Zeez - I make time to come here cause it grounds me. Without this thread, I get overly excited or totally down about it all and being here keeps me even keeled. Being busy though doesn't help make the time fly by faster!! Hope you feel better - and you should pick up temping once your fever backs down cause it will always give you some useful info. UNLESS of course you want to take a break! That's cool too
MD - working out helps for sure! GL to you with SMEP - we just did it for the fist time this cycle. Hopefully I'll have good news on Monday to cheer you on with!!!! Yay for DH being in on stuff. Always much easier than trying to play mind games

And Musinex did wonders for me this cycle! I took 1200mg max strength pill (accidentally) on the day I Oed and I was drowning in CM
Nikkih - a calendar helps us too! We have a shared google cal we put things on that we want the other person to know about so it's perfect. We're both prepared and there's no surprises. Are you testing tomorrow or will you wait until 14DPO? Sorry my memory is not very good with testing dates this week! OH there it is, you're joining
Kmae! FX chicas!!! I'll sleep with everything crossed for you both
Ky - I know *every* body is different so this is simply a suggestion that works for me but whenever I want to shed a bit of weight, I switch to one veg (non cheese dominant) meal per day and I only let myself have 1-2 simple carb servings (white bread, crackers, cookies, rice, pasta, etc) per day. That always helps me! But that's cause carbs really sitck to my bones. Just an idea!
Smimms - my friend (RL TTC buddy) is a volunteer lawyer that works on social cases and the stories she tells me make both of us go crazy!! These women who do terrible things to their bodies and are unhealthy but seem to get pregnant by simply breathing!!! SO UNFAIR. But hopefully it means we should be up next!!
Joey - so sorry the ugly

got you sweetie

I know how heart-wrenching that is so take some time to do something nice for yourself. Whatever you need to get back on that horse. It WILL happen. Now go get some vino and drink some for me!
piglet - yay for being cleared!! FX that no more cysts come, just a big ole eggy!!
Kmae - oh I hope you get that

just in time to start celebrating your birth month!!!! GL with your testing tomorrow but if it is a BFN, keep in mind it's only 12DPO and you're not out until AF gets you!!!!! FX and lots and lots of baby dust!!!
bakingbabe - deep breaths indeed!!!! start practicing for giving birth

I hope you get your temp spike tomorrow!!!! AND of course that darker line
Tumtum - I had success with Guaifenesin this past cycle. I didn't see much results with it until it came time to O and I was drowning in EWCm. But I also accidentally took a 1200mg pill (DH's cough med instead of my 400mg pill) on the day I Oed so maybe that was the cause of it?
Gypsy - I too would err on side of caution and not raise your body temp with a heating pad. But I don't know any data on that! Thanks
bakingbabe for chiming in - good to know it's safe on the back side!
AFM, I had a crazy day. Everything that should have been simple just got SO complicated!!! But I'm still in a good mood - mainly cause it was almost funny how it all went awry!! Also, my bbs hurt when I started on my run - tender at first but then I guess got used to the bouncing My nipples were a bit sensitive to the touch too. But my boobs get heavy and tender before AF so not getting too excited just yet

Usually the day before so tomorrow will be stressful! To combat the stress though I've lined up a day of relaxation (and prep for my vaca next week). Got a body buff (body scrub followed by a body butter rub down) scheduled for 10am and then getting a mani/pedi in the afternoon
I'm psyched for tomorrow's testers!!!! Who else is testing this weekend?
Gypsy I know you're waiting until June 1st and I'm testing on Monday. Anyone else in TWW? Sorry, I've got total air-brain tonight!!!!