we jsut need to think about happy thoughts. by the way, anybody know what food to take for energy. i mean for my hubby. We will be doing a BD marathon, as my OB said. we have to be prepared.
we jsut need to think about happy thoughts. by the way, anybody know what food to take for energy. i mean for my hubby. We will be doing a BD marathon, as my OB said. we have to be prepared.
we jsut need to think about happy thoughts. by the way, anybody know what food to take for energy. i mean for my hubby. We will be doing a BD marathon, as my OB said. we have to be prepared.
we jsut need to think about happy thoughts. by the way, anybody know what food to take for energy. i mean for my hubby. We will be doing a BD marathon, as my OB said. we have to be prepared.
we jsut need to think about happy thoughts. by the way, anybody know what food to take for energy. i mean for my hubby. We will be doing a BD marathon, as my OB said. we have to be prepared.
I'm not exaclty sure about the energy side, but I read in the June Issue of Woman's World that Watermelon Revs up your love life!! The article says that new research from Texas A&M University shows watermelon provides the same benefit as Viagra. Watermelon ramps up the body's production of arginine, an amino acid that boosts circulation, increasing arousal. Arginin also improves heart health & lowers blood pressure.
Looks like it's time to take a trip to the market for me!!
Lots of watermelon to be fed to the DH & the viagra effect will be my little secret!! lol
Thanks Zeez, I am trying not to let the lack of fertile cm get to me too much, as I am checking more carefully now than in other cycles and I could have got it wrong the last two cycles. The only part I wouldn't have gotten wrong is the EWCM, so just gotta wait and see if any of that shows I guess.
I hate this time of my cycle, I really start to think I am never going to ovulate and get desperate to make it happen. The other annoying thing is that I have to wait to ovulate before I get my bloods taken, so cant even get that done yet!
I had the oddest experience yesterday. I was buying supplies in the fabric store to put an order together. Behind me inline was a mother in law and daughter in law. The daughter in law was clearly preggers and they were buying fabric to do her nursery. I talked to them for a good 10 minutes. After I got my cut fabric I went into another isle and had a meltdown. I cried because I was happy for this strange girl and I cried because I could see how much the two ladies cared for each other. Then I cried because I want my turn. Anyone have a random event like this throw you off? I deal with pregnant women all the time but nothing like this has ever happen before. Is this what I have to look forward too? I might go crazy LOL.
onebumpplease - Don't get too stressed. I know what your feeling/saying - I'm worrying about the same issues and I know there are many more on here that agree. I struggle with the fact that this is so stressful, not knowing if it's cycle chaos, aging or the added stress of wanting so badly...hang in there ladies!
Onebumpplease - my longest cycle for the past few months was 59 days, so dont worry too much. if u're not too sure if u have O'd or not, just keep BD.
onebump. I hope you O soon, I am sorry your cycles are so erratic. My only blessing with my long cycles is that they at least appear regular
AFM CD23 today, still no fertile cm. I really hope I o soon.
Had an email from a good friend in Aussie, and she has just announced she is 14 weeks pregnant, and she got pregnant almost straight away. I of course sent a lovely big positive email saying congratulaions, but I am really quite sad![]()