TTC #1 and over 30

Bubbles I'd done some research and had quite a lot of the symptoms although I'm not really overweight. When I went to see the doctor I told him my concern was that I had pcos and not that we were TTC. This convinced him to test me and once diagnosed with pcos they referred us to the fs I think this meant we were referred a lot quicker than a couple who just said they were TTC. A lot of docs will say 2 years TTC is normal and if your a little overweight try to lose weight before they even consider any tests! How long we're you on BC for?

I'm not overweight at all, and I don't think I have many of the classic symptoms of PCOS but for some reason it sticks in my mind. I was on BCP for two years before TTC, I've always had regular breaks from it as I didn't want to take it long term and then struggle to get my cycles back on track. I just don't feel like I've got 2 years to sit around waiting to be able to seek help if it gets that far, I'm nearly 31 and was hoping to have my family compete by 35!
Have your cycles on breaks always been regular? I think your probably worrying for no reason :) x
Have your cycles on breaks always been regular? I think your probably worrying for no reason :) x

As far as I can remember they have, you're probably right. I'm just trying to find an explanation for my all over the place charts!

How are things going with you x
Have your cycles on breaks always been regular? I think your probably worrying for no reason :) x

As far as I can remember they have, you're probably right. I'm just trying to find an explanation for my all over the place charts!

How are things going with you x

CD10 for me lots of hot flushes with the clomid and got a headache today but other than that all good. I'm sure you have nothing to worry about. It's funny you spend your whole life trying not to get pregnant and then as soon as you want to you can't! I never imagined it would be this hard ever!
Have your cycles on breaks always been regular? I think your probably worrying for no reason :) x

As far as I can remember they have, you're probably right. I'm just trying to find an explanation for my all over the place charts!

How are things going with you x

CD10 for me lots of hot flushes with the clomid and got a headache today but other than that all good. I'm sure you have nothing to worry about. It's funny you spend your whole life trying not to get pregnant and then as soon as you want to you can't! I never imagined it would be this hard ever!

Yeah that thought drives me mad at the moment, I was always so paranoid about getting pregnant when I was younger, I used to use BCP and condoms and still worry! They make it sound like it's so easy and can happen anytime, i now realise it would've probably been quite easy to avoid getting pregnant without using any form of contraception!
Oh PBL....i am so sorry to hear this, i have everything crossed that it isnt the case and that bean is hanging in there hun xxx

Luna - sounds FAB! Esp if sore bbs isnt normal for you! I reckon this could be your month hun!!!

Lou I hope you are hanging in there too and that the :witch: is staying away!

How is everyone elses tww going? It would seem that I am about to join you ladies...

My opk didnt turn positive until today, but i also had a big temp spike with my v temps, but not so much with my oral temps!!!! In fact, no spike at all with my o temps...anyways, time will tell for me...

I hope everyone is having a good week x
Oh, ladies! BFP land is so wrenching! Everyone over on the first trimester forum is constantly freaking out about possibly miscarrying, and it's nearly impossible to not worry about it. There are actually a fair number described over there, and one never knows whether to read or stay the heck away.

I had a not insubstantial amount of spotting today, and pretty much sprinted over to the ObGyn in hysterics. They said it could still all be fine and that my cervix looked fully closed, but the ultrasound was inconclusive. I looked pregnant, but they couldn't locate the gestational sac, which apparently isn't unusual for 5 1/2 weeks, and the lab had closed so I couldn't get blood tests done. So, maybe I'm miscarrying, and maybe I'm totally freaking out for nothing. Either way, I'm a total wreck. I can't even imagine what I would have done if this had happened tomorrow when I'm supposed to be teaching. I guess you have to go through this phase to get to the end goal, but it's no picnic.

Anyway, I don't mean to rain on anyone's parade, but I needed to share.

I have my fingers and toes crossed for all you TWW ladies. I've been stalking!

Bubbles, I've always heard it can take a few months for your cycle to sort itself out after BC. I hope yours settles quickly, or better yet this is your month!

Lou, still sounds promising!

Welcome, Natasha, and :dust: to you!

Gypsy, keep us posted. Especially about what sounds like potential wedding bells!!!

:hugs: to everyone!

Pbl, I hope your doing ok:hugs: I kknow this trimester is stressful and I also worry about having a miscarriage as my levels are still on the low side. Maybe your progesterone is low? That causes spotting and i know a lot of people that have spotted during the first trimester. i am also trying to relax but it is hard. Thinking and praying everything is ok with you:hugs:

I hope everyone else is doing well in the TWW!!! Looking forward to seeing more :bfp: :hugs:
Pbl....hang in there! Have faith in your little bean. :flower: :dust::dust::dust:

I am currently in CD 13, of this craziness we put ourselves through monthly! I still have not gotten a positive OPK, but I normally do not until CD 16. This TWW may be the death of me!

I hope everyone is doing well and :dust: to you all!
Hi ladies, not sure if you remember me...but I am back in this thread from the expecting thread. I unfortunately miscarried my precious baby at 7 weeks. That was about 5 and a half weeks ago and I haven't been able to read any of these threads until now. It was a natural miscarriage so the Docs said there is no reason to wait unless I dont feel emotionally ready. As it took us a year to fall pregnant the first time we didn't want to waste anymore time so have been continuing bd without any protection. I am still waiting for my period to come and I have only just stopped getting positive tests in the last few days, so hopefully af is on it's way so that I can see where I am in my cycles again.
How are all of you ladies doing? Sounds like there are a lot of you in the 2ww!!! How exciting!
Pbl...I am sure everything will be fine for you! Bleeding is very common in pregnancy...if you have any questions, feel free to ask me. Sending lots of prayers your way that your bean sticks!
Baby dust to all of you
Hi all,

babysa - so sorry to hear about your loss. I know its terrible circumstances but welcome back.

Pbl - sending you tons of positive thoughts for a sticky bean.

gypsy - sorry about your ex but an august wedding sounds lovely.

Natasha - welcome. I've got pcos too and this was my first (failed) round of clomid. Are you taking it at night? I've read it helps with symptoms

Bubble - ask for the bloods. It doesn't hurt to know even if it isn't pcos it can put your worries to rest

newbie - really impressed with how fit you are. Keep up the good work and you'll be an wonderful role model to your little one (at me!)

how is evryone else doing? And when are you testing?

afm - bloods came back that I didn't even O on the clomid. Threw me a bit since I was convinced I had. Now I need to wait for af before I can go back and no idea when that will be. Back to BDing for me.
Pbl-please keep us posted and hoping for your sticky bean.

babysa-I'm so sorry about your loss-I can see how coming here would be hard. We are here for you and praying for your next bfp to come swiftly and be sticky. :hugs:

Newbie-yeah I'd guess you ovulated or are going to today-good job! :thumbup:

How are my 2ww buddies? Nothing much is happening with me at only 5dpo other than extreme irritability but I think that is due to a million things unrelated to ttc. Not feeling much in the way of symptoms but working hard not to spot them either. Party doesn't really get started until after 8dpo or so anyway (in my experience) but I'll continue to lurk around here waiting for this thread to explode with some :bfp:! This cycle for various reasons I'll actually be just as happy with a bfn, in part because of a trip in early October that would otherwise involve lots of wine and champagne!
So I have gone to RE yesterday....and left crying…I have just recently started seeing RE…before that I was prescribed Clomid for 5 months and it did not work for me…it has actually messed me up…I only had 21 day progesterone check with it and no ultra sounds….so when I have seen RE he has told me to get my CD 3 blood work done and I was scheduled for ultra sound to make sure things are going on no cysts and such…well my blood work showed that now I have hypothyroidism…I believe Clomid caused that since my thyroid was fine when they did blood work a year ago…RE said “probably” not but who knows…so now I am on meds for that…also my blood work showed that I have low egg reserve…he did not explain much just said he did not expect to see that in the women my age (34) and has sent me for more blood work…not really explained what that means…I goggled it and I should have known better then to do that…anyhow u/s showed two cysts that RE referred as “huge” when he was talking to resident student…I was like what do you mean huge…He said about 5mm or 6mm anyway again I have no idea what that means…all I know now is that I have waited $140.00 on Femara this month as I have already taken it since he has gave it to me because he did not anticipate this many problems as he considers me to be young ..also I have to get my thyroid under control and am going for another u/s in October to see if the cysts are gone…he believes it was from Clomid and is hoping they will go away if not I have to go back on birth control…WHAT !!!!!!!!!!!!!...birth control but I do not have time for that time is ticking …I JUST WANT A BABY…Is that to much to ask for…I swear this is turning into a nightmare…o yea and as I was leaving there was a lady in the car with an infant that was chewing on a cigarette pack…REALLY!!!! What in the world is going on…anyway thanks for letting me vent…I am just very tired and existed…all I want to do is curl up in a ball and cry but got to work…I hope beach trip in September will help me relax some and forget about all this…GL to all of you and I will check once in a while to see those BFP’s…
Pbl, I hope your bean is hanging in there. Keep us posted, hon.

Babysa, I am so so sorry for your loss. :hugs: I can imagine how hard it was to come back here. Just know we are here for you.

Sasha, I'm so sorry to hear you are having all that trouble with the RE.

Afm, I'm 9dpo and my temp did a nice spike up again. My temps have been high for me since about 3dpo. I have a bit of light cramping this morning and that's about it. The earliest I will test is about 12 dpo.

Oh and still waiting to hear about my progesterone test results. I hate waiting on these things.
I'm so sorry for your loss babysa :hugs:

How frustrating sasha and zeez :hugs:

Pbl hope you're doing well

Well temp still going up today :)
Looking good baking & luna!!!!!

Babysa i am so sorry for your loss, and i really hope that you are able to move on to your next cycle soon x

Sasha im sorry about the sounds like you have had a very tough day x

I hope everyone is having a great week, and that the tww's are going quickly for all!

AFM, my temp popped back down again so who knows what the deal is!!!
Hi ladies, I haven't been on here since last week as I was getting really anxious waiting to O and seeing my temps going up and down (I normally O on CD12-16, but this cycle seemed to be late on CD18)...

pbl_ge, Sasha, babysa - :hugs: :hugs:

Newbie - argh, temping can be so frustrating! Maybe today's little dip is an O dip? I get that sometimes on the day I seem to O...

Lily - we seem to have ovulated on the same day last Friday!!

Baking, Luna - your charts are looking good, you guys are a few days ahead in the TWW!

Hi to everyone else I've missed! :hi:
I got my progestrone test results back and everything is within normal ranges saying I ovulated. The dr has given me a choice to continue on the same course we're on (timed bd) or go on clomid to help produce a higher quality ovulation. Does anyone have experience with clomid that could give me some insight on if this is a good choice? I know the side effects are definitely something to be concerned about. And part of me is struggling with this because I haven't given up hope on this cycle yet.
Great news baking! :)

If I was given the option of starting clomid now I think I would still give it a few months, I think there is only a limited number of times you can use it and I've heard lots of stories of people developing problems that they didn't have before like cysts. That's just me though, you should do whatever feels right :)
Great news baking! :)

If I was given the option of starting clomid now I think I would still give it a few months, I think there is only a limited number of times you can use it and I've heard lots of stories of people developing problems that they didn't have before like cysts. That's just me though, you should do whatever feels right :)

Thanks, Luna. I have been reading some and the dr is supposed to call back and talk about an HSG as well so there is a lot going on here atm! DH was initially against it but I started telling him more about it (after researching online, the nurse really confused me) and he told me it was up to me. And I have had a cyst before so I certainly don't want to encourage that!
Baking Feel free to message me about clomid if you want to. I took it for 6 months. I have done hours and hours of research. Did they mention femera? It's certainly a good thing your progestrone level showed ovulation, that's awesome! Don't give up hope on this cycle, you know you timed bd and you ovulated. When are they doing your hcg test?

Luna Your temp going up is a great sign, along with several other things you mentioned recently. I hope this is your month! I'm in the back ground routing you on! When are you starting testing?

Babysa I am so thrilled to see you made it back so soon, I've been waiting to see you here. So sorry for what you have been through. :hugs:

Sasha Sorry you are having a rough time. Hang in there girle. :flower:

Newbie Have you been using opk's too or just tempting? Tempting drove me insane, my temps were always over the place.

Lily Where are you going in October?

Zee I didn't O my first round of clomid either. Did they increase your dose? I took mine different than they prescribed it to me the last 2 months and got a really strong O. Most people aren't ok with changing things like that but it certainly worked for me.

So many of you in the tww, I'm so excited for those :bfp:s to roll in! :dust: to you all.

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