you had to wait, haha. I only had 2 betas- bottom line, if its ectopic it WILL NOT double like it should AT ALL. So if your first numbers double, its NOT ectopic. No need for more tests. That's from my FS himself! I had a great nurse, and I'm sorry your not getting the same treatment. Ask to talk to the doctor directly, I am going to guess that nurse has yet to talk to her supervising doctor about your situation...which is seriously negligent. Sometimes nurses get cocky and think they know it all.

I had my ultrasound at 6w3d. There is really nothing to be seen before week 5, and heartbeat is visible sometime in week 6 but not always at the beginning of the week. Its really only a viability ultrasound- if you have pain in the beginning they will check for a swollen tube, but that is the only indicator anything is even there because the sac is so small it cant be detected by U/S.

And EP's usually present with pain during week 4, and they will typically rupture by the end of week 7, but usually in the 5th or 6th week.
I knew you would have the answers :) so I will try to get a 6 week us booked tomorrow when I call for my levels :) but i guess these levels dont mean much until we get the second levels back on wednesday:wacko: This is alot lol I cant wait to be at 12 weeks lol I will feel alot better about all of this :) or at least to get my scan and see the bambino and the heartbeat. sorry to be nutty guys I didnt think I would be sooo worried and not know the answers to my questions ugh! thanks you ladies your the best :hugs:
Hello Ladies! I am new to the whole forum thing but thought i could turn to people who are going through some of the same things i have been.I am 26 and have 3 amazing kids and was very young when i had my tubes tied after a C section. I had the Pomeroy method which is where they band you and the banded sections fall off. Well low and be hold i now only have a 2 1/2 cm long left tube and a 7 cm Right tube. My husband and I have been trying and even though we have only just began i am sorta like a crazy emotional roller coaster right now.I have a period due any day but have been feeling that maybe i could be pregnant and then i also have that huge doubt. Took a pregnancy test today and the test was invalid. No test line or husband suggests that i wait one more day for AF to come and then try to test again. I dunno am i getting over excited for something to happen that i haven't given time to work yet?

Welcome Momma brown.

The journey after a tr can be an emotional rollercoaster, just try to take each day as it comes, we are and have been poas addicts i think it's normal to test early we all do it lol and we all get impatient.

You've deffo come to the right place for a natter. :hugs:
so my betas are 77 and the nurse was very cold and said I think it might be eptopic that my numbers should be 500 or above for 4 weeks and i said i was only 13 dpo when the beta was drawn she said close enough! ugh
so my betas are 77 and the nurse was very cold and said I think it might be eptopic that my numbers should be 500 or above for 4 weeks and i said i was only 13 dpo when the beta was drawn she said close enough! ugh

Momma: Click on Dash's beta page link a few pages back and then 13 dpo....I'd say your betas look normal! Obviously I'm NOT a doctor but looking at that site, your numbers look fine to me! BESIDES, you weren't sure of your EXACT O day, right? Don't give in to worry!!!!!:hugs:
WHAT!? I was 13 DPO and my number was 72! YOU NEED A NEW DOCTOR! These people are freaking ignorant.
Here! Copied it from the site:

Day 13* -- 1268 Single Pregnancies Recorded
Beta range Number of Pregnancies in this range
1 - 1 (1)
1 - 3 (0)
3 - 6 (4)
6 - 12 (21)
12 - 22 (51)
22 - 41 (173)
41 - 77 (399)
77 - 144 (455)
144 - 270 (145)
270 - 503 (16)
503 - 937 (2)
937 - 1746 (1)
*Measured in Days Past Ovulation (DPO).

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