TTC #1 and over 30

Breezy - sorry about the BFN but congratulations on the house! Did you guys choose yet??? I love house shopping and seeing all that's out there…finding a new home. Fresh starts always cheer me up! We'll be doing that next year :flower:

Newbie - I'm on CD9 today and hoping to O on CD16…I'm temping so I'm waiting for my temps to dip and they did a bit yesterday but seem to have leveled out again today. Although, I'm traveling so I haven't been able to test at my usual time each day so who knows if my chart will be useful! We were supposed to BD last night but we didn't get to bed until midnight and we had to get up at 5am to get to an airport 3 hours away so we were just too exhausted! How long have you been TTC?

Piglet - I photograph bellies and people post their pictures on their walls so you are totally normal to find them beautiful :hugs:

I had the oddest experience yesterday. I was buying supplies in the fabric store to put an order together. Behind me inline was a mother in law and daughter in law. The daughter in law was clearly preggers and they were buying fabric to do her nursery. I talked to them for a good 10 minutes. After I got my cut fabric I went into another isle and had a meltdown. I cried because I was happy for this strange girl and I cried because I could see how much the two ladies cared for each other. Then I cried because I want my turn. Anyone have a random event like this throw you off? I deal with pregnant women all the time but nothing like this has ever happen before. Is this what I have to look forward too? I might go crazy LOL.

I deal with preggo women and babies all the time as I'm a portrait photographer. There are days when I just don't feel like facing them and being cheerful and happy for them! What is worse, is then spending days retouching their beautiful portraits!!! Staring at the bellies and cute baby faces…sometimes I just have to step away from the computer and go do something that cheers me up. It's hard. We want this so bad yet we can't be mean or sad around people who have it cause it's a happy/cheerful thing! I definitely feel for you…that must have been hard :hugs:

I know I'm late in responding but I used to check my CM daily as I too have to check internally but then the girls on another thread I pop by all said they try not to check as they already have very little so they want to keep it all where it's needed. That scared me a bit about checking too often!! I don't want to remove the little I have either. Anyone have any insight on this concept?? However, around O I get EWCM that appears on TP when I wipe so that's how I know it's time to hit the :sex: :winkwink:

Huh? is it really true? i've been checking internally few times a day. It's not visible on the tissue when i wipe. :wacko: How many days before O u start getting EWCM??

Yeah I'm not sure if it's true! I stopped just in case :shrug: I've only started charting a month and a half ago and last month I got it 2 days before - enough to show on TP when I wipe. Usually it's most abundant after a BM...that's when they say to check (read it somewhere, forget where now). I check internally once every 3-4 days before O and then again after O but I try to avoid checking around my predicted O.

AFM, I'm back at another airport lounge. Heading to Spain for a week! SUPER excited! I had a great time seeing family but I'm exhausted!!! Our schedule was packed to the max with lots of late nights and early mornings so I'm just sooooo ready to relax and sleep in. We're of to Seville for 3 days and then to Madrid Friday-Tuesday morning. I supposedly will have wifi at both destinations so hopefully I'll be here. I like it here...keeps me sane!!! I'm CD9 and we were supposed to kick off SMEP last night but didn't get to bed until midnight and we were just too had to get up at 5am to get to airport!! So hopefully tonight will be the night. I guess we'll be doing an odd days SMEP this round :winkwink:

:hug: to all my girls! :flower:
hey guys! thanks for affirming my normalcy. :) i was beginning to feel like I'm a weirdo when my sister said that.

Someday we will have our turn to be the sexy tummy carriers. :)
So, last night I randomly decided to do another OPK. I was just curious. I had a positive on Thursday morning and likely O'd Thursday based on O cramps and the positive opk. Then, by Friday the OPK was for sure negative - very very light pink. So I stopped testing. But then yesterday I had that random urge to see what it would look like at 4dpo - I was expecting stark white - but it was almost positive again - I mean very close to positive! How weird is that? So I started doing some research and found that it is possible to O twice or just have two LH surges (maybe b/c first didnt lead to O). There were no solid answers that I could find. Of course, OPK can also detect preggo but only WAY later than 4 dpo. Anyway, not sure what to think of that. Very strange!

Oh, and piglet, I am with you too. LOVE preggo bellies. I have a weird desire to touch all my friends bellies - way more than I should, I'm sure. I loved when my bestie was pregnant b/c she didn't care at all. Haha. Can't wait for my own!!

Sending :dust: to all you ladies! How's everyone feeling? Smimms - you feeling any better? :hugs:
So, last night I randomly decided to do another OPK. I was just curious. I had a positive on Thursday morning and likely O'd Thursday based on O cramps and the positive opk. Then, by Friday the OPK was for sure negative - very very light pink. So I stopped testing. But then yesterday I had that random urge to see what it would look like at 4dpo - I was expecting stark white - but it was almost positive again - I mean very close to positive! How weird is that? So I started doing some research and found that it is possible to O twice or just have two LH surges (maybe b/c first didnt lead to O). There were no solid answers that I could find. Of course, OPK can also detect preggo but only WAY later than 4 dpo. Anyway, not sure what to think of that. Very strange!

Oh, and piglet, I am with you too. LOVE preggo bellies. I have a weird desire to touch all my friends bellies - way more than I should, I'm sure. I loved when my bestie was pregnant b/c she didn't care at all. Haha. Can't wait for my own!!

Sending :dust: to all you ladies! How's everyone feeling? Smimms - you feeling any better? :hugs:

Me opk's did that too! I have one positive on day 12 and then it kept getting lighter and lighter (almost white) so I assumed day 12 was it. My temps supported an o on day 12 too. I got the desire to test at 4 dpo (day16) and it was pretty positive. We babydanced that night just to be safe. :) But it was really weird to see a positive that far off from the first one.
I hope that means good things!!! :hug:
I love preg bellies too! Can't wait to have my own :)

7dpo and nothing much going on, have had on and off cramps since o, bbs might be starting to get sore...
So, last night I randomly decided to do another OPK. I was just curious. I had a positive on Thursday morning and likely O'd Thursday based on O cramps and the positive opk. Then, by Friday the OPK was for sure negative - very very light pink. So I stopped testing. But then yesterday I had that random urge to see what it would look like at 4dpo - I was expecting stark white - but it was almost positive again - I mean very close to positive! How weird is that? So I started doing some research and found that it is possible to O twice or just have two LH surges (maybe b/c first didnt lead to O). There were no solid answers that I could find. Of course, OPK can also detect preggo but only WAY later than 4 dpo. Anyway, not sure what to think of that. Very strange!

Oh, and piglet, I am with you too. LOVE preggo bellies. I have a weird desire to touch all my friends bellies - way more than I should, I'm sure. I loved when my bestie was pregnant b/c she didn't care at all. Haha. Can't wait for my own!!

Sending :dust: to all you ladies! How's everyone feeling? Smimms - you feeling any better? :hugs:

Me opk's did that too! I have one positive on day 12 and then it kept getting lighter and lighter (almost white) so I assumed day 12 was it. My temps supported an o on day 12 too. I got the desire to test at 4 dpo (day16) and it was pretty positive. We babydanced that night just to be safe. :) But it was really weird to see a positive that far off from the first one.
I hope that means good things!!! :hug:

Haha - that's really funny that we both did the same thing. We thought about babydancing last night, but DH got home so late and I was basically already asleep. I told him about the opk and he asked if we should BD, but I decided I was too tired. FX'd Sunday night BD would catch it if I o'd yesterday. Somehow, I am still pretty convinced I o'd on Thursday. Good to know your temps support your O on cd12. I don't temp, so ???

And, YES - FX'd that means something good for us! :) :dust:
Breezy - sorry about the BFN but congratulations on the house! Did you guys choose yet??? I love house shopping and seeing all that's out there…finding a new home. Fresh starts always cheer me up! We'll be doing that next year :flower:

Newbie - I'm on CD9 today and hoping to O on CD16…I'm temping so I'm waiting for my temps to dip and they did a bit yesterday but seem to have leveled out again today. Although, I'm traveling so I haven't been able to test at my usual time each day so who knows if my chart will be useful! We were supposed to BD last night but we didn't get to bed until midnight and we had to get up at 5am to get to an airport 3 hours away so we were just too exhausted! How long have you been TTC?

Piglet - I photograph bellies and people post their pictures on their walls so you are totally normal to find them beautiful :hugs:

I had the oddest experience yesterday. I was buying supplies in the fabric store to put an order together. Behind me inline was a mother in law and daughter in law. The daughter in law was clearly preggers and they were buying fabric to do her nursery. I talked to them for a good 10 minutes. After I got my cut fabric I went into another isle and had a meltdown. I cried because I was happy for this strange girl and I cried because I could see how much the two ladies cared for each other. Then I cried because I want my turn. Anyone have a random event like this throw you off? I deal with pregnant women all the time but nothing like this has ever happen before. Is this what I have to look forward too? I might go crazy LOL.

I deal with preggo women and babies all the time as I'm a portrait photographer. There are days when I just don't feel like facing them and being cheerful and happy for them! What is worse, is then spending days retouching their beautiful portraits!!! Staring at the bellies and cute baby faces…sometimes I just have to step away from the computer and go do something that cheers me up. It's hard. We want this so bad yet we can't be mean or sad around people who have it cause it's a happy/cheerful thing! I definitely feel for you…that must have been hard :hugs:

I know I'm late in responding but I used to check my CM daily as I too have to check internally but then the girls on another thread I pop by all said they try not to check as they already have very little so they want to keep it all where it's needed. That scared me a bit about checking too often!! I don't want to remove the little I have either. Anyone have any insight on this concept?? However, around O I get EWCM that appears on TP when I wipe so that's how I know it's time to hit the :sex: :winkwink:

Huh? is it really true? i've been checking internally few times a day. It's not visible on the tissue when i wipe. :wacko: How many days before O u start getting EWCM??

Yeah I'm not sure if it's true! I stopped just in case :shrug: I've only started charting a month and a half ago and last month I got it 2 days before - enough to show on TP when I wipe. Usually it's most abundant after a BM...that's when they say to check (read it somewhere, forget where now). I check internally once every 3-4 days before O and then again after O but I try to avoid checking around my predicted O.

AFM, I'm back at another airport lounge. Heading to Spain for a week! SUPER excited! I had a great time seeing family but I'm exhausted!!! Our schedule was packed to the max with lots of late nights and early mornings so I'm just sooooo ready to relax and sleep in. We're of to Seville for 3 days and then to Madrid Friday-Tuesday morning. I supposedly will have wifi at both destinations so hopefully I'll be here. I like it here...keeps me sane!!! I'm CD9 and we were supposed to kick off SMEP last night but didn't get to bed until midnight and we were just too had to get up at 5am to get to airport!! So hopefully tonight will be the night. I guess we'll be doing an odd days SMEP this round :winkwink:

:hug: to all my girls! :flower:

HI MrsChezek, almost the same countdown that I'm currently on! Im not sure which wait is worse....the lead up to O or the TWW (which for me is really only 11 days with my LP).

This is only month number 2 for me, so really just getting started. Im not sure what to expect in terms of time frames, but my Accupuncturist says it will probably take around 6 months or so!!! I hope I have enough patience to last that long!!!

:dust::dust: for everyone

So here's the brief (kinda) version of my TTC story.

I went off the pill in July last year, cycle was wacky for a bit, not really trying, but not preventing and then got pregnant in October. I was still getting a :BFN: when I was about 20 DPO (approximately) and then went to the Dr at 26 DPO and got a :BFP:
Had all the bloodwork and check ups along the way, had a missed m/c then D & C the next day at just over 15 weeks.
That sucked.....
Took 2 cycles off as recommended the the ObGyn and started again 2 months ago so I guess that makes this the 3rd cycle we've been TTC since the m/c..... and that's me!

My cycle has been anywhere from 29 - 34 days since the m/c. 30 days last month. I've been temping this time, bought OPKs online and started using them last month. Last cycle I wasn't too nuts during the TWW but the one before was brutal. I had too much time on my hands and was overthinking it all way too much! I'm looking for cycle buddies too - happy to talk and support each other through TWW and any other part of this journey :flower:

25 seems such a short cycle to me! I saw someone had suggested B6 to lengthen your lut phase. Good plan. I take it already as well. Try taking it with the water from your work! What are those ladies doing to get their :bfp:s?

I'm on CD9 now and going to wait until about CD13 to start using the OPKs again. I think I Oed about CD15 last month. The OPKs arrived on CD 16 and there was a faint line, fainter the next day and nothing the day after so I think I may have just missed it with the testing but we had been :sex: every other day since CD9.

There are sooo many things to read, study, research and fabulous forums like this one to talk to people on. I'm using countdown-to-pregnancy to track my temps and O dates etc. It's the one that works best for me. I've been check out the charts on taking-charge-of-your-pregnancy, and I really like babycentre too.

Happy :sex: with DH and keep me posted on the rest of your journey :happydance:

:hugs: and :dust:
Any of you guys heard of Enduranz capsule? i rad somewhere that its good for hubby to take this vitamins. is this like the viagra thing?

I hadn't heard of it before but it looks like a combination of herbal viagra and a general testosterone booster. There are a lot of supplements available for males to help get them in the best shape when TTC. I've read and heard good things about FertilAid - you can get it for men and women. My DH isn't taking anything specific but my family is part of a naturopathy business so I have plenty of supplements around the house, (many of the amino acids, vitamins and minerals that are in FertilAid) and I give him some every now and then :winkwink:

Are you looking for something in particular for your DH or just wanting to increase your chances of a :bfp:?

So here's the brief (kinda) version of my TTC story.

I went off the pill in July last year, cycle was wacky for a bit, not really trying, but not preventing and then got pregnant in October. I was still getting a :BFN: when I was about 20 DPO (approximately) and then went to the Dr at 26 DPO and got a :BFP:
Had all the bloodwork and check ups along the way, had a missed m/c then D & C the next day at just over 15 weeks.
That sucked.....
Took 2 cycles off as recommended the the ObGyn and started again 2 months ago so I guess that makes this the 3rd cycle we've been TTC since the m/c..... and that's me!

My cycle has been anywhere from 29 - 34 days since the m/c. 30 days last month. I've been temping this time, bought OPKs online and started using them last month. Last cycle I wasn't too nuts during the TWW but the one before was brutal. I had too much time on my hands and was overthinking it all way too much! I'm looking for cycle buddies too - happy to talk and support each other through TWW and any other part of this journey :flower:

25 seems such a short cycle to me! I saw someone had suggested B6 to lengthen your lut phase. Good plan. I take it already as well. Try taking it with the water from your work! What are those ladies doing to get their :bfp:s?

I'm on CD9 now and going to wait until about CD13 to start using the OPKs again. I think I Oed about CD15 last month. The OPKs arrived on CD 16 and there was a faint line, fainter the next day and nothing the day after so I think I may have just missed it with the testing but we had been :sex: every other day since CD9.

There are sooo many things to read, study, research and fabulous forums like this one to talk to people on. I'm using countdown-to-pregnancy to track my temps and O dates etc. It's the one that works best for me. I've been check out the charts on taking-charge-of-your-pregnancy, and I really like babycentre too.

Happy :sex: with DH and keep me posted on the rest of your journey :happydance:

:hugs: and :dust:

Hi Cfox :-)

Thanks for sharing your TCC story! Im so sorry for your loss, it must have been devastating.

Mine is pretty brief at the moment! I went off BCP at the start of the year but purely to let my cycle sort itself out before we started TTC. Hubby is older than me (39) so has been keen as to start trying for years!! But I've decided now is probably about as ready as we will ever be :winkwink:

So we officially started last month....what i didnt realise before joining these forums and doing some research was the affect of things like caffeine on male fertility, or I would have gotten hubby off the coffee (he was having at least 4-5 cups a day) months ago! I've got him on some good multi's now, and green tea instead of coffee (poor guy!!)

Im also on countdowntopregnancy and use the fertility friend app on my phone, i cant seem to get enough information on all of this stuff, every day i seem to find new things i want to google and look up (completely obsessed!!!)

I'd love a cycle buddy too :-)

I've been reading a fair bit on the luteal phase (surprise surprise!) and taking B6 to extend it...there is B6 in the pre natal vitamins I'm taking, but have only been taking them for about a month or so, so I'm not sure a) how long they take to potentially have an impact, and b) if the amount of B6 in there is enough to assist! I figured we would have another go this month, and I'll see if there is any difference in the LP, and if its still concerning me I might go speak to my gyno about it next month. Hubby also said he might like to get his sperm checked if we dont have any luck this month, just so we can find out if we have the odds stacked for or against us...

Last month i started getting +opks on CD14, but i was only checking mid morning and not also at night, however the +opks lasted for 7 days!!! I knew I had o'd though because my temp rose on cd15. This month I am testing once in the morning, and then again in the afternoon if I am able to hold off going to the toilet for enough hours first! Can be challenging when trying to remain hydrated and into the green tea to help produce as much CM as possible.

Last month i did notice that I had barely any fertile we have bought some conceive well this month and going to see if that can provide any assistance!

So we should basically o at almost the same time this month! Fingers crossed for us both to have a successful little sticky bean this month!!

Oh and as for the girls at work 'accidents' apparently!!! I'll keep drinking the water just in case:winkwink:
Any of you guys heard of Enduranz capsule? i rad somewhere that its good for hubby to take this vitamins. is this like the viagra thing?

I hadn't heard of it before but it looks like a combination of herbal viagra and a general testosterone booster. There are a lot of supplements available for males to help get them in the best shape when TTC. I've read and heard good things about FertilAid - you can get it for men and women. My DH isn't taking anything specific but my family is part of a naturopathy business so I have plenty of supplements around the house, (many of the amino acids, vitamins and minerals that are in FertilAid) and I give him some every now and then :winkwink:

Are you looking for something in particular for your DH or just wanting to increase your chances of a :bfp:?

hi cfox! I just want to increase our chances for the coveted BFP. :winkwink:

if only i could take in all vitamins for me and as wells as for hubby we would do that. its almost 2 years since we started TTC. It has been a long and crazy journey. And so far, finding this forum made this a bit easier. btw, that enduranz vitamins, we are still thinking of buying and if its available in the market. i think its only available in the Philippines. So the shipping going here would expensive and it sucks.
Newbie & cfox, looks like there are a few of us around cd10; I hope this tread explodes with BFPs this month! :sex::spermy::dust:
Hi Girls!

Kicked off SMEP yesterday and starting to get increased levels of CM so I guess body is gearing up for O :thumbup: Not much else to report!! Off to sightsee Sevilla (Spain) :happydance:

so excited for this month. Next month I go to a high risk ob to see what he has to say. I'm hoping to be preggers by then! We :sex: last night and I am entering my fertile period/ 5 days to ovulation !
so excited for this month. Next month I go to a high risk ob to see what he has to say. I'm hoping to be preggers by then! We :sex: last night and I am entering my fertile period/ 5 days to ovulation !

Good luck Nikkih and Happy :sex:
Good luck Mrs. Chez and Nikki! Catch those eggies!

Yay, Luna! FX'd for you!

Afm - AGHhhhhhh!!!! The waiting! And, waiting! And, it's only 6 dpo. It feels like this 2ww is dragging on much more than previous ones. So ready for the weekend. Being at work and trying to think/read just makes it that much harder - I can't concentrate.

How is everyone else doing? Cycle buddies? BakingB, Lily, and Smimms?
Hi Girls!

Kicked off SMEP yesterday and starting to get increased levels of CM so I guess body is gearing up for O :thumbup: Not much else to report!! Off to sightsee Sevilla (Spain) :happydance:


Your trip sounds awesome! Perfect time for baby making. :)

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