It funny even though i am now pregnant i still research clomid... I think i want to be an re lol... Anyways...on a five day cycle of clomid you should ovulate 5-10 days later.. So buy some opks and monitor, if you post them id be more than happy to looks at them... Start using them cd11 test in between 10am and 8pm... Twice a day(you can get a twenty pack for like $18.99 at walgreens, i used the store brand) also bd the 11th 13th 15thcd...but if you get a positive opk lets say cd14 bd that day twice and twice the day after...(tmi... But we bd on our kitchen table and i was on my back he was never able to hit it in that position so maybe that helped). Also on the clomid you might actually feel the ovulation i did.. I had cramps on my left side, and had a positive opk the next day. I ovulated cd19, but like i said i technically took 7 days of clomid instead of five. So from cd2-8 i was on anti-estrrogen(clomid and soy isfoflavones, not taken together... Clomid cd2-6 and s.i 7 and 8). And after i ovulated i swear i could feel the baby because like 8 or 9 dpo i had pressure, crampiness, and burning in my uterus and my back was i am 14dpo and my bbs hurt, but they started hurting yesterday.