Hey girls
Not been on for a while, hope you're all ok. Looks like the thread could do with some major cheering up, virtual hugs and cupcakes for all!
Pbl - I'm so sorry to hear things are still so tough for you, what a terrible time you're having. I really hope things start to get better for you very soon.
Peoples - huge congrats on your BFP

we definitely needed it on the thread! Happy & healthy 9 months to you
Kmae - really sorry to hear about the cyst, hope it gets better very quickly
Twag & Luna - sorry you're out this cycle, fingers crossed for the next, and remember CD1 is the first day of your pregnancy on a BFP cycle, so here's hoping you're both a little bit preggers already!
Don't give up hope Luna, you're definitely not too old to be a mum, but I know exactly what you mean as I have the same worries. I can't help but wonder if things would've been a lot easier if I'd started TTC in my twenties, but then I wouldn't have my home, my husband or my job, and wouldn't have been in a good position to bring a little one into the world. I also worry I'm wasting time which isn't a luxury I have anymore, which is why I'm finding my crazy long cycle so frustrating.
Newbie - fingers crossed for your TWW [-o<
Lily - sorry to hear you think you missed O, but O-2 is still good, remember it only takes one BD to make a baby, and a small chance is still a chance!
Baking - good to hear you're enoying not charting, hope it's a lucky cycle for you!
Hello to everyone I've missed, had a lot of catching up to do!
As for me, still in my crazy long cycle, but FF has stuck with the dashed crosshairs this time, I'm not convinced I O'd when it says, but am hoping it's right and that AF will show up in a couple of days. Can't believe I'm up to CD56! I'm trying to think positive though, and see it as one skipped AF and being in a new cycle, rather than just a really long crazy cycle! It might be totally wrong, but if AF does show tomorrow, it could actually mean I've had two 28 day cycles with the first one skipping AF, and be a bit closer to being back to normal if that makes any sense at all!