TTC #1 and over 30

Zeez - I make time to come here cause it grounds me. Without this thread, I get overly excited or totally down about it all and being here keeps me even keeled. Being busy though doesn't help make the time fly by faster!! Hope you feel better - and you should pick up temping once your fever backs down cause it will always give you some useful info. UNLESS of course you want to take a break! That's cool too :thumbup:

MD - working out helps for sure! GL to you with SMEP - we just did it for the fist time this cycle. Hopefully I'll have good news on Monday to cheer you on with!!!! Yay for DH being in on stuff. Always much easier than trying to play mind games :hugs: And Musinex did wonders for me this cycle! I took 1200mg max strength pill (accidentally) on the day I Oed and I was drowning in CM :shy:

Nikkih - a calendar helps us too! We have a shared google cal we put things on that we want the other person to know about so it's perfect. We're both prepared and there's no surprises. Are you testing tomorrow or will you wait until 14DPO? Sorry my memory is not very good with testing dates this week! OH there it is, you're joining Kmae! FX chicas!!! I'll sleep with everything crossed for you both :hugs:

Ky - I know *every* body is different so this is simply a suggestion that works for me but whenever I want to shed a bit of weight, I switch to one veg (non cheese dominant) meal per day and I only let myself have 1-2 simple carb servings (white bread, crackers, cookies, rice, pasta, etc) per day. That always helps me! But that's cause carbs really sitck to my bones. Just an idea!

Smimms - my friend (RL TTC buddy) is a volunteer lawyer that works on social cases and the stories she tells me make both of us go crazy!! These women who do terrible things to their bodies and are unhealthy but seem to get pregnant by simply breathing!!! SO UNFAIR. But hopefully it means we should be up next!!

Joey - so sorry the ugly :witch: got you sweetie :hugs: I know how heart-wrenching that is so take some time to do something nice for yourself. Whatever you need to get back on that horse. It WILL happen. Now go get some vino and drink some for me! :wine:

piglet - yay for being cleared!! FX that no more cysts come, just a big ole eggy!! :flower:

Kmae - oh I hope you get that :bfp: just in time to start celebrating your birth month!!!! GL with your testing tomorrow but if it is a BFN, keep in mind it's only 12DPO and you're not out until AF gets you!!!!! FX and lots and lots of baby dust!!!
:dust: :baby: :dust:

bakingbabe - deep breaths indeed!!!! start practicing for giving birth :haha: I hope you get your temp spike tomorrow!!!! AND of course that darker line :hugs:

Tumtum - I had success with Guaifenesin this past cycle. I didn't see much results with it until it came time to O and I was drowning in EWCm. But I also accidentally took a 1200mg pill (DH's cough med instead of my 400mg pill) on the day I Oed so maybe that was the cause of it? :shrug:

Gypsy - I too would err on side of caution and not raise your body temp with a heating pad. But I don't know any data on that! Thanks bakingbabe for chiming in - good to know it's safe on the back side! :thumbup:

AFM, I had a crazy day. Everything that should have been simple just got SO complicated!!! But I'm still in a good mood - mainly cause it was almost funny how it all went awry!! Also, my bbs hurt when I started on my run - tender at first but then I guess got used to the bouncing My nipples were a bit sensitive to the touch too. But my boobs get heavy and tender before AF so not getting too excited just yet :nope: Usually the day before so tomorrow will be stressful! To combat the stress though I've lined up a day of relaxation (and prep for my vaca next week). Got a body buff (body scrub followed by a body butter rub down) scheduled for 10am and then getting a mani/pedi in the afternoon :happydance:

I'm psyched for tomorrow's testers!!!! Who else is testing this weekend?

Gypsy I know you're waiting until June 1st and I'm testing on Monday. Anyone else in TWW? Sorry, I've got total air-brain tonight!!!! :wacko:

I completely understand how hard it is not to test... Waiting is sooo hard to do... I test if I have one in the house also... and I get the feeling like you ovulated and wanting to test... I am not regular all the time. What game are you and the b/f playing?? I'm a bit of a nerd and play MMORPG's.... I am pretty lucky in that if I can get my hands busy my brain usually follows what I am doing.... Best of luck in your tww and lots of :dust: to you.


I played wow for 6ish years, and the game that we have been playing is diablo 3. He is a computer gamer and that is where all his friends are, and that is fine with me. I think it is kind of cute. He plays everything and anything he can. There are very few games we don't have. They give me something to do.

Ky, I love those bunnies in your avatar. They are probably the cutest pets put in the game.

Thank you everyone for all the support. This thread is amazing. I haven't been here as long as everyone else, but I feel like all of you are my friends, and one can never have too many friends, especially friends who understand and can empathize with the stress of ttc.

lol yeah I am the gamer outta me and the DH... I got a trial code for D3 and have made 3 different classes and played them all as far as I could... got two more to try I think... we have moved from Wow to Starwars, it was a guild move... I <3 my gamer friends... I have a couple that if they didn't live all over the U.S. and Canada we would seriously just hang out together all the time... Best group of people I have had in my life for such a long time. I know what you mean about the support here!! All the lovely ladies here are amazing and so welcoming... it is like coming home to a family you didn't know you had :flower: I have been here almost 2 days now... so pretty new myself. It is amazing to have people who can understand the low points with ttc and help to lift you back into a good place to be with it. I can't wait to get the good news for each and every one of ya'll!! :dust: all around and let's sparkle with the knowledge that our time will come!!

Hey I have been on a better living through eating lifestyle change.. Carbs are my downfall too... They shouldn't be so freakin yummy.... >.< But in talking with the Dr. today and my mom (she worked as a personal trainer and a water aerobic instructor my whole life and study nutrition) and the new goal since we have after two year gotten to a good portion size per meal is to continue on working on eatting less meat and bread (Love good bread, rice and pasta are meh compared to bread) and more veggies and being more aware of the amount of sugar in the things that I eat and drink and slowly working to up the exercise... I put the weight on so I can get it off... I am in a can do place today and just going to go strong with it!!

Has anyone heard of the study on 3rd hand smoke?? I ran across a article somewhere and was wondering about other people's thoughts on it. ( I have some breathing problems... mostly sinuses and upper respiratory) but I am fairly sensitive when it comes to the though of anyone being exposed to something that could make breathing harder. The DH thinks I over react about it but he has never had issues like that... He's got the immune system of a ancient Greek god... But having asthma from allergies and knowing that feeling of wanting air but having to fight for just a small amount of it... it is one of the few things that we have issues with as his family are at least 2pk a day smokers and 3 of them in one house it is bad... I come home smelling like a ashtray and have to ditch everything I have on and take a shower first thing... Anyways, Digressing.... anyone else heard about it and thoughts/feelings would be appreciated.

Hmm I have been reading up on D-chiro inositol now and wondering if I should try that before vitex. Ahhhh so many things to try and no way of knowing what is best for me!
Well the :witch: arrived today so I am out - feeling quite sad about it - really felt that this was our month! But never mind, back to the never ending waiting.

Good luck and :dust: to everyone!!
Sorry AF got you. FX for this cycle :hugs:

Something that I am wondering about. When I have AF cramps usually, I can use my heating pad to help ease them. Can I do that now considering that my cramps can possibly be pregnant cramps or will using the heating pad have a negative effect if I am in fact pregnant?

I don´t really know, but as I understand it, what you´re supposed to avoid, is raising your own body temperature.
I´m sure 10 minutes of having a heating pad at your belly will not do that.
Nobody is talking about an hour here ;)
Oh, just wanted to show you a little update :)
I took a digital this morning, just in case I was imagining things before ;)
It´s a danish clearblue Gravid=Pregnant, Ikke Gravid=Not Pregnant.

Clearblue Pos 25.5.2012 resize.jpg

Feeling decidedly pregnant this morning.
I feel a pressure, an itch and a stretching feeling down there.
Sooo happy :)
Oh, just wanted to show you a little update :)
I took a digital this morning, just in case I was imagining things before ;)
It´s a danish clearblue Gravid=Pregnant, Ikke Gravid=Not Pregnant.

View attachment 406217

Feeling decidedly pregnant this morning.
I feel a pressure, an itch and a stretching feeling down there.
Sooo happy :)

:thumbup::thumbup::thumbup: woo i learned 2 danish words today :happydance:
Oh, just wanted to show you a little update :)
I took a digital this morning, just in case I was imagining things before ;)
It´s a danish clearblue Gravid=Pregnant, Ikke Gravid=Not Pregnant.

View attachment 406217

Feeling decidedly pregnant this morning.
I feel a pressure, an itch and a stretching feeling down there.
Sooo happy :)

:thumbup::thumbup::thumbup: woo i learned 2 danish words today :happydance:

Hehe, want to learn more? ;)
So exciting Prego :)

I tested this morning. Thought I saw a hint of something very faint but it is prob my mind playing games. I will wait to see if :witch: comes Sunday if not will re test.
Thanks sooo much for the warm welcome ladies!!! It's great to be here! I am currently on CD 19 of a anywhere between 26 -30 day cycle. It ranges each month (just to keep me guessing). We hit ov time pretty hard this cycle with BD on CD8, CD10(twice), CD11, CD12, 14. Then hubby went away so had to stop. Hopefully we caught that eggy. I had ov cramps and ewcm on CD12, so we'll see.
It's my bday tomorrow and I really wish I could know...but it's just too early! Planning cocktails and sushi with friends, so don't want to go all out with cocktails only to find out I'm preggers, but also dont want to drink water all night and then find out I'm not ;-) What do you ladies think???
Thanks ZeeZ for the welcome...I see you are a fellow south african...whereabouts are you?
Oh, just wanted to show you a little update :)
I took a digital this morning, just in case I was imagining things before ;)
It´s a danish clearblue Gravid=Pregnant, Ikke Gravid=Not Pregnant.

View attachment 406217

Feeling decidedly pregnant this morning.
I feel a pressure, an itch and a stretching feeling down there.
Sooo happy :)

:thumbup::thumbup::thumbup: woo i learned 2 danish words today :happydance:

Hehe, want to learn more? ;)

Sureeeeee, since i'm going to Denmark next month :happydance:
Oh, just wanted to show you a little update :)
I took a digital this morning, just in case I was imagining things before ;)
It´s a danish clearblue Gravid=Pregnant, Ikke Gravid=Not Pregnant.

View attachment 406217

Feeling decidedly pregnant this morning.
I feel a pressure, an itch and a stretching feeling down there.
Sooo happy :)

:thumbup::thumbup::thumbup: woo i learned 2 danish words today :happydance:

Hehe, want to learn more? ;)

Sureeeeee, since i'm going to Denmark next month :happydance:

hehe. well the first ones youll want to learn is
hej = hi
hej hej = bye
hvor er s-toget? = where is the s-train?
tak = thank you

just pm me if you want to learn more ;)
Thanks sooo much for the warm welcome ladies!!! It's great to be here! I am currently on CD 19 of a anywhere between 26 -30 day cycle. It ranges each month (just to keep me guessing). We hit ov time pretty hard this cycle with BD on CD8, CD10(twice), CD11, CD12, 14. Then hubby went away so had to stop. Hopefully we caught that eggy. I had ov cramps and ewcm on CD12, so we'll see.
It's my bday tomorrow and I really wish I could know...but it's just too early! Planning cocktails and sushi with friends, so don't want to go all out with cocktails only to find out I'm preggers, but also dont want to drink water all night and then find out I'm not ;-) What do you ladies think???

This is a personal choice but I am totally a "drink 'til it's pink" girl-meaning I will drink during tww. Not to excess, and usually just one, and not every day. Fwiw, if it were me going to the party, I absolutely would have one fabulous cocktail or glass of wine. For one, my understanding is that it is not affecting baby until about 6 weeks when you drink and two, if I had stopped drinking every single time I *hoped* for being pg, I would have cut myself off unnecessarily at many many social gatherings. The USA is somewhat different than many countries in the zero wine during pregnancy stance. That's just me-you absolutely have to choose what is right for you! Happy birthday and it sounds to me like you timed your bd with oh perfectly this cycle!

Nikki-can you post a pic??

Happy Friday, all!
Ky - best of luck to you. I used to yo-yo diet for years and finally caved in and just changed my lifestyle. I eat well most of the time but bread is my weakness too! LOVE it!!!! And muffins&#8230;croissants&#8230;cupcakes :winkwink: I know you can do it with that CAN attitude!!! :hugs:

rmsh1 - I wish there were fertility non-med docs that knew about all these other things and gave us guidance!!! I feel like the med docs aren't too into it and guide us away from it all which leaves us experimenting on our own. Wish there was someone that was like the know-it-all of all these other things we want to try :winkwink: Oh and they wouldn't care how old we were and wouldn't make us wait 2 years to get help :hugs:

pre_pilot - still super happy for you! Can't believe it made you wait that long though to finally get that BFP!!!!! xx

nikkih - yay for a hint of positive! GL to you and hope you get to test (and get a bfp) on Sunday!!! FX

Happy Bday babsa! I'd have a drink&#8230;just not more than that and nothing too strong!

AFM, temp dropped a bit this am which is disheartening combined with the bb tenderness yesterday (all AF symptoms for me) but I'm trying to stay positive! Off to get a body scrub :)
So exciting Prego :)

I tested this morning. Thought I saw a hint of something very faint but it is prob my mind playing games. I will wait to see if :witch: comes Sunday if not will re test.

Fingers crossed for ya :)

I'l post a pic. Like I said prob just my mind. I took a second one and did not see anything. Probably just my mind wanting it so bad.


  • test.jpg
    39.8 KB · Views: 15
I was spotting a bit last night, which really had me worried, but it has stopped now thank goodness. If AF had showed up it would have been cd32 for me which is odd because my cycles are never ever regular like that. I slept almost all day yesterday, which is not like me, but I was so tired that I couldn't keep my eyes open. Not good when you have a final to study for. I need to find something that helps perk me up and keep me awake as well as caffeine because I stopped drinking the stuff almost 2 months ago to see if that would help me ttc. I also started to eat healthier which is helpin me to lose a bit of weight. Since I stopped drinking soda and caffeine I have lost 10 pounds, which I have never been able to do before.

Good luck to everyone who is testing today and in the next week. I am right there with ya! I want to see some more :bfp:s!
So exciting Prego :)

I tested this morning. Thought I saw a hint of something very faint but it is prob my mind playing games. I will wait to see if :witch: comes Sunday if not will re test.

Fingers crossed for ya :)

I'l post a pic. Like I said prob just my mind. I took a second one and did not see anything. Probably just my mind wanting it so bad.

I have a hard time reading ic's. Was this with FMU?

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