TTC #1- Looking for buddies!

Jill I can’t wait to hear about the next one. My little one would measure a few days behind then a few days ahead at every ultrasound- she had growth spurts!

Dream- happy 9 weeks to you and your tater tot! When is your next appointment?

Sunny- exhausting for sure! But I’m sure Soo worth it! Ahh :)

Afm- I start back at work after having almost two full weeks off (I have no idea why they couldn’t just give us Thursday and Friday this week too?!!) and I’m not looking forward to it. She’s happily squishing my bladder so I need to go just about every 15 minutes but In my profession, I can’t go pee whenever I want lol plus with this group of kids this year... I’m looking forward to her making her appearance more than ever!
I'm sure everything will be good next week Jill. O:)

My first midwives appointment is Monday morning at 9w4d. My first OB appointment isn't until Feb 4 at 13w4d. After that we will have to choose which care provider route we want to go. I see my fam doc next Tuesday afternoon, she's going to order my next scan and bloodwork since I don't see the OB until so late.

My ND is on vacation this week so no acupuncture for me until next Thursday.

Sunny - so nice to hear about those precious moments. Hope you can squeeze a nap in here and there though.

I got a promotion at work! Woohoo. They don't know I'm pregnant yet of course. I'll likely be transitioning to my new role in the next couple weeks and since my boss is in the States and won't see me maybe I won't mention the pregnancy until a little later lol.
Things just moving right along then huh? Only a month left until you’re out of the first trimester!

Afm I’ve been dealing with tons of Braxton-Hicks. At first it was a few throughout the day. The last 2-3 days thy have been from morning to night, sitting, laying, moving, etc doesn’t really matter. I’m definitely not dehydrated and I’m not really worried about them being real.. but it seems like they are awfully common all day. Idk, I’ll bring it up at my appointment next Friday.
Dream, congrats on the promotion! 2019 is going to be your year :D I only saw my OB once (for the first scan) after that, they planned all my appointments with the clinics' midwife, I never really had a say in the matter. That's the way they do it unless you have a complicated pregnancy.

Tb, have you decided where you want to give birth yet? Lots to think about. Those BH contractions are encouraging, your body is getting ready. Hope your little girl will hang out a bit longer though, couple more weeks. :D

In the meanwhile, I'd say instead of preparing for labor and delivery... prepare for breastfeeding. I thought it was going to be so easy (after all, it's such a natural process) but mannnn there's a learning curve for sure! The first few days were so tough, my nipples were cracked and bleeding and there wasn't any milk yet. Sent DH to Target to buy nipple shields on day 4 and that made such a big difference. No more pain! Still, even though she's gaining weight (although she wasn't completely up to her birth weight yet the last time we were at the pediatrician's) and producing plenty of wet and dirty diapers... I'm always wondering if she's getting enough.

I pump once or twice a day to have a bottle ready in case she's really hungry and so that my DH can take over at night (while I pump).

But get your supplies ready. You'll want a Boppy pillow (which I thought wasn't necessary because I had plenty of other pillows to use... nope, get one!), nipple shields to give your nipples a break every once in a while, lanolin cream, and a good pump with bottles.
Sunny- Thanks for the tips! That’s what my friends have been telling me: Breastfeeding is hard and painful (at first). Were there certain nipple shields you got that you like? How often do you use them?

As for labor and delivery; I’m going to stick with the hospital for this baby. I don’t want to end up getting transferred from the birth center and end up paying both places, plus I don’t know what to expect yet or how my body handles it. I’m so determined to have as all natural of a labor/delivery as possible but at the same time because I have NO IDEA what’s going to happen lol but so long as everything is going well then I hope I can do my way!

Braxton-Hicks continue and I’ve been having a lot of AF like cramps down low. I know baby girl is in birth position and she’s definitely dropped some so whatever is going on..I’d like her to keep cooking for at 3 weeks more!

Jill when is your ultrasound?

Dream I agree with Sunny- 2019 seems to be your year!
Happy 34 weeks TB!

Midwife appt this morning went well, very informative. She tried to find Rick's heartbeat with the Doppler but couldn't she warned me beforehand that it would likely be too soon to pick it up. I was disappointed but understood it was a bit of a long shot at 9w.

Way more importantly I booked my next blood work and ultrasound for 12weeks on January 24th! Can't wait to see my little Ricky again.

Anatomy scan at 20 weeks seems like YEARS away.

I'm listening intently on the nipple conversation. I was having a rough time with mine last week, super itchy, hard and cracking. I healed them up with cocoa butter and they're fine now. But I'm sure it was nothing in comparison to what's to come.
Thanks Dream! It’s crazy to know I’m 3 weeks from full term and 6 until her due date. It seriously feels like I was just in Prague! I can’t believe you are already nearly 10 weeks!

Those Doppler’s take a while to consistently pick up the LO hEartbeat an 9 weeks is a little early. I think that was the hardest part: waiting from first ultrasound to 12 weeks to hear/see the heartbeat again. The next 10 weeks are going to fly by and we will know if it’s little dude girl or little dude boy!
Love all these post about the new babies coming!

AFM- I had a miscarriage after all. Last Monday I thought it was just AF but then the pain started. I starting passing blood clots that evening and more on Tuesday. Then Weds everything else came. I had a moment on vacation that I just lost it when I saw a baby. I couldn't breathe and walked away in tears. I know my moment will come just didn't expect all the emotions and sadness that came with it. I am still battling it when I am alone. Today is the first day back to work and I don't have anyone with me, so I am trying not to think to much. I go to the Dr on the 22nd and will discuss things with them. My question is for the ones I tell their response is well at least you know you can get pregnant. I know I can because I have an 11 year old to prove it but those aren't the words I want to hear after losing one. I know it was early but the pain is there. The hubby has helped but he says it doesn't affect him like it does me cause I am the one who has to deal with it all. So I am just going one day at time at the moment.
Sarah, I am so sorry! I have been there (too many times!) and it is hard! It’s hard for women who aren’t trying so those of us who try so hard to grow our families, it is complete heartbreak. I just try to tell myself that those who say the insensitive comments aren’t trying to be insensitive: they just don’t understand so they cannot empathize. We are here for you! Heal how you need. ❤️
I have an appointment Monday to go have an ultrasound and talk to my OB. My mom insisted on me calling and letting them know. I was just going to wait until the 22nd when I had my other appointment. So we will see what he says on Monday.

Hope everyone is doing well. :) Happy Friday!
Dream happy 10 weeks!!
Sarah-keep us posted!

So the doctor checked me out today since I’ve been having excessive Braxton-Hicks the last two weeks and low cramping. Not dilated really but baby is super low and engaged and I’m effacing quite a bit. I know it can stay this way for weeks but who knows lol she might be coming before her due date! Or she’s just a tease :haha:
How did your appointment go Sarah? Breaks my heart to read about your early loss and how you felt/feel, especially because it feels just so familiar. We're here for you :hugs:

Dream, are you gonna wait until the 20-week scan to find out the sex? You can just order one of those sneak peek tests to find out right away. How are you feeling?

Tb, seems like you've really thought it through. Labor and delivery can be so unpredictable and it would be a shame to end up paying double. I just got one of the hospital bills, $34k. That's not even all of it. Glad we only have our out of pocket max to worry about (less than 3k).
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I wish I could do the Sneak Peak, but they don't ship to Canada.
TB-- So close to time. It seems like it has flown by!

Dream- Not to much longer and you will find out what you are having.

Afm- Doctor went fine.. Ultrasound showed everything was clear and cleaned out. No cyst and no left over. He said it was an early miscarriage and decided to send some progesterone to the pharmacy so if I get another positive start that right away then call him to get blood work done. So we are still trying. Mentally and emotionally I am doing better. Still have some down times but for the most part I am okay. I am channeling a lot of it to the new puppy I want. Hubby says no, but he says no to everything. He said he would rather not, but then talks about where I want to put the kennel. My dream dog has been a golden retriever and my cousin has puppies. I want a puppy to grow up with a baby and for my other dog to have a play mate. So I think by the end of the week we will have one. It also distracts me and school started yesterday so back to college for me! YAY!
No way! And there's no Canadian alternative?

Sarah, I believe progesterone pills really helped me stay pregnant. Really hope it'll make the difference for you too! Which classes are you taking? Yay for (maybe) getting a puppy. Hope you'll post pics soon :D
Hey Sunny, that makes me happy knowing that helped you. I am taking s Special Ed Class, Geography, and Elementary Math. I am getting my degree in Elementary/Special Ed. I have about 1 1/2 years to finish then I can teach while I go back to get my masters. It has always been my passion to teach special ed so I finally decided to go back and do it at 33. I have a lot of course already finished so I am starting as a Junior. Which makes it so much easier on me. :) We are getting the puppy on Saturday and I will post pictures. I have always wanted a Golden Retriever and it is finally happening. I got his kennel and puppy food yesterday and his blanket and food bowls will be here Friday. I am worried how my dog will adjust but I think he should be okay as long as I give him my attention still. It was always a dream to have a Golden puppy grow up with a baby so hopefully I can complete the rest of the dream soon.
Sarah that’s so exciting getting a puppy! My husband wants to get another dog but I’m vetoing that for right now lol! I can’t wait to see the pics!
Also, I was on progesterone support too. I hope that’s all you need!
Side note- I teach elementary now :) sounds like your almost done! You have all kinds of exciting things happening!

Dream- Happy 11 weeks to you and your adorable little doughnut hole!

Sunny- how’s the BF? Getting better?

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