I know this post may be controversial, but I feel like I need to vent. I thought this was hormones, but I think my brain caught up to my heart lol. I'm almost hoping for a BFN this month. I think my husband and I were using ttc as a band aid fix (or I was) for a marriage that is not working. I'm tired of being put down and controlled by him. So pending the results I get this weekend, I;m going to leave him. I'm aware that children do not make a relationship better, but put more stress on it. I probably shouldn't write this on here, but I'm going to take myself off babyandbump Sunday after testing. I would still be over joyed if I got my bfp and would love the baby more than anything and try to work some stuff out, but in the event the

shows, I'm out and moving on with my life the way I want to.
Good luck ladies and fx for Mother's Day!!