TTC #1 -- Need a buddy!

Flying - glad your dog show went well (sprry your firend is sick though). Get some rest now!
You guys are so sweet :)

I don't think I can contribute any one thing, or even a set of things, to getting a bfp this time around. But here's what I did:
--after my Provera-induced cycle, I stopped drinking caffeinated stuff. I don't think this really played into anything I'm just a paranoid freak lol, so don't let that freak you out!
--we used PreSeed everytime we DTD, whether fertile time or not. We've been needing some help in that area ever since coming off the pill. But I would just put a little on him and a little on me. On the day I ovulated I used it internally.
--of course used temps and OPK's to better pinpoint ovulation
--I always stayed in bed at least 15 minutes after DTD so the stuff wouldn't fall out. And... all 3 times we :sex: in my fertile period we finished with me ON TOP. So YES it can happen that way :) I never put my legs in the air, just lied there for the 15 mins.
--prayed and prayed and prayed!!

Now I'm just hoping I'm not already getting nausea, ugh. I ate lunch today then immediately felt sick afterward. Then DH wanted to go get a barbecue sandwich and I went with him since I had to get out of this house. I got sick looking at his sandwich. Seems a little early for this to happen and I hope it doesn't get worse.

My best friend just came over and brought me a buttload of candy. She's the only real-life person outside of DH who knows we were TTC, so I had to give her the good news today. She knew I was testing this morning anyway, she must have had a gut feeling to bring me all that candy. She's such a sweetheart. I told DH that I could have married her because she knows me as well as he does lol.

How are the rest of you doing today? I'm treading lightly because I don't want to make any of you feel bad. :hugs:
ooohh flying I just saw your dog show post :blush:
How awesome is that! Congrats! And... how is your friend? That's pretty scary. Praying for him!
Sideways, I am so happy for you! This is wonderful news!
Sideways, we are so happy for you, so please PLEASE do not tread lightly around us. Although, I'm sorry to hear that you're feeling a little sick. :sick: It's so nice that your friend came over to celebrate with you. :happydance: Was your dh so excited too?! Was he there when you tested, or did you get to tell him later?

Thanks for sharing your tips. Sounds like I'm doing all of the same things, although I haven't cut out caffeine (I only have 1/2 cup coffee with lots of milk a day) or alcohol in my follicular phase (although I've known TONS of women that drank until they got their bfps, and they were fine...they just lived their life)...where was I? Oh ya, so I know it doesn't matter if we're doing the exact same things, (if only that were how this whole process really worked huh?!) but it always makes me hopeful. MAN, I am rambling now. I'm so excited for you!! Have you figured out when your due date would be yet? I've heard there are calculators for that online somewhere...:shrug:
Rosa, I didn't cut out caffeine or alcohol while TTC. I was like you and had about a half cup of coffee per day and a few drinks a week (glass of wine here and there), no heavy alcohol use. I wouldn't worry about it!
Yeah I wouldn't worry about it either, the alcohol or caffeine that is. It's weird, I gave up caffeine this whole cycle, but not alcohol during my follicular phase:drunk: so it didn't make much sense now that I look back on it lol. Oh well :)

I'll check up with you ladies later, love yall much!
I had a wee teary session today, Don't get me wrong Sideways I'm so so so sooooooooooooo happy for you! But spent some of the day at the dog show today with a friend who announced her 14 week pregnancy the other week, and she has a wee bump!! And another at the show [who didn't find out she was pregnant until she was 4 months along] has a huge bump as she's around 6-7 months along now!

But I had a wee teary moment nonetheless. I'm now all of a sudden feeling like this isn't going to be our month after all. My temps are still way down, actually they're down even further now. I'm not feeling ANYTHING, and being around bumps all day just made me think "it'll never happen to me!" so was just feeling bit down about it all there.

Ohhhh, I KNOW it's very very much possible I AM pregnant, and infact all this emotion might be BECAUSE I'm pregnant. But I'm not "feeling" it, ya know? You know some months you're sure (even though you're not! haha) and others you are sure you're not! I'm currently feeling pretty certain I'm not.

We'll see, AF is due in 5 days, and I'm testing in 6 days if she doesn't show. Just got a week of work to get through...! Ugh!

BUT, on a very happy note, I did REALLY well at the show today, and we WON!!! I've never won my class before, I was soooooooooooo proud of her!!!! The way our system works in NZ, with the very basic class that I'm in, once you have won the class with at LEAST 72 [out of 75] points, twice [so 2x winning with 72+ points] you can never ever go back into the class again. Even with another dog. The next classes up all depend on the dog, and once a dog has 'won out', you can still start a new dog into the lower classes. But not this very very early class; once you 'win out' with your two wins, you're out forever. Lots of people win with LESS than 72 points though, so they're safe to win like that as many times as they want, it's only the 2x wins of 72+ points.

We won with 72 points! We are only allowed one more win like that and I'll be moving up to the next level; for GOOD! Scary! hahahaha!

I'm very very very proud of my girl, she's come a long way seeing I only took her in as an adult a few years ago, she did very well!!!! I even got someone to video it so am putting it on to youtube as I type. lol! :)
Congrats on your win, Flying!

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for your BFP this cycle!
Sideways - I'm a little late to the party, but I just wanted to say congratulations to you!! Yay!!!
I had a wee teary session today, Don't get me wrong Sideways I'm so so so sooooooooooooo happy for you! But spent some of the day at the dog show today with a friend who announced her 14 week pregnancy the other week, and she has a wee bump!! And another at the show [who didn't find out she was pregnant until she was 4 months along] has a huge bump as she's around 6-7 months along now!

But I had a wee teary moment nonetheless. I'm now all of a sudden feeling like this isn't going to be our month after all. My temps are still way down, actually they're down even further now. I'm not feeling ANYTHING, and being around bumps all day just made me think "it'll never happen to me!" so was just feeling bit down about it all there.

Ohhhh, I KNOW it's very very much possible I AM pregnant, and infact all this emotion might be BECAUSE I'm pregnant. But I'm not "feeling" it, ya know? You know some months you're sure (even though you're not! haha) and others you are sure you're not! I'm currently feeling pretty certain I'm not.

We'll see, AF is due in 5 days, and I'm testing in 6 days if she doesn't show. Just got a week of work to get through...! Ugh!

BUT, on a very happy note, I did REALLY well at the show today, and we WON!!! I've never won my class before, I was soooooooooooo proud of her!!!! The way our system works in NZ, with the very basic class that I'm in, once you have won the class with at LEAST 72 [out of 75] points, twice [so 2x winning with 72+ points] you can never ever go back into the class again. Even with another dog. The next classes up all depend on the dog, and once a dog has 'won out', you can still start a new dog into the lower classes. But not this very very early class; once you 'win out' with your two wins, you're out forever. Lots of people win with LESS than 72 points though, so they're safe to win like that as many times as they want, it's only the 2x wins of 72+ points.

We won with 72 points! We are only allowed one more win like that and I'll be moving up to the next level; for GOOD! Scary! hahahaha!

I'm very very very proud of my girl, she's come a long way seeing I only took her in as an adult a few years ago, she did very well!!!! I even got someone to video it so am putting it on to youtube as I type. lol! :)

flying, you know what? This cycle I wasn't feeling it either. I was totally convinced that I wasn't going to get a bfp this cycle either. I had no symptoms. Sure my breasts were a bit fuller than normal but... I've been gaining 2-3 lbs and I normally get a little swollen breasts right before AF anyway. That's IT. No emotional stuff, no cramps, CM was the same as it always was before AF. So, don't give up!!! The first time I was convinced this ain't happened was the time I got my bfp.

As far as being emotional seeing other pregnant women, I don't think it goes away once you get your bfp, it hasn't for me so far. I see women who are further along than me, like 2nd or 3rd tri, and I find myself jealous still. I don't know if rducky or Harli are like that, though.

And a big fat congrats on the dog show!! Wow how exciting is that! I'm so proud of you!!! We must see a youtube link!
Flying, I agree with Sideways. Many many women have no symptoms, and are convinced that AF is coming when they get their bfp. But I know exactly how you feel. It feels like wherever we go, there are preggo women with cute little bumps, huh?! Or beautiful little babies in tow. It's funny because I'm sure they were there before, but I never noticed them. And of course before that, it was all of the women with huge engagement rings, planning their weddings! It WILL happen for you, girl, and it will be wonderful. I have days where I worry it's never going to happen, too, and it's scary. I don't know if you're religious, but praying really helps me. God has great plans for us, we just have to wait and trust.

On a happier note, Congrats on your big win!!! I'd love to see a youtube video of your pup! I LOVE dog shows!! My dh and I always joke about showing our dog (which we couldn't because she's fixed, but we mean obedience shows), but she would be like the worst candidate for that. She's well behaved, but I'm pretty sure it's only because she's almost 8 and has finally mellowed out. She's a black lab, and she may as well be a cat, because she doesn't like to be loved, and is very independent. She doesn't fetch and hates the rain...but she's very sweet and we love her. :flower: But I can just see her in obedience want me to do WHAT? Ummm... no thanks as she sits and licks herself. :haha:
and flying, I think your chart looks great. :) Good luck and I have my fingers crossed!

rosa, looks like it's getting close to your fertile window right? Good luck girlie!!!!
haha, thanks guys. My temp is even LOWER this morning!!! :( Still well above the coverline I guess, but.... ugh.

I guess we'll see at the end of the week!!! At least I'm not trying to keep my hopes down now, that was hard last week cos I kept feeling myself soaring away on day dreams and kept trying to keep them under check; I just don't want to be devastated!!! Now I'm as low as anything and I'm trying to remind myself that it could still be ok.... but I don't believe it. Ahhh well. We'll see!!!!

And here is my winning run [remember this is the very very basic level!! All we do is a short heel pattern on lead, repeat it off lead, and do a wee recall!] Also involved, but not on the video, is a 1 min sit stay and a 2 min down stay, which she did perfectly. :D

so proud of her! She comes to work with me, and all our ribbons get displayed at work so I'm looking forward to showing off her new ones, especially her shiney new FIRST PLACE one!!! haha
Sideways! OMG! HUGE CONGRATS!!!!!!!! Sooooo happy for you! YAY!

As Rosa said, I was convinced AF was on the way when I got my BFP. I had a couple of odd symptoms... was extremely nauseated as soon as I woke up 10dpo, and was craving fried foods, but I totally felt like AF was on the way.

Flying congrats on your big win! How exciting! I remember years ago I enrolled my Corgi in an obedience class. She was so bad I thought I would have to drop out of the class! But I stuck with it and worked hard during the week training her. At the end of the classes we had to take them through a course, have them do certain things they were trained on, and at the end ribbons were awarded. Would you believe she received the last ribbon... best overall!? I was so happy and proud I cried. I'm sure that's nothing compared to the time and effort you put into your dogs, but I can imagine the feeling of that kind of win! FX'd forr you at testing time!
haha! So maybe this feeling of being totaly NOT pregnant is the feeling of BEING pregnant? LMAO!

I do seriously doubt it though, my temps are beyond just an O dip now, they're just going down down doooowwwnn. :(

Luna, I did find out some info though about us getting totally different readings one after another; simply doing oral temps is very inaccurate! Doesn't matter if it's a mm or so to the side, the temp can differ a lot in the mouth!!! Apparently rectal is the best, vaginal is next best...

I might try it vaginally next cycle to see if I get less of the up&down thing? Maybe I should try taking my temp vaginally tomorrow and see if it really IS still going down down down...? Hmm.
Sideway, yep, CD10! Getting closer! I'm feeling like cm is getting a little wetter down there, but I've only actually SEEN a little creamy cm a few days ago. Still waiting to see some ewcm, but it usually happens a little later. I will start opks tomorrow, I think. Dh gets his sperm analysis tomorrow! :happydance: I think I"m more excited about it than he is! :haha:

Flying, your pup is so cute! I just loved how excited she got after she did the first round! How cute. My dog was the same way in "puppy kindergarten" nose to my side, trit trotting around...but not because she was a good girl, but because she wanted the string cheese I was holding. :haha: Oh well.
Sideways!!! I am so happy for you hun! I hope you have a very happy and healthy pregnancy! :hugs: Love ya girlie!
Thanks again everyone. :)

flying, not sure, you might give it a try. My luteal phase temps went up and down too, it was weird. And I had that big drop on 13DPO I was definitely sure I was out. So hang in there!
Luna, I did find out some info though about us getting totally different readings one after another; simply doing oral temps is very inaccurate! Doesn't matter if it's a mm or so to the side, the temp can differ a lot in the mouth!!! Apparently rectal is the best, vaginal is next best...

I might try it vaginally next cycle to see if I get less of the up&down thing? Maybe I should try taking my temp vaginally tomorrow and see if it really IS still going down down down...? Hmm.

Wow, thanks for the info!! I've been really considering doing vaginal. I'm not sure I'd be up for a rectal temp every morning! :haha: But vaginal could be doable. DH is going to give me a weird look when he sees me trying that one out. LOL! :thumbup:

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