TTC #1 and over 30

Breezy - yay! So excited for you. Keep us posted.

simms - if he shuts down during fertile time its unlikely that he is 100% in yet but thats ok. It was the other way around for us. It took a while for me to decide to have children and another year and a half before I was really ready to start trying. Even if it's something you want there are so many fears and issues that come up and I really needed OH to hear them and reassure me that we'd be able to handle them. Try telling him about your fears and how you're dealing with them or raise issues that might be a concern for him with out saying its for his benifit so that he can talk to you about them with out looking weak. Examples are finances, sex life, child care, keeping them safe - there are so many but you'll know whats likely it for him.

Ps now that I'm on board DH is willing to BD for the cause so we uselly DTD every 2nd day for the week around O.

Ready4family - welcome and good luck.
BabySA - thats so right! I've been paranoid abpout birth control for so long and until I was married that 1% chance of it failing was so huge. Now that we're trying the 20 % chance of getting it right every cycle just seems so low.

I'm sure if men had to be the ones getting prgnant they would have spent less time on the atomic bomb and have figured out both foolproof birth control and an instant conception method by now.
Hi ladies!

Just checking in-looks like I'm about to ovulate. It's clear to me that my body tried around 12-14 DPO but it just didn't happen. Very interesting. Geared up again now, which is not unusual for me (cd 20 or so) and my opk's turned dark this am. I'd guess I'll ovulate on Sunday so this weekend's plans will include plenty of dtd ;)

We have a super fun weekend planned with parties, hiking, live music and more, and I hope others do too, no matter what's happening with your cycles! It's kind of strange, but if I'm honest, while I'm excited about ttc and would be over the moon to get a bfp, I really love my life and where my career is heading and feel ok if it doesn't happen yet. I am aware that I'm staring down the barrel at my 34th birthday, however, and my oh is significantly older, so I can't be too blasé about the whole thing if I want it to happen. I know there's been lots of talk about adoption on here recently and for us, I think if our own bfp doesn't happen, we'll probably be ok with a childless life of parties, travel, work and friends (along with nieces and nephews). Also my oh has grown children from his first marriage, so there are "children" in my life in a way (in their 20's -more like younger siblings to me). Just my $0.02 on that.

Good luck everyone-not too much to update until post-ovulating and symptom spotting before af, so while I haven't been posting much, I have been reading the thread! How are my Cycle Buddies?

I am CD22, and hope to get positive OPK around CD28 like last cycle, if not sooner (but I do not think it will happen sooner as still not fertile cm)

So just plodding along in another long cycle....
My progestrone is 36.9!!!!! :happydance:

They have me scheduled for a blood pregnancy test next week because there is a strong possibility I'm pregnant. If it's a :bfp: Im going to do flips......Now instead of waiting until June 9th I only have to wait to completely confirm next Friday (my sis comes in town Thursday night and I only see her a few times a year) so I'm going to surprise her and take her with me to get the results, I really hope it's a :bfp:that would be so awesome to tell her that way. I always have to give her my news over the phone. Whats funny is she is coming in town for a baby shower which I am working on a gift basket for right now.

I'm in complete shock!!!!

HELL YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :happydance::thumbup:

Yay exciting!!! Did u do anything differently?

Stopped testing and driving myself crazy! I started drinking carnation instant breakfast with lots of xtra vitamins since I'm not a breakfast person, tried conceive but dh didn't like it and I was out of preseed. I took clomid different than my doctor prescribed too since my level was only 12 last month I thought my dose should be increased but since he didn't agree. I made my own rules. :haha:
How often has everyone been bding during their fertile period? I could only get my DH to do it twice. Ugh..

We bd as much as i can take. We usually go every other day from cd9-cd22, if we feel like it there will be a couple days in a row in the mix. I always try new things to keep him interested, they have all worked so far. :thumbup: Have you tried to make it fun for him so that it takes the pressure off?
Hi ladies!

Just checking in-looks like I'm about to ovulate. It's clear to me that my body tried around 12-14 DPO but it just didn't happen. Very interesting. Geared up again now, which is not unusual for me (cd 20 or so) and my opk's turned dark this am. I'd guess I'll ovulate on Sunday so this weekend's plans will include plenty of dtd ;)

We have a super fun weekend planned with parties, hiking, live music and more, and I hope others do too, no matter what's happening with your cycles! It's kind of strange, but if I'm honest, while I'm excited about ttc and would be over the moon to get a bfp, I really love my life and where my career is heading and feel ok if it doesn't happen yet. I am aware that I'm staring down the barrel at my 34th birthday, however, and my oh is significantly older, so I can't be too blasé about the whole thing if I want it to happen. I know there's been lots of talk about adoption on here recently and for us, I think if our own bfp doesn't happen, we'll probably be ok with a childless life of parties, travel, work and friends (along with nieces and nephews). Also my oh has grown children from his first marriage, so there are "children" in my life in a way (in their 20's -more like younger siblings to me). Just my $0.02 on that.

Good luck everyone-not too much to update until post-ovulating and symptom spotting before af, so while I haven't been posting much, I have been reading the thread! How are my Cycle Buddies?


I loved your $0.02! I have a 12 year old step daughter and it changes things for me.
Well CD26 today...feel a little bit of AF cramps, but nothing else really. Only thing I've noticed is I've been really bloated at night after supper...tummy protruding a bit. is getting colder so could just be that I'm eating more...LOL!!! Today is 14DPO (due to ov cramps and ewcm...not temping or positive opk). Was thinking of testing tomorrow if no AF, but now decided to just wait it out. Dont wanna see a BFN... so over those ;-)

Smimms: Totally hear you on the mother in law hubby told his too as she smokes and he didn't want her smoking around me incase i'm the other day she decides (at the dinner table in front of father in law and my Dad) to dish out some advice on how I mustn't get up too quickly after to wash, must rather lie with my legs up....HOW EMBARRASSING!!!!!!!! I didn't know that already! Shame, think she was just trying to help...but my sex life is not something i want advice from MIL!!!!! ha ha ha ha....
Breezy: That is sooooooooooooooo exciting!!!! I will be holding everything for you...can you take a poas test so long or what cycle day are you on? I really hope this is your BFP...will be awesome to have your sister there with you!!! Hopefully you'll be making your own diaper cake soon :-)
Gypsy: Sounds super promising!!!! Good symptoms! You only testing on the 7th hey? Lots of baby dust to you!!!
MD1223: Thanks for the good luck wishes.... I agree with you on wanting to create a combination baby of you and hubby. I also desperately want to see what our children will look like and it must be amazing to see yours and hubby's mannerisms in your kids :-) Our time will come :-))))
Zeez: It's still early days for you...but I had the same thing the first month when I wasnt pregnant! It's like my whole life i thought if I missed one pill I'd be preggers and then you have unprotected sex for a month and it doesn't happen and it gobsmacks you!!! Sure you wont have to wait too long :-)
TumTum: Hoping that you get your positive OPK before you have to go travelling...I have also had that a few times when hubby had to go away for work while i was annoying. I joked he must just leave his sperm in a cup and I will turkey baster myself while he's! Luckily he now schedules his trips according to ov ...sweet man! :-)

Anyone have any cool plans for the weekend? I am going to watch Evita at the theatre tonight...very excited!

I'm on cd23, I may have ov early this month. I don't really know since I vowed to give up testing and tracking this month :winkwink:
I'm hoping I'm not just getting my hopes up this time. I don't know why the doctor would schedule me for blood testing if they weren't pretty certain but then again who knows! I've read that people had over level 60 and weren't pregnant. aaaahhhhh the dreaded tww.
I may break down and test this weekend. I will keep all of you posted!
My progestrone is 36.9!!!!! :happydance:

They have me scheduled for a blood pregnancy test next week because there is a strong possibility I'm pregnant. If it's a :bfp: Im going to do flips......Now instead of waiting until June 9th I only have to wait to completely confirm next Friday (my sis comes in town Thursday night and I only see her a few times a year) so I'm going to surprise her and take her with me to get the results, I really hope it's a :bfp:that would be so awesome to tell her that way. I always have to give her my news over the phone. Whats funny is she is coming in town for a baby shower which I am working on a gift basket for right now.

I'm in complete shock!!!!

HELL YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :happydance::thumbup:

Yay exciting!!! Did u do anything differently?

Stopped testing and driving myself crazy! I started drinking carnation instant breakfast with lots of xtra vitamins since I'm not a breakfast person, tried conceive but dh didn't like it and I was out of preseed. I took clomid different than my doctor prescribed too since my level was only 12 last month I thought my dose should be increased but since he didn't agree. I made my own rules. :haha:

That's great! Just curious what your doctor prescribed and what you did? I took my clomid from days 3-7...I was thinking of taking them later next cycle to try to get my progesterone up a little bit more. My uterine lining was 11.5mm when they measured it 8DPO. I was concerned about the progesterone being on the low side, so I called my RE's office. The nurse told me on the phone yesterday that the progesterone just tells you how strong your ovulation was and that they like the number to be above 10 (my was 12.4). She said my RE wasn't concerned because my lining was 11.5. I'm so confused!!:wacko: I read so much online and it seems like there's a ton of conflicting information out there.:dohh:

When do you go in for your test? So excited for you!!!!!!:happydance:
My progestrone is 36.9!!!!! :happydance:

They have me scheduled for a blood pregnancy test next week because there is a strong possibility I'm pregnant. If it's a :bfp: Im going to do flips......Now instead of waiting until June 9th I only have to wait to completely confirm next Friday (my sis comes in town Thursday night and I only see her a few times a year) so I'm going to surprise her and take her with me to get the results, I really hope it's a :bfp:that would be so awesome to tell her that way. I always have to give her my news over the phone. Whats funny is she is coming in town for a baby shower which I am working on a gift basket for right now.

I'm in complete shock!!!!

HELL YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :happydance::thumbup:

Yay exciting!!! Did u do anything differently?

Stopped testing and driving myself crazy! I started drinking carnation instant breakfast with lots of xtra vitamins since I'm not a breakfast person, tried conceive but dh didn't like it and I was out of preseed. I took clomid different than my doctor prescribed too since my level was only 12 last month I thought my dose should be increased but since he didn't agree. I made my own rules. :haha:

That's great! Just curious what your doctor prescribed and what you did? I took my clomid from days 3-7...I was thinking of taking them later next cycle to try to get my progesterone up a little bit more. My uterine lining was 11.5mm when they measured it 8DPO. I was concerned about the progesterone being on the low side, so I called my RE's office. The nurse told me on the phone yesterday that the progesterone just tells you how strong your ovulation was and that they like the number to be above 10 (my was 12.4). She said my RE wasn't concerned because my lining was 11.5. I'm so confused!!:wacko: I read so much online and it seems like there's a ton of conflicting information out there.:dohh:

When do you go in for your test? So excited for you!!!!!!:happydance:

The first doctor 50mg 5-9,no ov month 2 100mg 5-9 ov by opk and charting then changed doctors because I wasn't being monitored, I wasn't comfortable with that. New doctor month 3 100mg 3-7 prog. 32, month 4 100mg 3-7 prog. 12.Then this month 100mg 5-8 i took 150mg day 1&2 and 100mg 3&4 prog 36.9. It is all sooo confusing, that's why we are trying a different approach this month. I'm really hoping the nurse and doctor wouldn't have me test if they weren't pretty sure. I'm starting to wonder by what I'm reading :wacko:
I can go in as early as Tuesday she said but I think I'm going to go Thursday (I know why torture myself) because that would mean I get my results Friday and my sis can go with me to get them.
Haha - that is really funny about your MIL, babysa. I am actually more of a sharer than my dh. I told my MIL but told her not to tell him I said anything. Haha. I knew she wanted to know and since it was taking a little while I wanted to let her in on it so she didnt have to wonder anymore where we stood. Also, my whole immediate fam knows now too and my aunt and cousin b/c I asked them to pray for me. My hubby didnt want the pressure, but I felt more with them wondering why we haven't made any announcements. At least this way they know we are trying so they know to wait for it.

Lily - your wknd sounds awesome. We have brunch plans and a surprise bday party this wknd. Should be fun!

Smimms - we tried the SMEP this cycle but started on cd 9 (instead of 8). So, cd 9, 11, 13, 14, 15. Tonight will be cd 16 and I think will try once more tonight then break on Sat, then again on Sunday as prescribed by SMEP. We got the positive opk on morning of the 15th, but an almost positive on the night of the 14th. So, we did the 14th too, but I think we should add a day just in case. This month was a little easier. My DH is in investment banking with the craziest hours. So, I defy hear you on OH being too tired. For some reason, this month at the right times he was getting home earlier than he usually does (9 p.m. instead of 1 a.m. or later, after I've fallen asleep). Previous months we were trying to get it in in the a.m. But we were both super tired before work. So, FX'd night time and less tired BD works better for us.

Welcome, Ready4family! Maybe you could just try to step it up every week around the same time so he doesn't notice as much. And, note to him that it's not the right time but you just want him anyway. Then maybe slowly, the more you BD, the more he'll want it all the time. I think a lot of guys are similar in not feeling like they need it right away and just want it to happen naturally. My DH started off that way and we were NTNP for a while until Jan. And, just last night he actually told me that it finally hit him and he is ready for a baby now, that he wasn't actually quite ready before. I didn't realize he wasn't truly ready the last five cycles - ha! I'm sure it will get better soon and like they say, it only takes one time so you never know! Could happen sooner than you expect. :hugs:

Breezy, gypsy, babysa and anyone else in testing time - hope we get to see a bfp very soon!!!

Cycle buddies doing well? I just entered the 2ww! Today is 1dpo. (I think - basing it on my almost positive opk wed night, positive opk yesterday morning, and neg last night, and lots of ov cramps last night.)

Sending :dust: and positive thoughts and prayers for our thread!
Feeling a little discouraged with the lack of bd and everything. I'm 2 dpo tob day and have had watery cm (a lot) since yesterday but I don't think I miscalculated ov.. We will see! I was kinda hoping for a Father's day surprise. My husbaand being a Firefighter can be gone up to 48 hours at a time. Sometimes he doesn't get to sleep. We have to dtd whenever we can, unfortunately it's not very often as I work as well.
Ladies, just trying to catch up.

I'm STILL not sure if I'm going to ovulate this cycle. My longest cycle to this day has been 42 days, however I am on CD39 and may have O'd yesterday, but may not have. ARGh I am close to breaking down. I'm so scared this is my body getting older and not able to O. :cry:
Smimms I feel your pain, my hubby works for the railroad and mostly works on call and can be gone anywhere from 8 hours to a day or more whenever they call...luckily this cycle he was put on a scheduled shift for one week ending at 10pm, I usually go to sleep around then but stayed up and we'd bd right when he got home.

Last cycle we weren't so lucky and only managed 5 days and 1 day before o. I find I spend the week around o stressing about if we will have time or not...
onebumpplease - Don't get too stressed. I know what your feeling/saying - I'm worrying about the same issues and I know there are many more on here that agree. I struggle with the fact that this is so stressful, not knowing if it's cycle chaos, aging or the added stress of wanting so badly...hang in there ladies!
Feeling a little discouraged with the lack of bd and everything. I'm 2 dpo tob day and have had watery cm (a lot) since yesterday but I don't think I miscalculated ov.. We will see! I was kinda hoping for a Father's day surprise. My husbaand being a Firefighter can be gone up to 48 hours at a time. Sometimes he doesn't get to sleep. We have to dtd whenever we can, unfortunately it's not very often as I work as well.

Ugh - that is frustrating. Im sorry. Well, when did you get to BD? As long as it was at the right time that's all you need and maybe it helped build his swimmers up for the times you did get to. FX'd! for you! And sending lots of :dust:!!!

Afm, I had very little cm during o this cycle and defy not ewcm, which I don't think I hardly ever get anyway. Hope that is not too much of an issue. I might look into things to fix that next cycle if this one is a no-go. Do all of you get ewcm?

Onebumpplease - I'm sorry! What are you using to figure out if you o'd? GL! :dust:!!!
I never thought I got proper ewcm until I started checking internally (i check at the same time I check my cp)
Ah - good to know. Maybe I should start doing that. Thanks!
Same here, I have to check internally; but, still don't get a lot. I typically use preseed around o time.
I am new to this site and am very happy to have found it. My husband and I have now been ttc for a year and 2 months. I have unexplained infertility and my husband has above normal sa. I have had two cycles of clomid and then laparoscopy surgery, to confirm mild endometriosis and a surprise find of a cantaloupe size fibroid tumor attached to my uterus. Hopefully this was the issue. We are trying with clomid for two cycles and if no positive results follow, we are beginning ivf in July. Good luck to everyone on this site. It is a wonderful resource for me, as I often feel very alone in this, without reading other's stories.

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