Hi ladies, congrats to those with BFPs! I'm back on BnB after a bit of a break due to obsessive symptom spotting! Well...now I'm in the last few days of my TWW so the obsession is back...cramping, sore boobs, feel bloated...really hope it's not PMS
Well ladies, im still struggling away with my chart this month....ff has now changed and said that I o'd on CD 10!!! Previously it was CD13...i think this is because of the +opk's, but i had a week of them last month as well....so its getting a bit confusing for me now...
I guess on the upside if it really was cd10, then I've effectively skipped three days of the tww which would put me at 8dpo today! At least we werearound then anyway....last month we didnt start
until on cd10...and my temps did start to increase around then as well...
Does anyone else have problems with ff when you have a fall back rise? It seems to change the o date because it stops three higher temps?
Newbie - I think I'm having the same problem with the fallback rise! FF changed my O date from CD17 to CD19. Unfortunately I didn't have any EWCM this cycle and not doing OPKs so can't really tell. I'm hoping that O was on CD17 as we BD that day!
Grrrr to FF! I know its super helpful, but i kinda wish it had a little 'include fall back rise' option so we could agree on o dates and be done with it!
Im not sure where I'm at with symptom spotting this tww....my cm (tmi alert) is really dry and whats there is white & chunky (similar to thrush but not the same as i can recognise that in a flash!). I had some cramping yesterday, felt quite nauseous last night, and could swear my bb's feel heavier, and then my temp jumped up a bit again today... but really, who knows!
I know all of those things can just be caused by the increased progesterone in your body...my gut instinct tells me its not the month for me this time...