Who is testing next? Keep th bfp coming
I never got a pos opk but I wasn't consistent with using them-I've actually only ever gotten a positive opk once!
I am Loukachu - 11dpo so getting nervous. I'm really tired again today, could go back to sleep and only been awake 2 hours!!
Good luck Poppy!
I'm annoyed today as I think O has arrived earlier than expected, which is good for a shorter cycle, but I'm pretty sure my BD timing was rubbish. Was planning to keep the every day marathon going a few days before O dammit.
Good luck Poppy!
I'm annoyed today as I think O has arrived earlier than expected, which is good for a shorter cycle, but I'm pretty sure my BD timing was rubbish. Was planning to keep the every day marathon going a few days before O dammit.
You got BD in before O which is the most important thing. It only takes one time to hit the jackpot! Keep up th bd to be on the safe side.
Fx for you! Xx
Thanks ladies, just not feeling very confident about it as things didn't go to plan, I've been waiting three weeks to carry out my action plan this cycle and it's all happened too quick! Also didn't really get a temp spike this morning like last cycle, just a slight increase. I really don't seem to get much time between my positive OPK and FF saying I've ovulated, it usually shows is as the same day as the OPK but if that isn't til 11pm that would mean I ovulated before the positive OPK?! I'm hoping the slight increase rather than spike might mean it's happening today, DH has suggested BD today but I feel like its too late once the temp increase has happened, he's at work all day and then his mum is coming to visit so it won't be til late evening if we get chance!
Hi all!! Sorry for not posting earlier, just been busy all weekend!! But, my blood work came back as HCG 42, up from 8 in 48 hours...sooo I am pregnant!!!Im waiting to have more blood work on Tuesday as the clinic is closed today. i keep testing of course as it doesnt seem real and its getting darker everyday!!
I have been TTC for 13 months and this was my first month of using clomid 50mg day 3-7 and had an IUI on day 13. i also started progesterone supps first day after my IUI as i always spot during my cycle. I have to say dont give up and it will happen. I have waited to see those two lines show up which feels like forever and never thought I would. Honestly i tested on the day i was suppose to get my blood work done (11-12DPO) and the line didnt show up so i knew i wasnt pregnant...but then the call came as HCG at 8..when i checked the test when i got home there was the faintest line there but after the timeframe.
I really thought i wasnt pregnant as i didnt have any symptoms so dont worry girls, it can happen. Bbs werent really sore, wasnt tired, didnt pee a lot, wasnt hungry or thirsty. The only thing was I usually get bad period cramps but I only had slight cramping and twinges, i did feel a little constipated though. Over the last day or so my bbs feel a little bigger but still not overly sore, im little more tired today and still some cramping.
I have faith you will all see those two little lines like i did!! I will also keep checking back and hoping to see more!!
Good luck Poppy!
I'm annoyed today as I think O has arrived earlier than expected, which is good for a shorter cycle, but I'm pretty sure my BD timing was rubbish. Was planning to keep the every day marathon going a few days before O dammit.
Good luck Poppy!
I'm annoyed today as I think O has arrived earlier than expected, which is good for a shorter cycle, but I'm pretty sure my BD timing was rubbish. Was planning to keep the every day marathon going a few days before O dammit.
I'm kinda worried myself, my temp should have dipped today and it stayed pretty much the same as the previous days. My cm seems almost gone this morning but we'll see. I still have a bunch of days to bd so hopefully that eggy will drop soon.