TTC #1- Looking for buddies!

Ohhh I am so sorry to hear about your Target cards. I would have cried too. That is a lot of money to have and use for the babygirl. Hopefully she will be here soon and everything will fall into place.

Dream- A boy?! I know it isn't official yet but crossing my fingers for you.

Sunny- How are you? BF getting any easier?

AFM- AF is here. I knew she would be. I didn't track this month. I think I just need a break. Samson, school, work, and home life is keeping me busy. I'm sure I will watch the signs and if it happens it happens. Still stings when someone you haven't talked to in over a year messages you to tell you they are pregnant. I don't normally talk to her but she felt like she needed to tell me. I told her congrats while trying not to get sad. I am better than I was though. :)
You better believe it, Dream!! The only way the results could be wrong is if, like you said, you contaminated it with DH's DNA somehow. Very unlikely. So happy you got what you wanted :D Congrats!!!

Tb, ahh how did that happen!!! Any recourse? That really sucks :( Hope you'll get some good news tomorrow to lift your spirits a bit.

Sarah, so sorry :( I'm sure you'll get to share that same news soon, just a matter of time. Still, we all know how much the waiting part sucks. I think this TTC journey (and the time it has/is taken us to conceive) has taught us to be more mindful of the struggles other people may be facing. When you get pregnant, you probably wouldn't text a long lost friend about it, just because you don't know their situation. It was like that for me at least. :hugs:
Dream how exciting! I have been going back and forth on doing one of these.

Also, I have a second ultrasound with a confirmed heartbeat at 128.

I am now 10 weeks along and feeling a little better every week. Week 7&8 were pretty rough.
Jill- that's good to hear, glad you're feeling better. I've yet to hear my little Ricky's heartbeat. I've seen it twice pounding away on ultrasound but not yet heard it. My midwife tried with a doppler at 9 weeks but couldn't find it. I have my first OB appt on Monday so I'm sure I'll be able to hear it then. Can't wait!

Sunny - that's what I told DH. If the results say girl it's pretty much 100% its a girl. There's a small window for user error if you get a boy result though. I'm starting to believe the results more each day.

I told my supervisor and my immediate team at work that I'm pregnant. Everyone is super happy for me. Sometimes they ask me how I'm feeling at times when I forget I'm even pregnant so it's kinda nice to have the constant reminder all day now. heehee. It's still surreal at times.

TB - Grrrrrr.... sorry to hear about your target cards. That's so annoying. Let us know how things go with your appointment today please.

Sarah - Best of luck for your next cycle. Sometimes mind off the tracking for a little bit is a good reset of emotions.
Sarah- I’m really sorry. That’s always a tough situation. Soon it will be your turn to share good news!

Jill- good to hear from you! Have you been sick?

Dream- you crack me up! It’s a boy! :) I bet you’re excited to hear that beautiful sound! Eek!

Afm just left the doctor. 75% effaced and 1 cm dilated. Moving right along! He said I told you already but she’s right there. Lol I said does that mean she will fit just fine? Yup. Lol
That's great news Tb :D I never made it past 60% and 1 cm from week 38 all the way up to the day of delivery haha. Try to enjoy the last couple of weeks (or days) of your pregnancy though. I really missed rubbing my belly and feeling her kicks and punches the first few weeks. In a way I still miss it.
Sarah- I’m really sorry. That’s always a tough situation. Soon it will be your turn to share good news!

Jill- good to hear from you! Have you been sick?

Dream- you crack me up! It’s a boy! :) I bet you’re excited to hear that beautiful sound! Eek!

Afm just left the doctor. 75% effaced and 1 cm dilated. Moving right along! He said I told you already but she’s right there. Lol I said does that mean she will fit just fine? Yup. Lol
Yes, I've had non stop nausea for weeks now. I am starting to feel a little better though, just tired.
I'm just catching up with everything!

Dream- Beautiful pictures! So exciting to find out you're having a boy!

Tb- not too much longer now!

Sarah- Samson looks like the sweetest little dog!

Jill- congrats! Glad the nausea is easing up a bit.

Sunny- so glad everything is going well for you :)

My little guy is almost 5 months old, where has the time gone? I'm back to work now and all is going well!
Dream, good luck at your appointment tomorrow!! It's so incredibly cool to hear that heartbeat for the first time. Congrats on sharing the pregnancy at work. Finally your turn :)

Jill, glad you're feeling better!

Amber, how was the transition going back to work? Are you happy to be back or wish you had more time at home?
I do enjoy work but oh how I wish I could stay home! I work 3 12 hour shifts per week and will be going down to 2 shifts per week in a couple months hopefully, that way DH and I can actually have some days off together. We are working opposite days and occasionally have my parents babysit on the weekends when we are both working. Overall it went better than I thought it would. Even though I was off work for 5 months I got back into the swing of things quickly!
TB - Happy 38 weeks to you and your bucket of fried chicken!!

Amber - Wow 5 months, always amazes me how fast time flies for the good stuff but for the not so exciting stuff like TTC times just drags on forever and ever right?
Doc found the HB right away. sooooooooooooooooooooo happy to finally hear it. Such a beautiful sound. DH recorded it so we can listen over and over. I thought about a home doppler but I think I'll just drive myself nuts a little bit. So I'm going to stay away from amazon.
Amber- I’m sure that’s hard. But it sounds like you will have a better schedule soon! I wish I could stay home!

Dream- I’m excited- can’t wait to hear about your appointment!

AFM- I totally thought last night would be it! I had contractions for 3 hours that were 5 minutes apart and 30-40 seconds long. And then they eased off. They didn’t go away: since 10pm last night and up until present moment I’ve still had them every 30 minutes. Obviously not anywhere near go time but they were! Now I’m tired and beat from no rest and just the contractions themselves. I so hope she’s coming sooner than later! It’s kind of unfair to have contractions this long and nothing to show for it yet!
Dream- awww hearing the heartbeat is the best! So awesome!!

Tb- hope all the contractions means you will be going into labor soon. If not hopefully they stop do you can get some rest.
Dream I must have posted before refreshing. The page- congrats on hearing your wonderful little boys heartbeat and that your DH recorded it! Love hearing it at every appointment!

So it happened again last night. Pretty painful contractions lasting 45-60 seconds 4-10 minutes apart for quite a while then slow down. It’s frustrating and exhausting and now true labor to show for it. I looked it up and it appears it could possibly be prodromal labor. Apparently true labor could start anywhere from 72 hours after prodromal labor starts and two weeks :haha: good gracious.. the term “so close yet so far away” seems to significant apply here. But man did those contractions hurt and intensify! I really thought it was going to be it last night
Amber, you must be beat when you get home! Glad you'll be switching over to "just" 2 12-hour shifts soon.

Dream, wasn't it the most wonderful sound in the world? :D Almost 14 weeks, time flies!

Tb, ahh you have to keep us posted every day from now on lol. It must be so frustrating and exciting at the same time!
TB - hope everything is moving along for you over there.

Can't believe I'm 14 weeks today. Officially 2nd trimester. wooohoo! DH put up Rick's light fixture in the nursery last night. Can't wait to start getting office furniture out and baby furniture in.
Ladies.. I can’t sleep atm so I figured I’d fill you in!

First of all my prodromal labor all week was likely caused by exactly what I thought was wrong: baby girl moved from my right to my left (still head down) but no longer the perfect or ideal birthing position. My body was trying to move her back. Friday morning I finally got her back, yay! But because of the less than ideal position, I had made no progress.

Saturday morning I woke up from 2-4am wide awake thinking “today is the day”.

Fell back asleep for a while. Sporadic contractions throughout the morning but nothing of any significance.went for a walk around 3:30pm and had fairly consistent contractions then. Thought they were just due to walking but when we got home, they continued so I started timing them.

At around 5:45 they basically stopped. Go figure because all week they were doing that to me! So I laid down and tried to take a little nap. Any random ones I had weren’t too bad anyway.

About 6:45 they started up again but a little more intense. Had to focus more on breathing. I started timing them and they were again around 4-5 minutes apart but only about 30 seconds long. By 7:30 they were getting pretty intense. Husband went to the store to get some snacks and toiletries and dog food. I eventually went to take a shower to see if that eased anything. It did not! They were 2 minutes apart and right at 45 seconds for a while. We were finally ready to leave the house at 9pm. Contractions were pretty brutal and I was making some animal noises for sure. We live 40 minutes from the hospital and .. oops I didn’t have much gas in my car. I told Dh to just throw a few bucks in because we needed to hurry. Right before we got to the hospital I was semi feeling like I could push.. what?! Somehow made it to the correct floor after crazy animalistic contracting in the hallway twice. Lol. They got me back to check me, I had started bleeding which they said was normal. I was at “7 or 8” they asked me to lay in the gurney but I said no way and just held on to the back of the gurney breathing away! Once I was in the delivery room I briefly met the doctor while naked on all fours in the bed and without notice I started pushing. I had one super annoying nurse keep coming to tuck my chin while I pushed but whatever. I pushed for maybe 2-3 minutes max before she was completely out. I heard her crying and I cried. Baby girl made her debut at 9:57 on feb 9-2019 (2 9 1 9!) at 6lbs 2oz 38+5 20 inches long!
OMG TB!!!! Congrats mama, you did it :D What a crazy story, but so glad it went well and you got there in time. Just a couple pushes and she was out, how amazing is that!! So happy everything went well and your baby girl is finally where she's supposed to be.

Sending you and your DH lots of love. Rest up and enjoy your little one!
Amazing story Tb! So glad you had a fairly quick labor and made it to the hospital in time! I bet you and DH are over the moon with your sweet little girl. <3

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