ttc#1 9dpo need buddy for support

Hopefully that would be awesome to conceive around so many birthdays. Glad your hubby is keeping you on track. I was really hoping we would both get our bfps. Darn it.
Me too. Well fingers crossed for you. So any promising signs or symptoms yet?
Hungry even if I just ate, feeling like there is a rock in my stomach heavy and making me want to puke. But that's really it.
well fingers crossed. Told the hubby when he got home that I was going to stop drinking dr.pepper which is my addiction lol and start eating healthy no more fast food after af leaves and he looked at me like oh hell this is going to be fun lol cuz i get pissy when i haven't had caffeine lol
Yea I cut almost everything out but one cup of coffee a day. I used to be the ttc person I hated, the people that are like " ttc baby number one then after I get my bfp I'm going to quit smoking and drinking" but I finally quit smoking at the end of last cycle. I think that if its just caffeine you could probably limit yourself. Like you get 3 sodas a week or something like that. I heard cutting all the caffeine from your body is harmful. But caffeine can cause a short luteal phase as well. But I think I am just rambling. How is AF treating you?
af has been really weird i was light the first day then the second day it was enough to fill a regular tampon then after that it's just been light pink and watery almost so idk what the hell is going on with it. it was 4 days early and it's normally heavy the first three days then the last one or two days is just brownish red spotting i've never had clearish pink spotting so i have no clue what's going on down there. (sorry i know TMI) i'm still feeling :sick: and been biting the dh head off all day. i told him this morning i love you but i just want to punch you in your face he laughed and said really? lol. we went this morning and bought our first box of preseed so fingers crossed for next month testing.
Maybe it is a good thing seeing the hormones at work. You will definitely have to tell me how the preseed goes. I have been wanting to get it but I am so cheap I didn't want to spend the money. Lol I hope AF leaves soon so you can get back on the "horse". Lol. I am not the Squamish type so things that are somewhat normal for a female don't gross me out.
if you don't mind me asking how long did u smoke and how did you quit the husband and i both smoke and i can't seem to quit i have cut back but can't kick it completely. as soon as i see a :bfp: they're going in the trash but with all the stress ttc it's hard to drop the habit right now. i get super pissy when i don't smoke or i eat like a horse lol. hubby keeps saying he's going to quit but he smokes more at work then he does at home lol.
and they have preseed at walgreens for only 22 bucks the cheapest i found it online was 42 i think.
I smoked 9 years DH smoke something like 6 years and we have not had a smoke in three weeks. The thing that made it easier for me is beating out my husband lol he complained about not smoking the most. But we finished our packs and since then we had to retrain our habits. Like if you smoke after a meal go outside take deep breathes relax and get rid of ash trays most liters and matches but of course keep some for candles. What helped me is thinking of the advantages of being a nonsmoker like with ttc and shortness of breath, mucus, and omg the smell I never noticed the smell until I quit. What also helped me was proving myself to others like my step dad who said he was gonna quit when my little sis was born 4 years ago and now he is doing e cigs and I found it to be awesome that I could do it cold turkey for my DH and myself and he couldn't do it for his wife and two daughters. Lol I think I am rambling and not making much sense lol. Quitting was hard before I quit. The thought of going with out a smoke was worse then actually going with out a smoke. If you have to work up to quitting start taking breather breaks instead of smoke breaks where you would usually smoke. After a meal, after you wake up, before bed, and the freaking hardest for me was after sex. And for the stress of ttc find your outlet this forum is my outlet of stress when I can not go to my husband. If both of you can use each other to quit it really helps.
i'll have to try something because if changing my eating habits and caffiene habits don't help then it's smoking that's the big problem. i'll talk to my husband about it and see what he says but he will probably have to tie me up in a closet for the first week cuz i get moody as hell when i don't smoke. lol but at this point i'm willing to try anything.
For me going though the first of all my triggers were hard but getting over that helps a lot.
Haha yea. Oh DH told me to tell you, "It would probably be impossible for you to quit if DH doesn't quit with you." It's what always dragged me down before.
i believe he would quit with me cuz he's talked about quitting in the past but i told him no cuz i was afraid we would be at each others throats cuz he gets pissy too when he doesn't have a cigarette. he's fixing to be starting a new job so i think that will help a lot cuz he is under so much stress at the job he works now so he smokes more.
Hi Ladies! I came across your thread and low and behold....other smokers! I have not told anyone else on here that DH and I both smoke. We have been smokers to over 5 yrs. I know WE need to quit but it is really so hard! I wish you both the best of luck! DH is also overweight and I worry about that hindering our ability to conceive. I would like to join your group! Hope that is ok!
Not a problem I didn't really tell people because I hated myself for not quitting earlier. But it's been three weeks some of it a struggle but you have to want to quit to be able to quit. Oh big thing is to avoid smokers and gas stations lol.
talked to the hubby today and told him i wanted to stop smoking and he looked at me like i was batshit crazy lmao. he said "so i have to deal with you the picky eater eating healthy, not drinking your crack (dr.pepper) and now your going to stop smoking too call my parents now and make funeral arrangements cuz your going to kill me" i was laughing so hard i couldn't breath. i told him it will take baby steps but i'm going to try. kit cat how long have u and ur dh been trying for if u don't mind me asking?
Wow that's awesome. I gotta say you are ballsy lol. I don't know if I could have even decided to change three things.
i'm going to try don't know how well it's going to go but it's worth it to increase my chances of the bfp

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