TTC #1 and over 30

I woke up this morning to a revisit from AF. Yesterday evening I experienced some dark pink spotting, turned to purple by 6am, now full on AF with cramps. I am starting to worry that my body won't hook up. I had this same sort of bleeding (minus AF) a week after ovulation in April as well. I'm kind of feeling like giving up. This shit too damn stressful for me.

Don't give up, my dear! Maybe you should call the dr in the morning and ask the nurse what they think. One month I had dull aching pains all through my ovaries and it would not go away. I finally gave up and called the dr. Although they gave me false hope that I could be pregnant, it definitely put my mind at ease that they had heard of the symptom before and could advise me.
Oh and I thought af had left yesterday and now I have some light pink spotting again. I agree, it's so damn stressful. I am having a rough day too. Just can't seem to get out of this funk I'm in. Selling a house, ttc, having one of your dearest friends pregnant, it's all just becoming a lot to handle. I have some leftover cake, wanna share it with me? :)

Hang in there, dearie! :hugs: :hugs:
I woke up this morning to a revisit from AF. Yesterday evening I experienced some dark pink spotting, turned to purple by 6am, now full on AF with cramps. I am starting to worry that my body won't hook up. I had this same sort of bleeding (minus AF) a week after ovulation in April as well. I'm kind of feeling like giving up. This shit too damn stressful for me.

Hi alisa-maybe your body just needs some time to acclimate-you relatively recently came off bc right? Hang in there :hugs:
I woke up this morning to a revisit from AF. Yesterday evening I experienced some dark pink spotting, turned to purple by 6am, now full on AF with cramps. I am starting to worry that my body won't hook up. I had this same sort of bleeding (minus AF) a week after ovulation in April as well. I'm kind of feeling like giving up. This shit too damn stressful for me.

Don't give up, my dear! Maybe you should call the dr in the morning and ask the nurse what they think. One month I had dull aching pains all through my ovaries and it would not go away. I finally gave up and called the dr. Although they gave me false hope that I could be pregnant, it definitely put my mind at ease that they had heard of the symptom before and could advise me.
Oh and I thought af had left yesterday and now I have some light pink spotting again. I agree, it's so damn stressful. I am having a rough day too. Just can't seem to get out of this funk I'm in. Selling a house, ttc, having one of your dearest friends pregnant, it's all just becoming a lot to handle. I have some leftover cake, wanna share it with me? :)

Hang in there, dearie! :hugs: :hugs:

Thanks BB. I talked to my husband about going to the doc and having his swimmers analysed this am, and we eneded up getting in a fight. I can understand that he feels uncomfortable about it, but resistance like that from the person who wants a kid as much as I do, pisses me off. I'm like, why do I have to carry the brunt of this crap all by myself. Like being jacked up pregnant for 9 freakin months isnt bad enough, let alone having to deal with AF ever month for 50 years. I'm in a horrible mood today.
I woke up this morning to a revisit from AF. Yesterday evening I experienced some dark pink spotting, turned to purple by 6am, now full on AF with cramps. I am starting to worry that my body won't hook up. I had this same sort of bleeding (minus AF) a week after ovulation in April as well. I'm kind of feeling like giving up. This shit too damn stressful for me.

Hi alisa-maybe your body just needs some time to acclimate-you relatively recently came off bc right? Hang in there :hugs:

Yeah Lily, you're probably right. I stopped in February. I have some other health issues as well, and I'm not sure if that has anything to do with it. My neurologist didn't mention it, even though we did talk about other risks of having a baby. I guess I just have dues to pay; I put my body through hell in my 20s.
Alisa it is completely normal to have weird irregular cycles after being on bc, it took me about a year to settle into a regular cycle. :hugs:
I woke up this morning to a revisit from AF. Yesterday evening I experienced some dark pink spotting, turned to purple by 6am, now full on AF with cramps. I am starting to worry that my body won't hook up. I had this same sort of bleeding (minus AF) a week after ovulation in April as well. I'm kind of feeling like giving up. This shit too damn stressful for me.

Don't give up, my dear! Maybe you should call the dr in the morning and ask the nurse what they think. One month I had dull aching pains all through my ovaries and it would not go away. I finally gave up and called the dr. Although they gave me false hope that I could be pregnant, it definitely put my mind at ease that they had heard of the symptom before and could advise me.
Oh and I thought af had left yesterday and now I have some light pink spotting again. I agree, it's so damn stressful. I am having a rough day too. Just can't seem to get out of this funk I'm in. Selling a house, ttc, having one of your dearest friends pregnant, it's all just becoming a lot to handle. I have some leftover cake, wanna share it with me? :)

Hang in there, dearie! :hugs: :hugs:

Thanks BB. I talked to my husband about going to the doc and having his swimmers analysed this am, and we eneded up getting in a fight. I can understand that he feels uncomfortable about it, but resistance like that from the person who wants a kid as much as I do, pisses me off. I'm like, why do I have to carry the brunt of this crap all by myself. Like being jacked up pregnant for 9 freakin months isnt bad enough, let alone having to deal with AF ever month for 50 years. I'm in a horrible mood today.

Girl, I am in a horrible mood today too. Sorry your dh is being resistant to getting tested. Would he do an at home sperm analysis kit? I saw somewhere on BnB that a lady got one at Walgreens. Maybe that would be an option?

Men can be so annoying at times! I'm so sorry yours is annoying you today. :hugs::hugs:
I woke up this morning to a revisit from AF. Yesterday evening I experienced some dark pink spotting, turned to purple by 6am, now full on AF with cramps. I am starting to worry that my body won't hook up. I had this same sort of bleeding (minus AF) a week after ovulation in April as well. I'm kind of feeling like giving up. This shit too damn stressful for me.

So sorry, whenever you feel down, just come on here for reassuring words :)
I know they helped me when I felt down...

I woke up this morning to a revisit from AF. Yesterday evening I experienced some dark pink spotting, turned to purple by 6am, now full on AF with cramps. I am starting to worry that my body won't hook up. I had this same sort of bleeding (minus AF) a week after ovulation in April as well. I'm kind of feeling like giving up. This shit too damn stressful for me.

Don't give up, my dear! Maybe you should call the dr in the morning and ask the nurse what they think. One month I had dull aching pains all through my ovaries and it would not go away. I finally gave up and called the dr. Although they gave me false hope that I could be pregnant, it definitely put my mind at ease that they had heard of the symptom before and could advise me.
Oh and I thought af had left yesterday and now I have some light pink spotting again. I agree, it's so damn stressful. I am having a rough day too. Just can't seem to get out of this funk I'm in. Selling a house, ttc, having one of your dearest friends pregnant, it's all just becoming a lot to handle. I have some leftover cake, wanna share it with me? :)

Hang in there, dearie! :hugs: :hugs:

Thanks BB. I talked to my husband about going to the doc and having his swimmers analysed this am, and we eneded up getting in a fight. I can understand that he feels uncomfortable about it, but resistance like that from the person who wants a kid as much as I do, pisses me off. I'm like, why do I have to carry the brunt of this crap all by myself. Like being jacked up pregnant for 9 freakin months isnt bad enough, let alone having to deal with AF ever month for 50 years. I'm in a horrible mood today.

Girl, I am in a horrible mood today too. Sorry your dh is being resistant to getting tested. Would he do an at home sperm analysis kit? I saw somewhere on BnB that a lady got one at Walgreens. Maybe that would be an option?

Men can be so annoying at times! I'm so sorry yours is annoying you today. :hugs::hugs:

Yeah, he actually suggested that himself! They have a primo one on Amazon that comes with a microscope and everything. Hahaha. Kinda pricey at like $80.
wow pilot I was just looking through your journal, didn't realize this was your first cycle. That's awesome! :)

so question for anyone with experience using opks...I picked some up for this cycle, I used them once before but was only using them once a day and missed my surge which I found really frustrating because those things aren't cheap! Do most people use them twice a day?
I was thinking of doing that but the instructions specifically say not to use fmu. When I was doing once a day I took them when I got home from work around 4:30pm so I guess my options are to do the same thing, take one at 4:30 and 10 just before I go to bed, or I guess I could take one at work sometime during the day and then one later in the evening...any recommendations?

I got a box of 7 so I was thinking take one on cd10 and two on cd 11-13 (if I need to go that far) as I usually ov on cd 12-14
Alisa--I think it's a normal man thing. DH goes in for his SA on Monday and he's been moody and grumpy about it for a week. He doesn't see the need. I, however, have a lot of issues with TTC so I told him it's stupid for us to be pouring money into me if it's not going to matter because he also has a problem. If we have to move to IVF then let's not waste money on other stuff first because IVF is going to run what...15K? Ugh.

Maybe if you can phrase it to him in that way. Explain that you can only do so much with your body and it's important to make sure he is healthy in that department so you don't waste time and money.
Alisa--I think it's a normal man thing. DH goes in for his SA on Monday and he's been moody and grumpy about it for a week. He doesn't see the need. I, however, have a lot of issues with TTC so I told him it's stupid for us to be pouring money into me if it's not going to matter because he also has a problem. If we have to move to IVF then let's not waste money on other stuff first because IVF is going to run what...15K? Ugh.

Maybe if you can phrase it to him in that way. Explain that you can only do so much with your body and it's important to make sure he is healthy in that department so you don't waste time and money.

Hi BbyO! I think it's normal for boys to resist those things that are uncomfortable or awkward for them. I totally agree with you. Why waste all this time and energy when it's a DH issue. Mine knows he's should get a work up, but he's not happy about it. Thanks for sharing about yours, makes me a little less irritated with mine. Hahaha.
wow pilot I was just looking through your journal, didn't realize this was your first cycle. That's awesome! :)

so question for anyone with experience using opks...I picked some up for this cycle, I used them once before but was only using them once a day and missed my surge which I found really frustrating because those things aren't cheap! Do most people use them twice a day?
I was thinking of doing that but the instructions specifically say not to use fmu. When I was doing once a day I took them when I got home from work around 4:30pm so I guess my options are to do the same thing, take one at 4:30 and 10 just before I go to bed, or I guess I could take one at work sometime during the day and then one later in the evening...any recommendations?

I got a box of 7 so I was thinking take one on cd10 and two on cd 11-13 (if I need to go that far) as I usually ov on cd 12-14

Hi Luna! I got cheapies online-wondfo brand-and they are great. Probably less than 25 cents per test plus 12 pg tests came with. I also will say that although they say not to use FMU because you may miss your surge, I drink sooooooo much water all day that my pee is literally close to clear, so opk's really didn't work for me except with first or second morning urine. I would never get my surge with late afternoon pee. And even though I used this method (testing opk with first or second mu), the opk's last month exactly/perfectly picked up my surge about 36 hours prior to ovulation-so I've abandoned any notion that it's "wrong" to use FMU. That's just me but hope it might be helpful to you.
Thanks that is super helpful! I drink tons of water throughout the day too, last time I used them I found it difficult to even hold my pee for two hours to test in the afternoon!

Do you only test in the morning then?

Oh and I know about the internet cheapies but have resisted picking some up for fear of becoming completely obsessed :haha:
Also I have way too much time on my hands and hubby is at work today so feeling kind of stressed that I'm onto cycle 6 :( I think I'll feel better once we start :sex:

Hoping his work schedule cooperates more this cycle too...
Alisa and breezy-what website did you order conceive plus from? I've been using preseed and no luck, plus I read th research about the chemical pregnancies and m/c.


I ordered from amazon, it will be here tomorrow.
I also ordered soft cups....we will see about those though.
And how would i know its implantation bleeding? its a light flow but with some clumps. My period usually takes 2-3 days only. 2 being the heaviest but usually my first day is also moderate flow.

Just in case you missed my previous post, here it is again:

Hi piglet. Sorry to hear you've had a tough journey so far Is the flow light pink/beige or is it brown/red? Implantation bleeding is the former and if it's brown or red then it is most likely AF I'm afraid. You should definitely talk to your doctor. On what day did you Ovulate? What DPO are you? Perhaps you can take an HPT to see what it says.
OMG OMG OMG yyyyaaaayyyyyyy Preg pilot!!!!!! Congrats dear H&H9 to you. :hugs:
Mrs HH - I'm a bit confused re your cycle. What cycle day are you on? )Count CD1 as the first day of your last period) What day in the cycle does that Sat you had those pains fall on? If we assume you ovulated then, did you BD anywhere in the 5 days before to 2 days after that day? If so, you could be pregnant and you would be around 9DPO today, which is too early to test. Friday would then be the best day to test but you could test on Thursday - like preg_pilot suggested, stay away from the digi as they need a higher level of hCG to show a + and you want to test earlier. GL!

bakingbabe - yes, I took it in pill form as I can't bare to take any liquid syrups! And I took Musinex as that's what my DH always takes when he gets a cough - I rarely get coughs so I don't have a 'favorite'. I bet Robotussin makes an equivalent to what I took but as long as it has the Guaifensein and no allergy type meds in it, it should do the trick! And I'm sorry you're having a bad day! But tomorrow is a new day and I hope it is a better one for you :hugs: Oh and I'm totally in for sharing some of that cake if there's enough to go around :winkwink:

Tumtum - Musinex expectorant increases your CM production and CM is necessary for the spermies to travel up your vjayjay and uterus to their destination. Think of it as the river through which they swim so the higher the water level, the better :winkwink:

Alisa - how frustrating indeed! Hmmm…I started a board for women who just came off BCP and there's quite a few of us on there - perhaps you can see if anyone's experienced something similar?
I had a short cycle (4th one after BCP) but it was 19 days. Basically, your body is used to being fed hormones that tell it what to do and now you've taken them away so it's struggling to figure out it's own hormone production to tell it what to do. It's normal for this to happen but you still want a doctor to know about it and to keep an eye on things to make sure there isn't something else causing the early bleeding. You should call yours tomorrow. And sorry to hear your man didn't take it well when you asked him to do an SA - mine got pissed off too and got all defensive but then he came around. I think it messes with their masculinity and stuff so their instinct is to get all defensive but hopefully he'll come around. :hugs:

Luna - I'm not sure how you missed your surge as the LH remains in your system for a decent amount of time and you should have caught it. Also, we tend to surge in the afternoon they say! Did you stop liquids and hold your pee for at least 3 hours before you took the test? This will help concentrate the LH. If you did all that, perhaps your body doesn't surge much and you can test twice but it might be hard to hold liquids and pee for 3 hours twice a day!!! Or maybe you missed it because it happened on a day before or after when you thought it should? Just thinking out loud here…I'm in the third week of my 6th cycle so I'm with you - it does seem like forever!!! But maybe 6 is the new third times the charm 2x the charm?? :haha:

AFM, I've had a bit of a rollercoaster of a day that's left me exhausted. It's only 10pm and I'm heading to bed after posting - my usual bedtime is 12:30am! I got up early to finish the proofs for that client I shot last week then I battled my iPad which wouldn't let me put the proofs into this one proofing app and left me tearing my hair out. DH has a cold so of course 'it's the end of the world' and was *not* helping with his snide comments and we ended up arguing. I even teared up! Then I had to rush to shower and get ready to make my meeting to show them the proofs. Fortunately, they LOVED them and it was a great session - they ordered a bunch of prints which made me feel good. Then, we had a good dinner but I got all stressed when DH decided to nap rather than help me clean up when I was feeling *exhausted* and had a headache - the adrenalin of the stress of getting ready and through my client meeting wore off and I felt awful. Not a good day and I just want it to end! So heading to bed :sleep:
I think today was just one of those days where I needed a good cry and unforunately ended with a narly migraine. Not really a fabulous day to start babymaking. Sigh. But tomorrow is another day. :) I think I'll have another piece of chocolate cake.

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