TTC #1 and over 30

Hi ladies!

First, big :hugs: to everyone that has been struggling in various ways. The ttc thing certainly can be a roller coaster. I'm so thankful we have one another for support through the ride.

Afm, pretty sure I ovulated yesterday. For various reasons we stuck to an every other day bd schedule-so we'll see if it was enough/did the trick. It's actually what my ob-gyn recommended but we went a little nuts last month and bd'ed like 12 or 14 days in a row :blush: I'm hoping this was it because a February baby sounds just right to me in terms of timing, but at 1 DPO who the heck knows? I'm planning to test around June 15 if :witch: doesn't show before then.

How is everyone? Cycle buddies? Who's testing soon? Who's onto a new cycle?

Sending lots of :dust: to everyone!

I'm thinking I should (hopefully) be testing around 6/15 too. Looooove the waiting! I've already used 1 - not sure why - just can't stand the waiting sometimes!
Hi ladies! :wave:
I've been reading but not posting much since there hasn't been really too much to say. No real symptoms as of cd20. It's strange, I usually have a long list of stuff going on during the tww. I'm trying to stay as relaxed as possible and just try to stay as hopeful as I can be this next week. I think I'll test next Sunday.

I'm sorry to see some having a tough time. :hug: Just know you aren't alone in your frustrations. Vent all you want or need.

Hoping the last week of the tww goes by quickly!!

Hi ladies! :wave:
I've been reading but not posting much since there hasn't been really too much to say. No real symptoms as of cd20. It's strange, I usually have a long list of stuff going on during the tww. I'm trying to stay as relaxed as possible and just try to stay as hopeful as I can be this next week. I think I'll test next Sunday.

I'm sorry to see some having a tough time. :hug: Just know you aren't alone in your frustrations. Vent all you want or need.

Hoping the last week of the tww goes by quickly!!


Thank you bakingbabe! I adore this forum and how supportive everyone is..we just have to keep being there for each other - helps to relieve the stress of ttc. Stay hopeful! Good luck on Sunday!
Hi Ladies,

I've certainly been kept busy reading this thread! Its so reassuring to hear people going through things and having thoughts/feelings similar to me.

I dont have a lot to report at the moment (other than I am getting way to caught up with googling ALL sorts of things about pregnancy, implantation, what to do, what not to do etc etc) I just cant seem to help myself and sit at my desk at work with many distractions!:oops:

Im on CD 8 today....last month I o'd on CD14 (I think, Im pretty sure but had to get up at different times in the morning around that time so Im not sure how much that affected my temps). :confused:

Getting ready to gear up DH to BD again!

Fingers crossed we have some luck this month, I am quickly discovering just how impatient a person I am!! Last week when I was seeing my accupuncturist (not for fertility, but a shoulder injury he has been treating for about 5 months) i mentioned to him that we had just started trying for a baby. He instantly told me I must not be impatient about it! (Cant quite figure out why he thought i would be!!!!):blush:

Let the coundown begin :-)
@Newbie32: I know exactly how you feel about this thread. It keeps my mind away from the pressure of TTC thing. I always look forward to check any news with all of the ladies who is in the same boat as mine.

@ nikkih1288: I had those moments too. especially now that my officemate is preggers too. I even mentioned to DH that her tummy is beautiful. I mean really beautiful. Do you think that's weird? My sister thinks so.

@ Breezy81: I'll check the grocery if they have one. Thanks!

@Christy31512: So so the watermelon actually has its benefits huh? hehe I'll check also the market and buy one big melon.

how are things ladies? no body testing yet?
@Newbie32: I know exactly how you feel about this thread. It keeps my mind away from the pressure of TTC thing. I always look forward to check any news with all of the ladies who is in the same boat as mine.

@ nikkih1288: I had those moments too. especially now that my officemate is preggers too. I even mentioned to DH that her tummy is beautiful. I mean really beautiful. Do you think that's weird? My sister thinks so.

@ Breezy81: I'll check the grocery if they have one. Thanks!

@Christy31512: So so the watermelon actually has its benefits huh? hehe I'll check also the market and buy one big melon.

how are things ladies? no body testing yet?

Piglet I don't think you are weird!
Hi ladies! I hope everyone had a great weekend and that each of you were able to relax a bit wherever you are in your cycle.

Big :hugs: gypsy. Sorry about AF. I'm glad you had an enjoyable wknd with DH and had some wine. Somehow wine always helps (at least for me).

Breezy - Im sorry about the BFN. How are you doing today? Super exciting about the houses! That's awesome! Have y'all made a decision yet?

Thanks for all of your responses about CM. I don't check inside - just what I see. It's good to know that ewcm might not come all the way down.

Nothing to report here. 4 dpo. Feeling good/normal.
So sorry so many are having such a hard time. It's definitely an emotional journey that sometimes gets the best of you :flower: At a certain point it's hard to believe it will ever happen and we lose hope, but I whole heartily believe everyone will have their chance. I'm guilty of letting ttc take over a good deal of my life. I have decided to just go with the flow and live life as normal. When it finally happens I will be overjoyed!! A lot of women will tell you when they stop trying that's when it happens. I think if we put too much stress on ourselves we do harm to our body inadvertently effecting our health and chances.
Be strong ladies! Time for me to drink a glass of vino :drunk: and stop googling lol I'm an obsessive symptom googler.
Has anyone experience cloudy urine? I have had this for the past 3-4 days. No UTI or dehydration. Very out of then norm for me.
So sorry so many are having such a hard time. It's definitely an emotional journey that sometimes gets the best of you :flower: At a certain point it's hard to believe it will ever happen and we lose hope, but I whole heartily believe everyone will have their chance. I'm guilty of letting ttc take over a good deal of my life. I have decided to just go with the flow and live life as normal. When it finally happens I will be overjoyed!! A lot of women will tell you when they stop trying that's when it happens. I think if we put too much stress on ourselves we do harm to our body inadvertently effecting our health and chances.
Be strong ladies! Time for me to drink a glass of vino :drunk: and stop googling lol I'm an obsessive symptom googler.

This is how I am feeling today, I am very negative and starting to think this is never going to happen for me. I should have seen some fertile cm today, zilch. Looks like my belief that my cycles were atleast regular, even though they are long, is wrong :( My body is just one big mess
I know I'm late in responding but I used to check my CM daily as I too have to check internally but then the girls on another thread I pop by all said they try not to check as they already have very little so they want to keep it all where it's needed. That scared me a bit about checking too often!! I don't want to remove the little I have either. Anyone have any insight on this concept?? However, around O I get EWCM that appears on TP when I wipe so that's how I know it's time to hit the :sex: :winkwink:
@ nikkih1288: I had those moments too. especially now that my officemate is preggers too. I even mentioned to DH that her tummy is beautiful. I mean really beautiful. Do you think that's weird? My sister thinks so.

I don't think it's weird at all. I also think pregnant tummies are beautiful. :blush: Not sure why, but ALWAYS have.
Veganlily - I'm also 1 dpo and did every other day BD schedule. Going to try to wait until the 16 to test but that might be easier said then done.

Simms - you're so right about relaxing and not letting it take over your life. Last month I was a complete wreck and trying to not take it as seriously this month. I have to admit though at 1 dpo I was already googling

Rmsh - so sorry this is so hard for you but hopefully you'll get some answers ans solutions soon. Good thinking on not trying anything before. It could have messed with your results and you could be misdiagnosed. Also as you say you don't know how it might react with any other conditions.

also everyone else having a rough time please keep positive. I don't think much about having children was meant to be easy but it's so worth it.

afm - pretty sure I O'd last night but keeping DH on every other for a few days more BD just in case because last month stopped and missed O by 2 days.

Hugs and baby dust all!
Has anyone experience cloudy urine? I have had this for the past 3-4 days. No UTI or dehydration. Very out of then norm for me.

There can be a lot of reasons.
It can be something you ate, (a big meal), or after drinking milk.
You can actually check that by putting vinegar in a urine sample. If it becomes clear it´s just temporary.


It could be something else entirely. Bladder infections, urinary tract infection, kidney stones or excess protein (usually caused by kidney problems).

So, I would check with vinegar first... if that shows as positive, then you´re fine. If not, I would wait a couple of days and then call a doctor if the cloudiness persists.
Hi Ladies,

I've certainly been kept busy reading this thread! Its so reassuring to hear people going through things and having thoughts/feelings similar to me.

I dont have a lot to report at the moment (other than I am getting way to caught up with googling ALL sorts of things about pregnancy, implantation, what to do, what not to do etc etc) I just cant seem to help myself and sit at my desk at work with many distractions!:oops:

Im on CD 8 today....last month I o'd on CD14 (I think, Im pretty sure but had to get up at different times in the morning around that time so Im not sure how much that affected my temps). :confused:

Getting ready to gear up DH to BD again!

Fingers crossed we have some luck this month, I am quickly discovering just how impatient a person I am!! Last week when I was seeing my accupuncturist (not for fertility, but a shoulder injury he has been treating for about 5 months) i mentioned to him that we had just started trying for a baby. He instantly told me I must not be impatient about it! (Cant quite figure out why he thought i would be!!!!):blush:

Let the coundown begin :-)

Hey Newbie
I'm at about the same CD and my patience for TTC sux. I have the patience of the saint with a bunch of other things, but not with this! My temp times have been a bit wacky too and I'm hoping it doesn't effect things too drastically...

DH and I will be gearing up to start BDing again any day now - well before I'm likely to O - as he says, practice makes perfect. :happydance:

I'm from Sydney too but live in Canada. Soooo many of my friends from Oz have had children recently and it was manageable because they were so far away.... then friends here started falling pregnant this year and now there's no escaping it!

FXed for you this month!
I know I'm late in responding but I used to check my CM daily as I too have to check internally but then the girls on another thread I pop by all said they try not to check as they already have very little so they want to keep it all where it's needed. That scared me a bit about checking too often!! I don't want to remove the little I have either. Anyone have any insight on this concept?? However, around O I get EWCM that appears on TP when I wipe so that's how I know it's time to hit the :sex: :winkwink:

Huh? is it really true? i've been checking internally few times a day. It's not visible on the tissue when i wipe. :wacko: How many days before O u start getting EWCM??
Hi Ladies,

I've certainly been kept busy reading this thread! Its so reassuring to hear people going through things and having thoughts/feelings similar to me.

I dont have a lot to report at the moment (other than I am getting way to caught up with googling ALL sorts of things about pregnancy, implantation, what to do, what not to do etc etc) I just cant seem to help myself and sit at my desk at work with many distractions!:oops:

Im on CD 8 today....last month I o'd on CD14 (I think, Im pretty sure but had to get up at different times in the morning around that time so Im not sure how much that affected my temps). :confused:

Getting ready to gear up DH to BD again!

Fingers crossed we have some luck this month, I am quickly discovering just how impatient a person I am!! Last week when I was seeing my accupuncturist (not for fertility, but a shoulder injury he has been treating for about 5 months) i mentioned to him that we had just started trying for a baby. He instantly told me I must not be impatient about it! (Cant quite figure out why he thought i would be!!!!):blush:

Let the coundown begin :-)

Hey Newbie
I'm at about the same CD and my patience for TTC sux. I have the patience of the saint with a bunch of other things, but not with this! My temp times have been a bit wacky too and I'm hoping it doesn't effect things too drastically...

DH and I will be gearing up to start BDing again any day now - well before I'm likely to O - as he says, practice makes perfect. :happydance:

I'm from Sydney too but live in Canada. Soooo many of my friends from Oz have had children recently and it was manageable because they were so far away.... then friends here started falling pregnant this year and now there's no escaping it!

FXed for you this month!

Hi Cfox :winkwink:

Well I am only new to this whole world of TTC....but this is only month two and i find myself ALMOST completely obsessed!

Im not stressing about it, just super, SUPER intestested and I cant keep myself away from googling this and googling that..these forums are keeping me out of trouble most of the time though!

Have you been TTC for long? Im actually a Melbourne girl and most of my school friends have got a handful of kids now! A fair amount of them had them some time ago (well before i was even considering the prospect) but now that we have taken the decision to try I feel like pregnancies are popping up everywhere I turn! There have been two announced at work just this month...Im hoping there is something in the water!!!

When are you due to O? Last month it was CD 14 for me, but today on CD9 I've just noticed some EWCM, not a lot, but enough for me to find! And Im starting to feel a little crampy....I cant tell yet if it is O pain or not. My cycle was only 25 days last month which left my LP at just 11 be much happier if it was longer tho!

How long is your cycle?

Very keen for cycle buddies to help keep each other sane during this first wait and then the dreaded TWW! I think i might have to get hubby out on the :sex: tonight just in case!!

Do you temp as well?

sending :dust::dust::dust: your way!!!
Hi Newbie32..
I was in Melbie until beginning of last year. I stayed there for 2 years for my postgraduate degree. I always miss the time I stayed there. So r u moving to Sydney now? Have u heard that Vit B6 can lengthen LP? Tot u might want to check it out if u're concerned about ur LP, but better consult with ur doc first. And since it's just a second mth ttc for u, u'd probably get ur BFP b4 u need any extra supplement. Good luck and :dust:
Hi Newbie32..
I was in Melbie until beginning of last year. I stayed there for 2 years for my postgraduate degree. I always miss the time I stayed there. So r u moving to Sydney now? Have u heard that Vit B6 can lengthen LP? Tot u might want to check it out if u're concerned about ur LP, but better consult with ur doc first. And since it's just a second mth ttc for u, u'd probably get ur BFP b4 u need any extra supplement. Good luck and :dust:

Thanks MayJan - I actually didnt write that very clearly! I'm originally from Melbourne but have been living in Sydney now for about 12 years :-)

I have heard about B6...I'm taking pre-natal vitamins and they have 50mgs of B6 in them....I will probably give it a few months and if I dont have any luck might look to change something more drastic!

Sending :dust: your way too!!!
Any of you guys heard of Enduranz capsule? i rad somewhere that its good for hubby to take this vitamins. is this like the viagra thing?

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