TTC #1 -- Need a buddy!

I am undecided on an epidural yet.... part of me wants drugs drugs drugs!! The other part of me hears all these horror stories of women suffering from back problems the rest of their lives....

I just realized how antisocial my birth plan sounds, lol. I just want some time for me and DH to bond before we pass him/her around like something at show-n-tell..

It's good to consider everything beforehand, but I figure you can't predict how the birth will go, so you never know what will end up happening (ie c-section, epidural etc)

But I agree, I wouldn't want everybody at the hospital - I want that time to be just me and DH.. Hopefully we won't even let them know until after the baby is born and settled!

SM, you are right about not knowing what will happen. I don't know why, and I'm not sure if this is happening everywhere, but more and more these days around here women are being pressured into c-sections just because the baby is a day overdue, or because the doctor just wants to. Sometimes women choose them because they would rather not push. I respect women who make this decision; however I have little respect for doctors who press women to have c-sections just because it's more convenient for them.
Plus I am terrified of being sliced open!!! hehehe. But I will definitely do whatever is best for my sweet little baby! :)

Thinking about all of that is starting to make me feel a lot better. The prize is definitely worth the battle :)

I didn't realize that doctors were in fact pressuring women to have c-sections. That's pretty ridiculous, I'll have to investigate if that's the trend here.

I definitely would not like to be forced into having one just for convenience! If at all possible it would be nice to have an all natural birth but we'll see (well a long way to go til that day!)

My sister (pregnant) is quite petite and her husband is not so petite so I wonder what will happen with her if they have a big baby..
I have a question on another topic:

Money and savings for a baby.

When we had our little glimmer of pregnancy last cycle this came up and we decided we really need to start saving as baby's can be expensive!

Then we learned we aren't pregnant yet so I've gone out and spent like $1500 on stuff for us that we don't really need, yikes!

Then there's Christmas..

But after that we really have to buckle down to prepare for when a baby will be in our future..

So does anyone else have a baby savings plan?
Hi everyone!

My birthing plan is to avoid an epidural as much as I can, just the thought of it scares me, and have as much of a natural birth as possible. Have even been looking at water births, as mothers seem so much more relaxed and calm.

SMFirst, we have some savings, though not much, and are trying to increase them every month.
I don't have a birthing plan at all, though I definitely want DH and my mum there, and I expect the inlaws will be waiting for us, but the rest can stay away!!! lol. I would like a natural birth as much as possible too, but I guess you never can know...!!!
I think my boyfriend and I are crazy but cant wait for this to happen! We are TTC and after we find out we are pregnant we will get married.. (I know its a little backwards). I just went off BC in the middle of October. Before I went on BC 2 years ago I was always irregular. I would have AF one month then she disappeared for 3 or 4 and then came back then disappeared again. Thats why I went on BC.
My first question is how long will it take AF to come back and visit after getting off BC?
Second question is it possible to get pregnant with an irregular period?
Third question is there some kind of medicine to help me ovulate without going to the doctor. Im not a big fan of doctors and I plan to have a home birth with a midwife.

Thanks for the help guys!
I think my boyfriend and I are crazy but cant wait for this to happen! We are TTC and after we find out we are pregnant we will get married.. (I know its a little backwards). I just went off BC in the middle of October. Before I went on BC 2 years ago I was always irregular. I would have AF one month then she disappeared for 3 or 4 and then came back then disappeared again. Thats why I went on BC.
My first question is how long will it take AF to come back and visit after getting off BC?
Second question is it possible to get pregnant with an irregular period?
Third question is there some kind of medicine to help me ovulate without going to the doctor. Im not a big fan of doctors and I plan to have a home birth with a midwife.

Thanks for the help guys!

Hi chefmommy

Well as with everything, each person's experience is different.

My periods came back like clockwork as soon as I went off BC, however I have heard it can take several months for it to return.
(I guess your body now has to start making and regulating hormones on it's own so it might take time to adjust)
So there's not really any way to know.

I'm sure it's possible and common to get pregnant with an irregular period, though in this case it's probably best to chart your temperature and use OPK's to determine when you are ovulating.

As for taking something to help with ovulation, I have heard people talk about Soy Isoflavones and even Clomid but I don't know anything about them

(a quick Search on this site will bring up lots of info)

Hope that helps!
Good luck
Welcome chefmommy! I second what SMFirst said. When I came off BC my first real period was 45 days later, the next one was 55, and this last one was 39. I have no idea how long this one will be... but like you I was also irregular before going on BC.

MissSazra I have thought about a water birth as well. I would love to hear more stories from women who have had them.

SMFirst as far as a savings plan... not really a plan but when we were looking for some baby stuff for our upcoming nephew we looked at cribs, car seats, etc. I was so overwhelmed with choices that I had to stop looking. I guess once we get pregnant we're going to have to go to that store and talk with one of the ladies that works there. I did notice how expensive some of the furniture can be, and strollers, etc etc...
Hey... wow you all seem to know alot about all this... we have only been trying 2 months now but i have never even thought of birthing plans or what i would want apart from just wanting a baby..:haha:

I also have no idea when i ovulate... cant work it out.. have tried to follow the signs i have read on the interent, but well the ones i know of didnt happen last month and then this month i have had signs (or so i think) for about a wk and a half now!!! cant be possible??? can it?? :shrug:

Feel like such an novice at all this..... :haha:
how to increase the cervical mucus?

Hi pink mum
There is talk that drinking pure grapefruit juice every day helps to make better quality CM (something about the acidity..) but I don't know if it makes more..

Evening primrose oil (can be found at pharmacy or health store) also helps create better quality CM but you only take it from CD1 to Ovulation

Some people take a dose of Robitussin cough syrup containing an expectorant (chemical) called "Guaifenesin" - it helps thin all mucus so it seems like there is more...

I would do a little research before taking anything though to see if it's right for you..

Another great product is "Preseed" - it's a lubricant that mimics CM, so sperm survive and have an easier time swimming to where they need to go..

I should be a spokesperson for preseed, i am always recommending it..
Hopefully it works for us this month!! :)
sorry guys, bored at work. Tomorrow is going to be even worse..spending too much time on here...

I have an admission:

I don't really have any sympathy for people saying "Desperately trying to conceive our 5th.." or similar...

and I don't really feel bad about that...

sorry guys, bored at work. Tomorrow is going to be even worse..spending too much time on here...

I have an admission:

I don't really have any sympathy for people saying "Desperately trying to conceive our 5th.." or similar...

and I don't really feel bad about that...


I can agree. Who is saying that?? Wow.

And I am definitely spending more time at work on here... although I'm home now so I am shamelessly admitting my addiction here!!! hehehe

For the past 3 days I've been having to wear panty liners because of the brownish CM stuff... today I had a whole lot! What on earth is going on?? lol. I checked the consistency and it doesn't seem E.W. which if I'm in the TWW it doesn't matter anyway. Could this be leftover blood from my last AF, that got caught up there and is now making its way out? Is that even possible? I suppose I need to consult Dr. Google....
Hey... wow you all seem to know alot about all this... we have only been trying 2 months now but i have never even thought of birthing plans or what i would want apart from just wanting a baby..:haha:

I also have no idea when i ovulate... cant work it out.. have tried to follow the signs i have read on the interent, but well the ones i know of didnt happen last month and then this month i have had signs (or so i think) for about a wk and a half now!!! cant be possible??? can it?? :shrug:

Feel like such an novice at all this..... :haha:

Welcome matchings0cks!! I don't really know that much, only what I've learned on here and I tell ya, I guess it is a lot! I'm sure I haven't even scratched the surface of what's out there :)

Have you tried using any methods to track ovulation like OPK's or charting your temps?
sorry guys, bored at work. Tomorrow is going to be even worse..spending too much time on here...

I have an admission:

I don't really have any sympathy for people saying "Desperately trying to conceive our 5th.." or similar...

and I don't really feel bad about that...


I can agree. Who is saying that?? Wow.

And I am definitely spending more time at work on here... although I'm home now so I am shamelessly admitting my addiction here!!! hehehe

For the past 3 days I've been having to wear panty liners because of the brownish CM stuff... today I had a whole lot! What on earth is going on?? lol. I checked the consistency and it doesn't seem E.W. which if I'm in the TWW it doesn't matter anyway. Could this be leftover blood from my last AF, that got caught up there and is now making its way out? Is that even possible? I suppose I need to consult Dr. Google....

Personally I even think it sounds a little greedy when brand new mothers are already focused on conceiving their second although it seems to be a trend lately to have kids close in age but don't they want to enjoy the first baby for a bit?

Anyway, Sideways sorry to ask but when is AF due for you? I've had brown "stuff" a few times before but it was near/ at the time of AF so I just assumed it was part of it..
Hi Girlies

I'm feeling rough today. I don't know if its because i've got a bun in the oven, AF is coming or i've got a bug.

I'm majorly bloated (i am skinny so its really obvious - I was trying to hide it this afternoon at work, I look about 4 months today all of a sudden! lol), I can't stop burping, my stomach hurts and i'm off my food :( i'm not sure that these are pregnancy symptoms however!! lol

Talking of grapefruit juice - so many women on here swear by it. I tried it this month and for me it made no different to my cm at all. We used concieve plus this month (which is similar to preseed but without the applicator).
SMFirst - the timing is right for IB, have you had cramping too?? I would have thought it would stop soon thou if its IB as it doesn't tend to go on too long normally.
SMFirst - the timing is right for IB, have you had cramping too?? I would have thought it would stop soon thou if its IB as it doesn't tend to go on too long normally.

sorry should have clarified - for me the brown stuff was a long time ago (before entering the TTC world)

Since we started TTC I've been keeping a very close eye out for anything that could be implantation bleeding but haven't seen anything.

I never get spotting before AF - usually it's "tap on full" from CD1 :)

But hopefully for Sideways this could be a bit of a drawn out Implantation Bleed?
Here's another random post by me :)

So I collect these bronze frogs by an artist named Tim Cotterill.

I just ordered one called "Newt" - Not exactly sure why it's called Newt when it's a tadpole but whatever.

It's a little different but I like it. This is a pic of it:

Because it's a baby frog, I am going to consider it my "Baby Talisman"
(superstitious much?) - I'll give it a little rub like Buddha every day hehe!

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