Hi Mommy, and welcome to the thread! I just wanted to throw in that this past month was the first time that I took guaifenesin, and it made a HUGE difference. If you don't think you're producing enough EWCM, like I wasn't, then it could help. We also used preseed, just to be sure. Maybe you're already doing these things, so sorry if I'm being officious.
Good luck to those of you trying to catch the egg!!!
I also just want to say that you should all try to be as productive as you possibly can right now. The fatigue that I'm experiencing is NOT messing around! Seriously, I can barely keep my eyes open, even though I'm out like a light all night long (unusual for me). I'm also trying to reduce my caffeine intake (stopped coffee when TTC and moved to tea, now I'm trying to go from 2 cup caffeinated to 1). This is a baaaaaaaaaaad combination. Combine this with my total distraction, and I'm basically a worthless worker right now, and classes start in a week, so this is bad! In other news, I went to the doc today for a prog test (not spotting right now, but still nervous), and they reran the pg test. I'm still pregnant, and I actually even cried when they told me, even though I already knew.
Anyway. Bubbles, perhaps you should go surprise hubby at work?

They say DTD on O day can actually be a good thing!