TTC #1 and over 30

I tried to lure him into bed last night, but I got self conscious for some weird reason. He started teasing me in a flirty way and I gave up. If it was o time I would have kept going. Maybe I'm more of the issue :dohh: plus our sex life before ttc was not very active. It's just time to make a few changes and make him feel good. TTC or not. Thanks for all of the great input :flower:

Hey not sure if it will help, ya'll but one of the things we talk about is the things we can do to make the other more in the mood... For me it is when he helps me with things around the house, or rubs my back..... I just have alot to get done before I call it a day and sometimes for me stopping for :sex: just seems like more work... :shock: I know that's a horrid way to look at :sex: even before ttc... For him he wants me to be more receptive to his advances and to flirt with him more through out the day... I also started to leave him little notes on the bathroom mirror with dry erase markers.... O.o he loves waking up and seeing that I was thinking about him... It's easy to forget about all the good and wonderful things that the OH brings to us.... Sometimes it is more about showing him how much He matters more then his :spermy:

Anyways just some thoughts... Perhaps it helped...

Hey there all, I am 32 and just starting... been ttc on our own for about 4 years and only recently began to think something might be.... I don't want to say wrong... but lets us off... I have a Dr. appointment tomorrow, my first gyn since talking to her about ttc. Mayjan suggested that I join all you lovely ladies here. I will admit I didn't read the 102 pages of posts... :blush: Hoping to find more support and friends here... Wishing us all the best and :dust: all around....


Welcome Kydreamer, I will be turning 32 in a couple weeks ( June 11). I have been ttc for over a year and a half. I totally understand your frustration especially feeling like time is against us. GL to you and you can find heaps of support on this thread whenever you need it.

Alisa, that's too funny! Must be a our silly California girl personalities! Actually I am just a dork sometimes and love to make up songs or sayings about random things to bring some excitement. I didn't realize how much I do this until my DH and I started watching the show New Girl. My DH was like, " that is so you with the random singing." lol :loopy:
welcome ky and excited!

Kmae-I think I see a lovely implantation dip at 5 DPO. Ditto to you Chezek at 6 DPO! Both of your charts look super promising!

Pilot-glad you're still checking in with us, you can be our lucky charm.

Gpkrn-I have had several cycles of 40+ days - soooo frustrating. Hang in there and hope doc can give some answers soon.

How are my cycle buddies rms, md, alisa, Luna, baking, smimms?

I love this part of my cycle-it's always when I feel the best, most energy, most centered, though I realize it's a little boring from a ttc updates for my bnb ladies perspective! Too early for ovulation or of course symptom spotting. My oh is delighted at any excuse to dtd, so luckily the "sex on command" thing doesn't phase him at all! We still keep it romantic and I think it's bringing us even closer together. I think he sort of likes the ttc challenge-granted its only our 2nd month actively ttc. It's cd10 and the bd every other day started's hoping!

To anyone I've missed-good luck and happy trying!
welcome ky and excited!

Kmae-I think I see a lovely implantation dip at 5 DPO. Ditto to you Chezek at 6 DPO! Both of your charts look super promising!

Pilot-glad you're still checking in with us, you can be our lucky charm.

Gpkrn-I have had several cycles of 40+ days - soooo frustrating. Hang in there and hope doc can give some answers soon.

How are my cycle buddies rms, md, alisa, Luna, baking, smimms?

I love this part of my cycle-it's always when I feel the best, most energy, most centered, though I realize it's a little boring from a ttc updates for my bnb ladies perspective! Too early for ovulation or of course symptom spotting. My oh is delighted at any excuse to dtd, so luckily the "sex on command" thing doesn't phase him at all! We still keep it romantic and I think it's bringing us even closer together. I think he sort of likes the ttc challenge-granted its only our 2nd month actively ttc. It's cd10 and the bd every other day started's hoping!

To anyone I've missed-good luck and happy trying!

Happy :sex: mine will start in a few days.. :happydance:
welcome ky and excited!

Kmae-I think I see a lovely implantation dip at 5 DPO. Ditto to you Chezek at 6 DPO! Both of your charts look super promising!

Pilot-glad you're still checking in with us, you can be our lucky charm.

Gpkrn-I have had several cycles of 40+ days - soooo frustrating. Hang in there and hope doc can give some answers soon.

How are my cycle buddies rms, md, alisa, Luna, baking, smimms?

I love this part of my cycle-it's always when I feel the best, most energy, most centered, though I realize it's a little boring from a ttc updates for my bnb ladies perspective! Too early for ovulation or of course symptom spotting. My oh is delighted at any excuse to dtd, so luckily the "sex on command" thing doesn't phase him at all! We still keep it romantic and I think it's bringing us even closer together. I think he sort of likes the ttc challenge-granted its only our 2nd month actively ttc. It's cd10 and the bd every other day started's hoping!

To anyone I've missed-good luck and happy trying!
Hi Lily,

I'm here, nothing really to report. :) On cd9 which should be a "sexy time" (I love it!!) but we got off schedule and we are on even days instead of odd days. Dang it! No positive opk yet. :( I feel the same way about all the sex making making you feel closer. We are closer than ever and I love that!!

Welcome new ladies, so glad you're here. :hug:
hey all, I've been trying not to spend so much time on this site as it was stressing me out...I plan to just stop in every few days and get caught up with everyone

feeling good right now, :sex: started on cd5...hubby is pretty good with it all considering he's more of a once or twice a week kind of guy. We don't really "plan" it so much as I tell him when we're coming up to o time and try to go at least every other day for about a week before and a few days through o.

I feel spoiled because I just got two days in a row which is rare :haha: (if we go too often he has trouble finishing sometimes which is frustrating for both of us)

feeling a little sad because it's my bday and I really thought I would be preggo by's funny how I keep arriving at events in my life where I was sure I would already have a belly....oh well, I know it will happen soon.

My brother and his wife are currently going through ivf to try for their's helping keep everything in perspective for me and reminds me that I'm really lucky to not have any known medical problems preventing me from conceiving...
Smimms - one point of friction with DH was that I would approach/lure him when I thought it was "best" and he felt really pressured. So this past cycle I put my most fertile days on our calendar and marked our SMEP days so that he knew it was coming and could mentally prepare. Catching him off guard didn't work for us! Also, we took turns making the night special since it's not just the women's job to make this work! So every other time we each did something special to set the mood :thumbup: It actually has brought us closer together!!!

bakingbabe - my DH is very sched oriented too! And follows up with questions but he is always confused. Like when I mentioned yesterday that my CM has increased he asked "why do you have CM now? I thought it was only when you ovulated" :haha: Poor guy! So much info to absorb!!

MD - I won't test before DPO13, I'm waaaay to scared of a chemical and find the stark white sticks SOOO disheartening. I swear, they take a piece of me with them every time :cry: I haven't test until AF was past due yet and got BFNs cause my cycles are irregular but if I can help it, I won't test! AND I'm totally holding you to your new promise :winkwink:

Excited - welcome!!! :hi: I"m half way down my TWW too…9 days :thumbup: We have a rule around here - NO POAS before 12DPO!!!! So you must abide by this :winkwink: or else :gun:

onebump - what DPO are you?
grkprn - thanks!!! I'm trying not to get too excited as the fall is always hard if it isn't my cycle but a bit of me can't help getting excited! :happydance: Congrats on the O! Wishing you a speedy TWW!!

Kmae - yay! watery cm is good I think, no? And sore bbs are good too :winkwink: FX for you until Friday!!!! Your chart looks great!!!! Joey tests tomorrow so she kicks off our string of testing :thumbup: I didn't realize you're from NorCal! I just moved from San Mateo to the east coast :flower:

Welcome Ky! :hi: We're full of support here! The ladies are all wonderful :flower: GL tomorrow! Let us know how it goes.

Alisa - :hugs: sorry you're having such a tough time with things sweetie! I do hope things get lucky for you this cycle!! FX - now go get some sexy time in or it won't happen for sure :winkwink:

Thx Lily! You think that was an ID at 6DPO? I thought it would be much lower temp so I figured I just didn't dip!!! That makes me feel better - thank you :hugs:

Just think of the loving husband you have and your doggie and kitties that love you unconditionally! And all of us here care about you a lot as well. Baby will come when baby is ready :hugs: Now go celebrate by going out or doing something spontaneous that you won't be able to do when you do have a little one :hug:

I had a good day. Did another maternity shoot tonight, which are always hard but make me that much more determined and excited to be pg myself. Otherwise, no new symptoms. Onto 10DPO tomorrow! Can't wait until Monday :coffee:
hey all, I've been trying not to spend so much time on this site as it was stressing me out...I plan to just stop in every few days and get caught up with everyone

feeling good right now, :sex: started on cd5...hubby is pretty good with it all considering he's more of a once or twice a week kind of guy. We don't really "plan" it so much as I tell him when we're coming up to o time and try to go at least every other day for about a week before and a few days through o.

I feel spoiled because I just got two days in a row which is rare :haha: (if we go too often he has trouble finishing sometimes which is frustrating for both of us)

feeling a little sad because it's my bday and I really thought I would be preggo by's funny how I keep arriving at events in my life where I was sure I would already have a belly....oh well, I know it will happen soon.

My brother and his wife are currently going through ivf to try for their's helping keep everything in perspective for me and reminds me that I'm really lucky to not have any known medical problems preventing me from conceiving...

Happy birthday, Luna!! :cake:
Thanks everyone for the welcomes :winkwink:

I already love it here... So much positive support!! :thumbup:

I am better today then yesterday, although still 11ish hours away from my Dr. appt. I will be on asap to let you all know how it goes... me and my little book of questions/concerns will be in a good place tomorrow ;) My and the hubby talked alot tonight and came up with a game plan to start working towards a more pg friendly life... Small steps that will lead to us being healthier and cutting out some of the last things that could possible hinder things.

Perhaps a bit of TMI, but I wasn't able to check my CM I couldn't find my cervix at all... Short fingers I suppose, so got the hubby to help... Nothing bring you together like squatting on a bed trying not to laugh at how you look in the mirror... O.o :blush:

But he did find it... although not sure about where I am currently in my cycle... I guess we will just keep checking until after AF?? Anyways I need to get some sleep... Got to get up early and get moving.

Thanks again everyone :happydance:
welcome ky and excited!

Kmae-I think I see a lovely implantation dip at 5 DPO. Ditto to you Chezek at 6 DPO! Both of your charts look super promising!

Pilot-glad you're still checking in with us, you can be our lucky charm.

Gpkrn-I have had several cycles of 40+ days - soooo frustrating. Hang in there and hope doc can give some answers soon.

How are my cycle buddies rms, md, alisa, Luna, baking, smimms?

I love this part of my cycle-it's always when I feel the best, most energy, most centered, though I realize it's a little boring from a ttc updates for my bnb ladies perspective! Too early for ovulation or of course symptom spotting. My oh is delighted at any excuse to dtd, so luckily the "sex on command" thing doesn't phase him at all! We still keep it romantic and I think it's bringing us even closer together. I think he sort of likes the ttc challenge-granted its only our 2nd month actively ttc. It's cd10 and the bd every other day started's hoping!

To anyone I've missed-good luck and happy trying!

Hi Lily!! The front end of my cycle is always much more enjoyable than the 2ww. I always feel really good right around my O. Higher energy and better moods. I am still waiting to O and FX'd its in the next few days. On a personal level, I had a challenging day at work, but hope tomorrow will be better. Thanks for checking in!!

grkprn - thanks!!! I'm trying not to get too excited as the fall is always hard if it isn't my cycle but a bit of me can't help getting excited! :happydance: Congrats on the O! Wishing you a speedy TWW!!

Kmae - yay! watery cm is good I think, no? And sore bbs are good too :winkwink: FX for you until Friday!!!! Your chart looks great!!!! Joey tests tomorrow so she kicks off our string of testing :thumbup: I didn't realize you're from NorCal! I just moved from San Mateo to the east coast :flower:

Welcome Ky! :hi: We're full of support here! The ladies are all wonderful :flower: GL tomorrow! Let us know how it goes.

Alisa - :hugs: sorry you're having such a tough time with things sweetie! I do hope things get lucky for you this cycle!! FX - now go get some sexy time in or it won't happen for sure :winkwink:

Thx Lily! You think that was an ID at 6DPO? I thought it would be much lower temp so I figured I just didn't dip!!! That makes me feel better - thank you :hugs:

Just think of the loving husband you have and your doggie and kitties that love you unconditionally! And all of us here care about you a lot as well. Baby will come when baby is ready :hugs: Now go celebrate by going out or doing something spontaneous that you won't be able to do when you do have a little one :hug:

I had a good day. Did another maternity shoot tonight, which are always hard but make me that much more determined and excited to be pg myself. Otherwise, no new symptoms. Onto 10DPO tomorrow! Can't wait until Monday :coffee:

Hi Mrs. C! Can't even wait for you to test!!! Loads and loads of :dust: my Dear!!!
Thanks everyone for the welcomes :winkwink:

I already love it here... So much positive support!! :thumbup:

I am better today then yesterday, although still 11ish hours away from my Dr. appt. I will be on asap to let you all know how it goes... me and my little book of questions/concerns will be in a good place tomorrow ;) My and the hubby talked alot tonight and came up with a game plan to start working towards a more pg friendly life... Small steps that will lead to us being healthier and cutting out some of the last things that could possible hinder things.

Perhaps a bit of TMI, but I wasn't able to check my CM I couldn't find my cervix at all... Short fingers I suppose, so got the hubby to help... Nothing bring you together like squatting on a bed trying not to laugh at how you look in the mirror... O.o :blush:

But he did find it... although not sure about where I am currently in my cycle... I guess we will just keep checking until after AF?? Anyways I need to get some sleep... Got to get up early and get moving.

Thanks again everyone :happydance:

Good luck tomorrow Ky!!! And welcome. :hugs:
I am solidly sticking by my decision to wait until the first to test, but it is getting harder and harder every day. I have been really tired to the point that I don't even want to get out of bed lately, and I am still having cramps. They aren't horrible, but they are there. One thing that I noticed this morning is that my bbs started hurting. Just on the outside of each of them, but they ache. I also have had a mild headache the past couple days. Hopefully this turns into something good! So hard not to test "just to make sure". I am roughly 10 DPO, so something may show up, but I am scared to death that it is all in my head, I am going crazy, and I am going to see a :bfn: if I test. :shrug:

Hey there, I know the waiting game is one of the worst ones there is... I usually try to find something to throw myself into... 'projects' are my way of coping with the wait and being able to do something productive... Over the years I have learned how to sew books, crochet, make beaded bracelets, humikimo (japanese braiding thing my mom taught me) Also I read books... Lots of ways to mentally check out and focus on just the task at hand... It might help... what are things your interested in learning or doing??
I tried to add my nice new cycle buddies to my sig but it seems I have too much info in my sig already and cannot add any more! Sorry cycle buddies! LOL

CD14 here, OH and I went for a nice long walk last night, and we talked about TTC and the upcoming doc appointment. He said we just have to stay positive, and I said I try, and I have my thoughts of what we will do if we cant get pregnant, and I said we could even adopt if it came to that. He was NOT keen on that! I was very surprised, he says he doesn't think it would feel right for him :( So there goes one of my hopeful bubbles burst. Guess at least I know in this early stage.

We are BDing every other day, although we skipped one day so now we are on odd days, which is fine. I dont expect to O til July 7th anyway, just getting the practise in!
Tested this morning - BFN. Nothing, not even an evap! 12dpo so I think I am out - AF still not here though...........
Tested this morning - BFN. Nothing, not even an evap! 12dpo so I think I am out - AF still not here though...........

How long is ur LP normally? i can see ur temp is still high, since AF hasnt come yet, u're still in. Good luck..
I tried to add my nice new cycle buddies to my sig but it seems I have too much info in my sig already and cannot add any more! Sorry cycle buddies! LOL

CD14 here, OH and I went for a nice long walk last night, and we talked about TTC and the upcoming doc appointment. He said we just have to stay positive, and I said I try, and I have my thoughts of what we will do if we cant get pregnant, and I said we could even adopt if it came to that. He was NOT keen on that! I was very surprised, he says he doesn't think it would feel right for him :( So there goes one of my hopeful bubbles burst. Guess at least I know in this early stage.

We are BDing every other day, although we skipped one day so now we are on odd days, which is fine. I dont expect to O til July 7th anyway, just getting the practise in!

Hi rmsh1, do u always have long cycles? My cycles are long, and BD every other day seems a bit hard for us, not knowing when the O day is. I really hope we can catch the O day this cycle. FX!!

Hey there, I know the waiting game is one of the worst ones there is... I usually try to find something to throw myself into... 'projects' are my way of coping with the wait and being able to do something productive... Over the years I have learned how to sew books, crochet, make beaded bracelets, humikimo (japanese braiding thing my mom taught me) Also I read books... Lots of ways to mentally check out and focus on just the task at hand... It might help... what are things your interested in learning or doing??

Well, I do have things to keep me busy. I have a final this week that I have been studying for, and a game just came out that my fiancee and I have been playing. It is still hard though. Every time I go to walmart I am so tempted to buy a test because they have tests that are less than a dollar. I know that if I have a test here at home, then I will test. Even though I will tell myself that I am buying it to be ready for when I am going to test, I will still use it. I can't help it sometimes. I have crochet that I can do also, it's just so hard to concentrate on anything right now, and my body is constantly reminding me of what is going on because of the cramps that I am having. :growlmad:

Those are all good ideas though, and maybe I need to be doing something in addition to what I am trying right now. I think I will clean my already spotless house again tomorrow. Cleaning always calms my mind. I think the thing that is making this tww so hard is that I really honestly felt like I ovulated this month. Every other month has been "oh, I think those were o pains, but I am not sure, but I will act like they were and bd just to be safe" and nothing has ever come of it. It's hard to plan anything with pcos. This month, though, just felt different. It was like my body was telling me that this is it and to go for it, which I did. I never have cramps or anything until AF hits me like a ton of bricks and this time I have been cramping like mad in addition to other symptoms that I am having.

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