TTC #1 at 35+

Hi everyone. My HSG went well today & both tubes were clear as day. I am so happy. I fully expected one or both to be blocked given how long I've been TTC.

At this point they've confirmed that I ovulate, tubes are open & DH's SA checked out fine. Tomorrow is last bloodwork to check ovarian reserve. My doctor is calling me Monday to discuss. I suspect the last test will be fine, too, which puts me in the unexplained infertility category.

Here's hoping the clomid & HSG this cycle are a lucky combo :)

We have several BD marathons ready to begin, don't we?

Glad everything went well today Lola - hope the results from today's blood test is a good one too xx
Hi all - hope everyone's doing ok.

So I phoned up to get the results of my swabs today - the receptionist said my notes say 'test needs repeating' so she squeezed me in on Monday morning in the hope that my results will be back in time for FS appt on Thurs afternoon

Then I had a phonecall from the practice manager - the receptionist had assumed that they just needed re-doing - well they do, but not there -apparently it's something to do with them using a different type of swab than the hospital that's testing them and they are not compatible. So I can't get them re-done there on Monday - have to wait til our appt on Thursday - turn up without the results and get them to do them there - hopefully the nurse will be a little bit more patient than last time.

They're going to have to get used to the fact that I need a little extra time and care with these things ... especially if I'm going to have to have other tests too?

It feels like the professionals who are supposed to be helping don't know what they are doing so what hope is there for the rest of us? Not even sure who's to blame for this one - not that it matters.

Feel like it's 1 step forward and 2 steps back right now.

Feeling so low plus hubby has just gone away until Sunday morning and I'm not used to him being away - I hate it - the place I'm at with my depression right now means I spend the whole time obsessively worrying about something bad happening - I know it's irrational but that doesn't help much right now

Guess I'll be on here alot this weekend to take my mind off it all
:hugs: Deb What a bugger about the tests. It really seems like the left arm doesn't know what the right is doing!

Hopefully when you see the FS you can discuss what happens next and just assume these tests will come back fine, though ask what happens if they aren't how they should be and find out how/if it can delay the next step.

Perhaps you can get soe mindless DVDs to watch over the weekend?
:hugs: Deb What a bugger about the tests. It really seems like the left arm doesn't know what the right is doing!

Hopefully when you see the FS you can discuss what happens next and just assume these tests will come back fine, though ask what happens if they aren't how they should be and find out how/if it can delay the next step.

Perhaps you can get soe mindless DVDs to watch over the weekend?

Thanks Leilani

I used to quite enjoy time on my own but a lot of things have made me very insecure over the last few months and although I've got through them, they've had a lasting impact on my state of mind and depression. He may be back this time tomorrow / early hours of Sunday but if he doesn't get back to his cousins til late he'll stop another night and travel back Sunday morning - I've told him he needs to be ready to be pounced on :sex: as this little eggy aint waiting too long!

How are things going with you?
Hi Deb :flower:

I havent posted here for a long time but I was lurking and decided to drop in for a hello. I REALLY REALLY know what you mean. My DH has been away for 3 weeks now and sadly I wont see him 'till the 19th. It's very hard especially when the anxiety fairy keeps dropping in to freak me out :wacko: I know you know all the tools but...ya, great comedy movies are good and bubble baths and trying to eat all the yummy healthy things you can find. Make a big bowl of scrummy pasta! Anyhoo... thinking of you :hugs:

Sorry about the muck around re: tests. That's a big fat drag! but... looks like you'll get it sorted this week.

hi Leilani! we're neighbours:flower: don't see many kiwi's around this place. hope this finds you happy and healthy! Cheers!
That'll be a good homecoming for your DH! Hope he gets home sooner rather than later.

Just passing time til the BDathon starts again, not much else to report really!
Hi all

Just checking how everyone is doing, especially Sam. I can identify with your worries around the nuchal scan - hope it all went well. I had mine on Wednesday and I was a complete nervous wreck but all was fine. Baby has grown so much since 8 weeks and was a complete wriggler which the consultant said is a good sign! Can't believe Ella is 14weeks already - don't think you were being hard at all with your comments re. Aurora - my nuchal scan gave me a lower risk than a 15 year old at 36! And I do think that as an older and hopefully more sensible woman I am a much lower risk pregnancy than some teens you see with a can of Stella and a fag!! I'm not being stereotypical there about all pregnant teens but I have seen a fair few like that. Good luck to everyone else - I've got my fingers crossed for all of you. xx
Hi Deb :flower:

I havent posted here for a long time but I was lurking and decided to drop in for a hello. I REALLY REALLY know what you mean. My DH has been away for 3 weeks now and sadly I wont see him 'till the 19th. It's very hard especially when the anxiety fairy keeps dropping in to freak me out :wacko: I know you know all the tools but...ya, great comedy movies are good and bubble baths and trying to eat all the yummy healthy things you can find. Make a big bowl of scrummy pasta! Anyhoo... thinking of you :hugs:

Sorry about the muck around re: tests. That's a big fat drag! but... looks like you'll get it sorted this week.

hi Leilani! we're neighbours:flower: don't see many kiwi's around this place. hope this finds you happy and healthy! Cheers!

Thanks groovygrl :flower:

It makes me seem really pathetic when your dh is away for such a long time! :blush: and I know there are a lot of other women around here who have to deal with it too. I have so many jobs I can be doing round the house today and it's not going to make the time pass any quicker if I sit here and get down about it :dohh:

Anyway thanks for your kind words hun
Hope you have a good day xx
Sorry you've had a low day Deb :hugs:

I hope you are going to treat yourself to something nice this weekend. I love having the house to myself (and the remote control) - my DH never goes anywhere, we are such homebodies!

I spent all of Sunday reading every last page and link on our FS website. I then went to a local fertility forum, and was shocked when the first a post I read said, "We're on the IVF waiting list for January" - and this was posted a month ago! Was feeling positive that we were getting things moving until I read that. The poster is also 37 and lives in my area, so I can't even kid myself there's a reason why the wait is so long. :(

I know it's been said so many times on this site, but it's so nice to know that there are other people going through all the same emotions and stuff :hugs:

I don't know how long the IVF waiting list is round here, but we've discussed it and if that's what they suggest then we would probably set ourselves a time scale to carry on trying naturally and save up some money, maybe until I hit 37 in Feb or something? Our FS website says they will do IVF up to the age of 45 so we've got time (although I don't want to wait that long!)

And on the homebodies note ... we are terrible! We have very busy lives running a small house rentals business plus we both have other full time jobs and once we're in through that front door there's no shifting us! If we plan to go out it's almost time to place you're bets on who's going to say 'do you still want to go out tonight?' first - but at least we're both the same and can laugh about it! Don't want to get old before our time though and I do now insist that we go out for just a pub meal once a week just to give 'us' some time and to get away from the TV, pc, phonecalls, emails ...

Hope you're having a good day hun xx
Hello ladies- haven't posted in ages but have also been lurking. Had a bit of a rough time lately and needed time out.

Hope you are all OK. I haven't read back further than this page so I am a lot out of the loop!! Deb - hope things start running smoothly for you- waiting is a pain! :hugs:

As for me, I had a very painful HSG recently and found out that my remaining tube is blocked so I am out with regards to a natural conception:cry:

Looking into IVF in Norway at the mo.

Take care ladies- fingers crossed you all get your BFP's really soon. XXXX:hugs:
Hi Zero

So sorry about your results :hugs: However, at least they have discovered it now rather than later and you have a plan for moving forward with IVF rather than wasting time. Wishing you lots of luck for your :bfp: very soon xx
It's been quiet in here the last couple of days - hope everyone's ok. Dh is home safely :happydance:. Don't think we stand much chance this month as we haven't :sex: much for various reasons.

Just noticed we've hit 100 pages! :happydance::thumbup:
Hi Zero,
I'm sorry about your results but sending positive vibes for IVF. You're always welcoming & supportive on these deserve some good news.
Hello everyone!

My name is Jules, I turned 38 in March - hubby is 40. I don't have any other children and neither does hubby. I have never been pregnant before and have been on BC since I was 21!:eek:

We just got married last year and I was never in a position before to have a child - I needed to find the right man who will be the best father and I found him :) I am glad I waited because hubby is a wonderful man and I know he will make a fantastic father.

I have 4 active pills left in my BC pack and then the fun will begin!! Fingers crossed my periods regulate quickly and we are blessed with a little one soon.:happydance:
Hi Jules,

Welcome to the group! Many of us are in the same position here; waiting for 'mr right' but he took his time coming. Anyway, you will find heaps of advice and support here and I hope your TTC journey is a short one xx
Well girls, i'm out this month again :-(((

My last 2 cycles have been v short 23 and 25 days. Luteal phase 9-10 days which is a defect. Not sure what cure for that is if there is one!

FF seems to think also i didn't ovulate this month despite there being a 0.2C rise...hmmmm

I'm going to go to doctor next week I think to get some tests done and get an opinion on my charting so far. Next cycle I'll be using my new CBFM...I really hope it shows an LH surge and will show I'm normal...and not add to the stress of monitoring (finding the temps thing stressful willing for temps to rise and praying they don't fall!).

Zero, sorry to hear about your news but hopefully now you can get the right fertility treatment and get your BFP.
Animal cracker hello and good luck with TTC!

How is everyone else doing?

Welcome, Jules. As they say, hope your stay here is short & sweet. :)

Spacegirl, that LP does sound short. There are things we can do about that, like Red Raspberry and B6. I'm hoping the clomid will help me out with it this month. You should look into things you can do on your own to lengthen it.

As for me, I am in the "BD/Obsessing" phase, waiting to O & hoping I didn't somehow miss it already. I'm wondering if clomid shifted my O date. I should know in the coming days.
Thank you Lola and Deb for your kind words! I have an appointment with my gyn today who will write me up a prescription for some pre-natal vitamins. Fingers crossed!!
:img: Where's everyone gone?? It's been so quiet round here lately! :coffee:

Have everyone's cycles got into synch and everone's off having a :sex: marathon! :tease:

Hugs to you all
Hi Deb, and welcome Jules.

Just popping in quickly, because, as you suggested Deb, it is BDathon time, and Lost is on tonight; e nned to time it so we can BD, I can lie with my legs up for a reasonable amount of time and then return to the lounge in time to watch Lost. It's times like these I wish we had a TV in the bedroom!!

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