Yeah same here, what kind of pains are they? I get weird pains all the time at the moment, they seem to go on a week before O and a week after so I could never work out the day of O just from pains like some can! Hopefully it's a good sign for you this time anyway!
Oh and Sarah, I'm up in North Yorks!
Ahh, im in Sheffield
Hmm...the pain you are getting before could well be caused by the growing little cysts on the ovary that will then mature and one will pop and release the most mature egg. As for the pain after...I was getting cramping post ovulation for a while too and after I consulted Dr Google I was amazed to find that our tubes contract post ovulation and sort of pulsate for a few days to help the egg make its way to the womb. Id never known that before but apparently lots of post ov cramping (specially in that first week), can be attributed to that!
Ah thanks for that, kind of makes sense! Good old Dr Google! I'm trying to avoid consulting with him anymore after a long spell of scaring myself with everything I ask resulting in nothing but a list of numerous diseases! I gave up the other day and consulted my NHS app instead, and it told me to call 999 immediately!!! I give up lol xx