Catching up since yesterday AM so bare with me:
Smimms - So sorry to hear about where things are in your life.

Most importantly, know that you DO deserve to be happy and that no path in life is set in stone. So take time apart if you need to figure out what YOU want. It's important. My DH and I separated for 5 months last year to think things through and figure out where we want to be. We ended up getting back together but we made a lot of changes (like moving all the way across the country) in hopes of making things work. It's also why we're only starting to TTC now after being together for over 8 years! There was just a lot of uneven ground between us and as much as I was dying to have a baby, I knew it wasn't the right time for us. Follow your heart - it will take you where you need to go. And of course, we're all here to help you get there if you need someone to lean on!

Best of luck to you Sara!
Sorry to hear about the bfn
preg_pilot! FX that the

doesn't show!!!
Green Orchid - I hate the acne too. I hardly had any at puberty and now it's just awful. I would have the occasional pimple here and there around AF when on BCP but now it's like 10-15 zits at O and then again at AF. AUGH. Speaking of which, I did get like 4 new pimples today so maybe O is coming soon! Yay (about O, not the pimples!!!!!)
Smiley! Welcome
Breezy - I'm sorry you've had to wait so long already to get your sprout! I truly hope you get that

this next cycle! FX and TX (toes crossed)
grkprn - good luck with the Clomid! Hope it does the trick

keep me posted on how it 'feels' as I might be taking that route soon if things don't pan out like I'd like.
Alisa - you poor girl! Did you punch her? (the preg girl in your office announcing her friend's labor) I think I would have
lol J/K of course. That must be so hard!!!! And congrats on the great looking chart

I'll keep my FXed for you! Oh and "I" like you!

Sorry you're not feeling the luv!

To play the devil's advocate here, rollercoaster emotions (aka mood swings) are a sign of pregnancy so good for you!!

hee hee

Best of luck to you! I'm glad you were able to catch this early and get a head start. It's good that you know your family history and were smart enough to look into it and get it all checked out. I'm doing yoga too and I eat super well - thinking about acupuncture, just haven't pulled the trigger yet! I'm so happy to hear you found an RE that is wiling to work with you and your holistic approach. I find them so hard to find! Docs in general that appreciate a balance between traditional and holistic medicine. Good luck and looking forward to learning from you!
GreenOrchid - Ooooh thanks for the yoga DVD rec! I'll look into it. I was just thinking about buying a dvd to do at home! It sounds nice
is it like a slow flow or more of a restorative yoga session?
Nikki!!! Welcome

What are you doing to calculate your fertile days? Temping? Best of luck and baby dust!!!!
VellyBelle - sorry about the BFN, hope you get a BFP in a few days!!!! 11DPO is pretty early to tell anything
Zeez - glad some time away helped you feel better about that BFN! I agree that we need some bfps around here and I hope you're one of them!!!

I struggled with temping last cycle cause I wake up at different times as I also go to bed at different times. I've buckled down and set an alarm for 6:30am which is usually at least 3 hours after I go to bed and I never wake up before then (well sometimes when I'm restless). But my chart looks much better this cycle! So it's worth it.
bakingbabe - I had trouble logging in yesterday as well! The whole site was down or something. Glad you're back!!! AND put down that testing stick!!!!! Step away. Don't do it!!
OK I'm all caught up! YAY. Finally
I hated being behind and not knowing what was going on with you all

Hopefully, the next few days won't get too crazy and I can visit regularly
I had another -OPK this afternoon but when I just went to pee I think I had some EWCM on the tp!!!!! I didn't want to finger check as not to lose any (my CM production tends to be low) but that would totally rock if I were to O soon. FX!!!
And super big hugs to everyone! Lots of raw emotions on here and I know it's hard to be in each of our shoes

But we can get through all this together. Thanks for being here girls! I feel so much better since I've joined this thread
And here's some strength to those trying to hold off on testing
I know it's hard but hope you can hold out as not to get those painful false negatives!