That's a great number! If you're indeed 21 DPO, you're even above the median of 1790. Anything can still happen of course, but chances are very slim that something goes wrong at this point. Congrats hun!!!!!
Dream, that sounds like a lot of fun Let us know what you find!
Thank you Sunny. Went to have some more blood drawn today, I'll get the results on Monday morning since they are closed tomorrow. Going to try and relax this weekend and not worry to much.
I took a Walmart brand test last night. It still said pregnant. I even took it at 5PM so I know my levels are still okay. I just needed some reassurance. It was a pack of 2 so I might take the other Sunday. I hate the waiting game until Monday to find out what my levels are. I hope everyone has a very Happy Friday.
Dream happy bagels week! I’m sure little ones kidneys will be fine!
Sarah that’s some great numbers! Congrats again! And yes progesterone is totally safe! I think it was important for me personally to take but not everyone needs to supplement. It certainly can’t hurt!
I find that crazy that you and sunny are following a similar pattern!
are any of you ladies cloth diapering? I'm seriously leaning towards it. If I do choose this route I'll for sure use the service that picks up dirties and drops off clean diapers each week to my front door. I'm positive I don't have the energy to wash diapers every 3 days.
Dream I really wanted to cloth diaper! We have a local service that picks up and drops off weekly and costs about $60 per month. I've been thinking about it but I can't get DH on board with the idea... yet lol!
Good morning all. I’m out of pregnancy test so I’m using my OPK’s to just make sure everything is okay. I worry because some days my symptoms are very strong and other not at all. I know it’s normal but seeing that line makes me feel better. I go form my ultrasound on Monday at 10am. I’m so ready to see Little Love and hear the heart beat. I don’t think my hubby knows how stressful the first few weeks can be. My hormones are pretty wacky right now so I am really watching what I say to him. Most the time I just cry. Lol.
I didn’t use cloth diapers for Briar almost 12 years ago and I don’t think I will now either. We used cloth diapers for burp cloths though. I know we wouldn’t have a diaper pick up where we live and I really don’t want the added laundry. I think if I was able to stay home full time after the baby is born, I might would consider it. Please let me know how it works out if you try it though. I mean it worked on us growing up. I know my parents used them.
Sarah, I had hardly any symptoms.. mostly just food aversions but we can all relate to the early days stress! Can’t wait for Monday to hear about the ultrasound! What an amazing time
Dream I thought about it but like Sarah, we don’t have a service and not interested in more laundry.. especially because I can’t keep up right now as it is lol
Yes ultrasound tomorrow. Appointment at 10am. This weekend we discovered I can’t do anything tomato based. Gives me horrible indigestion/bloat/gas. Up until 2:30 this morning and finally got some relief. I’m wondering if it could be the extra progesterone I’m taking. I’ll speak to my MD about it. It’s like Christmas Eve though. At least Game of Thrones starts tonight and we have been watching it all week. I will let everyone know how it goes.
Good luck Sarah!! Keep in mind that it's still a bit too early to hear the heartbeat, so don't freak out lol Let us know how it goes!
Dream, disposables over here. Did a lot of research back when I was pregnant but eventually decided against it. Main reasons: too much hassle, not "that" green if you consider pick-up/delivery, water/electricity factors, diaper rashes, high upfront costs if you go with the more convenient Bumgenius and alternatives. So far I've been pretty happy with our choice.
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