TTC #1- Looking for buddies!

Hey everyone! Hope all is well!

Sunny- I can't believe you are almost full term! Time is flying that's for sure.

Dream- sorry AF got you. Hugs! Praying for a BFP for you as a Christmas gift this year!

Tb- how are you feeling? Almost 3rd trimester already!!

We have been doing well. In the last week or so he has gotten much better at nursing so I'm hoping we will see an improvement! He was 8 lbs 7 oz at his 2 month appointment, so he's gaining weight just on the low end of normal. Will recheck his weight next week and am hoping to see an imporvement!
Hey Amber great to hear from you. Glad you guys are doing well. wow, 2 months already.

CD9 here, just hanging out. Unfortunately I've come down with some flu like symptoms. Stuffy nose, sore throat. Blah. Just what I need right. Anyways, hoping it passes quickly.
Dream, sorry you're not feeling well. Hope the flu/cold stays away. When are you planning on putting your Christmas tree up?

Amber, glad to hear Leon is nursing well. I'm sure his weight will pick up soon. Have you thought about a scale to use at home to monitor? We're planning on using our kitchen scale (goes up to ~15 pounds) for the first couple of weeks.
My class this year is so tough! We had conferences the last two weeks and having 30 kids makes those drag on. I’m literally counting down the days until her due date. Not just for the obvious reasons but I need away from this stressful group sooner than later. I hate saying that because I normally love my job and my classes but this class is something else :(

Everything pregnancy wise is great. Doctor said I’m measuring exactly on and my ultrasound from last month looked perfect. Confirmed my suspicions on a posterior placenta. He said she’s definitely not a large baby so probably just average sized (my brothers and I were and so were DH and his siblings: all 7lb babies) so that’s good. I’ve been listening to an audiobook on natural childbirth because I’d like to avoid epidural if possible but I am also aware of unforeseen events changing my “plan”.

Sunny- you are right there! I’m so excited for you? Are you getting uncomfortable?

Dream- is this an IUI cycle?
Oh I must have replied before reading everyone else’s response!

Amber- so good to hear from you! Glad to hear BFing is getting better! First Christmas with a Little one!!

Dream- I’m usually an advocate for waiting until thanksgiving (here lol) but this year I want to do it ASAP. For one, we put it off so long we only had decor up for about a week before Christmas and probably less... that didn’t even include a tree! So I want to make up for it this year! I say do it! Maybe the Christmas Cheer will bring you a Christmas BFP :)
Dream, haha not crazy at all! I love the smell of fresh trees but getting one now and expecting it to last through Christmas is just wishful thinking lol. So I think we'll wait until early December to get one.

Tb, 30 kids!! I can't even imagine... 30 kids AND a stressful group doesn't sound fun.
I'm also hoping to go without an epidural, and instead give nitrous oxide a chance. Let's see if I still feel that way once labor start rolling in ;)
Dream- sorry you are coming down with something. Hope you feel better soon! I don't think it's ever too early to decorate for Christmas- it's my favorite holiday!

Tb- wow that's a lot of kids for one class! Glad everything pregnancy wise is going well though!

Sunny- we tried using our kitchen scale but it's just a small digital one so didn't work very well. I've been weighing myself and then weighing again while holding him to get a rough estimate- at least lets me know that he is gaining! He's growing out of most newborn clothes and I think we will need to start using size 1 diapers here soon so all good signs!
Seems like he's doing just fine Amber!! How long is your maternity leave again, you had quite a few months right?
Yes, I am lucky enough to have five months off, including the couple weeks before he was born. My first day back at work will be Jan 21st. It's already half way over, I can't believe how fast it's going!
TB - Happy 26 weeks.

Sunny - Happy 36 weeks, just days away from full term!

No, not an IUI cycle quite yet. Our last natural attempt of 2018. If this cycle is a bust I'll call in my next CD1 for the final monitoring/IUI cycle. Today is CD14, negative OPK. I'm guess I'll get a positive around Wednesday or Thursday.
Amber, wow that's amazing!! I bet it just flies by though. How are you feeling? Fully recovered yet?

Dream, I was days away from starting my IVF-FET cycle when I got my positive. I'm keeping everything crossed you'll be just as lucky as I was.
That’s so nice Amber. It’s so messed up that women in the US generally get crap for maternity leave! I counted school days from her due date until the end of the school year and I have enough sick days for 5 snow days added to the end (or 5 days earlier than her due date!) but I am also using my short term disability which will give me about 70% of my pay. So depending on when she comes I’ll have 5.5-6 months off too. I’d love longer though :(

Dream- I was about to comment about Sunny’s luck but then I saw she said something! She was literally getting things ready for her next round when suddenly BFP! I know it’s hard to feel hopeful, but I do encourage you to stay positive. It helps the heart and mind. And even if it’s nothing, I like to put positivity out into the universe! Fingers toes legs and arms crossed for you!
That's great Tb! You'll have a lot of time to enjoy the newborn phase. Will she go to daycare afterward?

I don't know how to describe my "maternity leave" as I/we work from home. Told the bosses I won't be working until the end of the year, but after that I'll definitely have to at least check my email once in a while etc. Wish I could just not do any of that for a couple of months, but that just wouldn't fly. But she'll at least be with us in our home office for snuggles, feedings and diaper changes lol.
Sunny- my recovery went really well. I would say I felt pretty much back to normal physically by 3 weeks. I haven't gotten back to exercising like I was since breastfeeding has been a struggle and I choose to spend any free time getting as much sleep as possible! I have been trying to take walks which helps a lot though. That's nice that you work from home, although I can see how it may be difficult to balance! I find that the days go by so fast but I look back and haven't really done anything all day. Lol!

Tb- yes maternity leave in the US is crap. I couldn't imagine going back to work after 6-8 weeks like some people have to. I was lucky to get paid at 60% for 8 weeks with my short term disabilty. I was also able to save up PTO to pay for the majority of the rest of my time off. So nice you will be able to have that much time off as well!

DH will be with Leon most days when I'm working. Also my step-mom and dad have offered to baby sit when needed as my DH works a rotating shift of two 12 hour days shifts, then two 12 hour night shifts followed by 4 days off. I'm hoping one of these days he will be able to get a job with better hours and schedule. I'm also waiting to go part-time at work. I work three 12 hour day shifts and when I go to part-time it will only be two 12 hour shifts.
I'm so glad to hear that your recovery went fast and smooth Amber! It's good to hear that a c-section doesn't necessarily mean that you'll be out of the running for 6 full weeks. Hope you'll be able to go part-time soon and DH finds a job with less taxing hours because that sounds really tough!

Dream, + OPK I see? How do you feel about not temping? I can imagine it's a lot less stressful. When will you test?

AFM, had my Group B Strep test yesterday and will get the results next week. 30% tests positive and will need antibiotics for ~4 hours during labor, which means going to the hospital sooner. I really hope it's negative! Cervix has softened a bit but no dilation yet. I think I'll skip the cervical checks until week 38/39. They don't tell you that much anyway.
Guys! I leaking EWCM! This has NEVER happened. Not in 20 cycles. I think the consistency of actually taking care of my health and nutrition is actually working. I could really be making changes to my reproductive health. Will I get pregnant, who's to say? But i'm pretty stoked about this nonetheless. I've always had to check internally and would sometimes see a hint or small amount of EWCM but nothing like this. I'm so happy. Even if we can't conceive naturally I know I'm in a better place now for our next IUI or IVF.

Its CD17 and O day based on my blazing positive OPK yesterday afternoon. We will BD tonight, which could possibly be too late I guess. But we're sticking with the EOD schedule this cycle. Acupuncture this afternoon after work. The DH and I are going to see Russell Peters with my BFF and her hubby. Should be a fun night. Maybe I'll get drunk, just sayin.

Funny you bring up temping Sunny. I thinking about picking it back up again. But for no good reason. I've learned as much about my body from temping as there is to know. I don't see the added benefit at this point, which is why I stopped. I've been lucky enough to have very steady temps, they always did exactly as they were supposed to. I kinda really want to have temps for when I do finally get a BFP though. Is that weird. I want to be able to have my BFP chart with temps. lol what difference does it make? I dunno. Haven't decided yet but I may dust it off for December if this cycle ends in BFN.

I will test at 10DPO earliest. I've been fairly good with that lately and not testing any earlier.

FX for a negative test Sunny! <-- That sounds weird to say.
That's a great sign Dream!!! Whatever you're doing seems to be working :D Thanks for reminding me to download my fertility friend chart, because yes, it is definitely a fun "memorabilia" to keep of your pregnancy. Seeing the temp STAY up for once instead of dropping. Hope yours will look like that as well this cycle.

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