Lily - I won't be testing until June 26th, assuming AF doesn't show. So I still have quite a while!!! But so far I've managed to keep my mind off the wait with our trip to Cali to visit friends and meet family for nephew's college graduation. So that's good! I fly home on Wed and then that last week will be dreadfully spent at home. Good luck to you today...hope that

stays away!!! Keep us posted
Zeez - sorry AF got you but at least it wasn't a total surprise. I find that helps a bit. Enjoy your wine spree!!!
nikkih - how are you doing?? I had sore nipples yesterday which is very new to me. I've only had them once or twice before but usually right before AF is due
which at 3DPO would be unlikely! So perhaps that is something

Otherwise, I've been gassy as well
but I've been eating a ton of fresh fruits and veggies - catching up from having none while in Europe! So you're thinking you might not have had a real period this past cycle and you'd be like a month and a half preggers now? That would be awesome! Are you going to hold out until 12DPO anyways?
cfox - 17DPO is quite the wait!!! You must be VERy self disciplined

I won't test before 14DPO, that's as long as I can keep myself from testing.
Newbie - we have a thread rule of no testing before 12DPO missy!!!!! You lil rule breaker

Good luck to you!!!! FX
That is just so wrong of your officemate
very immature! Hang in there, your time will come and your baby will be twice as beautiful as hers cause you're a better person!
kmae - oh my gosh! I just read your sore nips comment. I had them yesterday!! How exciting. It's a new thing for me
never had them that early in a cycle!! Good luck with your party!!!!! And hang in there, every pregnancy is different so you're still in a good place
AFM, temps still high so I'm happy. No new symptoms today - just still very gassy. I'm happy with that! Trying to stay busy and let the time fly. Bee letting myself have a sip of wine here and there which usually I don't at all after O but we're going to so many different dinner and gatherings that it's hard not to as people start asking RIGHT AWAY! So I sip here and there to keep them off our trail
Good luck to everyone!!!!