Thanks for your reassuring words
Kmae! I was totally freaked out. Makes sense that with the transition my temps can drop. I'll let you know what tomorrow brings! How are you doing? Any symptoms to report??
Alisa - totally agree! The TWW sucks :growled:
Luna - I agree with others, AF is much more pleasant than a BFN! Though they both suck!!!
Preg_pilot - auuugh I can't believe your body is toying with you like this! I hope you get a BFP soon. FX!
Hugs to
Goldfish too! Glad your wait is over and you get a fresh beginning. May this cycle be the one for you!!
MD - thank you for the dust and hugs!!! I got a lot of good advice from the other girls so now I'm totally set

Good luck to you this new cycle! FX!!! and

I'm afraid I don't have an answer for you either

Hopefully someone will come along soon!
Re: Progesterone check on CD21 (and I take it the CD3 test is estrogen?) - is that the first line of testing to check for female fertility? I had an internal US done back in March and my OBGYN said everything looked great. DH had his SA and it came back all good too. If this cycle doesn't work, I want to approach my doc about kicking off some testing since I'm 34.5

I hate writing it down
makes it SO real! I like to pretend I'm still 31
until forever
Otherwise, not much to report. Other than the random temp drop this AM, it's been a pretty asymptomatic day. I'm exhausted and have been all day but that's probably due to the 5.5 hours of sleep I got last night and the 6.5 I got the night before. Can't wait to see what tomorrow will bring!