TTC #1 and over 30

Things are getting exciting in this group!!

AFM....nothing major to report...still testing (just cos I can but not expecting a positive yet)...keeping the poas addict alive!:blush:

I'm either 7 or 10dpo today...this tww seems to going quite quick this time which is great...

I don't have any other major symptoms other than feeling quite nauseas at times...some cramping here and there....and at the moment my temp seems to be slowly creeping up, but nothing beyond where it's been before!

Cp much higher today than yesterday...and (tmi) cm still a bit chunky and weird!!!

Ah well....time will tell for me!

Those that have gotten veiny bb's...are the veins really noticeable? I seem to have a couple but not sure if they have always been like that lol

:hugs: ladies....hope to see some more bfps here soon!
nikki and lily! excited for you ladies. hope this is the month! FX for both of you.

how is everybody' weekend so far?

I am CD28. I have a tiny tiny spotting. its brownish. I think this is the sign of the witch. :(

i would just like to share, my officemate here is pregnant and most of her friends are on the same boat, and she keeps on talking to the girl next to me about the baby thing. she know's i so wanted to have a baby of my own. it just makes me sad. she wants me to be jealous. and i'm beginning to cave in.
Feeling a bit blue today, not sure why. I have some dull aching in my lower abdomen and back never noticed before but thinking it might be ovulation?

Piglet24 she sounds like a bitch I know it's hard to hear, try not to let it get you down. Hope your time comes soon.
Feeling a bit blue today not sure why. Also have a dull ache in my lower abdomen and back I've never paid much attention to it before but I'm thinking it might be ovulation?

Piglet 24 she sounds like a bitch, I know it's hard to hear, try not to let it get you down. Hope your time comes soon.
:hugs: piglet and fx'ed newbie! Glad so many are feeling more positive and like this can happen and thanks so much to everyone for your awesome support. I'll feel sort of like a drama queen if this ends up not being it! I hope you'll all forgive me f that's the case...

I had a bit of a dip in temps today-nothing earth shattering but that combined with my bfn's yesterday and the day before definitely has me seriously questioning whether this is it. Still well above cover line so I don't fear :witch: today but tomorrow will be key. The only explanation that I can imagine for af being late if I'm not pg is that I maybe ovulated two days later than I think I did. I really don't think so though, so I don't really get it but will cross that Bridge of trying to figure it out when/if I need to.

If temps are still high I plan to test sunday am first thing but y'all would be proud that I did not test this AM. My biggest doubt about actually being pregnant is the blank tests but then again my temps and "symptoms" tell a different story. Still hoping hoping hoping....but we'll be ok no matter what. I had the BEST night of sleep I've had in weeks last night. For the past 5 nights, including last night, I've been having night sweats that leave me absolutely drenched-very unusual for me, possibly a symptom??

Having a blast this weekend and hope you all are as well-I promise to check in tomorrow AM with news (or earlier if there's anything to report).

:hugs: and :dust: to all!
thanks ladies. this thread really helps me feel better. what else should i do to keep myself continue the ttc thing? with this monthly depression, its very tiring. :( i so want to give up now.
Nikki and lily, I really hope his is it for you!

Lily, I hope your temp is still nice and high tomorrow. Oh, the suspense!!!

Newbie, you are a poas addict!:haha: Your symptoms sound promising!

Piglet, I really hope it will be our turn soon so you can start bragging to your coworker. It is difficult to keep moving forward each month but you must try hardest for the things you want most in your life. You will be rewarded!

Gypsygirl, are your doctors giving you anything to stop the bleeding? After my mc I bled/spotted for almost three months and it was so aweful. My obgyn ended up giving me provera (ironically the same med that helped me have my period). It didn't help me but I know it helps some ladies. Also, my RE said it must have been something about my lining? Just remember you are your biggest advocate!

AFM, I"m 3 dpo but already feel out since my tall tail sign (sore nips) is not there. With my mc I got sore nips on 1dpo- but still trying to stay neutral. I'm hosting my DH moms retirement party today and tomorrow- so I will be busy! :dust: to you all!
Piglet don't give up! I know it's hard getting your hopes up and being disappointed every month, I find it helps me to come here and know I'm not alone. It will be your turn soon :hugs:
Nikki and lily, I really hope his is it for you!

Lily, I hope your temp is still nice and high tomorrow. Oh, the suspense!!!

Newbie, you are a poas addict!:haha: Your symptoms sound promising!

Piglet, I really hope it will be our turn soon so you can start bragging to your coworker. It is difficult to keep moving forward each month but you must try hardest for the things you want most in your life. You will be rewarded!

Gypsygirl, are your doctors giving you anything to stop the bleeding? After my mc I bled/spotted for almost three months and it was so aweful. My obgyn ended up giving me provera (ironically the same med that helped me have my period). It didn't help me but I know it helps some ladies. Also, my RE said it must have been something about my lining? Just remember you are your biggest advocate!

AFM, I"m 3 dpo but already feel out since my tall tail sign (sore nips) is not there. With my mc I got sore nips on 1dpo- but still trying to stay neutral. I'm hosting my DH moms retirement party today and tomorrow- so I will be busy! :dust: to you all!

I don't have insurance at the moment, waiting for it to kick in since I had to get new when I quit my job to go back to school. This really isn't anything that out of the ordinary for me, I have even had a period that I bled for 6 months. Just kind of have to hurry up and wait honestly. Any time I do bring it up to my doctor they tell me my only option is bcp. That is all any doctors have ever offered me, which is frustrating. It may regulate my cycles, but totally kills my ttc chances, so I adamantly refuse to take them. I have taken them in the past but they either make me sick, or so moody no one can stand to be around me. I don't want OH to have to deal with that, I am hard enough to deal with at times anyways. :blush:
:hugs: piglet and fx'ed newbie! Glad so many are feeling more positive and like this can happen and thanks so much to everyone for your awesome support. I'll feel sort of like a drama queen if this ends up not being it! I hope you'll all forgive me f that's the case...

I had a bit of a dip in temps today-nothing earth shattering but that combined with my bfn's yesterday and the day before definitely has me seriously questioning whether this is it. Still well above cover line so I don't fear :witch: today but tomorrow will be key. The only explanation that I can imagine for af being late if I'm not pg is that I maybe ovulated two days later than I think I did. I really don't think so though, so I don't really get it but will cross that Bridge of trying to figure it out when/if I need to.

If temps are still high I plan to test sunday am first thing but y'all would be proud that I did not test this AM. My biggest doubt about actually being pregnant is the blank tests but then again my temps and "symptoms" tell a different story. Still hoping hoping hoping....but we'll be ok no matter what. I had the BEST night of sleep I've had in weeks last night. For the past 5 nights, including last night, I've been having night sweats that leave me absolutely drenched-very unusual for me, possibly a symptom??

Having a blast this weekend and hope you all are as well-I promise to check in tomorrow AM with news (or earlier if there's anything to report).

:hugs: and :dust: to all!

Still keeping everything crossed for you lily!

Sending loads of :dust: your way!
Hi girls-promised I'd update. I'm spotting light pink mixed with creamy cm. I'm thinking either af is coming OR I'm (late) implanting...I have zero menstruation cramps, a small cramping very low in my right side. If its implant, could explain the low temp today and negative tests so far and if it's af, well that explains things also...I should know a lot more within a few hours-aaaahhhhhhhhh!
Nikki and lily, I really hope his is it for you!

Lily, I hope your temp is still nice and high tomorrow. Oh, the suspense!!!

Newbie, you are a poas addict!:haha: Your symptoms sound promising!

Piglet, I really hope it will be our turn soon so you can start bragging to your coworker. It is difficult to keep moving forward each month but you must try hardest for the things you want most in your life. You will be rewarded!

Gypsygirl, are your doctors giving you anything to stop the bleeding? After my mc I bled/spotted for almost three months and it was so aweful. My obgyn ended up giving me provera (ironically the same med that helped me have my period). It didn't help me but I know it helps some ladies. Also, my RE said it must have been something about my lining? Just remember you are your biggest advocate!

AFM, I"m 3 dpo but already feel out since my tall tail sign (sore nips) is not there. With my mc I got sore nips on 1dpo- but still trying to stay neutral. I'm hosting my DH moms retirement party today and tomorrow- so I will be busy! :dust: to you all!

Lol! Yes, self confessed complete addict :blush:

But that's what ic's are for tho right? Lol!

Thank goodness for this group! You ladies are keeping me sane I think!

Hi girls-promised I'd update. I'm spotting light pink mixed with creamy cm. I'm thinking either af is coming OR I'm (late) implanting...I have zero menstruation cramps, a small cramping very low in my right side. If its implant, could explain the low temp today and negative tests so far and if it's af, well that explains things also...I should know a lot more within a few hours-aaaahhhhhhhhh!

Oooh! FX and everything crossed that's implantation!

I can't stay off this site! So, so hope this is your time lily :hugs:
Lily - I won't be testing until June 26th, assuming AF doesn't show. So I still have quite a while!!! But so far I've managed to keep my mind off the wait with our trip to Cali to visit friends and meet family for nephew's college graduation. So that's good! I fly home on Wed and then that last week will be dreadfully spent at home. Good luck to you today...hope that :witch: stays away!!! Keep us posted :hugs:

Zeez - sorry AF got you but at least it wasn't a total surprise. I find that helps a bit. Enjoy your wine spree!!!

nikkih - how are you doing?? I had sore nipples yesterday which is very new to me. I've only had them once or twice before but usually right before AF is due…which at 3DPO would be unlikely! So perhaps that is something :winkwink: Otherwise, I've been gassy as well…but I've been eating a ton of fresh fruits and veggies - catching up from having none while in Europe! So you're thinking you might not have had a real period this past cycle and you'd be like a month and a half preggers now? That would be awesome! Are you going to hold out until 12DPO anyways?

cfox - 17DPO is quite the wait!!! You must be VERy self disciplined :thumbup: I won't test before 14DPO, that's as long as I can keep myself from testing.

Newbie - we have a thread rule of no testing before 12DPO missy!!!!! You lil rule breaker :dohh: Good luck to you!!!! FX

piglet :hugs: That is just so wrong of your officemate…very immature! Hang in there, your time will come and your baby will be twice as beautiful as hers cause you're a better person!

kmae - oh my gosh! I just read your sore nips comment. I had them yesterday!! How exciting. It's a new thing for me…never had them that early in a cycle!! Good luck with your party!!!!! And hang in there, every pregnancy is different so you're still in a good place :hugs:

AFM, temps still high so I'm happy. No new symptoms today - just still very gassy. I'm happy with that! Trying to stay busy and let the time fly. Bee letting myself have a sip of wine here and there which usually I don't at all after O but we're going to so many different dinner and gatherings that it's hard not to as people start asking RIGHT AWAY! So I sip here and there to keep them off our trail :winkwink:

Good luck to everyone!!!!
:hugs: piglet and fx'ed newbie! Glad so many are feeling more positive and like this can happen and thanks so much to everyone for your awesome support. I'll feel sort of like a drama queen if this ends up not being it! I hope you'll all forgive me f that's the case...

I had a bit of a dip in temps today-nothing earth shattering but that combined with my bfn's yesterday and the day before definitely has me seriously questioning whether this is it. Still well above cover line so I don't fear :witch: today but tomorrow will be key. The only explanation that I can imagine for af being late if I'm not pg is that I maybe ovulated two days later than I think I did. I really don't think so though, so I don't really get it but will cross that Bridge of trying to figure it out when/if I need to.

If temps are still high I plan to test sunday am first thing but y'all would be proud that I did not test this AM. My biggest doubt about actually being pregnant is the blank tests but then again my temps and "symptoms" tell a different story. Still hoping hoping hoping....but we'll be ok no matter what. I had the BEST night of sleep I've had in weeks last night. For the past 5 nights, including last night, I've been having night sweats that leave me absolutely drenched-very unusual for me, possibly a symptom??

Having a blast this weekend and hope you all are as well-I promise to check in tomorrow AM with news (or earlier if there's anything to report).

:hugs: and :dust: to all!

I hope this is for you. (the temp thing was also one of my symptoms, felt like a heatwave every night).

hello girls!! i love this thread. i always want to open the site for any updates. and it help me get over the depression thing. thanks guys, really, i appreciate all your encouraging words.

so, since i plan not to give up (thanks to you all) i was lucky to find a BBT at boots this morning and and it was on sale! so it is a sign that i should not quite. so tomorrow i'll start taking my temp. right now i still have this brown discharge. its kinda icky because it looks like a brown snot. lol. hohum.
GL Lily, Newbie, and Nikki!!! Thinking about you this morning, Lily and keeping everything crossed for you!

Piglet :hugs: That is really weird of your officemate. Your time will come, in the meantime try to ignore her and focus on all the things you can enjoy now that she can't. Also, maybe she is just oblivious and insensitive - doesn't make it better but ... Anyway, :hugs:

GL ladies! FX'd and prayers for all of you! I hope you all are having a great weekend! Enjoy your Sunday and happy fathers day.

:dust: :dust: :dust: :dust: :dust:
MrsChezek I don't know what is going on. I only had 1 day of any significant bleeding last month followed by 3 days of light spotting. Not even enough to wear a tampon or panty liner. I don't have any symptoms. This time last month my veins in my boobs were dark, I was nauseous, tired, sore nipples and I was not pregnant. This month no symptoms other than being extremely emotional since Friday. I'm crying for the littlest things. It is so not me. I won't test though because it might send me over the edge if I see a negative. It could be wicked PMS I suppose. I'm due for AF in 9 days.
Oh ladies, I'm out. A fierce and painful :witch: arrived in the middle of the night accompanied by a temperature drop this morning. I feel really sad :cry: but also totally at peace. I'll never totally understand what happened with so many high temps :shrug: but the bfn's had me nervous/doubting the whole time, so I did feel somewhat prepared for this. We're disappointed but ok, and intent on enjoying the rest of our weekend. Thank you all for coming on this ride with me this month-I'm sorry it didn't have a happy ending but I'm so thankful that you were here with me.

Love, :hugs: and so so so so much :dust: to everyone. March babies sound good to anyone else?? :coolio:

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