Kmae - I hope so! But my temp went back up to the dreaded 97.3 this morning
EWCM last night and watery CM on and off so that is promising - hope to get that +OPK as my Mother's Day gift this afternoon!!!
Vellybelle - yay for taking the oath!!!

I'm very proud of you!!!! And the symptoms look/sound fantastic to me
Zeez - I loved that image you painted of all of us on here in one year exactly holding our little ones!!!!! Beautiful thought

And I'm sorry the

got you but I'm glad you're seeing the positive side of it all
AlisaSD - BIG BIG HUG!!!!

I'm sorry the

got you as well but it's not a "fail" - we have like a 20% chance every month for those spermies and egg to come together so it's a bit of a crap shoot. You just didn't get lucky this month, that's all! Chin up sweetie! Oh and I use Preseed but only when we need it. I take musinex expectorant on days around when I think I will O.
Smiley - I love your idea of treating myself to a baby item when AF comes! It is a faith thing and will give us hope! I'll do it next cycle
well, hopefully not!

As far as temping, you should count the first temp because as you are awake more, your body "wakes up" and your temps go up from all the little processes exerting energy to function. So to get your BBT it has to be right after you wake up, same time each day before you talk, move or anything.
Nikkih -

I'm so sorry that Mother's Day is hitting you so hard. And that your mom is ill and you can't find comfort in her. But we're all here for you! As much as we can

It will happen for you
I mean you haven't even Oed yet so there is so much hope in that. I will cross my fingers and toes for you that you catch this eggy!
Veganlily - how can I be mad when you are so positive about all this! I'm glad you got your answers and are out enjoying life!!! xx But still, you're not out until the

Joey - hope you got that +OPK!!!! I'd hate to know that NYC got in the way of you catching that eggy
gypsygirl - sorry for the bfn but you're not out until AF shoes so FX! And good luck temping
onebump - oops, I meant what are the calculations and science behind it. Just wondering who came up with it and how. I used it this morning as I forgot to decrease the volume on my phone last night so when my alarm went off at 6:30am I thought I was in the middle of a fire drill!!! I must have jumped at least 3 feet in the air. My heart was racing and all so when I took the temp I figured it would be off. It was 97.4 - I woke up again at 9am much calmer and took my temp and it was 97.7 so I used the page you gave me and it said 97.2. I avg'ed it with my temp I took and wrote it down as 97.3
so thank you
OK I guess I should go shower, hit the market and start cooking up a storm for our Mother's Day extravaganza! We just invited my mom and dad but then my mom invited her sister under the premise that she's my godmother and then of course my aunt invited her husband and my cousin and then DH's sister is in town for business so we invited her and then she asked if she could bring her coworker who she's in town with...SO yeah, dinner for 4 is now dinner for NINE.

to all my girls!!!