Trying to lose weight to help us conceive - 2013

I will join with yall ladies! Last night when my hubby was sleep I ate a bowl of chips and popcorn! I know it is horrible! Twenty minutes later I went to sleep. I have to get out of this bad habit. I have been drinking plenty of water today to curb my appetite. I also love the fast foods too! My hubby is bad also, When he eats fast foods he gets 2 double quarter pounder with cheese, and fries! He said today, it seems like everytime I eat 1 thing my stomach gets bigger! I told him that he need to lay off the pop and fast food. His response was I am going to try. Today he told me that he went to taco bell for lunch! I made him a healthy lunch: a sub, a apple, 2 ganola bars, with 2 fruit juices. He told me that he was not full from that! LOL! I have a treadmill in my living room but I am not getting on it until our air conditioner gets fixed! I will try my best not to eat nothing tonight!
frsttimemama - I think my issue with eating out is that I think well if I'm paying I want it to be nice, so I refuse to go for a salad or something equally healthy because I don't like salad. When Im dieting I just avoid eating out, I find it easier...but then you can't put your life on hold for a diet so I think I need to find a happy medium.

MomWife - its not easy when your hubby eats unhealthily, at the moment my hubby is going to the gym and eating better so thats really going to help, probably the only unhealthy thing we'll have in the house is biscuits so our son can have the occasional one. There have been plenty of times where I've been dieting and my hubby just eats rubbish, and despite him knowing full well that Im dieting he will try and encourage me to eat badly. One year when I had been dieting for a while, was doing sooooo well, had lost about 28 lbs and was going strong...for our anniversary he literally bought me a bag of chocolate, he went to Thorntons (a chocolate shop we have over here) and bought me a ton of different chocolates, literally filled a carrier bag. Not to seem ungrateful but I wasn't happy, he's so lazy I know why he did it, he went shopping it was the first shop he came to thought that will do and grabbed chocolate and went home. Pure laziness. Talk about sabotage.

I stand by my previous comments about my husband, if he supported me maybe I wouldn't be such an horrendous yo yo dieter.

I think we all need to focus on why we are doing this, so lets list our reasons...mine are:

To improve my PCOS symptoms
To help me conceive
To feel good about myself
To be healthier
To prove to myself that food doesn't have to rule me
To be a good role model to my son
And I need to be able to run around after my son, he's getting faster and faster lol :)
Cookie, I can agree with that! I'm not a huge fan of salad, but it is growing on me. I do prefer raw spinach to lettuce though.

Why I Want To Lose Weight:
--To help me conceive a healthy baby!
--To increase the odds of having a healthy pregnancy
--To help regulate my cycles (if they aren't)
--To be healthier and reduce my risk of things like diabetes and heart disease
--To help my blood pressure stay normal
--To look better and be more comfortable in my own skin

So I don't really understand how weight can fluctuate and increase when you eat less than the allotted calories.. not fair! Haha. Just saying.. :)
I'm such an idiot. In cd1 today, so feeling down anyway and in the middle of a run of night shifts, so instead of cooking something healthy, I ordered pizza for lunch! On the upside, I hardly ate yesterday and probably won't eat much during my night shift, but I'm still an idiot.

I'll be better tomorrow!
You aren't an idiot; you're just human. It's okay. We all have off days. And just because you ate pizza doesn't meant that you have to eat junk the rest of the day. And you're working.. I'm sure you'll burn some of it off. Hang in there and keep up the good work!
@Cookie, my husband is not a good diet buddy either! When I first met my husband I had just lost quite a bit of weight and was only 20lbs from my high school weight which was so good! But in the last two years I have gained it all back and then some. He's good though now a days because I tell him I won't get entirely undressed in front of him again until I lose weight. Haha, when I say I want to eat out and I know I'm not supposed to be, he actually tells me that he doesn't think I should. And I know, it's not because he wants me to be healthy haha he just misses nakedness, dork.

Okay, so I want to lose weight because...
-To look and feel better.
-To get my cycles back without having to stay on medicine.
-To get pregnant, have a healthy pregnancy, and a healthy baby.
-Cuter clothes, because, yes. I love clothes.
-To save money, because if it were not for eating out I'd never eat bad. I'm not even remotely a snacker or a sweet eater. And eating out a lot is expensive!

Okay so I still haven't started yet even though I keep saying I'm going to. See what I mean!? Anyway, when is/or has everyone already started?

For me it will be no carbs, no fruits, no dairy, no processed foods, drink lots of water, and try to have similar meals over and over. That's how I lost the weight before.

I'm considering putting up a before picture...!
You aren't an idiot; you're just human. It's okay. We all have off days. And just because you ate pizza doesn't meant that you have to eat junk the rest of the day. And you're working.. I'm sure you'll burn some of it off. Hang in there and keep up the good work!

AGREED! Not an idiot!
@PinkDragonFly you are not an idiot! I totally agree with frsttimemama.

My hubby ate some fast food this morning while I cooked a small breakfast for myself this morning. I did not do well last night since I had a small bowl of ice cream. I walked to the store today instead of driving, which is a great thing for me, but the heat was killing me. I wanted to go back home to get in my car and then drive to the store. My hubby daid before he went to work that he would lay off the fast food. I hope it can since it will be better for his health.

The reasons why I want to lose weight:

To have a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby
to look better in clothes
I do not want to keep wearing bigger clothes to hide my bad areas
To keep my blood pressure down
To be able to wear some of my clothes that I used to fit
To let my kids see that I am eating healthy
To be able to run longer than 3 minutes
To have more energy for my kids
Want to be comfortable when I am out in public

I am in the same boat as you are ladies, so I thought I'd join you, especially after reading pretty familiar things. Cookie, I ordered a similar meal replacement pack called Booosh because it was half price on groupon... I thought I'd give it a go and it had really good reviews. It's absolutely disgusting! :sick:

They must have paid the people who gave the good reviews. But then again, I also don't like slimfast etc. Because I paid 20 quid for it though, I will try and "indulge" myself with these shakes in the hope that it helps to loose weight at least. I have PCOS and tried forever to loose weight and instead I kept gaining 3 stone in the last 5 years. I started taking Metformin 1500 mg daily and after feeling bad for 2 weeks, I think it really helps now, I have hardly any cravings or snack attacks anymore which helps immensely and I feel that I have hardly any problems anymore to eat healthy. Have you ever considered asking your gp for metformin, cookie?

My plan of action> to eat as much fruit and veg as I like, no sugar, white bread, pasta... to walk half an hour - 1 hour a day or cycling, to throw the chocolate back in the face of my unsupportive boyfriend who keeps offering me unhealthy things :winkwink:

My reasons for loosing weight:
1. NOTHING FITS ME ANYMORE! :cry: I want to wear my lovely clothes again ...
2. to get pregnant and have a healthy pregnancy, fingers crossed
3. it would be lovely to have a cute bump instead of flabber, right?

So, new week, new luck! 3 1/2 kilogramms lost so far in the last 3 months (half a stone, 7 pounds) only 20 more to go, puh! Good luck to all of yous! Keep us updated about your strategies that help you loose some weight, pleaseee. :thumbup:
I have done SlimFast before, but not very successfully. I guess in my mind for those 200 calories I could have real food.. like a salad or sandwich or something. I have not eaten the best this weekend, but I haven't been as bad as I could be, either.. step at a time I suppose!
Kimbra - I agree slim fast is nasty...I did Cambridge and those packs were alright, I haven't tried a slim and save pack yet, I'm starting today so waiting til breakfast time to try one...the reviews were good but still you never know. I hadn't planned to be up quite this early, but my son thought 5.30am was a good time to get up. I don't agree agree with him, am knackered. I have pcos too, and lost a stone in 2 weeks doing Cambridge, but I did a total meal replacement diet with it, no evening meal and in doing the same again with slim and save. X
I only lost 1lb this week would have been more but i have been pretty lazy this weekend and feeling unwell, nevermind 1lb is still good :)
Still going in the right direction Nat, that's the main thing. Well done x
Thank you i think i am just going to keep my expectations to 1lb a week, the scale probably wont move once i start lifting weights and doing other stuff to tone up i will rely on measurements then to avoid disapointment x
Good job, Nat! Keep up the good work. Every little bit is a step in the right direction, even if it's just a little step! :)

Since last Monday, I have lost 7.2 pounds.. putting my grand total up to 33.4 pounds off. Yay! I'm sure it will stop coming off so quickly here pretty soon though. Only 6.6 pounds to my first goal, and 36.6 pounds to the next one! I'm ready to start exercising. I like to walk, and hubby and I just bought new bicycles last night. Neither of us had one, and we thought it sounded like fun to ride them together. It's something we can do together, and fun, and exercise. I'm game! :)
That's fantastic frsttimemama!! Well done you. Hope the cycling goes well...I have a bike, it hasn't left the garage since we moved to our current. Lol

I'm on day 1 of my diet, pretty hungry and I have a headache but mind over matter and all that...I will stick with it. X
Thank you both :)

frsttimemama that's a great achievement keep it up :) that sounds fun with the bike rides, i used to like going on bike rides, i might think about starting them again.

Cookie1979 i hate when i am hungry and i know i cant eat, but i rarely find myself hungry anymore, unless i have cravings or just one of them days where i feel i could eat and eat and wont get full, hopefully that headache goes away soon.

As for me i have only managed to consume 900 and odd calories today, not feeling hungry at all i usually aim for 1300. I still have over 3 hours before i will sleep so i might get hungry a bit later even though your not really supposed to eat late lol
Thanks! I sure hope we don't get the bikes and never ride them.. I might be a little ticked. He can have a vacation from riding bikes when I get pregnant because I already said I wouldn't be riding bikes when I do get pregnant. I could never take the risk to fall off. I'm not all that coordinated as it is.

Cookie, how does your diet work? Is it all shakes? Do you eat anything in conjunction with the shakes? Good luck and keep up the good work. Hope your headache goes away.

Natalie, I'm not sure it matters what time you eat? I suppose it just depends what you read.. I read somewhere that it's good to eat a little bed time snack because it helps keep blood sugars and metabolism level. True or not, I don't know! :)
Thanks! I sure hope we don't get the bikes and never ride them.. I might be a little ticked. He can have a vacation from riding bikes when I get pregnant because I already said I wouldn't be riding bikes when I do get pregnant. I could never take the risk to fall off. I'm not all that coordinated as it is.

Cookie, how does your diet work? Is it all shakes? Do you eat anything in conjunction with the shakes? Good luck and keep up the good work. Hope your headache goes away.

Natalie, I'm not sure it matters what time you eat? I suppose it just depends what you read.. I read somewhere that it's good to eat a little bed time snack because it helps keep blood sugars and metabolism level. True or not, I don't know! :)

I dont think i even remember how to ride a bike lol i'm going to have to have a practice ride, well i have had snacks on nightime and i dont think it has done me any harm, i managed to get a bowl of special k and a cereal bar, back to the gym tomorrow i cant wait to get back to it, i read exercise can help regulate periods so that along with diet hopefully will work for me :)
I lost a pound last week, now I hope I get to lose more than one pound this week. Last night I did not eat anything at night, but I had plenty of water which made me making bathroom trips in the middle of the night. I haven't walked on my treadmill since my asthma is bothering me a little bit, but hopefully I will this week. I think I should start with weights instead of getting on the treadmill. I am researching work out videos on YouTube. Hopefully tomorrow I will find the perfect workout for me. I will update you all tomorrow what video I find. Keep up the good work ladies!

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