Trying To Conceive After Tubal Reversal

CDN I am so glad it is not in your tube. You are more fertile after a MC. I had an MC in November of 2006 and never got another period until September 2007. I O's about 13 days after my MC. Like dash said I have heard many girls say that about TR's and MC's. But you can still hope.
That's it NO MORE TEMPING for me this month. I am 3 DPO and I am not going to drive myself crazy.. LOL.. I had some major cramping and back ache last night. A few lil twinges down there. I was playing poker and praying that it could be implantion. While doing so I won the poker game. I think because I wasn't really paying attention to the game. I was more focused on how I was feeling. LOL.. FAITH AND HERBIE how is the TWW treating you all?
CD I wanted to say th same thing all the other girls said, so sorry for your loss no matter how early along it still hurts but yay to it not being ectopic then you dont have to worry even more about future ectopics :) And my sister had a mc after 3 years of trying and 2 months later she is preggo again so there is def. truth to the getting pregnant quick after mc :) keep your head up you sticky bean is around the corner :)

Sweets I hope what you were feling was implantation that would be awsome!!!! and yay to winning poker, did you win money?
Faith and herbie how ya feeling?

Afm Im still really sick the dr. gave me zofran and it helped the first day but that was about it :( im ok in the am but by afternoon Im super sick I feel like there is stuff in the back of my throat my actual stomach hurts and Im back to not pooping :( oh man 12 weeks hurry up!!!
That's it NO MORE TEMPING for me this month. I am 3 DPO and I am not going to drive myself crazy.. LOL.. I had some major cramping and back ache last night. A few lil twinges down there. I was playing poker and praying that it could be implantion. While doing so I won the poker game. I think because I wasn't really paying attention to the game. I was more focused on how I was feeling. LOL.. FAITH AND HERBIE how is the TWW treating you all?

I know, to temp or not to temp..... My gf said she just temps about 5 days before AF. Then she can see her temps still rise so she doesn't waste money on tests. If her temp drops, she knows she's out, every time. If it stays up the day AF is due, preggers. Maybe that would be an interesting "test";) And listen, I had weird twinges right after O and my friends told me I was freaking crazy. I told hubby we caught the bean and he said he was quite happy to keep practicing a few more months:blush: Treat yourself well this week...
CD I wanted to say th same thing all the other girls said, so sorry for your loss no matter how early along it still hurts but yay to it not being ectopic then you dont have to worry even more about future ectopics :) And my sister had a mc after 3 years of trying and 2 months later she is preggo again so there is def. truth to the getting pregnant quick after mc :) keep your head up you sticky bean is around the corner :)

Sweets I hope what you were feling was implantation that would be awsome!!!! and yay to winning poker, did you win money?
Faith and herbie how ya feeling?

Afm Im still really sick the dr. gave me zofran and it helped the first day but that was about it :( im ok in the am but by afternoon Im super sick I feel like there is stuff in the back of my throat my actual stomach hurts and Im back to not pooping :( oh man 12 weeks hurry up!!!

Thanks sweetie. Trust me, I didn't ever think I would be happy to hear miscarriage but it's sooo much better than facing the nightmare of a tubal. Praise God! Hope you're doing well and your little bean is nice and cozy. When is your next scan so we can see this little one??
:hugs: I'm so happy you don't have to have the shot! Aahhhh, I'm sorry though that your lo won't be able to stay:cry: as Dash mentioned...tragic but all too true...MC with tubal gals is a right of passage:shrug: (BTW, I conceived my dd the cycle following a MC:thumbup:)[/QUOTE]

Thanks doll. I'm ok, I promise. I can say it now because I thought it was bad chi to say it before but something didn't ever feel quite right with this pregnancy. Not mentally but physically. I kept pushing it away and thinking I was going to make something bad happen by thinking that my tummy just seemed wayyyyy too sore. All the time. Did I mention it stopped feeling sore this Monday. Just bam. Didn't hurt anymore. I kind of knew that probably meant the end but not feeling like I got punched was a bit of a relief! All of these years I have never had a MC. My mom said to have 4 pregnancies without one is a statistical miracle so at least I can feel relieved that I have "gotten it out of the way". Is that awful to say?? How are you feeling? Any twinges or cramping yet? Did you decide to temp this month? Keep me posted, I'm dying to know!
SO glad its not in the tube! Im sorry you dont really have the happy ending you hoped for, but it means you dont need the shot you didnt want.

When I first popped on this board I remember a discussion about miscarriage being a TR girl's right of passage after her surgery- that sounds terrible, but it does seem to be somewhat of a trend. It may not have happened to ME, but by no means are you alone in this.

Dash! Look at your baby! OMG, that's soooo amazing. It looks so developed now, like he's almost ready. Yes, I said it, he. Looks like a boy;) Thanks for your comments. I also heard that MC is very common after a TR in the early, early weeks. My best friend conceived two weeks after her MC. I remember asking me if she should go for it and I said, "if your body is ready for a baby, it will get pregnant". Well, her son is now five. Hope that will be me:)
so glad baby is"nt in your tube hun
but it"s still very upsetting your losing your lil bean....but you are more fertile after a m/c....i concieved my ds the month after:thumbup:
on a positive note....your tubes are working!!!! with no scarring etc[/QUOTE]

Thanks Herbie! How's your TTC going? Trying anything new and exciting this month?
That's it NO MORE TEMPING for me this month. I am 3 DPO and I am not going to drive myself crazy.. LOL.. I had some major cramping and back ache last night. A few lil twinges down there. I was playing poker and praying that it could be implantion. While doing so I won the poker game. I think because I wasn't really paying attention to the game. I was more focused on how I was feeling. LOL.. FAITH AND HERBIE how is the TWW treating you all?

really hope you get your BFP hunni
cd2 for me hun and its killing me!!!! lol
wish it would hurry up so we all know if it"s a BFP or BFN xxxxxxxxxxx
so glad baby is"nt in your tube hun
but it"s still very upsetting your losing your lil bean....but you are more fertile after a m/c....i concieved my ds the month after:thumbup:
on a positive note....your tubes are working!!!! with no scarring etc

Thanks Herbie! How's your TTC going? Trying anything new and exciting this month?[/QUOTE]

after losing my lil man in january i really thought i would have got a BFP by now :cry:wish it would hurry up!!! lol
i"m trying everything hun lol
are you ready!!!
EPO, maca, royal jelly, dhea, l-aritine, cq10 oh and prenatal vits and flaxseed oil(after ov) think that shud do it !!! lol xxxxxxx
so glad baby is"nt in your tube hun
but it"s still very upsetting your losing your lil bean....but you are more fertile after a m/c....i concieved my ds the month after:thumbup:
on a positive note....your tubes are working!!!! with no scarring etc

Thanks Herbie! How's your TTC going? Trying anything new and exciting this month?

after losing my lil man in january i really thought i would have got a BFP by now :cry:wish it would hurry up!!! lol
i"m trying everything hun lol
are you ready!!!
EPO, maca, royal jelly, dhea, l-aritine, cq10 oh and prenatal vits and flaxseed oil(after ov) think that shud do it !!! lol xxxxxxx[/QUOTE] Wow, that is alot! Have you tried Preseed? We did the month we got our bfp. I hope I have enough left for the next cycle. It's pretty pricey but worth it! I think I am also going to go for accupuncture after the M/C to realign. Good luck!
Momma: so sorry to hear that the MS is really getting the best of you:nope: as for the "no pooping"... it's amazing how being backed up puts toxins into our body and makes a person feel AWFUL! It would be interesting to know, if you could have regular BMs, if it would help with your extreme nausea and stomach pain:shrug: what could you take????? Are you drinking LOTS of water?...I've heard adding lemon slices to water can help keep you regular. I feel bad that you're so miserable:hugs:

Lissa: I hope your twinges are implantation:happydance:

CDN: Are you still spotting bright red today?

Herbie: You're taking lots of good supplements:thumbup: I hope it makes a difference for you:hugs: As CDN mentioned, pre-seed gets RAVE reviews:haha: we use it too!

AFM: Well, today is 5 dpo and when I wiped this AM, I had pinkish/lt. red streaked cm:shrug: what do you all suppose? I have NEVER had that happen after O time. I know *they* say IB usually occurs 7-10 after O, BUT us TR gals have shorter tubes and perhaps our fertalized egg makes its way down the tube faster than someone with full length tube...what do you suppose? OOOOHH it would be wonderful if it WAS IB:happydance: but I hate to get my hopes up:coffee:

Today I will clean my house, today I will clean my house, today I will clean my house.....ugh...I need to get rid of STUFF and I think it would make housework a whole lot easier:thumbup:
Morning girls!

Faith, that would be super exciting if it was IB :)

CDN, glad your feeling at peace (well, at peace as you can).

Momma- your doc should have told you that one of the biggest baddest side effects of Zofran is that it completely stops ANY movement of the bowels. I would take it once and not be able to "go" for 3 days. You should be taking extra fiber and perhaps a stool softener. I just quit taking it, it did not work for me- I felt great for 45 minutes after taking it then sicker the rest of the day than I would have without it.

AFM, first trimester BE GONE- lol. I am there, I am safer than I was weeks ago. And hopefully today my MS is as good as it was yesterday. Last night I started to feel a bit bad and took some of the new med the doc gave me. It made me SO SICK! My BP is very low, usually is, but at my appt thursday it was 90/52. So I got so violently ill last night that it made me light headed from the low BP and I passed out in the bathroom and hit my head on the toilet. Argh. So, yes, first tri be gone...and bring me some relief.
Dash, oh my gosh!!! You poor thing:cry: I really, really hope the worst is behind you:hugs: it does seem that magical 12 week mark makes a huge difference in MS. Wow! Did you have it this bad with your other babies?
so glad baby is"nt in your tube hun
but it"s still very upsetting your losing your lil bean....but you are more fertile after a m/c....i concieved my ds the month after:thumbup:
on a positive note....your tubes are working!!!! with no scarring etc

Thanks Herbie! How's your TTC going? Trying anything new and exciting this month?

after losing my lil man in january i really thought i would have got a BFP by now :cry:wish it would hurry up!!! lol
i"m trying everything hun lol
are you ready!!!
EPO, maca, royal jelly, dhea, l-aritine, cq10 oh and prenatal vits and flaxseed oil(after ov) think that shud do it !!! lol xxxxxxx
Wow, that is alot! Have you tried Preseed? We did the month we got our bfp. I hope I have enough left for the next cycle. It's pretty pricey but worth it! I think I am also going to go for accupuncture after the M/C to realign. Good luck![/QUOTE]

lol xx yeah we used that too!!!
not tried accupuncture it any good?
Morning girls!

Faith, that would be super exciting if it was IB :)

CDN, glad your feeling at peace (well, at peace as you can).

Momma- your doc should have told you that one of the biggest baddest side effects of Zofran is that it completely stops ANY movement of the bowels. I would take it once and not be able to "go" for 3 days. You should be taking extra fiber and perhaps a stool softener. I just quit taking it, it did not work for me- I felt great for 45 minutes after taking it then sicker the rest of the day than I would have without it.

AFM, first trimester BE GONE- lol. I am there, I am safer than I was weeks ago. And hopefully today my MS is as good as it was yesterday. Last night I started to feel a bit bad and took some of the new med the doc gave me. It made me SO SICK! My BP is very low, usually is, but at my appt thursday it was 90/52. So I got so violently ill last night that it made me light headed from the low BP and I passed out in the bathroom and hit my head on the toilet. Argh. So, yes, first tri be gone...and bring me some relief.

OMG Dash, that's terrible. You really need to take it easy. Any effects from the head hit? Geez, that's some scary stuff. Now, go get some rest! PS congrats for making it over the first trimester hump! That's fantastic!

lol xx yeah we used that too!!!
not tried accupuncture it any good?[/QUOTE]

Hard to say. I only did it once and truthfully, didn't feel any different. But now that I know what to expect, I may be more open to it. I'll let you know.
Faith first off I want to say omg I hope this is a great sign!!!! it sounds like implantaion to me :) and you know everyone is different so maybe implanting early is normal for you :) I will try the lemmon thing, drinking and eating is very hard for me so im probably not drinking enough :(
DAsh you poor girl hitting your head geeez are you ok? so far is your ms staying away today? yay for 2nd trimester you must feel so happy to get rid oof the first lol I know I will be thrilled when 2nd is here thats the feel good trimester :)
oh and I will start stool softners today hopefully they help
I know a lot of people who swear by acupuncture- one woman I know had acupuncture during both of her successful TTC cycles, but had one miscarriage on a cycle that she didn't have acupuncture with. She swears its what made the difference.

So far so good today. Had to lay down after breakfast, but I felt good enough to brush my teeth (its a big deal, lol). Im headed off to Farmer's Market with my daughter to buy some plants that I will surely kill before they produce anything :p

The reaction to the Reglan seems to have worn off. I do have a headache today from either hitting my head or being so violently sick, but Im sure its just fine- nothing else going on to be concerned about.

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