TTC #1 and over 30

Bakingbabe!!! That cake looks Ahmalzing!!! I wish we could all get together and dig into one of your cakes right about now. ;)

Alright, well on to another month. Here's to our Valentine's babies!

So, is anyone on my same cycle - 28 days, Day 1 (or close) - cycle buddies/soon to be bumb buddies?? What do you think, baking? Luna, Lily, goldfish??

:Hugs: for everyone.

Aw, shucks! Thanks for the compliment on the cake. :) I would totally share it you all if you were here.

MD, I'm so sorry the :witch: got you but we pretty much on the same cycles (I was two days earlier this month) so I'd love to be buddies!!
Hi ladies! Just checking in. I'm trying to keep track of everybody's posts but I may need another minute or two!

I'm sorry MD, luna and goldfish. :hugs:

Smims, I'm glad you took some time for yourself. :)

What a great idea, MD, about being cycle buddies.
Alisa, Lily, Goldfish, are we are on the same cycles as well ? Wanna be cycle buddies? I love that we can symptom spot together! :) Is there anyone I missed that is on CD 4 (or close)?

Mrs. Chezek, I missed your post but I'm sending you :hugs: and lots and lots of :dust:

Welcome to the new ladies!
I am so emotional today. I saw a picture of my dad, who we recently found out was sick, with my neice and I lost it :cry: I am approximately 4 dpo today by my calculations and planning on testing june 1st. I don't know if my being emotional is my hormones trying to normalize themselves or something else. I am trying to give my dad a grandchild that he can be a bigger part of their life than my brother's kids before he is not able to.

Sorry about your dads recent illness :hugs:

Hopefully you are feeling verrrryyyy early pg symptoms!!
Hi ladies! Just checking in. I'm trying to keep track of everybody's posts but I may need another minute or two!

I'm sorry MD, luna and goldfish. :hugs:

Smims, I'm glad you took some time for yourself. :)

What a great idea, MD, about being cycle buddies.
Alisa, Lily, Goldfish, are we are on the same cycles as well ? Wanna be cycle buddies? I love that we can symptom spot together! :) Is there anyone I missed that is on CD 4 (or close)?

Mrs. Chezek, I missed your post but I'm sending you :hugs: and lots and lots of :dust:

Welcome to the new ladies!

Heck yes I wanna be cycle buddies! Cd5 up in the hiz-ouse! Seriously though my cycles tend to be 32-34 days so I will probably O later than you ladies but hopefully still in the general vicinity! Xoxo
Hey I keep forgetting to ask but I'm guessing by your name you are a fellow vegan veganlily? :D
Hey I keep forgetting to ask but I'm guessing by your name you are a fellow vegan veganlily? :D

Yes Luna-awesome to have a buddy!! Veg since 98, vegan since 01 and since 08 a liiitttttlllee bit of wild-caught seafood/shellfish from time-to-time (still no meat, dairy, eggs, etc-strict vegan outside of that-I call myself a pesca-vegan). I love eating and living this way. It's the best-great for my health, energy, natural weight maintenance. I'm also pretty much gluten free-I don't have celiac but wheat bothers my tummy, so I generally do without. Essentially I follow dr. Furman's "Eat to Live"/"Eat for Health" approach blended with Kris carr's "Crazy Sexy Life" approach-tons of green smoothies, green juice, huge salads, steamed and baked veggies, some beans and legumes, avocado, lots&lots of fresh fruit, a bit of raw nuts-very little oils and limited grains (I stick to quinoa and steel cut oats mostly), very infrequent sugar or flour. I do enjoy both coffee and alcohol but I give them both up in fits and starts just to prove that I can!

What's your story?? Glad you piped up!
Hi ladies! Just checking in. I'm trying to keep track of everybody's posts but I may need another minute or two!

I'm sorry MD, luna and goldfish. :hugs:

Smims, I'm glad you took some time for yourself. :)

What a great idea, MD, about being cycle buddies.
Alisa, Lily, Goldfish, are we are on the same cycles as well ? Wanna be cycle buddies? I love that we can symptom spot together! :) Is there anyone I missed that is on CD 4 (or close)?

Mrs. Chezek, I missed your post but I'm sending you :hugs: and lots and lots of :dust:

Welcome to the new ladies!

Heck yes I wanna be cycle buddies! Cd5 up in the hiz-ouse! Seriously though my cycles tend to be 32-34 days so I will probably O later than you ladies but hopefully still in the general vicinity! Xoxo

yay!! :) :hugs:
MD - awww you're so sweet! Thanks for including me in your prayers :hugs: I'm crossing my fingers for you as well!

Welcome back smimms! We missed you around here :hugs: The idea of soft cups freaks me out so for now I'm staying away but let me know how it goes!

rmsh1 - oh my gosh, you just made me feel so much better!!! I cannot find my cervix either!!! lol I wonder if you could get a doc to insert the softcup for you and keep it there? Or is it something you have to keep taking out every night?? Not sure how they work…I've only used Preseed for lubrication, never inserted any inside as I've had pretty good EWCM around O so far...

BabyGB - what DPO are you? when are you testing?? I'm 4DPO and testing on the 27th - hopefully the 28th if I can last that long!!

onebump - we did SMEP this cycle too! So hopefully we'll both get lucky and get our sprouts!!! FX

FX for you on Sunday preg_pilot! Hope you get a clear, solid line this time!!! xx

gypsygirl - Sorry to hear about your dad. I know how important it is when we want to give our parents a grandchild. I'm an only child and both my parents are into their 60s so I feel terrible for not giving them this experience that I know they really want. But at the same time, I try to relax about it cause stressing only makes things worse for us. Try to think positive thoughts about how awesome it WILL be when you finally do give your dad that grandchild. Big hugs to you!

bakingbabe - I just panicked cause my temp dropped on 3DPO!!! But it's back up so all is well again :winkwink: But THANK YOU for the hugs and dust! I love that stuff :hugs:

Lily/Luna - I'm pretty much following the diet you are when I'm left to my own devices. However, DH loves meat in all forms so we cook it and I pick at it. I just don't like meat!!!! Especially chicken! :nope: I love dairy though - can't give that up. But doesn't it feel good to just eat cleanly with lots of fruit and veggies and nuts!??!!? I love how it makes me feel great :thumbup:

I'm having a good weekend so far. Took the day off to go dress shopping for a wedding I'm going to next weekend and I got a gorgeous gown! Super excited :happydance: and I even found one for another wedding in July! Of course, I got it in two sizes just in case I'll be a bit "bigger" by then :thumbup: I can always return the one that I don't use! tee hee

I've been peeing like every hour which is a LOT for me and I always thought I peed a lot as is! I just feel this pressure in my lower abdomen that keeps making me feel like I need to go to the bathroom. I think it's way early at 4DPO to be experiencing such symptoms but I have no other explanation for this as I'm drinking my usual amounts. That's about my only symptom - oh and I got an increase in CM since this afternoon. Can't wait to see what tomorrow brings :winkwink:

So where is everyone in their cycles? Seems like most of you are around CD1-10, some just getting ready to O and a few of us are in the TWW. Who's testing in May still??? I plan to test on the 28th...unless the TWW gets the best of me and I POAS on the 26/27th!!! FX and dust to all!!!
Hey I keep forgetting to ask but I'm guessing by your name you are a fellow vegan veganlily? :D

Yes Luna-awesome to have a buddy!! Veg since 98, vegan since 01 and since 08 a liiitttttlllee bit of wild-caught seafood/shellfish from time-to-time (still no meat, dairy, eggs, etc-strict vegan outside of that-I call myself a pesca-vegan). I love eating and living this way. It's the best-great for my health, energy, natural weight maintenance. I'm also pretty much gluten free-I don't have celiac but wheat bothers my tummy, so I generally do without. Essentially I follow dr. Furman's "Eat to Live"/"Eat for Health" approach blended with Kris carr's "Crazy Sexy Life" approach-tons of green smoothies, green juice, huge salads, steamed and baked veggies, some beans and legumes, avocado, lots&lots of fresh fruit, a bit of raw nuts-very little oils and limited grains (I stick to quinoa and steel cut oats mostly), very infrequent sugar or flour. I do enjoy both coffee and alcohol but I give them both up in fits and starts just to prove that I can!

What's your story?? Glad you piped up!
I've been veg since I was about 17 or about 13 years, I went vegan in 2007. I was definitely one of those people that couldn't even imagine living without cheese but I decided to give it a shot because I suspected it was making my allergies way worse and I was right! After about a month I didn't miss it at all and I am now completely off all allergy meds :)

It sounds like you eat way healthier than I next goal is to get off of white rice (it's just so much more convenient!) and white sugar. Once I run out of what I have I'm going to try to make the switch, I'm sure it will be easier than expected just like everything else.

MrsChezek if you don't like meat just don't eat it! My hubby does eat meat but only when we go out or when he decides to bbq because I won't cook it so he actually eats veg the majority of the time.
Alisa and breezy-what website did you order conceive plus from? I've been using preseed and no luck, plus I read th research about the chemical pregnancies and m/c.


I got mine on Amazon! I also suggest Fertile CM. Helps loads with my natural CM and enhances libido!!!
MD - awww you're so sweet! Thanks for including me in your prayers :hugs: I'm crossing my fingers for you as well!

Welcome back smimms! We missed you around here :hugs: The idea of soft cups freaks me out so for now I'm staying away but let me know how it goes!

rmsh1 - oh my gosh, you just made me feel so much better!!! I cannot find my cervix either!!! lol I wonder if you could get a doc to insert the softcup for you and keep it there? Or is it something you have to keep taking out every night?? Not sure how they work…I've only used Preseed for lubrication, never inserted any inside as I've had pretty good EWCM around O so far...

BabyGB - what DPO are you? when are you testing?? I'm 4DPO and testing on the 27th - hopefully the 28th if I can last that long!!

onebump - we did SMEP this cycle too! So hopefully we'll both get lucky and get our sprouts!!! FX

FX for you on Sunday preg_pilot! Hope you get a clear, solid line this time!!! xx

gypsygirl - Sorry to hear about your dad. I know how important it is when we want to give our parents a grandchild. I'm an only child and both my parents are into their 60s so I feel terrible for not giving them this experience that I know they really want. But at the same time, I try to relax about it cause stressing only makes things worse for us. Try to think positive thoughts about how awesome it WILL be when you finally do give your dad that grandchild. Big hugs to you!

bakingbabe - I just panicked cause my temp dropped on 3DPO!!! But it's back up so all is well again :winkwink: But THANK YOU for the hugs and dust! I love that stuff :hugs:

Lily/Luna - I'm pretty much following the diet you are when I'm left to my own devices. However, DH loves meat in all forms so we cook it and I pick at it. I just don't like meat!!!! Especially chicken! :nope: I love dairy though - can't give that up. But doesn't it feel good to just eat cleanly with lots of fruit and veggies and nuts!??!!? I love how it makes me feel great :thumbup:

I'm having a good weekend so far. Took the day off to go dress shopping for a wedding I'm going to next weekend and I got a gorgeous gown! Super excited :happydance: and I even found one for another wedding in July! Of course, I got it in two sizes just in case I'll be a bit "bigger" by then :thumbup: I can always return the one that I don't use! tee hee

I've been peeing like every hour which is a LOT for me and I always thought I peed a lot as is! I just feel this pressure in my lower abdomen that keeps making me feel like I need to go to the bathroom. I think it's way early at 4DPO to be experiencing such symptoms but I have no other explanation for this as I'm drinking my usual amounts. That's about my only symptom - oh and I got an increase in CM since this afternoon. Can't wait to see what tomorrow brings :winkwink:

So where is everyone in their cycles? Seems like most of you are around CD1-10, some just getting ready to O and a few of us are in the TWW. Who's testing in May still??? I plan to test on the 28th...unless the TWW gets the best of me and I POAS on the 26/27th!!! FX and dust to all!!!

I probably could test around the same time, but I want to make myself wait until the 1st at least.
I am 6dpo today and have massive cramping and leg pain like I get every month with AF. I guess she is coming early :( My boobs are also super sore and almost look shiny like they are swollen. Very weird stuff.
MrsChezek, the soft cups are only inserted after BDing and most people leave then in at night, to hold the swimmers up by the cervix, and then take it out in the morning. They are actually designed to be used with AF. I think I really have to give them a go this cycle, as I always think "what if" I had used them LOL
I am 6dpo today and have massive cramping and leg pain like I get every month with AF. I guess she is coming early :( My boobs are also super sore and almost look shiny like they are swollen. Very weird stuff.

Pregnancy symptoms pretty much mimic PMS symptoms so you're not out yet! Much of what you're describing is typical symptoms - check it out:

All those girls got BFPs and look at all the symptoms!!! :hugs:
i am 9dpo and i took a test today and it was a bfn!

Sorry you had to go through that BFN but 9DPO is WAAAAAAY to early to test girl!!! You have to wait at least until 10DPO but that is too early as well. 12DPO is the earliest I'd ever test and usually I wait until 14DPO...patience my dear! :coffee:
i am 9dpo and i took a test today and it was a bfn!

Sorry you had to go through that BFN but 9DPO is WAAAAAAY to early to test girl!!! You have to wait at least until 10DPO but that is too early as well. 12DPO is the earliest I'd ever test and usually I wait until 14DPO...patience my dear! :coffWwee:

Wow Girl!! Your temps are looking killer!!! Not so bummed on that dip anymore are ya?!
I am new to this forum, and unfortunately the ugly witched showed up yesterday after being a day late.. I felt defeated.. I have been trying for 4 months.. back to the drawing board.. I will continue to use ClearBlue digital OPK, but can someone tell me after seeing the smiley face, when did you start BDing, how many days before and after?

Best of luck to all!
i used opk to......tehy say you ovulate anywhere from 12 to 48 hrs after a postive opk...i try to bd both days, plus a few days before as its good to have sperm waiting. I usually get my smiley on cd 13
5 dpo today and I am having quite a bit of cramping. They are like AF cramps but they feel different. I also feel really full in my tummy area and sore where my ovaries are. Not as emotional today, but very tired, which is not good because I have a final next week that I need to study for. Also having just a touch of nausea. I hate symptom spotting! This is the first time I have felt confident that I o'd and it is driving me crazy! :wacko:

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