TTC #1 at 33 on cd2 of cycle 4 - need a buddy!!!

mooncake, I have a very light spotting 1-2 days before AF as well, and I'm a little concerned about progesterone. Since I'm working really hard at eliminating sugar, wheat, and dairy from my diet right now I'm hoping this will help regulate hormones better. The iPhone app probably isn't happening lol but I can totally understand!

I asked DH what he thought about acupuncture and he's dead set against it since it can go badly if the person doesn't know what they're doing. I was a little disappointed at his reaction but we'll see if I can wear him down in the future.
Sbl 80, I'm in Heaton Norris, so technically Stockport, but always think I'm living in Manchester. How about you?

Green Orchid, not symptom spotting is a really good plan. As it is the run up to Christmas in my next 2ww maybe I won't notice as much, but knowing my worrying tendencies, I doubt it! I think the period tracker app on my iphone doesn't help, but can't imagine getting rid of it. I could get dh to reset the password!

I got married last month so I'm hoping that the build up and busy time running up to it has had an impact on things but who knows, probably clutching at straws. I'm also spotting a day or two before my periods - trawling the internet brings up everything from normal to low progesterone. Life was probably a lot simpler before google!

I am in Urmston :)

I have also been trying my best not to ss the last few cycles I find the disapointment to much.

I am just tired of waiting for my bfp and and would like it very soon now, oh well only a week or so until ovulation.
Well I found out this weekend that my closest friend is 3 months pregnant but hadn't told anyone until she had her scan. I can't believe I didn't notice - she has pulled off some amazing fibs when we've been out for a drink, especially at me wedding! I had no idea she was even thinking of babies and, in my AF misery, I am disappointed with my own reaction to this - I felt initially upset when I should have been glad for her. I feel like, once you start to tread the path of trying for a baby, there isn't a way to get off it. So, currently I have 5 of my immediate group of friends and family expecting.

Green Orchid, the spotting is worrying me. It has only been really noticeable for the last couple of months, so hopefully it is just a blip. I've been taking a silly amount of b vits for pms and it seems to have started since then and I have read this can cause spotting (which seems to contradict the fact that it can lengthen luteal phase?) so I'm stopping them this month. I'm also going to see the doctor and ask. I've not felt ready about mentioning my trying and no baby to a doctor yet though.

So, dust myself down and give it another go I guess. I'm going to to as many things this month to 'help' but then I'm going on my honeymoon in January and I'm downing tools and not thinking about it for a month. No charting, no temps no ss no opks.A month 'off' might be rather nice.

How's everyone this weekend? Sbl 80 - Urmston isn't far! We sometimes eat at Isinglass for special meals, very tasty.
Hopefully you will get a honeymoon bfp mooncake :)

I have heard Isinglass is lovely but have never eaten there myself.

Was at the GP today and she has decided it is time we start doing tests so got my blood form as DF has to call up for his SA kit to be sent out. Hopefully it is a step in the right directon
Good morning ladies :flower:

Had a lovely weekend with DH just relaxing and waiting for AF to go away so we can start trying to make a baby again :winkwink:

Mooncake, I'm confused about the B vitamins thing too, because I've heard several women say that instead of lengthening the luteal phase it made then spot early. I never took any vitamins before but just started on a multivitamin that has several b-vitamins in it. It's a pretty moderate dose so I hope it doesn't make the spotting worse. I hope you really enjoy taking a month off of temping and everything and just enjoy! We're going on a trip in early december for our first anniversary/late honeymoon, and I want to enjoy it and not think about symptoms spotting the whole time (since I'll be in my 2ww).

Slb, I hope everything goes great at the doctor and your hormone levels check out fine. My doctor checked mine several months ago when I mentioned to her that my OH and I were thinking about having a baby. It ended up being right before I ov'd but I didn't know it then because I wasn't tracking my cycles yet. In a few months if I'm not preggo I'm going back to get cd3 and cd21 bloodwork done just to make sure. My OH isn't too keen on getting a SA at this point - I guess its a macho man thing, but at some point he might have to.
slb - how do you feel about the docs? Were they understanding? I am due to have my smear next month so might mention to the nurse that I'm starting to get concerned as it has been a year now that I've been off the pill, but not a year of really 'trying', that has only been since the summer. Do I say a year of trying? I guess the NTNP phrase is quite useful. I want to do this but I'm also scared, as not knowing is blissful ignorance in some ways?

Green Orchid - I can't imagine my DH having an SA either! As for the vitamins, I've now cut out my b vit additional supplement and if it doesn't get better this month I'm ditching everything except the folic acid. Reading up on low progesterone doesn't really shed much light on things, so much conflicting information. AF has almost gone now so it feels like the whole thing is starting over again. My pregnant sister in law has no idea when she ovulates or when her periods are due, I felt a bit envious when she told me that this weekend. I don't know how to get back to that state of mind now. I actually told my brother this weekend, as I really was pretty blue. He said to just chill out and that it would happen. I've lost count of how many times I've heard that now. The frustrating thing is, that it is probably true. What a vicious circle!

Also - do either of you drink booze at the moment? I'm still drinking wine. Not a lot, having a glass about 2 days in the week and maybe two glasses saturday and sunday.And I got a tad drunk at my wedding. I feel rather guilty about drinking at all. But, I don't smoke, I've quit caffeine for six months now, I'm eating my five a day, exercising regularly, my weight is OK - I need one vice! Have you given up?
I was so worried about going to the docs but my gp was fab I just told her I have been off the pill for 18months and have been doing opk and taking temps the last 6. I think the way they see it is if you are on no form of contraception then you are trying. She was lovely about it all and said first thing was my bloods, and DFs SA. They will do nothing but bloods for me until he has had his sa as a lot of the tests are invasive so they need to rule him out first. If I were you mooncake I would just say you came off the pill a year ago as you are ttc. I am scared to death of them finding something wrong with us, but if they do at least I know and we are not wasting time.

I still drink wine, I have a few glasses over a weekend, I have given up caffeine, eat well, don't smoke have an active lifestyle and of a good weight so why not have the odd glass of wine. I did mention this to my doc to and she said it will only effect your fertility if you drink a lot and not to worry about the odd glass x
Good, this has made me feel better! I like my glass of wine with my tea. Even not drinking in the week is a bit of a challenge. I've just been looking for books on Amazon but it hard to know which will be any good. I bought one and it made me feel like at 33 I'm positively geriatric and said that ideally you would cut out animal fats for 6 months prior to conception. Such advice is not very helpful or realistic! So I like your doctor. DH would rather I didn't buy any books or look online at all, I think he thinks it makes me worry more. He is probably right. Today I found out that my sister in laws 2 best friends are both pregnant! Did this many people get pregnant when I didn't care about it or am I just super sensitive to it now?! All three of those pregnancies were accidental. Agh!
Oh how fustrating! There has been loads of pregnancy announcements of facebook recently and I know of other closer friends who are pg, again all by accident. It is so upsetting and fustrating isn't it. How does it just happen for some and takes others so bloody long!

I also love a glass of wine, but never get drunk so dont feel so bad about having the odd drink, esp noow my gp says its fine lol.
I try not to read too much stuff online but I know how you feel about feeling old to be trying, even on this site most are in the early to mid 20s. The thing is I don't feel old in myself I dont think I would have been mentally and financially ready for a family before now, I can't help feeling I hope I havent left it to long. Think I am just being paranoid now with my tests starting lol x
Hi ladies - sorry for the long silence. Last week was Thanksgiving holiday so I was busy with family and preparing a huge feast. How are you girls this week?

I had a crazy dream last night that a whole bunch of my friends were pregnant and I was going around rubbing all their bellies for good luck. I'm just lucky right now that none of my good friends are pregnant or I would turn green. I agree its difficult seeing people's pregnancy announcements on facebook, even when it's not somebody I'm close with.

About drinks, I have not stopped. I don't see a problem with a glass of wine or whatever now and then. This weekend I had a few drinks and I'm not going to worry about it. However, I've stopped drinking each cycle when it gets to the potential implantation phase just to be on the safe side.

I'm excited that this is ovulation week, and I hope it's a good one! Me and DH are trying to BD every other day, although I'd like to do it every day for the 3 days up to ov day. He comes home from work too tired and isn't an every day kind of guy so I'm hoping that every other day does the trick. This is also our first cycle with preseed so I hope it helps too.
Well I'm having a bit of a nightmare. My period should have been done with by last Tue/Wed and I'm still spotting. Spotting after my period is a total new one for me so no idea what is going on and I'm stressing! This was supposed to be another fresh start month and now its all gone haywire. I don't imagine I'll even ovulate this month if I'm still spotting.

My boobs were sooo sore last month that I am wondering if perhaps I did conceive and had a chemical pregnancy, as when that happened to me a few years ago, I seem to remember I bled for a while, but can't remember if it was this long :-( I was due my smear this week but have had to cancel it, but am going to the doctors to talk about this. I've even irrationally worried that I have cancer. I wish I wasn't such a worry head. So. I'm just not even getting my hopes up for anything happening until my body has sorted itself out a bit, which hopefully it will.

I have also booked in for acupuncture with a specialist, it felt important to do something proactive. I hope it goes well for you both this month though and do keep in touch x
I'm excited that this is ovulation week, and I hope it's a good one! Me and DH are trying to BD every other day, although I'd like to do it every day for the 3 days up to ov day. He comes home from work too tired and isn't an every day kind of guy so I'm hoping that every other day does the trick. This is also our first cycle with preseed so I hope it helps too.

When I went to the GP last week she told me you stand a better chance of getting pg if you BD every other day instead of everyday as the swimmers are not around in high numbers if you BD every day, I have gone for the every other day option this month and DF is thrilled about that lol

Mooncake, I hope the spotting stops soon and you do ov this cycle. If you are worried I would go and have a chat to your GP hun x
Mooncake, I can totally identify with you in that whenever something with my body is a little bit off, I immediately jump to the worst case scenario. I'm sure everything will sort itself out soon. Keep us posted on what your GP says. Also, let me know how the acupuncture goes. I really want to try but DH isn't too keen on me doing it.

I think I ov'd the other day but not sure because my temps are a little strange this month and I didn't use OPK like I usually do. Also, OH and I barely DTD because he was too exhausted from some training he's doing at work. So, fx'd, but I don't have much hope for this month. Definitely going back to OPK next month if I'm not preggo so I'm not guessing about ov day.

slb, I'm glad your GP said that BD every other day is best. I've been hearing that lately so it's good to hear from a doctor.

Hope the weekend has been a good one for you, I am ill! I have a horrible winter head cold :-( I knew it was coming. This cycle has been a write off! I've still been taking my temps but CD 11-13 were way over my cover line maybe cos I had a temperature and now on day 16 back to being low. My opks are hard to read too, lots and lots of maybes that are hard to read, normally they are either yes or no. So no idea where I am at all.

I finally stopped spotting mid week, just about. I went to the doctor, who didn't seem overly concerned, she just wanted me to have my smear asap when the spotting had stopped. I'm also having bloods taken on Tuesday to check if there are any pregnancy hormones bobbing round my system, in case I did have a chemical pregnancy and that is what has messed things up. She was a lovely doctor, so I'll be going to see her again ! She has said that me and dh can start tests in the New Year. I was half hoping she would say there was no need to worry about that yet but she thinks it is time. And the other half of me is really glad we don't have to wait.

Ordinarily I wouldn't take cold medicine for fear of affecting cm but really don't think my body is in any egg making way this month so I'm medicating! I also have no idea when my period might resurface again. So, pretty bummed about the whole thing really, especially as my cycles were textbook all over the summer.

The acupuncture was amazing - she said she would work on stopping the bleeding and that night it pretty much stopped! Not sure how but I'm not too worried either. It didn't hurt and I felt very calm and very very tired afterwards. It is expensive but she was great and I'm going back two more times before Christmas. Not sure dh is convinced but I feel like I'm doing another thing that might be helpful.

How are you both? You never know Green Orchid, this could still be the month for you. I can't decide if charting/temping every month is all that good for me in terms of stress. How about you slb? Are you in the two week wait?

Aw mooncake, sorry you have been ill, my first month of temping was messed up because i was so ill. I know what you mean about the mixed feelingd regarding testing. Still not has my blood results back but will let you know as soon as I do hopefully all will be fine. I am now 8dpo according to ff but I think it is more like 9dpo, I am hoping I can just hang on and see if af arrives, don't want to be testing and getting bfn :( I don't feel pg at all, my boobs are not even as sore as they normally are and have no other symptoms at all. getting the feeling i won't be getting a christmas bfp :(

hope your feeling better soon hun xx
You never know slb, my mum says that the months she got pregnant were the months she felt nothing. I have thrown my cheap preg test away and decided that there will be no testing now unless I am a week late. Can't face that whiteness staring back at me anymore! I was just talking to my best friend on the phone who is 6 months pregnant, feel like I can't really talk about what is going on with me, because we are in such different places. Jo says she now wees herself when she sneezes which at least isn't something I need to worry about at the moment!

Let me know how you get on with your tests, I bet you just want them back now. I really hope mine on Tue don't show anything wrong. I have abandoned any hope of a xmas bfp, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you x
Hi Ladies - can I join you here?

Have just read your threads and can empathise with all!
I am 35 years old, ttc#1, been trying since August but it feels like years. My AF has got more regular over the last few months but I haven't starting checking temps or opk yet - just going on dates and cm. I know for sure that me and DH don't dtd enough at the right times - it isn't always convenient! He works long hours and I feel like I'm putting too much pressure on him by demanding we dtd - he feels bad enough for me when AF arrives and I'm so disappointed! Have bought a clearblue monitor which I'll start using when AF next arrives. Currently 8dpo and feel like I spend my day looking out for symptoms which probably don't exist -please tell me I'm not the only one who does!?

mooncake/greenorchid - my best friend and my sister are both 5 months preg and I am finding it is hard to talk about this without sounding a little bitter! There are also 2 girls at work who are preg so I never seem to get away from it.

I'm with you guys on the testing thing but it's so hard to wait! I am going to see whether AF has arrived by next saturday and test then - we are going out with friends so I'd like to know whether I can enjoy more than one glass of wine. I too have decided that it's crazy to completely put life on hold and that a bit of wine or the odd coffee won't hurt. Think of all those people who get pregnant accidentally and have never stopped to consider all this!

Off to work soon after 4 days off - snow days then the weekend - too much time for thinking about babies so it'll be good to be occupied!
Hi White Orchid! I spent all of last month symptom spotting and was CONVINCED I was pregnant! I don't want to get myself so hopeful again, especially after the mess I've been in this month. Those two weeks seem like a lifetime and I wonder if all my stressing and obsessing have actually screwed up my cycle.

So - I've banned myself from looking at symptom spotting pages. It is really hard not to think about it though. I don't think there is any way I can have ovulated this month, what with the spotting, up and down temps and now 7 opks that all look just a shade under positive (??) I'm on CD 17 now and no bleeding which is good, acupuncture no. 2 tomorrow. I actually feel a bit relaxed to know there isn't any point symptom spotting! I think the next two weeks won't drag. Just want my period to come on time and hope that next cycle goes a bit more according to plan.

August does seem ages ago. You in the UK?

Yes - I'm in Essex - are you in Manchester UK or USA??! I'm sure there's one over in the states?!

I was chatting to a friend about acupuncture. She has been ttc for almost 2 years and has had 2 unsuccessful IVF cycles too. Somebody she knows had been ttc for 8 years with lots of IVF and m/c but got pregnant after having a course of acupuncture - could be the answer! I had acupuncture a few years ago for a jaw bone problem and really enjoyed it - felt very relaxing and did the trick.

I think we under-estimate the effects of stress. I find that the harder I try NOT to spymptom spot, the more I do it! I've been charting my post ov symptoms on - ticking the boxes for those I have. I'm sure they start to come on as I look at the list! Or I convince myself that yes, my boobs do hurt! Must admit, it has been a major relief to find this website and realise how many others there are just like me - I am not going crazy! Or maybe I am, but so are lots of others too!

My cycles can be a bit irregular but if AF comes when I expect (I'm pretty sure I won't get a BFP this time) then I'll be ov around Boxing day - not great as my inlaws are staying from 23rd - 28th!!! No dtd for us then ;(

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