MD last month I had veins more prominent, nausea, dizziness, fatigue, sore boobs, cramps all starting at like 3 dpo. I swear I drove myself crazy. I just started getting a little very small amount of cramping and had a gush of cm so much i thought I got my period but nope just very wet cm but not enough to soak my panties just make certain spots see through. Sorry for tmi
I had a lot of signs last month too and not too many this month! Mainly just gassiness and a bit of breast or sometimes just even nipple tenderness. Maybe that does mean something good!!!! FX for us
That does sound good nikki!! I had a gush of brown/pink on 4DPO but tested BFN this am

I have an appointment middle of July with the doctor to discuss IUI and IVF. I was hoping to get pregnant before then but guess I have to wait
Hi. Clarkey!

You are welcome to join but we have a thread rule of no testing before 12DPO

So no more early testing for you!!!!
Newbie, darn it! I hope you get your March baby!
Ladies, I am kind of freaking out right now! It really dawned on me that if I don't get pg by July, then I will be reaching an entire year since I got pg with my angle baby. I just can't stand the thought of having to go through that time and still not being pg. please, please, please let me have my sticky bean by that time!
Oh Kmae! That must be SO hard

I can't even imagine what it would feel like but hopefully you won't have to go through it at all. FX for a sticky bean for you this cycle!!! Any new symptoms?
Newbie - what a bummer! that damned

I really thought you were going to get that bfp this cycle...hope you're enjoying your week of relaxation and indulgence. FX for this next cycle!!!!