TTC #1 and over 30

Need some advice please ladies - panicking!
I've been continuing with opks since my surge 9 days ago (as its the first month using them and just want to make sure i dont get a second surge)and just now I got a quite obvious line but its definitely not positive its like the one i got just over a day before my surge. I pee'd at 7:30 when I woke then did this at 9:30 so only 2hrs holding pee and it was dilute as i'd had a cup of tea when I woke, almost clear.
What do you think?What do I do? HELP!!
Good luck catching the egg luna!

Im just waiting now for the witch to actually show her face! Wish she would just get a move on so could get onto the next cycle...for some reason my LP seems to get longer by a day every month - very strange....ive gone from 11 to 14 now!

On the plus side, its my birthday next week and now i'll be having a couple glasses of wine to celebrate!

Aww hun, im sorry that the witch hit you this last cycle :( :hugs:

Ive taken a look at your charts and can see that theres been a gentle increase on the LP. Its not unusual though for LP to change by a day or two. I did notice though that on one of your charts you had a temp that could have altered your ovulation day by one.

Were you on BC before you started your charts on FF? Sometimes it just takes a while for the body to really settle down into handling hormones in the right way after coming off the it might be that your cycles are now settling into the right rythym for you if that is the case.

Hi Hun, thanks for looking! I have been off bc since the start if the year but wondered if the increase could be to do with vit b in conception meds? I also started taking b complex too...
Newbie - many people stop temping after they confirm O for that very reason. It's super frustrating!!!! My chart the cycle BEFORE I got my BFP looked stellar and AF arrived and then my BFP cycle it looked 'ok'. I'm sorry the damn :witch: got you! :hugs: I really hope this cycle is the one for you!! And happy birthday!! :kiss:

Baking - yay for a normal SA!!! Now you can BD with more confidence :hugs: One thing I was religious about my BFP cycle was remaining on my back with my butt propped on a pillow and feet up on the wall for at least 15 minutes after each BD. Then, on the night of +OPK and the day after, I stayed like that for 30 minutes. I know it's supposedly an old wive's tale but perhaps that did the trick for me! Something to think about…GL to you this cycle! FX :hugs:

Lily - I hope the softcups do the trick for you this cycle!!!! Everything crossed :hugs:

Peoples - I was on BCP for 15 years until this past December. I don't know if I started ovulating right away as I didn't start temping until April. When I did temp, I did see signs of ovulation but I didn't get my BFP until June. So took me about 6 mos to get preggers. Also, I started temping as soon as I got my thermometer to get in the habit of it. Make sure to temp at the same time each day and in the same heat pocket (either left or right side of tongue). Hang in there! And GL :hugs:

pbl - your hair looks great! You've inspired me to get my toosh to my hair salon…I'm LONG overdue for a cut!

WOW this thread moves fast these days!!!! I can barely keep up so I apologize for anyone I have missed. BUT I'm thinking of each of you and hoping and praying that you will join us on the Expecting thread asap.
:hug: to all of you!!!!!
thanks mrs chezek, really hope it happens for us soon!
Need some advice please ladies - panicking!
I've been continuing with opks since my surge 9 days ago (as its the first month using them and just want to make sure i dont get a second surge)and just now I got a quite obvious line but its definitely not positive its like the one i got just over a day before my surge. I pee'd at 7:30 when I woke then did this at 9:30 so only 2hrs holding pee and it was dilute as i'd had a cup of tea when I woke, almost clear.
What do you think?What do I do? HELP!!

So you think you might be 8/9 dpo? Sometimes people get +opks when they are pg....fx for ou Hun!

Dh and I have decided to book a holiday to Italy for January thus year...we were tossing up whether it wouldn't be a good idea if pg, but really, life can't stop when just trying! So stuff it. Italy here we come!!!
Poppy-opk's become positive when you're pregnant...your signs sound very very positive but wait until 12 DPO to test!

newbie-yay for continuing to live your life-we are doing that and going to Paris in October-booked the tix after :af: came last April and now it's so close, we're still not pg and I'm so glad we made this plan! I've also been enjoying restaurants, wine, cocktails, traveling and all the things that come with the pre-baby lifestyle-it seems to be what every pg friend recommends and I'm taking their advice!

Clarky-what's up???

AFM-think I'm gonna ovulate very soon-we shall see...more preseed last night-turns out dh likes it :blush: But perhaps more exciting is that my older sis is in labor and I'm heading to the hospital at some point today to help my niece get born!! Wish us luck!

Xoxoxo xoxoxo and :dust:
Poppy-opk's become positive when you're pregnant...your signs sound very very positive but wait until 12 DPO to test!

newbie-yay for continuing to live your life-we are doing that and going to Paris in October-booked the tix after :af: came last April and now it's so close, we're still not pg and I'm so glad we made this plan! I've also been enjoying restaurants, wine, cocktails, traveling and all the things that come with the pre-baby lifestyle-it seems to be what every pg friend recommends and I'm taking their advice!

Clarky-what's up???

AFM-think I'm gonna ovulate very soon-we shall see...more preseed last night-turns out dh likes it :blush: But perhaps more exciting is that my older sis is in labor and I'm heading to the hospital at some point today to help my niece get born!! Wish us luck!

Xoxoxo xoxoxo and :dust:

Congrats on being an aunty!! I heard once that holding newborn babies help with O, prob an old wives tale but get cuddling!!

My opk wasnt positive but it was fairly noticeable and I just googled it and most sites say it needs to be positive to show pregnancy so not hopeful. :-( I'm going to try another later today to compare them. ic's are good for poas addiction!!

I'm going to wait until 12dpo to test even though SMEP says 15dpo I cant wait that long!!

Poppy, I've read a lot that you can't always compare one OPK against another as there are so many factors that the colour of the line depends on, such as the difference in the amount of dye in each test, and how dilute you urine is etc, and they can't really be relied on for fade in or out like HPTs. I think they can just add to the confusion so I took the advice I read somewhere of stopping as soon as I got my positive, but I was able to see the temp spike and shift on my chart to know I didn't need to keep checking for another surge. I totally get the POAS thing though when you're just waiting to test!
Good morning! Lots going on here.

Poppy - sounds promising! FX for you!

Clarkey - Congrats! :dance: Hope it sticks!!!

Loukachu - Sorry it's a loooooooooooooooon cycle. Hopefully the O will come soon! This month the waiting to O seemed worse to me than the TWW. I guess it all kind of wears on you, and as pilot said, there's a lot more waiting and worrying to come after the BFP.

bubbles - Good luck on a quick O! Stay away from the Google in the interim.

Vegan - Looks like you just a temp dip! Hope that means your O is here! Have fun :sex:

Newbie - Oooooooooh! A holiday in Italy sounds amazing. We were talking about going somewhere warm and sunny over the winter holidays, but we've decided to host the family Christmas (no one is particularly religious, but there will be a tree and gifts and such) this year. I'm actually super excited--feels like a big mark of being grown up! But Italy still sounds WAY better!

I'm sure I'm forgetting some folks. Sorry, and :hi: to everyone!

AFM, I'm still in TWW limbo. I have to confess I've gotten a bit hopeful about this one. And here's an odd thing: I've had way more symptoms than usual this month, but I have fewer now. I wandered on over to (symptom spotting is fun!), and noticed that the frequency of symptoms seems to peak around 8-10 dpo:
Does this seem odd to anyone? Doesn't it seem like symptoms should increase, not fade after that time? Or are all these symptoms related to the initial conception and implantation, and then your body adjusts for a while? I find this a little confusing. :wacko: I'd love to hear your thoughts.

I'm probably just getting my hopes up, only to have them dashed. Sigh. I haven't figured out how to avoid that, though.

:dust: to everyone!
Poppy it's generally recommended to stop opks once you get a positive because lh does fluctuate throughout your cycle, either way I hope it's a good sign for you :)

Lily woo for o! My eggie should be here tomorrow or Sunday :)

Newbie yay for booking vacation, you really can't wait around just because you are ttc.

Lou where have you been???

Pbl symptom spotting is the worst! I've had them all at some time, hope yours are the real thing :)
Yikes! I missed so much - sorry if I don't reply to everything!

welcome to all the new ladies :)

hugs to eveyone that af got. Hopefully this cycle is it.

clarky - good luck for late implantation. It must be toture waiting to find out. Let us know as soon as you do please.

newbie - italy sounds amazing and romantic. If you haven't already got that bfp then it would be a great place to conceive.

vegan - congrates on becoming an aunt! I've also heard that newborns can ''call'' other babies. No scientific proof at all but if the placebo fits...

good luck for anyone waiting to O or test.

afm - just finished our doctor prescribed 4 day bd marathon (u/s showed that I was likely to O soon). Freaking out about twins because I had O pains both sides but doc didn't seem worried. During the scan. Now just settling into the 2ww.
Thanks luna - same to you. Are you just about to O? Not so good at reading charts
Good morning! Lots going on here.

Poppy - sounds promising! FX for you!

Clarkey - Congrats! :dance: Hope it sticks!!!

Loukachu - Sorry it's a loooooooooooooooon cycle. Hopefully the O will come soon! This month the waiting to O seemed worse to me than the TWW. I guess it all kind of wears on you, and as pilot said, there's a lot more waiting and worrying to come after the BFP.

bubbles - Good luck on a quick O! Stay away from the Google in the interim.

Vegan - Looks like you just a temp dip! Hope that means your O is here! Have fun :sex:

Newbie - Oooooooooh! A holiday in Italy sounds amazing. We were talking about going somewhere warm and sunny over the winter holidays, but we've decided to host the family Christmas (no one is particularly religious, but there will be a tree and gifts and such) this year. I'm actually super excited--feels like a big mark of being grown up! But Italy still sounds WAY better!

I'm sure I'm forgetting some folks. Sorry, and :hi: to everyone!

AFM, I'm still in TWW limbo. I have to confess I've gotten a bit hopeful about this one. And here's an odd thing: I've had way more symptoms than usual this month, but I have fewer now. I wandered on over to (symptom spotting is fun!), and noticed that the frequency of symptoms seems to peak around 8-10 dpo:
Does this seem odd to anyone? Doesn't it seem like symptoms should increase, not fade after that time? Or are all these symptoms related to the initial conception and implantation, and then your body adjusts for a while? I find this a little confusing. :wacko: I'd love to hear your thoughts.

I'm probably just getting my hopes up, only to have them dashed. Sigh. I haven't figured out how to avoid that, though.

:dust: to everyone!

When are you testing pbl?
Good morning, Newbie!

I'm testing tomorrow or Sunday, and I can't seem to decide. My abdomen is feeling very odd today--something between stomach upset and other weirdness (sorry if TMI). I can't tell if it's something I ate, or from the progesterone I've been using the past few days (I caved on this--can't remember if I discussed on this thread or not), or if it's AF on her way. :wacko:

Good luck to Zee and Luna!!!! Zee, one woman on another thread was told by her doc to BD 3X a day during her fertile period!!! Whew! There's no way I could handle that.

Happy weekend to everyone!
Good luck zeez with your TWW, and Luna with O, hope you're busy BDing! :)

Apologies in advance for another rant (I seriously am not a ranted normally, and I know I just had a similar one on the thread a few days ago!), but I've been feeling a little bit down today for various reasons, including TTC worries. We were expecting a couple of friends round with their two kids for tea, and I joked with DH before they arrived that we should make a bet on how long it took the female friend to ask if I was pregnant or TTC yet. She's one of our many friends who got pregnant without trying, twice, and has no idea how difficult TTC can be for others, or how insensitive it is to repeatedly ask someone if they're pregnant as if anyone can just get pregnant whenever they want like she was lucky to be able to.
Anyway things were going ok and I thought maybe she wouldn't mention it for a change, but then before I knew it she had had a rant about how horrific her labour was, in very graphic and unnecessary detail, how much hard work it is having children, various other baby related rants, and then asked me if I'm TTC yet. AAARGH!! And this was followed by the highly awkward and inappropriate announcement that she thinks all our group of friends kids (a lot now have boys all around a year old) will masterbate thinking of me when they're teenagers. WTF?!?!?!?!?!!

All this after I'd just got over a crap day yesterday, when the DH of my friend who just gave birth a couple of weeks ago bumped into me at work on his first day back from paternity leave, and first thing he asked was 'when are you going to have a baby?' FOR THE LOVE OF GOD IF ONLY I KNEW!!

Rant over again, thanks for your time :)
Good morning, Newbie!

I'm testing tomorrow or Sunday, and I can't seem to decide. My abdomen is feeling very odd today--something between stomach upset and other weirdness (sorry if TMI). I can't tell if it's something I ate, or from the progesterone I've been using the past few days (I caved on this--can't remember if I discussed on this thread or not), or if it's AF on her way. :wacko:

Good luck to Zee and Luna!!!! Zee, one woman on another thread was told by her doc to BD 3X a day during her fertile period!!! Whew! There's no way I could handle that.

Happy weekend to everyone!

Good luck for when you decide to test! (Sorry I missed your post mid virtual tantrum!)
I couldn't handle the BD 3x a day either, I sometimes can't really handle it 3x a week never mind a day!
...actually my rant wasn't over, I forgot to mention the insensitive female friend also had a rant about her younger sister, who has been TTC for a couple of years now with no luck, and has been in and out of hospital for a while now with various issues and having all kinds of tests and operations, and has just had a laparoscopy and been told she possibly has endometriosis. It makes me so mad she has the cheek to rant about it all when she has no idea what her sister is going through, or even what anyone who has to do more than just look at a man to get pregnant is going through, never mind someone who is having a really rough time with it, who should be able to rely on sympathy and support from her!

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