TTC #1 -- Need a buddy!

haha, yeah I'm not sure about vaginal yet... we'll see! Perhaps next cycle I will. Definitely not keen on the rectal thing, but vaginal is apparently pretty good too?? Apparently it's way more consistent, with a much 'smoother' line through the month with the higher consistancy, not mountains and gullys like I get! hahaha!!

Sideways, I just had a really good look at your [last] chart and it's slightly freaky how similar it is to mine so far! haha. I mean, the pattern in the temps is soooo similar; look especially after O; it goes straight up for a few days, levels off for one day, and up again, then drops, levels, drops, drops... Now yours then went back up again, so now I'm really confused and I wonder what mine will do tomorrow...? I need to look at more charts now. haha!

Baah. Who knows!!! I still don't feel it. I'm HOPING, of course I'm hoping... but it's an empty hope! I'm gonna be so nutty on friday, I'm gonna be paranoid about checking to AF, I just know it. *sigh*. I just want SOME definite answer, I'm sick of waiting!!! 35 day cycles suck, so much waiting!

And thanks for all the comments on our obedience. I really enjoy it! Rosa I had to laugh at the following the food thing! It's how you initially teach them the right position etc, but of course they have to wean off the food cos once you're competing in the ring you can't have any food or toys or anything in the ring with you! (which is why we go nuts and play tug with her lead; it's the closest thing I can have to a toy to be able to reward for her doing well!! And also why we go running out of the ring when we're done; to run to her food as a big reward for doing well. :D
I've attached my chart for the full cycle. Hope it helps.

I don't have any dogs, I only have the one kitty. I actually was able to train him to mind me, though it was kind of accidental. He knows a few commands: bed bed, grub grub, go go (yes we say stuff twice lol), green can, lay down, come here, get down, outside, go to your box, etc etc. It blows my mind that a cat would understand stuff like that. He is truly one of a kind :)


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haha, I was just thinking that sideways!

My temp has levelled this morning, so at least it's not going down more....?? Ugh. I'm still way above the coverline though, so I'm relying on that for now to keep me from loosing all hope... But I still am not all that hopeful!!!

I didn't end up trying it vaginally, I didn't THINK I could do it, and sure enough I chickened out. I took my temp orally first so if I stuffed around trying it vaginally it didn't matter. lol!

I have vaginismus, so anything vaginal takes me a min or two to be able to relax and settle myself and insert. I can't just sleepily slide it in!!! I also would have had to sit up to be comfortable enough to do it, which is useless for a basal temp! So looks like I'll be sticking to the inaccurate oral temps!!! LOL
Well that's ok flying. I just looked that up earlier this morning anyway, and it said that you should stick with one...ermm... location... throughout your cycle. If you wanted to switch to vaginal you should do it next cycle and stay that way throughout it.
I personally think your chart looks good though! Good luck hon!!
I agree, Flying. I don't think I would feel comfortable with vaginal temping either. Although, I have heard that you should pick one and stick with it, since it's more accurate than switching.

Another day of ewcm!! :happydance: My dh is currently getting a SA (bless his heart...). I'm like have fun! He was like yeah right, everyone in there knows what I'm doing! I'm like they're used to it, they do this everyday and they don't care. He's like well I don't do this everyday and it's weird!! I was like suck it up. :haha: So that's that. I am trying not to be concerned that I have 2 days of ewcm now, and we haven't :sex: yet, though. My ewcm is so inconsistent from cycle to cycle. Usually, I have one MAYBE two days of it, a few days before I ovulate, but a few cycles ago, I had 4 days of it. I'm starting opks today, so that'll help. This is also WAY earlier than I normally O, so maybe I'll have shorter cycle! (Well, as long as I'm wishing for things, I wish for a 9 month cycle!!) :haha:

So yeah...that's me for is everyone else doing?
yeah I figured I'd still take my oral temp this morning before trying vaginal anyway, but as it turns out vaginal isn't an option for me with my vaginismus anyway so doesn't matter!!! hahaha! I don't care how unreliable oral is, FF can still pick my O, and I can still see a definite trend, even if it's lots of ups and downs within it! lol.

How are you feeling sideways?? Have you seen a doctor yet? I wanna see a pic of your BFP!!! What is your due date?? I made the mistake of looking up what my due date would be if I'm pregnant now. Terrible idea. LOL!

four more days to go...
Rosa, I'm getting excited for you!! :) Good luck hon!!

One of the first things DH said to me when I showed him the BFP was "yay no jizz in a cup" :rofl: you know that they do it on their own time, but for them to think of doctors and cute nurses *knowing* what they're doing back there... LOL! Can you imagine if you had to bring yourself to orgasm in the middle of a clinic in order to help your partner out with something? I would be mortified! So, bless your DH's heart!

Your chart looks good, Rosa! FX'd this cycle is it!

flying, I made my 1st appointment, it's on Feb 22. Which is supposed to be the 8-week mark. I put my due date in on an online calculator and got October 6.

And. I promise I will post my bfp on here tonight :) I still haven't bought a "real" HPT yet but meh, what's the use now huh? I'll just take a pic of my IC! hehe... I wonder how long I'll keep it before I decide to throw it in the trash?
No jizz in a cup!! LMAO!!!:rofl: I know my dh was hoping for that, too. Oh well. I would be mortified, too, so I can understand his feeling that way.
Ok everyone, go to my journal if you want to see a pic of my bfp :)

I'm fixing to get in the bathtub. That's what I do generally if I'm feeling cold!! And I've been freezing for about a week now. I have extra blankets on the bed too. brrrr
FYI Sideways - Baths and hot tubs aren't recommended during pregnancy as it raises you core body temp and there's also a (low) risk of bacterial infection... But maybe it's more in later pregnancy..
what a strong line sideways!!! woohooo!!!!

I realised I'm 11dpo now, which is when I'd tend to test in my past few months... Ugh. Now it's hard to wait! LOL! I just want to KNOW. I don't CARE now if it's a BFN [cos I bet ya it is] I just want to knoooooooooooooowwwww already. haha. But I don't want to waste a test either, so I'm better off waiting.

I SHOULD actually wait until Sunday to test, as AF is more likely to come along on Saturday, but DH thinks HPT's are a waste of money [he has no idea I've tested every cycle! haha] cos he's certain "you'd know soon enough" anyway. *ugh* And so I want to test on Saturday morning, cos DH works on Saturdays, and for ONCE I have nothing planned that day at ALL! DH gets home mid afternoon, so I can either be wallowing in my own depression at yet another month gone, or I can surprise him with good news when he gets home. lol!

Felt a bit off today, but far too early to be anything to do with pregnancy and most likely to be PMS. *sigh*
yeah, SM, I just read that too! Yikes. I think it's the temperature thing they're worried about. As long as the bath water doesn't get warmer than 100 degrees it should be ok. So I from now on will keep a thermometer in the tub with me lol. But I don't think I let the bath water get that hot to begin with, I hate getting in there and my skin gets all red, when you get out it just feels so much colder!

flying, I started feeling weird around 10DPO, so it's not early actually :) I think you should :test: on Saturday too.
lmao, and I'm feeling crappy about it all cos my temps were low.... they've just pinged right back up to very nearly my O peak! haha. And they're still following a very very similar pattern as yours did sideways [ok, the days and temps are diff, but the PATTERN is very similar]! lol. Though I think I'll cry if I have a big dip right before AF is due like you did!!! As long as on Saturday morning I get a nice high temp then I'll test, but if it's way low I might just wait for AF rather than waste a test...?

12DPO! Omg! Getting CLOSE now!!

Dog training tonight, with my friend who's about 14 weeks along now and has the cutest lil bump.... She's really really really sweet though, and she knows we're TTC [I couldn't help telling her why I was all emotional when she quietly told me about her pregnancy!] and she tried for 6 months before it worked for them... This is only our 4th month trying, and really only the FIRST month where our timing was actually any good and there's a chance! lol!

I'm feeling.... weird. My mood is almost indifferent. I'm excited, but I also don't really 'care'? I feel like it's definitely quite possible I'm pregnant, and I am hoping I am, but I'm still not 'feeeeeeeeeling' it! lol. I'm also quite sure AF could come along too, and have visualised myself wiping red on Saturday morning, taking a big sigh, and feeling a bit down, but being ok with it and planning my next cycle. lol!! I've also visualised doing a HPT and trying desperately to see a second line that isn't there, like on all my other tests, and again taking a deep sigh and being ok with it.

Another month is another month. I have the rest of my life.

though I'd really like to not wait any more... ;)
You are getting close, flying!! And, I was like that too, if my temp on 14DPO was low I wasn't going to bother with testing. But it was a nice good 98.11 degrees! Your chart looks awesome!

I know exactly how you feel though girlie. I had moments of indifference too. DH asked me several days ago when I was going to test, and when I told him Saturday he asked me if that was too early. I told him that no, the day of your missed period is just as accurate as the next day and so on, but I just wasn't really feeling like it would be positive anyway. I just wasn't feeling it. (Hell sometimes I still don't lol).
lol sideways,you're making me think it really could be possible then...? Ugh. Who knows!!! I'm tempted to test just to get it over with! LOL!

When does morning sickness start hitting?? I'm feeling decidably queasy right now. I thought that last month too but as soon as AF hit I realised the 'queasy' feeling was too low and was actually PMS cramps, so I've been quietly paying close attention to WHERE my gut is feeling funny now, and it's right up under my ribs and the back of my throat; basically my stomach feels gross, and it did a few twists before that was definitely my stomach or upper gut, but definitely not lower down in my abdomen...? It's almost a hunger queasy feel but I only just had breakfast 2 hours ago and I never eat between breakfast and lunch cos I'm too busy, I don't even have a morning tea break so it's not that I'm ACTUALLY hungry?? It's also causing me to burp a bit... hmm

ugh! I need to STOP symptom spotting! lol! Once I'm through today I only have to get through two more full days of work...
I think morning sickness usually starts around 6 weeks but it can vary for everyone. I've felt queasy on and off since 10DPO though. Just really light queasiness, not enough for me to gag or get that barfin' feelin' LOL! Mine has been more in the form of loss of appetite than anything. Prenatals make it 10 times worse, even if taken with food. Maybe because they're the size of horse pills....
Oh sheesh, I think I'm crook... :( I'm feeling bit light-headed, and felt totally starving before so gobbled down some lunch and now my stomach is doing flip flops and really growling and churning... Ugh. It's too early for it to be morning sickness! So I think I'm sick. :( I can feel the grumbling it's doing with my hands on my stomach! lol.

I hate being sick. I'd be happy if it WAS morning sickness, cos at least then it'd be for a good thing, but I doubt it. This ammount of churning, this early on, will probably be just a stupid stomach bug.

I haven't felt like throwing up, but then I haven't thrown up, even with tummy bugs, since I was in kindergarten! I can gag on foods, but I haven't actually thrown up in so many years, I don't think I've even thrown up at all as a teenager! If I get a tummy bug, it goes at the other end... LOL

Just what I need; to be sick AND have AF come along!!! Lets hope this bug doens't last long and isn't too bad, cos I can't take time off work really and I hate working when I feel like crap.
Oh no, Flying! I hope you feel better. :hugs: Some women do get morning sickness right away, though. You're not out yet!
ugh, no, I was crook. Hubby was too! Must have been something we ate, cos we both had foul guts all day. At least it's not MS so soon!!! lol! I'm happy to have MS, only cos it means I'm pregnant, but sheesh, right from 3.5 weeks?? I hope not! LOL!

And my temp went up MORE this morning, and it matches my O peak now! Woooot! Now, for it to STAAAAY there. lol. I still have two more temps to take before AF is due on Saturday, so please please please, lets hope there's a lil implanted egg in there that will stay happy and keep my temps UPPP!

If I get a dip tomorrow like you did sideways I think I'll cry! I don't care if you still got a BFP, a dip like that will be enough to throw me for a loop.... Last month I dipped right down TO my coverline [slightly above, but only just] the morning AF turned up, so if my temp is anywhere below 36.4 then I'm going to NOT temp. My coverline is at 36.26, but I haven't had a temp below 36.4 since my O peak, even my huge [implantation?] dip didn't go that low. So 36.4 is my mental cut off point... I'm convincing myself of that now so that I might hold to it! LOL!

Yesterday was a really hard day to get through. I was starting to think maybe it WAS morning sickness, and if it was I really wanted to test. Cos surely if there's enough hormones in my system to make me feel sick, there's enough to trigger a HPT too. So then I started planning all sorts of excuses for testing early, and I thought of going and buying another test regardless so that I would have two and could 'waste' one.... Ugh. My mind was really hard to deal with! LOL!

Lets hope today my gut will stay settled and my mind won't start thinking up crazy ideas. I SAID I'd wait until Saturday. Therefore I WILL wait until Saturday!!! I have to stick to my own word... I have to... ugh. LOL

I've already been to the toilet this morning, so I can get through today without testing [I'm telling myself if I want to test it HAS to be FMU. Don't tell me it doesn't have to be, I have to believe it or I'll go mad!] And if I can get through today, then I can get through tomorrow, cos by tomorrow I'll only have the one day to get through! convoluted? Yes. If it gets me through to Saturday then I don't care. heh.

FX my temps stay high.

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