Hi girls!!
I can't believe it's been a week since I posted. I did read the boards to see how things went with Dream's scan. So excited things are looking great
Jill, congrats! Hope your scan goes well too, keep us posted
Our little girl is 8 days old! She's such a snuggle-queen and we're so incredibly in love. Can't even begin to describe how it feels to hold her close.
About birth; we went to the hospital Monday afternoon, got the Cervadil placed for 12 hours to prep the cervix and maybe start some contractions. You can imagine we didn't get much sleep that night, and I kept checking the monitor to see if I had any contractions that I somehow magically couldn't feel (wishful thinking lol).
I did get a few, but they weren't that strong or consistent. After 12 hours (Tuesday morning) they checked me again and I made zero progress, ugh. They prep me to get the Pitocin in and I start contracting regularly right away. I used the birthing ball from 7 to 12 to deal with the contractions, every other position was just uncomfortable.
Got the epidural after that. My midwife was on call that day and she broke my water when I was 4 cm I think. The epi was amazing, didn't feel a thing and it was so fun to watch those contractions on the monitor and not having to breathe through them
After a while though, I noticed some spots on my right side where I could feel stuff again. They upped the dose and it went away, but it kept coming back after an hour or so. I decided to wait and see what would happen if we did not up the dose. Well, that lead to me feeling everything on my right side, ouch.
They called the anesthesiologist team back in and replaced my old epidural with a new one. They must have missed a spot. At that time I was around 7-8 cm but the baby seemed to have turned sunny-side-up and wasn't doing anything to help move things along.
After many more hours of upping the pitocin and trying different positions (side, belly, other side... there's only so much you can do with an epidural lol) we had to talk about the option of getting a c-section. We agreed that if things didn't change by 10 pm, I would be scheduled for a c-section at 11. The epidural was starting to do the same weird stuff on my right side again so that pretty shitty too.
Then at final check, just before signing the consent forms for the c-section, the baby had turned! Things were moving along and I was at 10 cm in just a couple of minutes.
It was weird to push without really feeling what you're doing (except for some of that right-side pain) but I was determined to get the baby out before midnight because being born on 12-18-18 is so much cooler than being born on 12-19-18 lol. And after about an hour of pushing, she was out!
Best moment of my life!
A week postpartum and things are slowly getting back to normal (well, without the getting any sleep part lol). All the physical discomfort is pretty much gone, and I'm just 5 pounds away from my pre-pregnancy weight, didn't expect any of it going this fast.
Okay girls, someone is waking up

Here are some pics.