TTC #1 and over 30

Thought I would have some good news today, but instead it lead to a bucket full of tears, me throwing away my baby magazines, and hiding anything that reminded me of A.J. or Camryn (definite baby names). My mother rushed over to hold me as I cried like a baby. (really, no pun intended) I see that my patience is soooo thin right now.:sad1: I got a big ol':bfn: Still no AF. Hmm. Im just tired and over it.
I'm sorry :hugs:

I stopped testing early a few cycles ago because I think getting a bfn is way more disappointing than af showing up...

afm: 1 dpo and I'm already exhausted, I think it's going to be a long two weeks :wacko:
Thought I would have some good news today, but instead it lead to a bucket full of tears, me throwing away my baby magazines, and hiding anything that reminded me of A.J. or Camryn (definite baby names). My mother rushed over to hold me as I cried like a baby. (really, no pun intended) I see that my patience is soooo thin right now.:sad1: I got a big ol':bfn: Still no AF. Hmm. Im just tired and over it.

I understand what you are going through. It seems like every cycle is more devistating when a BFN appears- its just heartbreaking. But then we pick ourselves up and gear up for another chance. I really hope you get your BFP very soon.

Grkprn, what a great distraction; moving is so much work but so rewarding. I hope you find your dream house soon!

Alisa, I am not mentally ready to consider adoption yet- but it would be a viable option if nothing happens. I just can't imagine someone giving their babies up for adoption but understand that some have to for various reasons.

Thought I would have some good news today, but instead it lead to a bucket full of tears, me throwing away my baby magazines, and hiding anything that reminded me of A.J. or Camryn (definite baby names). My mother rushed over to hold me as I cried like a baby. (really, no pun intended) I see that my patience is soooo thin right now.:sad1: I got a big ol':bfn: Still no AF. Hmm. Im just tired and over it.

I understand what you are going through. It seems like every cycle is more devistating when a BFN appears- its just heartbreaking. But then we pick ourselves up and gear up for another chance. I really hope you get your BFP very soon.

Grkprn, what a great distraction; moving is so much work but so rewarding. I hope you find your dream house soon!

Alisa, I am not mentally ready to consider adoption yet- but it would be a viable option if nothing happens. I just can't imagine someone giving their babies up for adoption but understand that some have to for various reasons.

Kmae and Alisa, Thanks soooo much!:flower:

Grkprn, That dream house is coming!!!! whoot whoot!!!

Hey ladies! I made a huge quoting error and it looked like I was buying a house, but it is actually breezy81! That's what happens when I post from work! :wacko:

Rdy--sending you hugs :hugs:!! I agree with alisa!

We have considered adoption, but haven't talked about it seriously....anyone else?
hi girls. went to my OB last night and found 2 healthy follicles. 13 cm (is the measurement correct) is that supposed to be mm? anyhoo, my endemtrium is good but not very good so she told me to take progyluton for 2 days. i'll be seeing her tomorrow again. BDing started last night.

Hi piglet - most likely it would be mm; at least, that's what my OB told me this month when I went in for a check this month. I had 2 follicles - 23mm and 27mm; but I ovulated the next day. Sounds like you might ovulate in a few days (follicles grow 2mm per day before ovulation). I just found out all this infrmation las week from my OB, so im sending it onto you! :)

What is your endometrium lining?

Wishing you all the best! :dust:

oh. i didn't know it grows that fast. thanks for the info! i'll visit her again tonight. she needs to check the size. my endometrium is good but not very good. that's what she said. that was why I am taking this progyluton thingy. Have you heard of this before?

How are you? What's your update?
I mentioned adoption to my OH last week, it did not go down well :( I dont think he is at the stage to consider that yet, but as for me, I certainly would consider it. I want a child, irrelevant if it is not biologically ours. That will be a long way off if it happens though, as OH is no where in the head space for it
:bfn: Not even a trace of an evap line or anything. I bought three tests (the lady at walmart looked at me funny when she saw three of em) and I am going to try again first thing in the morning, and then again first thing in the morning on the first. I am hoping the bfn was because it is 10 o'clock at night and there isn't enough hormones to register because of that.

Hey gypsy - how are you doing? Did you test today? FX'd for you!

I tested this morning and it was still :bfn: I am going to push back my date and test around the 7th instead of the first. OH was upset as well when I told him about the 2 bfns but optimistic about the test on the 7th. That will put me at 23 dpo if my mental math is correct.
Just thinking about adoption is a little weird for me. I would be open to it if I couldn't have my own. I just really want my own. I want to experience pregnancy and birth etc. Definitely would consider it though.
I'm very open to adoption and giving a home to a child that needs a family. DH wants one of our own or I would have gone that route instead but he is open to adopting the second especially if it takes long to conceive number 1.
I'm very open to adoption and giving a home to a child that needs a family. DH wants one of our own or I would have gone that route instead but he is open to adopting the second especially if it takes long to conceive number 1.

hey i agree with you:hugs:.. and luckily my hubby too.. we will be adopting a baby next year if ttc takes more time..
Adoption is a tricky one, I also think that I would do it if I struggled for a few years. But I desperately want to experience pregnancy, so would try a lot of other options first.

I am on CD25 and my patience is wearing a bit thin...really not keen to test as I can't stand any more blank spaces staring at me!!! I am not sure how many days this cycle will be as I range between 25 and 30. I felt ov pains and had ewcm on CD12, so guessing I should be due soon! Do feel a bit of af cramping, but nothing major. Boobs have been sore for about a week now, usually they let up a bit just before af, been super moody (sorry dh!!!) and really just wanna be pregnant!!! Nearing the TTC for 1 year mark and really dont want to get there.

Anyone else due this weekend sometime and too scared to test??? I am tempted to maybe test on Saturday morning...hmmm? That would be 15DPO... I just dont know.

Piglet 24: After how long did you decide to have tests done?
Zeez...I am in Port long have you been TTC?

Does anyone have a ttc journal I can follow?
I have thought about adoption, but I don't think I would be able to do it. My personal feelings on the matter are that I don't think that I can raise a child that is not my own. I don't think that I could have the same connection with a child that I adopted as I could a child that I gave birth to myself.

I want to be a mom in the worst way, but adoption is just a route that I am not willing to take.
Adoption is a tricky one, I also think that I would do it if I struggled for a few years. But I desperately want to experience pregnancy, so would try a lot of other options first.

I am on CD25 and my patience is wearing a bit thin...really not keen to test as I can't stand any more blank spaces staring at me!!! I am not sure how many days this cycle will be as I range between 25 and 30. I felt ov pains and had ewcm on CD12, so guessing I should be due soon! Do feel a bit of af cramping, but nothing major. Boobs have been sore for about a week now, usually they let up a bit just before af, been super moody (sorry dh!!!) and really just wanna be pregnant!!! Nearing the TTC for 1 year mark and really dont want to get there.

Anyone else due this weekend sometime and too scared to test??? I am tempted to maybe test on Saturday morning...hmmm? That would be 15DPO... I just dont know.

I am at 15 DPO right now and I tested this morning. It was negative, but I still don't feel like this month is a bust for me. It is just a feeling that I have. I am going to test on the 7th again if I don't see :witch: before then, which I doubt I will, because my cycles are all wacky from my pcos. Makes guesstimating my O days and such a pain. This month, I just feel different. I have quite a few symptoms that all are pregnancy symptoms, and I just have this feeling. It could all be in my head, because I want this so badly, but I just think if I wait a bit longer I may get what I am waiting for. I am trying to stay positive, but it is so hard with the hormone emotions getting in the way!

Good luck and :dust: to you when you test!
actually, i am considering adoption. same with rmsh1, DH is not open yet about the idea. He still hopes that we could conceive baby 1. I tried to talk him into it, but you know guys, i think they would really prefer first their own blood. I don't know. but i am willing to open my home and my heart for adoption.

babysa: what tests? PT? haven't done it yet since i was only delayed for 5 days.
Hi Piglet...just saw you mention something about your follicle size and endometrium...wasn't sure why you had those details...thought maybe you were investigating I confused??? ;-)
How long have you been trying? we are close in our cycles...I really hope this is it for you!!! What symptoms have you been having? I dont have think I am out for this month...but am still hopeful.
Hello ladies!
Thought I would pop in with an update. So many new people have joined us. Welcome to all.

So I'm going for my CD21 progestrone testing this afternoon. We will see what happens. :shrug: I didn't temp, use opks this month which has been a lot less stressful for me. I did check CM but my body is so whacky when it comes to that so who knows but acccording to that I'm 6dpo.
Last month of clomid so hopefully this is the 1.

Hope everyone is doing well.

Lots of :dust: to everyone!!!

Hi Breezy!

How have you been? I just had my progesterone testing this AM - it was
scheduled for 8DPO, so we'll see. I'll post when I get the results!

Everything is going pretty good! We are back to house shopping because we pulled the offer on the other house. :wacko: We are renting out the house we are in now and the renters are suppose to move in July 1 but we haven't found another house yet. We spent the weekend working on our house now and packing which is making my tww go by super quickly! :happydance:

Hope you test results come back good! Mine were really low last month :cry: That's why I went the less stress route and tried to focus on other things this month. Plus no FB.....too many annocements to bring me down.

FX'D for good results tomorrow :hugs:

Everything going better your way?

This TWW is going by fast for me, holiday weekend, family in town, so that is VERY good! I just got my progesterone results back and they were 12.4 ng/mL. The nurse said that they like to see them above 10 ng/mL, so everything looks good. Only question...I've heard that some docs like to see the progesterone even higher, around 20 ng/mL. Anyone have any input?

And I've been staying off the FB account also; I get enough pregnancy announcements from girls at work!

Fx'd for your good results tomorrow! :hugs:

Mine was 12.7 last month and they weren't concerned but I've read that 15 or higher and a girl I work with (who has done more fertility treatments than anyone I know) said her doctor wanted a 15 but all the times she got pregnant with a sticky she was much lower. If you are pregnant you may want to have your levels checked again to make sure you don't need to be on progestrone.
I can't wait for my #'s today, since I didn't test I have no idea like other months :winkwink:
OOOOOOOOO where do I start?!?!?! The one thing I was dreading happening happened! :dohh:

I get the lovely phone call from my high school bff last night, which mind you works part time, lives at her mom's with her 7 year old, is single, and drives a beater car than never runs PREGNANT by a drug dealer who she wants nothing to do with. :sigh:

I am just in shock and do sad today, why does this happen? :cry:

After 2 years and 4 months of trying, I'm getting ready to throw in the towel. I don't know how much more I can take. I make diaper cakes and baskets on the side so i had to go to babies r us last night and wow those are starting to ruin my days too.
I mentioned adoption to my OH last week, it did not go down well :( I dont think he is at the stage to consider that yet, but as for me, I certainly would consider it. I want a child, irrelevant if it is not biologically ours. That will be a long way off if it happens though, as OH is no where in the head space for it

Right on rmsh, I feel the same way!
I'm very open to adoption and giving a home to a child that needs a family. DH wants one of our own or I would have gone that route instead but he is open to adopting the second especially if it takes long to conceive number 1.

Hi ZeeZ! When I was in my 20s, I decided that I would adopt a child if I ever decided to be a parent. Of course things changed and I am now in love with the idea of creating a little 1/2 & 1/2 love child of me and my husband. But after considering the idea that we might not be able to conceive, I felt relief knowing we could always adopt!!!
OOOOOOOOO where do I start?!?!?! The one thing I was dreading happening happened! :dohh:

I get the lovely phone call from my high school bff last night, which mind you works part time, lives at her mom's with her 7 year old, is single, and drives a beater car than never runs PREGNANT by a drug dealer who she wants nothing to do with. :sigh:

I am just in shock and do sad today, why does this happen? :cry:

After 2 years and 4 months of trying, I'm getting ready to throw in the towel. I don't know how much more I can take. I make diaper cakes and baskets on the side so i had to go to babies r us last night and wow those are starting to ruin my days too.

OOOOOOOOO where do I start?!?!?! The one thing I was dreading happening happened! :dohh:

I get the lovely phone call from my high school bff last night, which mind you works part time, lives at her mom's with her 7 year old, is single, and drives a beater car than never runs PREGNANT by a drug dealer who she wants nothing to do with. :sigh:

I am just in shock and do sad today, why does this happen? :cry:

After 2 years and 4 months of trying, I'm getting ready to throw in the towel. I don't know how much more I can take. I make diaper cakes and baskets on the side so i had to go to babies r us last night and wow those are starting to ruin my days too.

Ughhh, I am so sorry. My friend, who has 2 girls from two different dudes, and is with neither, told me she's had *gulp* seven abortions! I tried to be understanding that was like 10 years ago, but wow. Unacceptable ONE, and TWO how come she's so fertile? :(:(

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