TTC #1 and over 30

I tried to add my nice new cycle buddies to my sig but it seems I have too much info in my sig already and cannot add any more! Sorry cycle buddies! LOL

CD14 here, OH and I went for a nice long walk last night, and we talked about TTC and the upcoming doc appointment. He said we just have to stay positive, and I said I try, and I have my thoughts of what we will do if we cant get pregnant, and I said we could even adopt if it came to that. He was NOT keen on that! I was very surprised, he says he doesn't think it would feel right for him :( So there goes one of my hopeful bubbles burst. Guess at least I know in this early stage.

We are BDing every other day, although we skipped one day so now we are on odd days, which is fine. I dont expect to O til July 7th anyway, just getting the practise in!

Hi rmsh1, do u always have long cycles? My cycles are long, and BD every other day seems a bit hard for us, not knowing when the O day is. I really hope we can catch the O day this cycle. FX!!

Hi MayJan
My cycle records are all in my sig so my guess is as good as yours as to what is going on! Whenever I came off bc in the past, my cycles always returned to around 33-36 cycles, even if that took a while, but this time they went straight back to regular straight away and then all of a sudden became long :(

What is your cycle story?
Joey - sorry about the bfn but your temps are still up so you are by no means out!

Gypsy-your symptoms are very promising but hang in there and no poas or Chezek will come after you!

Chezek- I do think you may have implanted at day 6 b/c even though not to cover line, it was a pretty if dip followed by a sustained spike. Temps next few days will bew really telling-I've got everything triple crossed for you!

Rmsh- here's hoping for a speedy ovulation this cycle!

:hugs: to everyone-hope everyone has a great day.
rmsh1 - i nvr have regular cycle at all. there was 1 time i went 5 mths w/o period, but that was many years ago. in the past 1 year my cycle were not too bad, 32-43 days. Last 2 cycle was 57 days, then came down to 39 days. i think my polycystic ovaries causes the irregular long cycles. if i try to stress less then my cycle will be a bit shorter. So now i try to relax a bit more, think positively.. it's good enuf if my cycle stays shorter than 40 days.. i chart my bbt to see if i ovulate or not. a gal in this forum told me agnus castus can bring cycle back to "normal", i want to see if it works for me as well.. oh and i nvr know when a period is late.. :(
I am going to try agnus castus if my doctor cant/wont do anything for me

I have no reason to think I have polycystic ovaries, but I know it is possible

I know I am ovulating, so that is one thing!

I completely understand how hard it is not to test... Waiting is sooo hard to do... I test if I have one in the house also... and I get the feeling like you ovulated and wanting to test... I am not regular all the time. What game are you and the b/f playing?? I'm a bit of a nerd and play MMORPG's.... I am pretty lucky in that if I can get my hands busy my brain usually follows what I am doing.... Best of luck in your tww and lots of :dust: to you.

hey all, I've been trying not to spend so much time on this site as it was stressing me out...I plan to just stop in every few days and get caught up with everyone

feeling good right now, :sex: started on cd5...hubby is pretty good with it all considering he's more of a once or twice a week kind of guy. We don't really "plan" it so much as I tell him when we're coming up to o time and try to go at least every other day for about a week before and a few days through o.

I feel spoiled because I just got two days in a row which is rare :haha: (if we go too often he has trouble finishing sometimes which is frustrating for both of us)

feeling a little sad because it's my bday and I really thought I would be preggo by's funny how I keep arriving at events in my life where I was sure I would already have a belly....oh well, I know it will happen soon.

My brother and his wife are currently going through ivf to try for their's helping keep everything in perspective for me and reminds me that I'm really lucky to not have any known medical problems preventing me from conceiving...

Happy Birthday Luna!!! :D

I am solidly sticking by my decision to wait until the first to test, but it is getting harder and harder every day. I have been really tired to the point that I don't even want to get out of bed lately, and I am still having cramps. They aren't horrible, but they are there. One thing that I noticed this morning is that my bbs started hurting. Just on the outside of each of them, but they ache. I also have had a mild headache the past couple days. Hopefully this turns into something good! So hard not to test "just to make sure". I am roughly 10 DPO, so something may show up, but I am scared to death that it is all in my head, I am going crazy, and I am going to see a :bfn: if I test. :shrug:

Ooh, sounds like my symptoms. (got a BFP on 25DPO)
Fingers crossed for ya :dust:

Tested this morning - BFN. Nothing, not even an evap! 12dpo so I think I am out - AF still not here though...........

12DPO is the earliest you could get a BFP... wait a bit and test again. I got 3 BFN´s before I got my positive at 25DPO.


I completely understand how hard it is not to test... Waiting is sooo hard to do... I test if I have one in the house also... and I get the feeling like you ovulated and wanting to test... I am not regular all the time. What game are you and the b/f playing?? I'm a bit of a nerd and play MMORPG's.... I am pretty lucky in that if I can get my hands busy my brain usually follows what I am doing.... Best of luck in your tww and lots of :dust: to you.


Hehe, I know that MMORPG´s addiction well.
Played WoW for 3 years... glad I´m out of that one. (though I really really want to start again, I just know where I would head if I did).
Wow I missed a lot!

Welcome babysa (happy birthday!), Excited81 and kydreamer

MrsChezek - I see you’ve been super busy but not enough to keep your mind off the 2WW. Hopefully all the positive signs that you’re getting mean your BFP is around the corner. Fx’d for you.

Luna – Happy Birthday! I know it's hard but hope you enjoy your day.

JOEY – Sorry about the BFN. Hopefully you’ll get a different result in a few days.

rmsh1 / MAYJAN – I’ve heard about Agnus Catus and most people found it really helped but everyone’s body is different. A few found it messed their cycles up but if your cycles are already irregular it may be worth a try.

Gypsy – I know how hard it is to wait it out. Especially if you’re not sure when you O’d you can easily convince yourself that maybe O happened just a little earlier. Good luck!

AFM – CD 11 and have the flu. Fever is messing with my temps so giving up charting for this cycle. Also I hope I don’t O early because I’m sure the meds will mess with CM. Maybe it’ll be a good thing if it forces me to stop obsessing for a while. Other than that everything is great. I also enjoy this part of my cycle – 2WW is torture.
Just curious as to how the hubbys are reacting to ttc and timing bd. How do you make him feel special even though it sex with a purpose not just fun. My hubby is getting freaked out by it. He wants a baby, he just doesn't like the take your clothes off because this test says it time to do me. Tmi. I just want to make him feel like more than just a sperm machine.

Maybe talk to him and ask him for a solution that would work for him AND will get you pregnant. Men generally like fixing things, finding solutions and solving puzzles.

We haven’t been trying that long but when we started I had to explain to DH the lesser known details of baby making (sperm/ egg life span etc) and the options we could use – every other day BD, temping, opks and asked him what he wanted to do. He opted for every other day BD (I’m trying to temp to know when to test though).

So far it’s working out great because neither of us is any good at initiating. We’re always wondering if the other person wants to or is tired etc even though we both usually would get into the mood if the other wanted.
Baby making sort of takes away the uncertainty of should I / shouldn’t I... I pretty much know I’m going to get lucky and so I can really get excited about it before hand.

Also men need loads of reassurance so I try and do extra BD during the non-fertile periods so he feels wanted for non-baby making purposes.
Hi everyone!

Luna - I know exactly what you mean. I was going to try to stay away for a bit b/c I felt like it was stressing me out, but I can't seem to. I'm sorry you are feeling down. The good news is you can have a big glass of wine for your birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! :happydance: The big belly is going to happen so soon! I have faith for all of us. :dust:

Lily - I do like this part of my cycle b/c I feel like I can relax a bit more. And, I was trying to really cut back on drinking during 2ww. It is nice to relax and have a glass of wine or two.

Welcome kydreamer! Good luck tomorrow (or was that today?). Anyway, I hope all goes well for you.

Joey - sorry about the bfn. That is always hard. But it is still early. Look at preg_p. So, there is still hope.

MrsChez - thinking about you. Sounds like you have had some positive signs for sure!

gypsy - defy hold out a bit longer. Your symptoms sound promising but it is never good to see a bfn and it is so early. The waiting stinks. Glad Im not in the 2ww right now. It is draining. I needed this break to have a drink and relax again!

Zeez - Im sorry you are sick! Yucky. I hope you feel better soon.

Soon to test? Who again is testing in the next couple of days (12 dpo + only ;))? Sending lots of :dust:!!! Can't wait to get some more :bfp:s for our little group!

ALL - :hugs: and :dust:
So, I told dh about the SMEP and I thought he was going to be like - honey, let's just enjoy ourselves and not get so regimented. I was shocked when he said - OK, you're in charge. Just tell me when we have to get neky. Yay! So happy he is ok with this. So, we start tonight. SMEP!!! I hope you work! I might also get some mucinex. We have preseed but he doesn't like the way that feels. Plus, it does worry me a bit about the potential link to higher chem pregs since I already had one.

DH is in a high stress job so I am afraid that has had/is having an effect on his swimmers. Fingers crossed it is not. He just started working out again so maybe that will help.
Just curious as to how the hubbys are reacting to ttc and timing bd. How do you make him feel special even though it sex with a purpose not just fun. My hubby is getting freaked out by it. He wants a baby, he just doesn't like the take your clothes off because this test says it time to do me. Tmi. I just want to make him feel like more than just a sperm machine.

Maybe talk to him and ask him for a solution that would work for him AND will get you pregnant. Men generally like fixing things, finding solutions and solving puzzles.

We haven’t been trying that long but when we started I had to explain to DH the lesser known details of baby making (sperm/ egg life span etc) and the options we could use – every other day BD, temping, opks and asked him what he wanted to do. He opted for every other day BD (I’m trying to temp to know when to test though).

So far it’s working out great because neither of us is any good at initiating. We’re always wondering if the other person wants to or is tired etc even though we both usually would get into the mood if the other wanted.
Baby making sort of takes away the uncertainty of should I / shouldn’t I... I pretty much know I’m going to get lucky and so I can really get excited about it before hand.

Also men need loads of reassurance so I try and do extra BD during the non-fertile periods so he feels wanted for non-baby making purposes.

I agree I try to bd even when I am not fertile. Last night we spontaneously :sex: and I made the joke that dh's sperm were crying for an egg and not going to get one this time LOL. My dh has been pretty cool about it all. But, like I said we do it when the mood hits not only on those days. I actually highlight the days of the month I am fertile on a calendar in the bedroom. Then, dh can see those days without me nagging him and he has been good about making sure we :sex: those days. I don't like the idea of having a strict schedule. This is just what works for us. Who knows how he will feel in the future. This is our 1st cycle ttc.
Gypsy - hang in there! At least two more days :thumbup:

Ky - I love your idea of throwing yourself into a project! Two week learning sprees of whatever I want - I'm in! This TWW is going by faster cause I'm super busy with work and preparing for our trip next week so that's nice but it will be great for future times (hopefully not until TTC#2 of course) :winkwink:

rmsh1 - I used to be against adoption too. But after turning 30 and not being a in great relationship and then even separating from DH, I came to my senses. Give him time to digest this idea. It's not easy to give up your dream of having a blood child and opening your heart to an adopted baby. But he might come around! :hugs:

Oh no Joey!! I hate that stark white BFN :hugs: Well, preg_pilot had negatives for like forever and then got a BFP so you're not out until the :witch: gets ya!!!! FX

Thx Lily! Temp is steady this morning so FX! I'd die and go to heaven if I get a BFP - seriously! Here's to not getting to excited. Although it's all in the air, DH just got some FANTASTIC news from work so we're celebrating over Martinelli's sparkling cider tonight (he's got a cold and I'm opting not to drink). Excitement's in the air!!!!

OK I'll try to catch up a bit later as it's after noon and I have to shower from my run (finally decided to take eggy for a spin), eat lunch and head out to PT by 1:30pm. Fun never ends around here!!!! :winkwink:

:hug: to all my girlies!!!!!
I <3 this thread :flower:
So, I told dh about the SMEP and I thought he was going to be like - honey, let's just enjoy ourselves and not get so regimented. I was shocked when he said - OK, you're in charge. Just tell me when we have to get neky. Yay! So happy he is ok with this. So, we start tonight. SMEP!!! I hope you work! I might also get some mucinex. We have preseed but he doesn't like the way that feels. Plus, it does worry me a bit about the potential link to higher chem pregs since I already had one.

DH is in a high stress job so I am afraid that has had/is having an effect on his swimmers. Fingers crossed it is not. He just started working out again so maybe that will help.

Preseed makes me nervous after hearing the stories, but the good seems to outweigh the bad. If it gives you a higher probability of pregnancy go for it! I'm going to try conceive plus this month. I hear they both have parabens and that's not the best thing to expose your body to, but hopefully it won't be exposed to it for long. Fx
Just curious as to how the hubbys are reacting to ttc and timing bd. How do you make him feel special even though it sex with a purpose not just fun. My hubby is getting freaked out by it. He wants a baby, he just doesn't like the take your clothes off because this test says it time to do me. Tmi. I just want to make him feel like more than just a sperm machine.

Maybe talk to him and ask him for a solution that would work for him AND will get you pregnant. Men generally like fixing things, finding solutions and solving puzzles.

We haven’t been trying that long but when we started I had to explain to DH the lesser known details of baby making (sperm/ egg life span etc) and the options we could use – every other day BD, temping, opks and asked him what he wanted to do. He opted for every other day BD (I’m trying to temp to know when to test though).

So far it’s working out great because neither of us is any good at initiating. We’re always wondering if the other person wants to or is tired etc even though we both usually would get into the mood if the other wanted.
Baby making sort of takes away the uncertainty of should I / shouldn’t I... I pretty much know I’m going to get lucky and so I can really get excited about it before hand.

Also men need loads of reassurance so I try and do extra BD during the non-fertile periods so he feels wanted for non-baby making purposes.

You're right! My husband is a big macho man, but he needs to know I'm attracted to him, he's just a big softy in reality. I have a problem initiating for the same reasons you do. Then to make things worse I asked him about using softcups and preseed and he gave me an ohh s#!t look. I think he's feeling pressured, but he wanted to start TTC in the first place. I guess I just took it to a different level lol. I agree I need to start BD during nonfertile periods too. I'm sure that would make him feel more wanted and attractive.
Hey everyone, just got home from the Dr. and lunch with my mom and uncle ;) Things went well... getting results back in a week... Dr. answered alot of my questions, she says that alot of things will be later down the road but she seemed really happy that I have looked into things on my own... She said the physical parts all looked great ;) So Let's hope that with alittle work on diet and exercised that I will be well on my way... although I have been doing these things already and I am the exact same weight as I was in January.... Ugh how much more exercise do I need to do... Nothing to walking at least every other day if not everyday... that is really disheartening... I was hoping for alittle loss... even a lb. But I feel good about everything and will go back and see her in 6 weeks. Thanks for all the support. :dust: to us all
Found out today that my 33 y/o "former" friend is pregnant. Apparently the baby is a happy accident. The funny thing is she's a former pothead (as far as I know) druggie. I stopped hanging out with her because she got too out of control :drunk:. Now she has 2 beautiful daughters and another on the way. Moral of the story is if she can get pregnant after all the BS she put her body through then it must be only a matter of time for us. I think just taking time to relax, meditate and not worry about TTC, testing and all that comes with it will do wonders. \\:D/
Of course it's easier said than done..:dohh:
Well the :witch: arrived today so I am out - feeling quite sad about it - really felt that this was our month! But never mind, back to the never ending waiting.

Good luck and :dust: to everyone!!
Well the :witch: arrived today so I am out - feeling quite sad about it - really felt that this was our month! But never mind, back to the never ending waiting.

Good luck and :dust: to everyone!!

Sorry to hear that. Hang in there your time will come! :flower:
hi i'm back. went to my OB this afternoon. my ovaries are cleared again. so no more CLC. She told me to take clomid but half tablet a day for 5 days. today is my cd5. hopefully no more cyst will come up.
Well the :witch: arrived today so I am out - feeling quite sad about it - really felt that this was our month! But never mind, back to the never ending waiting.

Good luck and :dust: to everyone!!

i love your positive outlook. can i have some of it? :winkwink:

we will have our turn soon.

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