It seems to vary. I've had 2 so far (dating and NT) but I've heard many other Canadian women say they never got a dating scan. Then there's the anatomy, and if there's no cause for concern that's pretty much it till then end. So i'm very happy to have this extra little peak. Also okay with the fact that my anatomy scan isn't until 21 weeks, which I initially thought was really late but now I'm liking that the scans are a bit more spread out.
We may do a 3D/4D private scan somewhere during the 3rd trimester just for the memories.
I haven't felt any movements yet, I think but I'm sure they're coming soon.
Sleeping through the night! That's wonderful! Really hope it's a trend for you guys. I slept through the night at 4 weeks my mom tells me. I wonder if Rick will be so kind to me. lol