Hi girls.. I'd like to join in here. =)
DH & I are both 23 and have been TTC our first for 7 months. I have PCOS so my OB/GYN put me on Clomid and I've done 3 cycles- 1 at 50 mg (no ovulation), 1 at 100 mg (no ovulation), and 1 at 150 mg (oved CD 22, BFP, but had an early m/c). I miscarried at the beginning of March and my OB/GYN told me to go natural for this month and restart the Clomid at 150 mg in April. I will be taking Provera to induce AF.
DH & I will be celebrating our fourth wedding anniversary in May, around the time that I will most likely be finding out if I'm pregnant again or not, so I'm hoping and praying that I will get my sticky BFP as an anniversary gift! =P
Good luck to all you girls!